Don't Leave (L.H)

By _thatrandomgirl123_

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By _thatrandomgirl123_

It's been 4 weeks since I last talked to Luke.

Jack and Megan tried getting me to come out of his room but I just can't. I went to Starbucks to work then came home again. It's been almost 3 months since I've been pregnant and I'm getting a little bump. I think Megan and Jack are slowly giving up on me. They'd sit outside the room talking to me but now it becomes less and less.

"Tilly you need to eat." Megan said.

"I'm fine." I mumbled a reply.

"No you're not. Tilly come out now. You're pregnant and we know you aren't happy about it but you have to think of the baby. It won't be healthy for it to skip meals and sit in there all day everyday."

"I'm fine. I'm not hungry and I have lots of things to do up here. Can you just leave me alone please?"

"Tilly I'm not leaving until you come out."

"Megan I've said I'm fine just please leave."

"Saying you're fine doesn't mean you are."

"Well I am I'm really happy actually."

"Matilda you're not happy. Open this door now."

I didn't reply I just closed my eyes.

"Matilda Rose Joseph. I'm going to break in there soon."

She started turning the handle and pushing it open. I'd put a small desk behind it that I was sat on so no one could get in and sat on it.

Somehow she got in and quickly brought me into a tight hug.

I cried yet again. I couldn't help it all this pain and hurt building up inside me. The fact I'm pregnant just adds in to messing up my emotions too.

I suddenly heard Jack start talking to someone but I wasn't sure who.

"Yeah i'll tell her if I can get in. She's been locked in Luke's room for ages I'm so worried about her Calum I seriously don't know what too do. She didn't even shut people out this much when her parents passed. I do really care but nothing will make her come out... Yes I know she's pregnant but she needs to face it. Luke isn't coming home anytime soon cause he's a fucking dick and her parents won't be here to be grandparents but I'm here Megans here. I know you Michael and Ash are here for her. I just want her to be happy for once. Ever since her parents passed I've only seen her happy around Luke and he's clearly not here. Yeah okay thanks for calling see you later Cal."

Jack walked in and smiled.

"You opened up huh?"

I nodded a response.

He came over and hugged me and smiled at Megan.

"So Calum was just on the phone and he said my mum is coming home in a few days. The only thing is she's clueless about the whole baby thing. Also he said they all miss you and Mikey and Ash said hi to you both. Luke on the other hand they are hardly speaking too. He's been going out every night and getting drunk also he's not been turning up to band practises and meetings. Just thought I'd tell you in case you were wondering not that you are bothered." Jack said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why what?"

"Why do you two stick around when you can be out living your own lives without having to worry about me? Why do you stick around? I wouldn't choose to hang out with me."

"Because we love and care about you and the baby a whole bunch. You're like our sister and family doesn't leave anyone behind."

"Thank you both for everything sorry for annoying you and being a burden to you both."

"You're not a burden if you were we would have told you by now."


I came out of Luke's room and was actually eating a proper meal. Megan was really good at cooking so she made a Chicken Roast Dinner for us all to eat.

Liz was supposed to be home in 3 days and I'd have to tell her all about her grand child that was due in 6 months. I love Liz but I'm scared of her reaction. What if she doesn't want it either?

*Luke POV*

I'm a mess right now.

All the guys are ignoring me. Even Jack my own brother is ignoring me. I seriously don't understand why Tilly got pregnant we used protection all the time.

I can't look after myself never mind have responsibility for a baby. I'm on tour and won't see it hardly ever so it's not like anything would be different if I was there. At least I told her I won't be there instead of her thinking I will then not.

Come to think of it, it'll probably be a cute baby though. No shut up Luke it won't be.

"Luke you're on in 5." On of the stage mangers said.

"Ok." I didn't even know what I was doing tonight because the guys haven't talked to me or told me anything so i'll just have to stand there and pretend I know what I'm doing.

We went up on stage like usual played a few songs and the guys all spoke. We came off did the oncore then came off for good.

We all went into the back and got a shower and changed.

"What are you doing tonight? Do you want food?" One of the women who take care of us asked.

"Nah I'm going out." I said.

"Where? Do you need Dave to go with you?" He asked.

"No it's fine I'll be ok."

"Don't be out too late we are leaving at 02:00 am tomorrow to make sure we get to the airport then back into your bus."

"Ok I'll be back soon." I said.

I went to where I've been recently finding myself every night. A club. I'd drink until I can't take much more then go back.

"Can I have 2 vodkas?" I asked the bartender.


I downed them both and just went back for more and more.

I was pissed to put it lightly. I can't do anything much I just see people walking round and everything is blurry.

I somehow found my way back to the tour bus and got in.

"Where have you been Lucas?" Someone I couldn't figure out who asked.

"You're not my mother leave me alone."

"I bloody well am you're mother." They shouted.

"Shh I'm off to bed." I slurred.

"You have some explaining to do tomorrow."

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