Not Sure If It Matters

By TooCold21

25K 871 302

Patrick Stump has been on tour for his new solo album Soul Punk. At one concert one night he sees Pete Wentz... More

Two Months Later
Telling Pete
Three Days Later
Sharing the News
Six Months Mark
Giving Birth
Dylan Kingston Wentz
Uncle's Visit
Home Sweet Home
Grocery Shopping
Making Music.
Author Note
Baby Talk
Good News
More Then I Bargained For
We'll Be Okay
Dylan's Birthday
We Need To Talk
Good to Bad
Why Us?
Should Of Canceled The Show
I'm Okay (I Promise)
Patrick To The Rescue
Pack My Bags
Sometimes You Just Need A Good Talk
Author Note
We Danced
Big Day
Killing It
Having Fun
Favorite Record
New House and Gender Reveal
Baby Shower
It's Patricks Big Day
Mother's Day
Bliss And Sally Arrive
Author Note
I'm Sorry I'm So Much Work
Oh My God
Taking A Break
Pete's Birthday
We Got To Keep Going

The Iero family

353 14 7
By TooCold21

Early next morning the happy couple headed over to the Iero's household. Pete had been holding Patrick's hand the whole time he was driving. They didn't really talk at all, but it wasn't like a worrying silence.

Pete pulled up to the house and parked the car. Patrick unbuckled his seatbelt to get off, but Pete stopped him.

"What's wrong?" Patrick asked turning to look at his husband.

"Nothing. Just... I love you" Patrick smiled and leaned over to kiss Pete.

"Love you too" Patrick said after he broke the kiss. They got off the car and knocked on the door. They waited until the door opened.

"Hey guys" Frank said as he hugged the two. He was dressed pretty casual like usual. He was wearing Gerard's strip shirt and some ripped jeans. Frank was always cold and feared on stepping on one of Bandit's Lego's so he had his converse and hoodie on. "Come on in. Gee and the two little ones are in the living room"

They walked into the large room to see Gerard on the couch and Bandit and Dylan on the floor playing. Pete nudged Patrick and said alittle loudly, "Oh Trick. I wonder where our cute little boy is"

Dylan turned around fast to see his parents. "Da-da!" He said as he lifted his arms up to be picked up.

Patrick smiled and sat down next to his son, hugging him tightly. "Missed you so much baby" Patrick murmured.

Pete went next to Patrick and said, "Hey let me see the little guy." Patrick smiled and lift him up and over to Pete.

"Oh god. You're getting pretty heavy" Pete said as he lifted him up high. Dylan giggled causing Pete to remember how much he loved the sound. It was most likely the second best noise he's ever loved. The first of course is Patrick's voice.

Pete rested his forehead against Dylan's small one. Dylan was reaching up touching Pete's nose. "Love you, Little Sandwich. God I love you so much"

"Love ya" Dylan faintly said. Of course you would have to listen closely to know he said that. He was still learning how to talk more clearly.

Patrick smiled at the two sharing such a perfect father son moment. He then turned to notice Gerard watching the scene as well. "Hey Gerard. How you been?" Patrick moved to sit next to his good friend.

"Pretty good. The little one has been kicking me nonstop" Gerard said as he rested his hand on his now larger bump.

"Jeez, your how far along now?" Patrick asked as he noticed that Pete had sat down with Dylan playing with Bandit.

"I'm past 6 months. So Frankie has been worrying like crazy"

"Why would he be?" Patrick started thinking maybe Frank was having doubts.

"Cause he knows you had Dylan at 6 months and he's worried something is wrong"

"Nothing is wrong. I mean people are different. You might just carry to full term. Have you talk to Cecilia?" Patrick asked.

"Yeah. She said exactly the same thing, but Frank was still being his worrying self"

Patrick nodded and turned to his husband and son. "Panda" Pete turned to Patrick quickly since he hardly used that old nickname.

"Yeah, Pattycakes"

"Can you go and chat with Frank?" Patrick asked.

"Uh, is there a reason?" Pete asked as he stood up after kissing Dylan's cheek and messing up Bandit's hair.

