Love in Photographs

By eblairscott

867 27 4

She was in love with the subject of the photographs she took, a muse to the masses. He was in love with the... More

1. Cue Pomp and Circumstance
2. Excuses Excuses
3. AKA, Number Four
4. Proper Introductions
5. Long Islands at the Hotel California
6. "Re-nun"
7. Up?
8. Pillow Sea Thing
9. It's a Damn String
10. Numb
11. Lullabies and Tinted Windows
12. This Shit is Good
13. Not the Virginal Mary
14. Don't Go Breaking My Heart
15. Coldplay!
16. The Exact Opposite of Punishment
17. Once Again, This Shit is Good
18. If It's Not One Thing
19. Sorry
20. Whipped
21. Higher the Peak, Harder the Fall
22. Emma
24. Oh, Brother
25. It's Ridiculous, Really
26. If I Could Fly
27. Isaac Boone (Izzy)
28. Enigma
29. Second Chances
30. Paradise
31. Proposition Number One
32. Proposition Number Two (Christmas Edition)

23. Dad?

29 2 0
By eblairscott

September 2, 2015

    London was everything I'd imagined it to be and more. Growing up, I was always a fan of classic British Literature, so once I felt the crisp air, saw the old brick streets and buildings, I felt like I was living in a dream. Since we'd be in the UK or Ireland for the remainder of the month, Grace went to our apartment to pack up all my things for me while I was in Colorado. I figured our flight would take forever and we'd have a million layovers, but it slipped my mind that Harry would have his own private jet (which I totally eye-rolled at, but that's beside the point).

    The flight did take most of the night though, and we got to London so late that we crashed once we got to the hotel. I slept for four hours, waking up at 3:00 in the morning. I figured it was due to getting used to not taking the sleeping medication anymore and from being jet-lagged. I left Harry asleep in the bed while I walked out onto the balcony. The air was very cool, but not too cold with a robe on. I sat, looking at the moon and stars, watching traffic go by and breathing in the very different air.

    "Jet-lagged?" I hear Harry's footsteps behind me before he speaks.

    "A bit. Also getting used to the whole no sleeping meds thing," I admit, looking up sheepishly at him. "It helped when I punched myself to sleep."

    He raises his eyebrows at me, knowing that there was something he was missing.


    "Oh," I laugh, shaking my head. "I started boxing. The trainer at the rehab center was brutal. It was fun though. Good form of anger management, exercise, and sleep medicine."

    "Well," He smiles conspiratorially. "The gym downstairs is equipped for boxing and I happen to practice the art myself. I can spot you. Too tired to blow off some steam?"

    "Definitely not." I smile, hopping up and making my way to my suitcase.

    I dig for comfy workout-style clothing. I find a pair of yoga shorts and a black muscle-tee style tank and grab a Calvin Klein sports bra to wear underneath. Harry's in the bathroom, so I decide to change in the bedroom. I pull the shorts on under my robe and take my bra off, relishing in the absence of the hell-like wires. I turn around to grab the sports bra from the bed, and Harry is standing in a pair of long black Nike shorts and an old AC/DC shirt, his hair in a bun, staring at me with darkened eyes.

    "Sorry," I blurt, covering myself with one hand and grabbing the bra with the other, hastily putting it on and throwing the tank top over my head and stalling even more by putting my hair up before turning back around. "Ready to go?"

    "Yeah," He nods, clearing his throat. "Let's go."

    We walk down down the quiet hallway and into the elevator in awkward silence, passing absolutely no one of any danger in the hallways. I was very afraid that a fan would be psycho-stalking Harry and waiting for us in the hallway or once we got out of the elevator.

    Upon entering the gym, I start to freak out when I see there's one more person in the gym until I realize the face.

    "Niall?!" I squeal, and he turns around, a wide smile on his face.

    "Stevie! You're back!" He huffs, taking the boxing gloves off his hands and walking over to us. "I'd hug you, but I seriously stink right now. Consider this a courtesy."

    "Noted," I laugh. "Why are you up so late... or early?"

    "We're playing Croke Park in a week. I can't sleep because I'm so fucking thrilled. So, I'm trying to get rid of all these jitters so I can sleep." He answers. "Why are you two here?"

    "Well," Harry answers. "Apparently, Rhi's taken up boxing while she was gone. Since I'm a pro myself, I'm gonna be her punching bag."

    "Cool, cool," He says, handing me his gloves. "Let's see what you've got, Oliver."

    I climb into the small ring,  putting my gloves on.

    Within two minutes of me starting, Harry's throwing up a white flag and kneeling begging me to stop.

    "Babe," he huffs, holding a finger out for me to wait a minute while he catches his breath. "I mean this in the best way possible, but... What the hell was that?"

    "What do you mean?" I ask, confusingly, pulling him up.

    "Uh, I'm referring to the female version of the Hulk that was just unleashed," He laughs. "A bit angry, are we?"

