A New Beginning {Teen Wolf Fa...

By LaTraviesa

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Ashley Jacobson thought she had everything she could ever want in life. Until one morning her mom broke the n... More

The First Sight
Falling For You
The Others
The Mistake
Trouble in the Making
Live it Up!
My Destiny is Unspoken
!Β‘Authors NoteΒ‘!
This is not what I planned
Room to Grow Room to Live
Idle Minds
I'll be your keeper for life
Till life do us part
I want you..
Holding On
*IMPORTANT* !Must Read Authors Note!
As Tears Fall
A New Face
No One Can Understand
Fate is just a Four-Letter Word
Cruel Intentions
All For You

The Unexpected

679 41 4
By LaTraviesa

^^Picture of Isaac Lahey & Scott McCall^^

{chapter 4}

"What's a benandanti?"

"Well it's what you are" Derek answered. "A benandanti is a person that can read minds and also control them. Usually the males have a sonic boom power along with them... I'm not sure what power females would have but can you do anything else other then the basics?"

"Not that I'm aware of" I answered.

"I don't think your going to shift by the way, you would have turned overnight and you didn't. Even though you were turned on the full moon, it still would have made you shift." he replied and relief washed over me in seconds.

"Thank goodness!" I said happily. Then I looked down and realized I've been changed back to my clothes I had on before I changed into Derek's. Derek must have changed me.

"Oh my god! I have school today!" I jumped up and looked for an exit I saw the door then turned back to Derek.

"I have like an hour how far until we get to my house?"

"how long do you need to get ready?" He asked.

"I don't know, fifteen-twenty minutes maybe" he pulls me to the door and out to the his car.

Once we got to my house, I kissed Derek for about ten seconds then sprinted into the house.

"Ashley?" My mom called.

"Yeah mom? I overslept I need to hurry and get ready" my phone buzzed and I saw that Derek texted me. He must have put his number in my phone while I was asleep.

"Where did you stay last night?"

"Uh, my scott's girlfriends house remember? Now if you'll excuse me I have to get ready for school.

I grabbed my favorite burgundy zip-up hoodie, tank top, skinny jeans, and burgundy vans then went to my dresser and grabbed underclothes and went into the bathroom.

When I shut the door I turned around and was disgusted by my reflection in the mirror. No wonder mom asked me where I stayed last night, I was a wreck!

My hair was in a bunch of knots, my clothes were all full of dirt and mud even though I didn't wear these to the fight which was odd.

I hadn't realized it before but I have bruises every where.

That explains why mom asked me where I was last night. I quickly undressed and hopped in the shower. I got out about five minutes later and I already looked better. I grabbed my phone and read Derek's text which I had forgotten about.

*Derek: hey, text me when you're ready. X~Derek

*Me: Okayy, but ill have to tell my mom someone else is driving me to school

*Derek: alright ;)

I quickly dressed and made sure to cover the bruises on my arms with my clothes. Then i went to my desk to put on my makeup. Crap, I had two bruises on my face I didn't want people to think that people abuse me.

I put the rest of my makeup on and shrugged the thought off. Mom was gonna say something about this I'm sure. I brushed my wet hair and put moose and hairspray on it so it can stay curly. I sent Derek a quick text letting him know I'll be done in about five minutes. I walked down stairs and into the kitchen where mom was leaning against the counter with a stern look on her face.

"Ashley Nicole Jacobson!" I cringed. Whenever she used my full name I know it meant trouble.

"Yes mom?" I asked slightly afraid.

"Sierra and Katie go upstairs please. I need to talk to your sister" they nodded and ran out of the kitchen.

Their thoughts were spinning asking what I did.

"Where did you go last night?"

"To Scott's girlfriend's house. I told you this already." I said trying not to sound scared of her.

"Then why were you so dirty and bruised up when you came home?" She asked. I didn't know how to get out of this so I lied.

"Well, we all decided to go to an outdoor paintball and lazer tag place" she cut me off.

"That late at night?"

"Yes. We decided to have fun the night before school started. End of story." She smirked at me and walked to the fridge.

"Yeah, and I'm sure that's also how you got the cuts all over your shoulder isn't it?" I didn't know what to say. I just kind of stood there frozen then my phone went off.

I looked down and saw that it was Derek. He heard the whole conversation. When mom wasn't looking I quietly ran out of the kitchen and saw my bag at the end of the stairs and grabbed it.

"Bye mom! My rides here!"

"Wait Ashley!" I didn't hear the rest as I sprinted out the door and ran into Derek's car.

"Drive, drive, drive!" I shouted as I shut the door and he speed out of the driveway and down the street.

Off to my first day. I texted Scott and he said he and Stiles would meet me at the front door.
Today wasn't going to be fun. Not at all.

