
By dope_uniqueness

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love ləv/ noun 1. an intense feeling of deep affection. More

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New Book


752 19 3
By dope_uniqueness


Kijani Cebra| Jani

I didn't sleep at all last night.  I couldn't,  it hurt too much to know that ken is not my best friend any more.

I'm so hurt it makes no sense after my mom, ken was like my closet family. It's kind of like a mild version of me losing my mom all over again this is the second worst feeling ever.

Markus began to move in the bed so i hurried up and acted like i was sleep.

He moved in the bed for a while then he sat up he kissed my forehead then my cheek.

"Bae...." He wispered in my ears

I moved a round a little like i was trying to get the sleep off of me.  Then i opened my eyes. 

I smiled at him but he frowned.

"What?" I asked

"You look horrible baby did you sleep at all?"  He asked

I was going to lie but i decided against it.

"No" i said with my head low

"You should have gotten some sleep" he said

"I couldn't i was to upset to sleep" he said

He looked at me and sighed

"You were crying too weren't you?" He said

"Yes" i said he brought me into a tight comforting hug that mad me feel kind of better.

But when he let go i felt like shit all over again.

"It's okay baby it will get better one day" he said kissing my lips softly

I nodded my head as tears slid down my face from thinking about ken.

He kissed my tears away.

"It will get better" he whispered

I sat in his arms for while.

I got up and went to the bathroom with a towel while i put my hair in a high sloppy bun. 

I looked in the mirror and was shocked at what i saw.

My eyes were so red, and low and it looked like some one punched me on both of my eyes.  My face is discolored from not drinking or eating since the day i was at the mall with ken. 

Ken has me stressing mad hard man.

I touched my face then took the tooth brush and put some tooth paste to brush my teeth. When i finished i took my shower and got out.

I went in the closet put on some black leggings,  a army green tee and then took a black oversized cardigan and put it to the side along with my army green timbs.

I went downstairs and made some toast and scrambled eggs.

I took out Markus's food and then mine i put it on the table. Markus came down ass soon as i put the food on the table.

I got two cups put orange juice for me and apple for Markus since he dont like orange juice then put them on the table

I sat down then he said grace.  I ate most of my food then, washed the dishes in the sink. 

"Bae when you're done put the plate  next to me" i said

He nodded his head and did as told.

He went back up stairs as i washed the dishes.  When i finished i went up stairs but i didn't go to the room.  I went to Kens old room. 

I opened the door and i immediately felt mixed emotions.

This was where my best friend slept now he's gone,  he doesn't wanna be with me any more.

Out of no where some thing took over me and began to destroy the room i broke the closet door ripped the blankets and threw them across the room.  I punched the wall and kicked it.  I threw everything off of one cabinet and tipped it over and i let out a loud scream of frustration, sadness and anger.

Markus came to the room out of breath.

"Bae! Calm down!" He yelled

But i didn't listen i continued to mess up his room, I threw every thing off the other counter but stopped when i saw a picture of me and ken. 

Tears came down my cheeks.  As I looked at the picture,  i remember the day we took that picture like it was yesterday, that was the best time we spent time together.  That's the day we went on our first mission together and it was successful.  That day we went out to celebrate.

I was going to drop my self on the floor but Markus caught me just in time.  He tried to sooth me cause i was boohoo crying. 

I cried for 45 minutes straight and he stayed there and comforted me till i stopped.

I sat like a baby in his arms and i thought. 

Losing people is the worst feeling ever.  So I will never cry for someone who chooses to leave my life again its their problem.  I wont harm my self for them.  I just won't be affected by them. 

There is going to be some changes from now on. 

I'm going back to being good ole happy Jani. C 😏

"Baby?" I said in a low voice

"Yes" he said

"Can we go out?" I asked

He looked down at me like i was crazy

"You sure?" He asked with an unsure look

"Yes no where big i just wanna get out this house" i said sniffing

He nodded his head "Okay"

"Thank you,  go get dressed" i said

I got up from his lap and he got up after me.  He began to walk out the room.

"Bae" i said

"Yeah" he said

I grabbed him and gave him a long passionate, slow kiss. 

When i broke the kiss he smiled.

"What was that for" he asked

"Thank you baby" i said

"Why you saying thank you for?" He asked

"Because you stayed with me and comforted me while i was down and through the break down i just had.  That really means a lot to me" i said

"No problem baby,  that's what I'm here to do be there for you,  love you,  give you things that other people can't and do what other people can't do for you." He said pulling me closer to him.

I kissed him again.

"I love you Markus" i said putting emphasis on love.

"I love you too kijani"  he said with a smile

I smiled back. 

He looked around the room and so did i.

"Damn i fucked this room up"  I said

"You did" he said looking around the room "remind me not to get in a fight with you"

I laughed.

"Go put your clothes on"  i said

He laughed and went to put his clothes on in the room.

I took a broom and put everything in the middle of the room i put the mattress back where it's supposed to be and picked up the stuff with a dust pan,  i put the closet door against the wall and moved the cabinets back to their place i looked around the room and it was clean.  I gotta fix the holes in the wall though.

I closed the door and walked to my room.

Markus was finished so i went to the restroom looked in the mirror and my eyes still looked the same but my face brightened up a little. 

I washed my face and grabbed my make up.  I dolled my face up and i looked like a different Kijani.  I put on my red lipstick. 

I washed the make up off my hands then went in the closet and put on a pair of white jeans.  I put on my socks and timbs then i put on the black oversized cardigan.

