
By Darksymphonies

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Story and Cover created by @Darksymphonies. All Rights Reserved 2016 Just when they think everythin... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Bonus Chapter-Part 1
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Bonus Chapter-Part 3
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Final A/N

Bonus Chapter-Part 2

364 15 11
By Darksymphonies

A/N: Bonus chapter part two is up! Thoughts?

Viviana poked her head from the corner, raking her eyes around the joint. She turned around just in time to stop Casper from barreling straight out over the edge. "Idiot," she hissed as she pulled him behind her.

"What floor are we on?" Casper muttered under his breath, also observing their surroundings.

"Originally where we were supposed to be on, genius."

Casper sighed. "Will you let that go already?"

"So what's the plan?" Viviana ignored him, watching as a pair of servants rounded the corner and went through a pair of arched doors. The servants were carrying silver platters of food, and Viviana eyed the place they came from. A small two-way tunnel. She lifted her head in the air, inhaling the sweet aroma of cuisine.

"Sneak in, sneak out. With food. Also, don't get caught by anyone."

Viviana scowled. "It's always food with you, isn't it?"

Casper snickered. "I thought it went without saying."

"You're the one wanting to raid Queen Levana's kitchen. I say you go ahead and lead. Because if we're so much as discovered, I'm blaming the whole thing on you."

"That's the way to treat a friend, huh." Casper muttered. He waited for two more servants to pass before lunging across the hallway, his feet light and swift on the carpeted floor. Viviana wasted no time in following him, as they both ducked behind a pedestal. The two-way tunnel doors flapped open again and two more servants exited. Casper's stomach growled.

Viviana shot him a dirty look. Casper shrugged, straightening to peer over the wooden flaps. No one in sight. The tunnel had widened into a large, darkly-lit chamber, which had a fork intersection. Casper pulled Viviana in with him as they slunk through the tunnel, dodging below a large mahogany bookshelf in the dimly lit chamber.

"Get down." Viviana yanked hard on Casper's back as they both tumbled to the floor. Four servants exited from the right passage, carrying more food trays.

"I'm coming for you, food, just hang on." Casper said as he eyed the passage with a mischievous glint in his light blue irises. Viviana rolled her eyes at her friend's antics.

Casper's eyes flickered from one corner to another, then when the coast was clear, he dragged Viviana straight into the kitchen, both of them crouching along the floor with backs hunched. Immediately they were hit by a waft of delicious smells coming together.

Casper moaned. "Oh stars, this is where I belong."

"Idiot, you have to be more careful!" Viviana hissed as she took in the sight of the cooks shuffling about, pans and ingredients in hand. "how are you supposed to sneak up?"

"Stealth tactics, my friend. Stay there. Would you like any gourmets?" Casper asked, standing up and brushing himself off. The chefs froze when they caught sight of Casper. Casper smiled cheekily and waved, while Viviana curled upon herself, mortified.

"Mr. Laramort! To what do we owe you the pleasure?" One chef spluttered, waving his spatula at him. Casper's lips curved upwards. Viviana groaned inwardly at the situation.

"I'm here for a little tidbit. Is that alright?"

The chef backed away, nearly knocking over a stand of delicately baked soufflés. "O-o-of course, Mr. Laramort," he murmured, looking down at his feet. "Go ahead and treat yourself. Here, a plate." the chef handed a pristine plate to Casper, who accepted with a smile.

Casper looked down to Viviana, who shook her head wildly, mute. "Do you want anything?"

"How can you freaking behave like this in here?" Viviana stage-whispered. "do you want to die tonight? What if someone comes through who recognizes us? What part of a raid don't you understand? A raid means not getting caught, not-"

"Live in the moment," Casper argued and held up the plate. "I'm going to fill my hungry belly. If I were you, I'd get a plate myself. The chefs here know exactly who we are-they wouldn't dare to tell on us," he added with a conceited smirk.