As Derek pulled up in front of the school I saw Scott and Stiles waiting for me at the front door just like Scott texted. Before I got out of Derek's car I kissed him.

"I'll text you after school is over or when I get home." I said pulling away from the kiss.

"Okay" he replied.

As I got out of the car I waved goodbye to Derek and started walking towards Scott and stiles.

"Hey Ashley" Stiles and Scott said.

"Hey guys!" I replied.

All three of us started to walk into the school. As we stopped in the hallway where all the lockers were I saw a girl with strawberry blonde hair, a pretty outfit, and heels walking towards us.

"Hey Scott" she said.

"Hey Lydia!" Stiles said practically shouting.

"Hi Lydia I would like you to meet my friend Ashley... Ashley this is Lydia" Scott said as me and Lydia greeted each other.

"Hello Ashley... I think I like you" Lydia stated.

"Thanks I guess" I replied awkwardly.

"What's your first class?" Lydia asked.

"Um..." I said trying to find my schedule in my bag. "Biology" I finished.

"Me too" Lydia said happily.

"Just letting you know now, I dress better than this" I laughed.

"It's okay I have my lazy days too. Just not in school" she laughed along with me.

Lydia and I started walking to class as the bell rang.

"Wait up we have the same class!!" Stiles yelled while him and Scott ran behind us.


In class I decided to sit next to Lydia. I didn't expect to become friends with her so easily.

"Hi Ashley" I heard a guys voice say in the table behind mine. I turned around and saw Isaac.

"Hey Isaac" I said smiling. He smiled back.


I entered my biology class and sat down. As I took out my books and utensils I saw Ashley walking in with Lydia, Scott, and Stiles.

"Hi Ashley" I said to her so she could notice me.

"Hey Isaac" she said smiling. I smiled back.

I think I'm starting to like Ashley more then a friend. She's cute. I love everything about her. Her ombré hair, green eyes, and her personality. Even her height.


I saw Ashley, Lydia, Scott, Stiles, and Allison all at one table with their lunch. I got my lunch and headed to their table.

"Hey Isaac" Ashley said smiling.

"Hi Isaac" Scott, Stiles, Lydia, and Allison said.

"Hello everyone" I replied as I sat down.

"Hey um.. Ashley?"

"Yes Isaac?"

"Um can we exchange numbers?" I asked.


As we exchanged numbers Lydia, Stiles, and Allison also exchanged numbers with Ashley as we all started to make our way to our lockers in the hallway.

"What class are you going to now?" She asked.

"I have gym what about you?" I asked.

"Yay me too!!" She replied excitingly. "Lydia and Allison whats your next classes?"

"English" Lydia replied.

"Math" Allison replied.

"See you two later then." Ashley finished.


Since we were going to play a game the gym teacher brought out two students and they each picked people that they wanted on their team. There was one boy and one girl. I got picked for the girl's team and so did Ashley.

"Nicole is that you?" Ashley asked. How does Ashley know Nicole?

"Um..Yeah... who are you?" Nicole asked.

"Remember me Ashley from Woods Lane High School? you moved here... You, Lexie, and I were close" Ashley stated.

"Oh my God sorry! yeah, it's been so long. How's Lexie? How come your here?" Nicole asked.

"I recently moved here and Lexie said hey and that she wants to talk to you and can I get your number?" Ashley said.

"So cool and here ya go" she took Ashley's phone to put her number inside.

"do you know my friend Isaac?" Ashley asked.

I used to go out with Nicole. Until I decided to break up with her since I didn't want a girlfriend anymore at the time.

"Of course I know Isaac... We used to go out" Nicole said as Ashley's eyes widen.

"Really?" Ashley asked me.

"Yes really" I replied.

"Alright everyone lets play some dodge ball!" The gym teacher shouted as we all got in our spots.

"Hey..umm Ashley after school you wanna hangout?" I asked her.

"Sure" Ashley said.

-After School-

As soon as the last class finished I went to my locker to put books back and get my homework. As soon as I closed my locker I felt hands tickle my sides.

"Isaac what the hell was that for?" I screamed.

"I'm sorry" he said laughing.

"It's not funny you scared the shit out of me!" I said.

"Next time ill be more careful"

"Yeah you better" I said rolling my eyes.

"I said I was sorry" he said disappointed.

"let's just go"

Isaac gave me a comforting hug as we walked down the hallway to the front door of the school. He opened the door for me to walk out.

"Where do you wanna go?" He asked.

"I don't know maybe for coffee and donuts?" I replied.

"Yea that sounds good." He said. "Do you mind walking? I don't own a car..."

"It's okay I don't either let's just go before it gets dark" I said but stopped when I saw Derek in his car in front of the school.

"Derek what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to pick you up. I wasn't going to let you walk home alone." Derek said looking from me to Isaac.

