Truth or dare the gang (MCD)

By V_Renee_V

3.7K 39 137

Comment your dares and truths and you will get a shout out and your question or dare in a part! More

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Not a chapter
Two in one
Spin The Bottle
Boatrip prt. 1
Boattrip part 2
Boat trip part 3-fish's decision
Boat Trip Part 4-Milos
Trip part 5-madron
Trip part 6- sophie?
Side story
Trip part 7-funeral
Trip Part 8-Heading home
Hey everybody
900 READS!!!!
"Gang" Reunion
The Wedding
1K READS!!!!
Impersonating Gone Wrong...
Need ideas
The Shaman
The Date
CONTEST and Updates
The Date prt 2
Poor Garroth...
New book
The Newbies!
New Book
Wedding pt1
Wedding prt 2
Need Help
How Potato Looks
Wedding Part 3
Wedding Part 4
Im sorry
So Close

Home alone.

37 1 0
By V_Renee_V

I know I'm late for this but this is a Valentine's Day part

Aph:-skips over to garroth- hey
Garroth: hey
Aph: listen, we never celebrated Valentine's Day so let's have a big group date outing thing!
Garroth: what about everyone who is single? Like the new people and katelyn, cadenza, Lucinda let's not forget Aaron.
Aph:-smiles wide- I CAN SET THEM UP WITH SOMEONE!!
Garroth: calm down there Aph.
Aphmau: okay I have all the couples
Garroth: already?
Aphmau: yes
Barry and katelyn
Tawny and laurance
Milos and KAWAII
Aaron and Lucinda
And all the couples!!
Garroth: what about cadenza?
Aphmau: she is sick. Really sick.
Garroth: okay.
Aph:-starts calling ppl and gets to KAWAII- hey...... Aw you too.....that's ok......yeah... Bai-ends-
Aph: she's sick too.
Garroth: okay.
(Hours later during the date)
Kawaii:-singing- home alone I'm hooome aloooone -hears noise-AAAGJ-jumps on fridge-
-knock at door-
KAWAII:who is it?
KAWAII:come in!
Milos:-comes in- I heard you were sick-sees her on fridge- I'm not going to ask...-sits on couch-
KAWAII:I got scared-jumps down and sits next to him- why are you here? I could get you sick
Milos: I know you aren't really sick
Milos:-chuckles- you are just fine.
KAWAII:-smiles- what do you want to watch?
Milos:I have an idea-takes remote and puts on the X-Files-
KAWAII:is this scary?
Milos: considering you were scared of a knock possibly for you.
KAWAII:actually i heard a scary noise-starts to watch tv-
Milos: not sure if that helps your case.
KAWAII:hey! I'm not that much of a scaredy cat-hears gunshot from the tv and jumps-AAAAGGH-squeezes Milos' arm-
Milos:-chuckles- sure...
[hour later]
KAWAII:-asleep on Milos-
Milos:-keeps watching show-
-someone walks in-
Potato:KAWAII!!-looks around-
Potato:-looks at couch and turns red- WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING!?-pulls up KAWAII and puts her in her bed- Milos what did you do?
Potato:-sees tv- you put that on AFTER she fell asleep right?
Milos:that could be a possibility....-grabs a cookie and eats it-
Potato:UGH she's going to have nightmares now. Thanks a lot.-rolls eyes and pushes him out off the house- now leave!
Milos:okay okay-goes home-
[back to during the date]
Aph: hello sir.
Desk person: hello how many?
Desk:okay follow me-brigs everyone to table-
Aph: thank you
-everyone sits next to their date-
Potato:this place is fancy...
Katelyn: yeah. Why couldn't we go somewhere casual?
Aph: this is a late Valentine's Day thing so we had to come someplace fancy- eats breadsticks-
Aaron:so... You picked Olive Garden?
Garroth: inside voice
Lucinda:wow. You have to get garroth to calm you down?
Aph: I get overly excited here
Everyone but Barry and tawny: WE KNOW
Barry: this place is nicer then Olive Garden back home.
Tawny:yeah mine too.
Potato:trust me Barry, almost everything here is nicer then home.
Zane:so potato how did you meet Barry exactly?
Potato: he was one of my friends back home and him and Milos were friends too. I would only hang out with Milos if Barry was there because I didn't trust Milos.
Travis: fish, how did you meet him?
Fish: after potato moved she moved to my home area we became best friends and Barry came and visited her and KAWAII and that's how I met him.-eats breadsticks-
Barry: after that, we kept in touch. Well sort of-drinks his drink-
[hour later of talking and eating]
Tawny: potato, is KAWAII okay? I heard she was sick.
Potato: yes but I think she's getting better.
Aph: too bad her and Milos couldn't come. Milos wouldn't have a date so yeah.
Potato:-something clicks- oh no. Can I be excused?
Potato:okay I have to go check on something-gets up and starts walking out of Olive Garden-
Zane:do you need any help?
Potato:no not really
-gets to Milos' house and it's empty- ugh where is he
-looks in window of kawaii's house and sees them-
-tv playing-
Potato:-barges in- KAWAII!
Milos:shh-knows it wasn't a good idea to talk-
Potato: UGH WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING!?-puts her to bed- WHAT DID YOU DO?
Potato:-sees tv- when did you put that on!? After she was asleep right?
Milos:it's a possibility...
Potato: now she will have nightmare! Thanks a lot.-pushes him out the door-now leave
Milos:okay okay-heads home-
Potato:ugh-calls Aph- I won't be coming back... KAWAII is asleep.bai-hangs up-
Zane:-knocks on door-
ZANE:it's Zane...
Potato:-sighs in relief- come in -plops on couch-
Zane: what happened?-sits next to her-
Potato: long story short I kicked Milos out of kawaii's house...-yawns-
Zane: okay...-puts arm around potato- I'm guessing you're tired, let's get you home.-they both stand up and he walks her home.
[back at the restaurant]
Barry: this was a nice dinner.
Tawny:I agree
Aph: great! This is also like a welcome to the village.-smiles and eats more breadsticks🍞-

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