When Everything Changes:

By sammtastic

43.9K 789 283

Sequel: Dawson and Casey get married but divorce when he gets a job offer in Seattle, unknowing that Dawson w... More

Chapter 2: Surprise Of The Day
Chapter 3: Facing The Past
Chapter 4: Disagreement At The Bar
Chapter 5: Confrontation
Chapter 6: The Unexpected:
Chapter 7: Moving On
Chapter 8: Telling The Truth
Chapter 9: Knowing the Truth
Chapter 10: Anxiously Waiting
Short Update
Chapter 11: Getting Along
Chapter 12: Being There
Chapter 13: The Surprise
Chapter 14: After Affect
Chapter 15: Getting Passed The Drama
Chapter 16: I Know What I Want
Chapter 17: Ending Things
Chapter 18: Starting over
Chapter 19: Drunken Nights
Chapter 20: Just Like Old Times
Chapter 21: Surprise Surprise
Chapter 22: Plan to get him back
Chapter 23: I Cant Believe It
Chapter 24: What Should I Do?
Chapter 25: 50/50 Chance
Quick Update
Chapter 26: Unsure
Chapter 27: Wont Let Him Go
Chapter 28: My Family
Chapter 29: Her Next Victim
Quick Info
Chapter 30: Searching For Andy
Chapter 31: Searching For Andy Part 2
Chapter 32: The Truth Is Out
Chapter 33: Intimate Night
Chapter 34: Perfect Next Day
Chapter 35: Last Name?
Chapter 36: Change of Last Name
Chapter 37: Family Trip
Chapter 38: Night In
Chapter 39: Can It Be?
Help Again!
Chapter 40: Birthday and Surprises
Chapter 41: Birthday and Surprises Part 2
Chapter 42: Happy Month
Quick info
Chapter 43: Celebrations
Chapter 44: Epilogue
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 1: 5 Years later

2.3K 34 2
By sammtastic

Chapter 1: 5 years later...

*5 Years Later*

Dawson was smiling at her surroundings today her baby is turning 5 years old. She couldn't believe it time has sure flown by, it seemed like yesterday that she was in the hospital giving birth and now as they were all in the living rom of her house signing happy birthday. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Andy happy birthday to you!!!" everybody sang as Andy her 5 year old son was about to blow out his candle. Dawson couldn't help but smile as she seen her son enjoying his day.

She walked into the kitchen because she didn't want anybody else to see her crying, but of course her best friend always knew he and she was behind her following her, "I just cant believe its been 5 years since I had him" Dawson said wiping away the tears. Shay smiled "I know I cant believe my godson is already 5 years old" Shay said. After giving birth she had asked Shay and Severide to be the godparents of her son and they gladly accepted and since then they have been the best godparents anybody could have.

*5 Years Earlier*

"Do you have a name picked out for you baby?" the nurse asked Dawson and everybody in the room was anxious to know what it was, Dawson had picked out a name a while ago but she kept it a secret. Dawson smiled and nodded "Yes my baby's name is Andy Matthew Dawson " she said causing everyone to stay silent, the nurse smiled and walked out to get the birthday certificate ready to sign. "I know you what you guys are thinking and of course you know why I picked Andy as a name" One of their friends who was also a firefighter had died during a call in a fire and it was a rough patch for all of them.

"Andy was one of my best friends" Dawson said looking down at her son, "I picked Matthew because of his father because no matter what I want him to have a bit of his father even if he wont be able to meet him, and my last name because well you know how all this works the father would have to be here to sign the certificate so my baby could have his last name and I dont want to go through all of that which if why Andy will have my last name only" she explained. Shay walked over to the baby and then looked at Dawson "Andy is a perfect name" she said and Dawson smiled.

"Yes the perfect name for just a perfect angel" Hermann said and all of them agreed, after a few hours everybody left except Shay and Severide, "Dawson I know your going to be an amazing mother but if you ever need anything you know I am here for you, your my friend too and I want you to know that I mean that anything jut call e and I will be there for you" Severide said as he gave her a side hug. Dawson smiled and nodded her head "Thank you there is actually I need well from both of you" she said and Severide and Shay looked confused . "I wanted to know if you guys would like to be the godparents of Andy?" Dawson asked them.