"Um just you know talk to him about the tour. I think he just needs a friend right now" Patrick explained.

"Okay" Pete asked wary like as he went to find Frank in the house.

"So have had any of those weird cravings?" Patrick asked Gerard.

"Oddly enough yeah. I've been in love with honey and French fries. Sometimes I combine the two."

"Oh that's not that bad. Mine was Mcflurry's and Doritos. Pete was glad it wasn't pickles and ice cream" Gerard laughed cause that was the same way Frank felt.
"Oh!" Patrick looked at him slightly scared. "Let me see your hand" Gerard grabbed his hand and placed it on his belly. Patrick felt the light kick under his hand.
"Oh my god. How adorable" Patrick said. He forgot how it felt feeling a baby kick in the womb.
"Do you know if its a boy or girl yet?"

"No. Frank wanted it to be a surprise. We decorated the nursery with neural colors." They went with a light red color. Frank had wanted it to be black, but Gerard won the argument.

"Well then what do you hope for?" Patrick asked.

"I somewhat want a boy. I mean we have Bandit and it would be nice to have one of each"

"It's gonna be a boy" Patrick said like it was nothing.

Gerard looked at him bewildered and said, "How do you know?"

"Cause I had told Pete when I was expecting that it was gonna be a boy and I don't know. It was like a motherly instinct"

"Huh. That's interesting" Gerard said thinking about it. The two ended up talking about child birth and other such things. Then they started talking about how they feel Tyler and Josh are gonna do with being dad's. Patrick was just glad that Gerard didn't mention the miscarriage.

Pete walked down the stairs to the basement. He should of known Frank was gonna be down there. He was sitting on the couches with his laptop on his lap.

"Hey, Iero" Pete said so Frank would know he was in the room.

"Hey Pete" Frank said not looking up from the screen.

"You good?" Pete asked. There was something about the way Frank's presence felt that Pete knew something was wrong.

"I'm fine. What's with everyone asking me that?" Frank said sounding annoyed.

"Cause it's just..." Pete was trying to figure out what to say that wouldn't offend the short guitarist. "I've been in your shoes before. Actually to be more accurate I was in your shoes about a year ago."

Frank moved the laptop off his lap and ran his hand through his longish hair. "I'm just super scared. Fuck" Frank tugged a little hard on his hair.

Pete went and sat down next to Frank cause he knew this was probably gonna be a long conversation. "Scared of what exactly? Being a dad?"

"Fuck no! I mean I think I had plenty of practice with Bandit. It's can go on being happy and excited when there's that risk"

Pete immediately know what risk he was talking about. "To be honest with you Frank, I was scared shitless. I don't know what I would of done if Trick died. I mean I was scared that I was gonna loss him and have to see him in our son. I was scared, but I stayed hopeful. Even when he did almost die on the hospital bed I still was hopeful. All you have to do Frank is to hope for the best for both Gerard and the baby."

"I'm scared though. What if Gee does die? I know for sure I'm not gonna make it. I'm just gonna grab a kn-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, Iero. I get that you are gonna feel suicidal if you lose Gerard cause I know he's the love of your life, but think about your baby and Bandit. They would need you more then ever. Promise me you won't do that Frank. If things go bad when Gerard goes into labor you call me and Patrick. We'll help you through everything"

"Thank you Pete. Really I needed to hear that" he went and hugged his friend as he felt tears in his eyes. "Thank you so much"

"If anything I should be thanking you, bro" Pete pulled out of the hug. "You took care of Dylan while we were on tour"

"It wasn't a big deal. Good practice for us" Frank said smiling.

"Dude. It's such a strong when you bring the little guy home after being born. Late nights man" Pete said remembering all the times they would have to get up to feed or change Dylan. Him and Patrick had at some point playing rock paper scissors to see who would get up. Of course Patrick always won.

"I'm sure it'll be worth it"

A/n: Sorry this is so short. Been working on the other fic I have. So I need your guys help with naming Gerard and Frank's baby. It's for sure gonna be a bit so leave names in the comments. Love you guys and thanks for reading.

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