    "No," I chuckle. "Maybe you're just not as good as I am."

    Niall laughs from outside the ring and Harry shoots him a death glare.

    "Fuck off, dude," He says playfully. "You want to get up here and have her pummel you?"

    "I'm good," Niall denies the offer, holding his hands up in surrender. "As fun as this would be to watch, I'm finally knackered. I'm going to bed. Beat him up good, Rhiannon."

    I salute him.

    "Will do." I laugh.

    "So," He begins, leaning on the edge of the ring. "I propose a bet. First one to wrestle the other to the ground for three seconds."

    "What're we betting?" I ask him, placing my hands on my hips.

    "Winner gets to..." He places his finger on his chin, thinking, then a smirk plays on his lips. "Blindfold and tie the loser up for an hour and the loser must do whatever the winner says."

    I feel the air leave my lungs and I swallow.

    "I'm in," I breathe, feeling my limbs grow weak.

    Dammit. This was probably his evil plan. Seduce me into a quivering ball of weakness so that I purposefully lost. Either way, I win.

    I was bound to lose, and I did. However, I did put up a good fight. We were both panting and sweating before Harry finally managed to get me to the ground, pinning my legs with his and holding both my hands hostage with one of his.

    "One... two... three," He counts off with a grin, huffing. "I win."

    I roll my eyes.

    His lips meet mine immediately, devouring my mouth with a sense of urgency we'd yet to experience together. The lower half of his body was grinding into me roughly, and I could feel him growing hard.

    "Let's take this back up to the room, shall we?" He whispered with a husky low tone, and I nodded immediately.

    We power-walked out of the gym and into the elevator, and I watched as Harry hit the door-close button frantically. Once the doors were closed, he grabbed me and lifted me from the ground while my legs wrapped around his torso. Our lips reattached as the elevator moved, and the fear that the doors would suddenly open made the electricity even more palpable.

    When the elevator finally dinged signaling we'd made it to our floor, the doors opened to reveal a empty hallway. Harry and I walked with haste down the hall to our room, where security was standing by the door.

    "Hey man," Harry greeted him. "You can go ahead and take off for a couple of hours. We're exhausted so we're just going to catch some shut-eye. I can call you if we need anything."


    He looks back and forth between the two of us, and I can see him suppress a smirk before nodding and walking down the hall into the elevator.

    "Oh god," I laugh nervously. "He totally knows."

    Harry opens the door and pulls me in, slamming me against it and kissing my neck.

    "I couldn't care less," He growls. "Everyone in this hotel will know how good I've made you feel soon enough when I have you screaming my name."

    My eyes bulge and I feel my heart beat in double-time.

    "Let's get in the shower, shall we?" He continues, and I nod.

    He picks me up bridal style, carrying me into the bathroom, shutting the door behind us.

    "Remember what we agreed on? I'm going to do the tying and blindfolding later. Right now, you just  need to obey my commands, okay?"

    "Yes, sir," I answer, partially as a joke, but his eyes darken immediately and he closes his eyes as he draws in a quick breath.

    When he opens his eyes, he seems a bit calmer, but still resolute.

    "I want you to strip for me, baby." He commands me.

    Oh. This is a new Harry. I like this Harry. A lot.

    "O-okay..." I stutter, my hands shaking as I pull my tank top off.

    I let it fall to the ground as I start on my shorts, shimming out of them and letting them fall as well. I then take each of my shoes off, followed by my socks, and throw them next to the rest of my clothes. I forgot I had on a pair of the underwear I'd bought when Grace and I had went shopping a month or so ago that was basically composed of a few strands of red lace.

    I turned my back to Harry as I removed my underwear, afraid my confidence would falter if I saw his face. I removed my bra last, tossing it in the pile of clothes in front of me.

    "Turn around," He rasps. "Look at me."

    I turn, and his eyes are looking straight into mine.

    "I love you," He says sincerely. "So much."

    "I love you." I reply.

    "Now I need to shed some layers." He says, gesturing to his clothing.

    My eyes are glued to his body as he removes his t-shirt, shorts, and shoes. His black Calvin Klein briefs cling deliciously to his body, and I stare as he takes them off. I bring my embarrassed eyes back up to his before he holds his hand out, pulling me into the colossal stone & glass shower, warm water already flowing from two different shower heads. 

    He grabs me by my forearms, pushing me backward until the warm water flows over my back and my hair. He moves his hands to my head, tilting it back to where the water flows over all of my hair, his fingers moving through my wet hair. He places his lips softly against mine, but quickly removes them.

    He turns around to grab the shampoo bottle, and my eyes travel down  his body as I feel the muscles deep in the pit of my abdomen clench is the most deliciously painful fashion.

    He turns back around and my eyes snap back up to his face quickly, my cheeks turning red from being caught.

    "Like what you see?" He asks with a smirk. "Turn around."

