The Last Thing I do

By Emily_Louisee_

1.4K 34 24

When you have always lived by the rules and lived a life of repetition, it can be hard when faced with change... More

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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

76 15 4
By Emily_Louisee_

My name is Elizabeth Johnson . I would describe my old self as a stereotypical geek. I know it sounds terrible but it's true.  I followed all the rule, I am quiet and play quite a few musical instruments, which I'd say I'm pretty good at (not to brag or anything)!

So how did I get here? Well I would say it's a very long story of karma or fait. I have not decided which one yet. In a way I guess there both the same, but either way I know I wasn't made for life in a prison. I've been in my cell for exactly evelen minutes now and I've been crying for ten minutes. Yes I do feel pathetic but no ones around to judge. Not that it would bother me anymore.

I would say that I regret everything I did to end up here but then I'd be lying. I love the adventures and rush of adrenaline. I love been care free, so I guess now all thats left to tell now is my story. The story about how my life got flipped upside down and how I became the new me . . .


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