ImmortalFox: The Runaway

By CitrusFlareon

1.5K 21 9


Chapter 1

ImmortalFox: The Runaway

1.2K 8 2
By CitrusFlareon

Kay, I wanted to start an ImmortalFox. Sooooooooo here It is.  It's like a prologue thing so it's a bit short. I am bad with updates so they're randomly put up. Anyway, Enjoy ~CitrusFlareon


Keep Running.

That's all I can tell myself...

I can feel my legs stat to wobble as I continue to run through the dense forest. 'Run away, as far away as you can' I keep screaming to myself in my head. I can hear the panting and snarling of the search dogs trailing close behinds me as the guards yell at them to go faster followed by the crack of a whip and whimpers. I kept pushing past the brush and dodging trees hoping that it will all be over soon, I will never have to be poked, prodded, or locked up ever again.

I burst out of the forest, tail between my legs and ears folded back tightly but I kept. Running. I can't stop or they'll get me.

"HEY! THERE HE IS!!!" I heard a male guard shout to the rest but it was distant so I was able to outrun them.

I eventually lost them but kept going, hopping fences and crossing streets all the while passing darkened houses until I came across a house with a light shining through the window. I quickly ducked down and hopped the nearest fence seeing a doghouse in the corner of their yard.

I sighed "I guess I'll rest here." I crawled inside and curled up into a shivering ball and falling asleep.


"Alright Immortal. Time for your" The man  paused in thought while rubbing his chin "Tests" He smirked and I looked up at him with fearful eyes.

I whimpered and he opened my glass containment cell. He took me down a hallway I haven't been through before and I saw a sign that read exit.... I took it. No other was brave enough to actually try and escape but I acted on instinct and bolted out of the building but not before I was shot at and resulted in a grazed shoulder. I yelped and whimpered looking frantically for a scapegoat. The forest! That's it! I ran full speed to the edge of the giant lab, full of adrenalin and driven by fear off into the forest.

~End of flashback/Dream~

I was startled awake and instantly blinded by light.

What's that sound?

Is that... giggling?

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