My Enemy's Secret

By maaddy87

2.6K 219 307

Lux Montgomary and Jacob Carpenter have been enemies ever since they were able to talk. They will do anything... More

Bitchany || 1
Helping the enemy || 2
About 99.9% of the reason. || 3
The war begins || 4
Cold and Wet || 5
You're just as sane as I am || 6
Everyone's a little Geeky || 7
What kiss? || 8
Shh, That'll be our little secret || 9
Netflix and my Star Wars sheets || 10
Pyjamas, mistakes and minions || 11
To the Janitors closet we go || 12
Jakes P.O.V
Oops || 13
You go glen coco || 14
Spider-Man skills || 15
Sky Diving, Trampoline park? || 16
Skiing and Austin || 17
Friends..? || 18
Phobia || 19
Don't get too close || 20
One of his girls? || 21
Nerf Wars and Popcorn || 22
No little kid would enjoy this playhouse like we can || 23

Jakes P.O.V

139 8 6
By maaddy87

*the sweater Jake wears on the side.*

~Jake Carpenter

I groan at the sound of my own alarm clock, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make school, or anything happen before 11:30?

Because whoever decided that, I will kill them.

And if they're already dead, I'll kill the person that still chooses to make people wake up before 7:00 in the morning.

I pull a pillow over my head muffling the sound of the alarm clock.

It doesn't work too well so I roll over, not so gracefully falling off my bed.

When my brother decides to barge into my room, "get your lazy ass out of bed." He grumbles at me opening my door.

When realizes I'm on the ground he comes over to me and squirts me in the face with his little water gun.

My brother is so kind.

I roll my eyes cursing under my breath, grabbing the pillow from beside me and throwing it at him, "get the fuck out of my room Ethan." I mumble pointing to my door, my face still on the ground.

"Whoa, who pissed in your Cheerios this morning."

"I haven't had my Cheerios yet dipshit." I say plucking myself up off the ground rolling my eyes, then my eyes go wide, "you better not eat my Cheerios!" I yell at Ethan as he exits my room racing downstairs to the kitchen.

I hear cereal being poured into a bowl and race downstairs in my boxers, I look around, but Ethan's not in the kitchen anymore.

The fuck?

I search the kitchen, the bowl is no longer on the table.

I hear voices at the front door, I walk to the sound ready to accuse Ethan of stealing when I realize he's talking to two girls.

"Yeah, I just thought I'd drop by, make sure to tell that brother of yours to watch his back." That all too familiar annoying voice says at the door, I attempt to tiptoe back to the kitchen before Ethan notices I was standing behind him.

"Why don't you tell him yourself." Ethan says turning around and motioning to me.

I stop dead in my tracks, shit! I slowly turn around, a fake smile playing on my lips as I wave to the girls at the door, Lux and her annoying friend... I can't remember her name but I think it starts with an M, Molly?

The girl beside Lux starts laughing pointing to my boxers, "Mia! Let's go." Lux shouts at Mia.

I was close.

Mia whispers something into Lux's ear, and Lux turns around staring right at my boxers her eyes wide.

"Nice. Pink boxers really manly!" Lux says pumping her fist in the air, I look down at my boxers.

Of coarse I had to wear all my other boxers. These were the last ones in my drawer, I needed to do laundry real bad.

I feel the heat rising to my cheeks and my cheeks start burning up, I turn around to leave when Lux coughs, forcing me to look at her again.

"Oh, and Carpenter, I'd watch my back if I were you." She sends me a wink and skips off towards her house.



I walk down the halls, in my straight skinny khakis from hollister, black and white vans, and blue hollister sweater.

All the girls I pass by fan over me, so I wink at them to make their day, and they always blush at that, scurrying off thinking I don't see them blush.

When I walk past the guys I high five them or fist bump them.

"Yo, Carter my man." I say doing my handshake with him.

"Man, this new English teacher is a bitch!" Carter expresses.

"Really? Have you just heard this or do you know?" I ask as we make our way to our lockers.

"I know, I had her yesterday." He groans.

"Ah, I get her today then." I wink at him cracking a smile.

"Shut up she's like fucking 80 man!" He says, a little too loudly.

"Age is just a number." I say opening my locker as an ear-piercing scream erupts from within the metal locker, a bunch of baby pictures spilling out, I pick them up and shove them back into my locker.

"What the shit!?" Carter yells over the screaming, all the heads in the hallway spin towards me, everyone staring straight at my locker like they're owls, their bodies didn't move just their heads.

My school is filled with fucking idiots.

I slam my locker door shut and walk down the hallway towards my first class, I take my usual seat as far away from Lux as possible.

I grab my books searching for a pen, shit I must've left it at my locker. I groan rolling my eyes, trudging to the front of the room to borrow a pen, everyone in the class laughs when I reach the board.

What was everyone's problem today?

I look down to make sure I don't have anything on me.

"What's their problem?" I whisper to Carter who is standing beside me.

"Look at the board." Carter says calmly pointing to the board behind us.

I turn around and see myself on the board.

Me, myself and my pink underwear all in one picture.

I tear the picture off the wall and throw it at the people sitting in front of me.

"There, now you can have a closer look at my sexiness because obviously it was so important to you." I grumble sitting back down in my seat.

Let's just get this lesson over with, please.


At lunch I thought I was finally going to get the peace and quiet I was wishing for this whole time.

But that wasn't true.

I walk to my regular table and sit down beside all my buddies, but when I do sit down the table goes dead silent.