Viviana scowled. "I hate you." but she stood up nevertheless, causing two chefs to gasp. Immediately they heard whispered words among the chefs such as 'no respect' and 'sneaky thieves' and even 'sly little rats'. Viviana gave him a pointed look. Casper turned to the first chef, who wordlessly handed Viviana a small plate.

The chefs stood awkwardly at the side as Casper strolled around the counters, taking a taste here and there, even going as far as to compliment the chefs, who muttered in thanks.

A whole five minutes passed before Casper set to leave. He had filled his plate with dumplings, a bit of spaghetti on the side, and a morsel of grilled fish in soy sauce. Viviana headed glumly back towards him, setting the plate in the sink. As much as she was ashamed, she had eaten herself.

It truly was good.

"We'll be going now," Casper beamed brightly at the chefs, who looked flustered but annoyed that two twelve-year-olds had the nerve to waltz around their kitchen eating their food. The first chef glared at Casper, who shrugged and pulled Viviana away.

Viviana glared at him. "I am never, ever, ever going anywhere with you again."

"You have to admit," Casper said coyly, waggling his eyebrows. "that was delicious."

Viviana stayed silent. "Okay. It was fine."

Casper and Viviana headed back towards the stairs, where they would descend to the floor they first appeared on to take the elevator back to Casper's room. But they were halfway across the dimly-lit chamber, which was behind the two-way tunnel when Viviana's trained senses heard a pair of footsteps thump behind them.

"Casper," she murmured and tugged on his arm.

Casper's eyes flickered to the two large arched doors. The ballroom. That's where Queen Levana, their parents were. Viviana whirled around, but not before they both ducked behind the same mahogany bookshelf from earlier.

"What's wrong?" Casper asked, his breath tingling her neck.

Viviana stiffened, her eyes picking out any movement. "Someone's here."

Casper's spine went rigid and his arms tensed. "I think I know who it is," he said slowly as a figure emerged from the hallway leading to the stairs. Dark blond hair. Brown eyes. Obnoxious aura suffocating them both. Viviana groaned.

"Rosaline Thompson," Viviana agreed with a grimace.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." Rosaline raised her voice, stopping right in front of the mahogany bookcase with a smirk on her porcelain face.

Casper slid out from their hiding spot, pinning the insistent girl with a flat glare. "What're you doing here?" he huffed. Viviana scowled at the girl as she pointed at them cheekily.

"Been raiding the kitchens, haven't you?" Rosaline snickered. "How about I tell your parents they didn't bring you up as mannerly as they thought?"

"Take on more step you arrogant, conniving-"

Casper pulled the aggravated Viviana behind him, sighing at Rosaline. "You just had to go and provoke her, didn't you?"

 Rosaline shrugged. "Where are you guys off to?"

"None of your business," Viviana snapped from behind Casper.

Casper frowned. "What is your business doing here, Rosaline?"

Rosaline offered them a coy smirk. "I was just talking to Princess Winter. That annoying guard-in-training who's always with her is overrated."

Viviana stilled, fixing her stare onto Rosaline. "What did you talk about Princess Winter to?" she probed slowly.

"Oh, just stuff. She's an innocent little thing, that girl is. Wonder how long it takes before someone of her purity can be corrupted with Artemisian traditions. She's quite adamant on suppressing her Lunar power, is she not? I bet if she and I were better friends, she would learn to become a powerful Lunar." Rosaline sighed in mock regret, looking away. "but that guard-in-training is getting on my nerves."

Viviana's features darkened, her eyes narrowing. "Stay away from Winter, scumbag." her voice took on a dangerous edge. Casper frowned and pulled her away, towards the stairs, giving Rosaline a clear look that stated, stop.

Stop before things get out of hand. Rosaline merely smiled.

A/N: Oh, sorry, I hadn't realized I didn't include Jacin and Winter enough in this book :( sorry. But what's Viviana's connection to Princess Winter? Remember that Casper and Viviana and Rosaline are twelve-years-old, so Winter is just nine. (I made her age up, sorry). But what are these three's connections to Princess Winter? :P

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