I grabbed my purse and phone then i walked out the room with Markus.

We went to the garage

"Bae what car we driving?" Markus asked

"Pick one you the one driving" i said

He picked the white Mercedes.  We got in the car. 

"Where you wanna go?" He asked

"Can we go to the salon and get our nails done and dye my hair black again then we can go to the park or some thing." I said

"That's fine by me but im not doin my nails" he said

"Why not?" I asked

"Cause that shit is gay" he said

"And your toes are crusty" i retorted

He mugged me

"Don't be mad at the truth" i laughed

He sucked he teeth and he drove to the salon.

I did my nails while markus did his toes. Because i did my toes before he did. He looked so miserable I just left from across the room he was mugging me.

I laughed and mouthed "i love you" 

He sucked his teeth and mouthed " i love you too"

I looked at my nails and they were coming out right. When i finished i went over yo the hair stylist that normally did my hair.

"Hi Kijani how you doing today?" she asked

"Im doing fine how about you?" i replied

"I'm doing good girl what you want today?" she asked

"I came to bleach my hair back to black" i said

"Who did this for you before?" she asked

"My boyfriends sister" i replied

"She did real good on your hair, i need more hair stylists you have her info?" she asked getting her stuff ready

"No i don't but my boyfriend does, he looks like he's done with his toes so let me call him over" i said


"Baby can you come here please?" i asked

He nodded his head and walked over to us.

"Baby this is Kendall my hair stylist and Kendall this is my boyfriend Markus" i said introducing them

They shook hands and said "Nice to meet you"

"Kijani was telling me how your sister bleached her hair, and she did an amazing job, and i need more experienced hair stylists so i was wondering if i could have her information so i can call jer to see if she's interested in a job here" Kendall said

"Okay" he said taking his phone out "do you have a pen and paper?"

"Oh yes" she said turnig around and getting a pen and paper

He wrote down the information and gave it to her

"Thank you i really appreciate it" she said

"No problem" he said

"Now let me get started on this hair" she said

She continued and i looked down at Markus's toes

"You're toes look so much better now" i said 

He kissed his teeth

"Leave me alone" he said

I smiled

"Kendall you mind if he sits here?" i asked

"No not at all" she said

"Sit down bae" i said

He sat down and stared at me the whole time

"Why you keep staring at me?" he asked

"I can't stare at my girl no more?" he asked

"You can but i just wanna know why" i said

"I was just admiring your face that's all" he said

I smiled and looked away

"You're so beautiful" he said "even with that aluminum foil in your hair"

I laughed

"And You're so handsome" i said
"even though you have crusty toes"

He mugged me

"See you just ruined the moment" he said

I laughed

"No i didn't its still here" i said

"Mhm" he said

"I love you" i said with a smile causing him to smile back

"I love you too" he said

"Awe you guys are so cute" Kendall cooed

We laughed

"Thank you" i said

She finished and let it sit, after sitting around and joking with Markus. She washed it out and then blow dried it. 

She began to finish brushing it out

"So what style do you want" she asked
"You can just straighten it i don't want nothing fancy" i said

"Okay" she said

She got to work on my hair and i wasn't sitting in the chair too long just enough.

"You're all done" she said

"Okay thank you" i said

"No problem kijani" she said

I went to the front and paid for everything after that we went to the park to walk around

We walked hand in hand dowm the park as we watched the kids have fun and the birds walk around looking for food.

"Bae what you thinking about?" Markus asked

"Im thinking about the first thing im finna do when i go back to my old ways" I said

"Why going back to your old ways?" he asked

"Cause I refuse to be hurt like that again"  I replied

"I understand that but everyone else has to be treated wrong because one person treated you wrong" he said

"Yes you explained it perfectly" i said

"But that's not fair" he said

"What's not fair is me getting hurt twenty four seven" i said

"I understand that but you can't hurt everyone because your trying not to"

"But that's exactly what im finna do and ion care bout they feelings they can suck my dick" i said

"I ain't know my girl is a male" he said with the straightest face ever

I laughed

"Shut up you know what i mean"

He laughed

"Too much" he said

"No im not" i said

"Yes you are fam"

I looked at him

"Since when?" i said

"I heard some teenagers sayin it n i liked it so im using it" he said

"I guess"

We walked in silence till Markus asked me a question that made me stop i never thought he would ask

"Why did you break up with your boyfriend, well your ex that is?"

"What kind of a question is that?" i asked

"I just want to know that's it cuz who is leave you or treat you wrong" he said

"I was in highschool his name was Leonard but I called him leo. He was weird but I liked him, he was cute and nice he knew what i was going through and he helped me i got in the gang and i began to make money. When we got serious i let my guard down. One day he came to my little apartment and he slept over next day I woke up all my stuff was gone I was broke all over again. I was beyond mad i was livid. I looked for him for months but I never found him. I went back to selling and killing people. One day i was out and about and i saw him. I took that as my opportunity i kidnapped him brung him to the place I kill people and i had my way with him. His ashes is now at the bottom of the river" i smiled

"Damn" he said shocked

"That is Jani C. for ya" i said

"You are as bad as they say you were" he said

"Am, as bad as they say i am. Were is pass tense" i said

"I guess"

"There's no guessing baby im the best at everything I do" i said

"I don't know that yet"

"Okay what ever day you want test me on anything related to the game you'll see" i said

"Okay I guess we will" he said


Excuse mistakes

It looks like Ken brought out Jani's bad side

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