These dickheads were talking about me.

"What." I say flatly.

"You were such an adorable baby Jake, you could've been a fucking model, what the hell happened?" Carter says waving a naked baby picture of me around in my face.

I snatch the picture from his grip and tear it to shreds.

"Who did this?" I ask Carter, he just shrugs in response.

I think I know exactly who did it.

A specific little green haired girl.

I walk over to her table and pound my first down on the table.

The whole cafeteria goes silent everyone turning their heads to us, again not turning their bodes just their heads.

"Fucking owls." I mutter under my breath.

"What?" That annoying voice asks me.

"We need to talk, somewhere private." I nod towards the cafeteria doors.

She shakes her head and shrugs, "I'm fine talking here, thanks." She gestures to her table, "or I'd actually prefer to not talk at all."

Man I hate this girl.

I nudge my head in the direction of the other tables, making it look like I have a muscle spasm in my neck.

I grab her hand and pull her towards me, causing her to bump into my chest and shriek in surprise.

"Um, yeah, sure, we can go talk somewhere a little more... Private." She says breathlessly.

Why she's acting so weird all of a sudden, I may never know.

Frankly I don't give two shits.

I pull her outside the cafeteria and into the janitors closet, she looks around the surroundings, "the janitors closet..." She says uneasy.

"Relax, that's the last thing I'm thinking about doing." I groan running a hand down my face as I hear her sigh in relief.

"What are you doing with all these baby pictures and shit, what do you think it's going to accomplish?" I demand.

"Oh, nothing." She says sweetly.

"Oh, something." I say getting closer to her.

"Oh, nothing." She responds flatly, stepping backwards.

I step forward again, and she responds by stepping backwards. Just as I thought that this Janitors closet was getting huge, her back hits a wall and I smirk evilly.

"Oh, something." I test, looking her in the eye... Or at least I think, I'm not too sure, it's pretty dark in here.

So I flick the light on realizing I'm only Centimetres away from her lips, her breath fanning my face, "I needed to get you back for dying my hair green." She says quickly.

"You dyed your own hair green, so don't blame me. I just switched the bottles." I inform her still centimetres away from her lips.

"Actually..." She says biting her lip, "Mia dyed my hair, she didn't check the bottle."

I chuckle, she chuckles in response, "this hair is kinda growing on me." I say flicking her green hair.

"Cool, you can have it." She replies.

Then finally silence overtakes us.

But then she has to go and ruin it, "just... Don't kill me when you see your car..." She trails off, what? My car? What about my car?

"What about my car?" I ask her seriously she stays silent, staring down at my lips, I run my finger across my lips to check if there's anything on them. I don't think there is, "Lux, my car. What about my car..." I say desperately trying to grab her attention, but she stays focused on my lips.

There's really only one way I can grab her attention.

I quickly close the gap between us my lips colliding with hers, she replies by kissing me back, I go to pull away but she pulls me in closer to her, deepening the kiss, I get closer to her so her back is fully against the wall, moving my lips across hers, hungrily, we were acting as if we hadn't eaten for days.

I run my fingers across her hipbone and she moans, I want to pull away but for some reason I just can't.

I wanted her attention. I definitely have it now.

She slips her hands under my shirt feeling my abs, now it's my turn to moan. I go to deepen the kiss even further, if that's even possible.

When she pulls away.

"What the hell!" She yells at me.

"It took you long enough." I smirk at her, "you seemed to be enjoying my company for once—"

A hard slap knocks my words as well as my smirk away.

"Ow!" I groan holding my now burning cheek.

"What the hell!" She repeats.

"You were looking at my lips like they were food! I needed your attention, c'mon you wanted it—"

This earns me another slap, on the same cheek, I hold my hand over it, "ow," I groan, "remind me to tell any guy who likes you never to date you, because they'll endure this same pain."

She huffs in response, "so what about my car?" I repeat the question from earlier, still holding my burning cheek.

"Just go and check for yourself." She huffs opening the janitors closet and slamming the door behind her.

I open it up following closely behind her, all the Owls of people are standing in front of the janitors closet.

Do these people not have lives?

Never mind, that's offending myself too, because I too have no life.

I walk over to Carter.

His eyes land on my hand that's covering my cheek.

"What happened in there?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows, I am not about to answer that.

Because whatever he's thinking right now actually happened in there. But he is just joking. He 'knows' I'd never kiss Lux, even though he jokes about it all the time.

Weird friend I've got here.

I don't even know why he's my friend. How did I even meet this kid again?

I walk out to the parking lot, and see a bunch of people crowded around something, I walk over to the crowd and realize that everyone's crowded around my car.

I look to see what all the commotion is about.

And what I see makes my anger fly through the roof. Usually I can't handle it. But right now I have to. Or else my reputation will be ruined. And my parents "can't have that happen".

There are a bunch more naked baby pictures of my glued, yes, glued onto my car, but these aren't tiny. They're enlarged.

I walk over to the other side of my car to see some spray paint on it too.

"Just because I hate you doesn't mean I hate you, oh wait, never mind it does! ~green haired girl"

That was the stupidest thing ever. If I were to spray paint on someone's car it would be something much better than that.

Such a waste.

I hate that girl. I hate her so much. She's going down for this.

My car. My fucking car.


So I hope you guys enjoyed! Let me know if you want more Jake P.O.V's!

Soon I will be addressing why Lux calls Jake, jake, and why she calls him Jacob sometimes. But that time hasn't come yet when I can explain it sorry! But it will come soon!





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