"You should've texted or called me before you came. I am going with Isaac to get something to eat. I'm sorry i'll text you later." I said leaning in to the window and pecking his lips pulling away, he smirked. Then he speeded off.

It was only a few minutes before we made it to Doughology. We ordered and sat down at a table.

This donut place is amazing! It has so many options from Oreo toppings to gummy worms, so tasty!

"So you dated Nicole?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"Yeah" he said.

"Why did you break up?"

"I just didn't want a girlfriend anymore at the time. She was a good girlfriend and all, but I just didn't want one at that moment. She wasn't the one for me. I'm looking for the right one." I just nodded knowingly.

"Yeah. So, whats going on with you and Derek?" He asked.

"He's my boyfriend. We moved kinda fast into a relationship but I like him"

"Wait what?" He asked devastated.

"Yeah exactly" I laughed.


When Ashley and I left Doughology it was 5:30pm. I decided to walk her home.

"Okay we're here, would you like to come in." she asked opening the door.

"I can't and you know that"

"What do you mean?"

"Your mom, your sisters, and Derek" I said getting angry at the thought of her being with Derek.

"My mom is still at work and doesn't get back until later, my sisters wouldn't care and Derek? What do you mean Derek? He doesn't own me. He may be my boyfriend, but he can't tell me who I can hangout with" She said with a little attitude. I just stared at her. "Come on" she pulled on my arm bringing me inside.


Sierra was in the kitchen getting a snack and Katie was watching TV when Isaac and I walked in.

"Hi Isaac" Katie said.

"Hey" Sierra said.

"Hello girls" Isaac said with a little wave.

"Okay so me and Isaac are going to go get snacks and go upstairs to watch a movie. Will you tell me if mom comes early?" I asked.

"Don't worry sis we got your back" Sierra said and I smiled. She smiled back.

Isaac and I went into the kitchen and got some snacks, including popcorn. I went up the stairs to my room and Isaac followed. I was happy that Isaac decided to stay for a little while.

"What movie do you want to watch?" I asked.

"I don't know it's up to you" he said.

"Umm... Do you wanna watch a scary movie?" I asked.

"Sure if you want to"

"What about.. The Conjuring.. I didn't see it yet"

"Everyone said that movie is really scary are you sure?"

"I watch scary movies all the time"

"Whatever you say. I haven't seen it either." He laughed.

"Alright so I won't be the only scared one" I laughed.

"Of course not I'll protect you"

"Aw how sweet" I smiled. He smiled back.

While Isaac took of his shoes and sat up on my bed headboard I went into my closet, and changed into pajamas, then joined him. He sat on this side closer to my nightstand and I sat on the opposite side.

"Can you please turn off the lights?"
I asked.

He got up to turn of the light then came back and positioned himself the way he was before.

During the movie I jumped at one point and Isaac brought his arm around me in a comforting way. "Don't spill the popcorn now" he said laughing.

"I'm not! Isaac you're such a great friend" I laughed.

When the movie was done we turned on regular TV and I turned my room light back on. We didn't finish all the popcorn, but there was a little left. Isaac and I brought the garbage and popcorn downstairs.

"That movie was crazy," I said still scared from what I just saw.

"Annabelle..." Isaac whispered while he came up behind me and tickled me at my waist.

"Don't do that" I laughed. As I threw out the garbage and washed the bowl we put the popcorn in.

"Why not?" Isaac asked.

"Because that's the name of the doll in the conjuring, its creepy" I replied.

"Okay I won't I'm sorry" he said while standing standing closley behind me.

*Clap Clap* Isaac clapped in my ear just like in the movie. he did it while I was distracted with the popcorn dish.

"Stop! I will fucking punch you" I yelled.

"Okay okay I won't scare you again" He laughed.

"I don't believe you!" I said not falling for his trick again.

"I'm truly sorry" he said giving me a hug.

"Do you believe me now?" Isaac asked while looking in my eyes not letting go of our hug.

"Yes, I believe you" I said.

"Lets go upstairs," Isaac said pulling away from the hug.

"Give me a house tour" Isaac said.

"Seriously Isaac?"

"Yes come on" he said while pulling me onto his back.

After I gave Isaac a house tour we arrived back in my room. I didn't realize I had a empty movie case box on the floor and Isaac tripped.

"Whoa I didn't see that coming" he said. We both laughed.

"Yeah" I continued laughing when Isaac got up and tripped on his shoes and landed on top of me on the floor, I put my elbows up and me and Isaac where face to face.

"You're so clumsy" I said laughing.

"Yea I know," he said.

"are you gonna get your ass up?" I asked.

Isaac leaned in and kissed me, I didn't pull away.

I don't know what's going on with me. First, I kiss Derek and now Isaac.

I'm a fucking mess.

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