The Last Mermaid

By Its_Aly_bayybee23

445 13 1

Kylie Siren was once living the perfect life among her people. That is until they where attacked. Upon hearin... More

Chapter 1- The Pack
Chapter 2- Mian
Chapter 3- Oh My Lanta...


177 7 1
By Its_Aly_bayybee23

The day of my 18th birthday started out amazing. I had my wonderful family and friends and didn't have a care in the world. I honestly couldn't have asked for more. My family and I where.... Well we where different, almost nobody knew we existed. That"s because we lived in the middle of the ocean in a beautiful placed called Atlantis.

Created by my grandfather Poseidon, Atlantis was a sanctuary for my people. A place where no harm would come to me or any of the other merfolk. My name is Kylie Siren. Daughter of Triton ruler of all seven seas. So yes I am a Princess. But not like Ariel or whatever fantasy Disney had created. I work hard to help my father protect our people and they work hard to protect me. Why you ask? Because I am half werewolf. My mother was a wolf when she met my father, an Alphas daughter to be exact. But she was killed shortly after my birth by a rouge pack that wiped out my mothers whole pack. But that's not the only reason as to why I am so "special" as father puts it. I was also born with powers that are similar to grandpas. So I'm like part demigod, part mermaid, part werewolf. Have I lost anybody yet? No? Good lets continue.

While most believed that mermaids where a legend created by drunken seamen, there are some who know of our existence. Other supernatural creatures that is. And that means that there are gonna be some dicks out there that want to capture us and use our powers for evil. Hence the reason Grandpa created Atlantis. But even then Atlantis could only protect us for so long......

I was just getting ready for bed after the birthday party had ended and everyone was finally going home. Sitting at my vanity I started brushing out the knots in my long jet black and silver hair, perks that come from my wolf side. I had just set down my brush when the palace alarms began to go off. Startled I had no idea what was going on. The alarms have never gone off before. Hell I didn't even know we had alarms. It wasn't until my dad busted through my door looking around frantically.

"Kylie! Thank Neptune that you're alright" He said as he pulled me close to him.

"Dad whats going on? Why are there alarms going off?" I asked him confused.

"The palace is under attack." He placed something around my neck and kissed my forehead.

"They are looking for you. I knew this day would come, I just didn't know when."

My eyes widened at his words. Me? Why would they come for me? Than I remembered. "Mom" I whispered looking up at him with wide eyes.

He nodded slowly looking grim. "There is a pack on land, the Alpha is a good friend of mine. He will protect you. They wont look for you there. Or so I hope." He pulled me close to him again. "Conner will take you. Stay close to him and stay safe my sweet Princess. I love you Kylie"

At that time the guard Conner came into the room. "Pardon the interruption your majesties but we must leave Princess" He bowed but didn't leave staying at the door waiting for me to go with him.

"I love you too daddy" I said as tears filled my eyes. He pressed something in an envelope into my hand and pushed me to Conner. "Keep her safe Con"

And those where the last words I ever heard my father speak as I made my escape onto land to begin a new life.


Hello and greetings my lovelies.

Tis I! Aly nice to meet you.

Welcome to The Last Mermaid. I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I love writing it.

I am going to try to keep this as short and sweet as I [possibly can.

I work a full time job and I am in the makes of planning two weddings. So I will try to update as much as I can but I cannot promise that it will be very often.

But I hope you have a wonderful day and you enjoy learning more about Kylie and her life.
*Pic of Kylie above.*

Until next time xoxoxoxoxox -Aly

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