Both of their eyes widened and then Shay smiled "Are you kidding? Of course we would love to" Shay said instantly leaping forward and hugging Dawson. "ouch" Dawson said "Oh sorry" Shay said stepping away from her Severide smiled, "Thank you for even thinking about us" he said and Dawson smiled "Of course I couldn't think of anybody else for godparents to Andy then you guys" she said, after a few more minutes they left so Dawson could rest. At first Dawson couldn't sleep all she kept doing was watch her sleeping baby next to her sleep, and then she began to cry because he had to many features of Casey.

He had the same blonde hair, he had his beautiful blue-green eyes, and his nose everything about her son reminded her of him, in some way she was glad that he looked like his father but it hurt her to know that he would never know his father and for that she blamed herself but she promised herself she would be the best both so he would never feel the absence of his father.

*Present Time*

"Mommy, mommy" Andy come in running in the kitchen she picked him up and was looking at him in the eyes now, "Yeah baby?" she asked him. "Can we open presents, please!!!" he begged her, she could never say no to those beautiful blue-green eyes, she smiled and put him down "Of course come on lets go" she aid as she took his hand and they walked back in the living room, while opening his presents Dawson noticed that Severide had walked outside to talk on the phone she thought it was a bit strange considering that he could have just walked into the kitchen but decided to forget about when she heard Andy, "Thank you uncle Antonio" and she smiled seeing them bond.

At first Antonio was against her not telling Casey anything but within time he let it go and supported her with her decision and since then along with everyone else at firehouse 51 have been a father figure to Andy and she couldn't be more happy. After another hour little by little the guest left only leaving Antonio and his family, Shay, Severide of course Andy went upstairs to play with his cousins while the adults stayed downstairs to clean up the mess. After having Andy Dawson still lived with Shay for about a year but then Shay started seeing this girl names Danielle and it got pretty serious and Dawson didn't want to be in the way plus she also thought that it was time to get her own place with Andy.

She was still renting the house that she owned and to be honest she didn't want to go back there so she had bought a house a block away from her brother's house, at first she didn't like the idea of living so close to him but after everybody saying it was for the best in case something happened she went for it and now she was happy she did because any time she needed her brother she would just walk over to his house and they would have Sunday dinner together. Well as they cleaned Dawson noticed that Severide and Shay were whispering about something clearly something that they didn't want Dawson to find out about.

"Okay spill it you guys" Dawson said once she got tired o them talking back and forth, it looked like they were arguing about something, they both looked at her "Its nothing" they both said which caused more suspicion to Dawson. She looked at her brother and they both knew they were lying, "Coe on guys honesty tell me what's going on!" she demanded and they all knew that they had to tell her the truth because they did not want to get her mad especially on this special day, "Fine tell her Severide" Shay spoke up. He looked at her surprised "What me? no you tell her" he said. Shay rolled her eyes at him "No its your news so you tell her hurry up" Shay said Severide was going to say something else but Dawson spoke up.

"I dont care which one of you tells me but just tell me" Dawson said now more annoyed than ever, Severide took a deep breath and looked straight at Dawson. "I received a call earlier" he said and Dawson nodded her head remembering how he walked outside. "Well... um.. well it was Casey" he said, and then Dawson got up. "Severide I told you that I dont want to know anything about him please, I dont care how he is doing" she said and was about to walk off when something Severide said made her stop walking and almost fall but Antonio catched her luckily. "What did you say?" she asked turning around still holding on to her brother for support. "I said that Casey is coming back Dawson he will be here in a week." Severide said looking at her.

She couldn't believe it she was coming back, her ex husband, father to her son, the one that left her for a job was coming back, there was a moment of silence since nobody knew what to say. "But that's not all" Severide said which made Dawson look at him confused, "He is bringing his fiancée" Severide said and that did it that made Dawson to faint, it was to much for her she didn't even know that Casey was dating much less have a fiancée already, well it had been 5 years but she didn't think that he would actually move on with his live...

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