    I do as I'm told, and I feel his hands in my hair, creating suds. His fingers massage my scalp, and my head falls back into his hands. I smell peppermint and vanilla, the same two scents I smell from his hair all the time.

    "Feel good, babe?" He whispers by my ear.

    "So good, Harry." I moan, leaning my head back further.

    He spins me around to rinse the shampoo out of my hair, and my eyes remain closed as his fingers remain in my scalp until all of the suds are gone. He repeats the process with the conditioner.

    "My turn, baby." he says, lowering himself to his knees, handing me the shampoo bottle.

    I squirt a bit of the shampoo onto my hand and place my hands in his hair. His eyes remain closed as I massage it into his scalp. He stands once he knows I'm finished, and rinses his hair, and I do the same thing with the conditioner.

    He then grabs the bottle of lavender and jasmine body wash, motioning for me to turn around.

    I hear him open the bottle and then sit it on the built-in shelf beside him. I feel his hands first on my back, massaging the soap into my shoulders, making his way down my back.

    His hands reach my ass and I almost audibly moan. His hands work slowly but deliberately as he then kneels and massages the suds into my thighs and legs.

    "Turn." I hear him say, and I obey.

    He's still knelt on the shower floor, and he grabs more of the body wash, starting this time from the bottom. He lathers it into my legs, then to my thighs, and then ghosts over the area between my legs before trailing his hands to my lower stomach.

    He stands slowly, reaching for my arms next, then at last, makes his way to my breasts.

    "I love your breasts, baby," He moans, touching them very softly. "They're so full and soft. Everything a man could dream of."

    I moan as he squeezes a bit harder.

    He then pushes my body backward until the stream of water flows down over my body, rinsing the soap from me. I grab the bottle of body wash and lather it into my hands, opting for his chest first.

    "I love the feel of your hands on me." He says, watching every move I make.

    I wash him just as he washed me, saving the best for last. I take him, almost completely hard, into my hand and move up and down very slowly. I stop after only a minute, pulling him into the stream of water, rinsing his body. Before he can suggest anything else, I push him back and sink to my knees, pulling him to my face.

    I take him into my mouth quickly, and I hear him gasp.

    "Fuck," He moans, his hands running through my wet hair. "Your mouth feels so damn good, baby."

    I move him into my mouth as much as I can and then move my head back, swirling my tongue around the tip.

    "S-stop, stop, babe," he says quietly, his head leaning forward quickly. "Time to get out."

    I knit my eyebrows together in confusion, standing up, watching as he dries himself off quickly. He then brings a towel to me, drying my body off quickly. He then picks me up and carries me back into the bedroom, laying me on the bed, naked.

    "Now, I get to tie you up and blindfold you. Ready, baby?" He asks me, making his way onto the bed to straddle me.

    I nod, frantically.

    "I'll have to improvise," He says, leaning over the nightstand and grabbing two suit ties laying there. "Niall's stylist brought these over today to see which one he liked best... I'm sure he won't miss them. He was never a tie type of guy anyways."

    He takes the first tie, solid black silk, and drapes it across my eyes. I sit up momentarily so he can tie it behind my head. He surprises me when I feel his lips against mine.

    "You didn't see that coming," He says. "Which means you can't see anything."

    I can hear the smirk in his voice.

    "Now, lie down," He orders, helping be back down. "Time to tie your hands."

    He grabs both of my hands and ties them together above my head, then ties them to what I'm assuming is a rail on the headboard. His fingertips trail down my arms, down my sides, and onto my stomach.

    "Ready, baby?" He asks with a whisper, his lips right by my ear.

    "Yes," I breathe. "I'm ready."

    His mouth attaches to mine, and he kisses me until I'm breathless. His mouth then detaches and moves down my neck, onto my chest, and onto each of my breasts. He sucks on each one, expertly teasing them with his lips and his tongue. His teeth skim the delicate skin around each nipple before he squeezes them with his fingers.

    "Fuck," I moan, my body writing on the bed. "So good, baby."

    His lips trail down to my stomach, and then between my legs, right where I want him the most.

    "You're already wet?" I can hear the disbelief in his voice.

    My cheeks redden and I suck in a breath as I feel his fingers inside me, massaging me. I can hear him pant and moan, which makes me feel even hotter.

    "I'm going to untie you and take the blindfold off," He pants, quickly untying my blindfold off and working at the tie around my hands. "Fuck."

    He pries on the silk, but it won't come off. He leans in a bit closer and suddenly I feel the fabric ripped from my wrists.

    Harry lifts me off the bed to where I'm straddling him. His lips find mine as my hips grind into his, his hands all over my body.

    "I want you to ride me, baby," He rasps, holding my head in front of his. "Will you do that for me?"

    I nod frantically, lifting myself while he positions himself beneath me, and I feel him pressed against my entrance. I lower myself until I feel him deep inside me.

    "Holy shit, babe," Harry groans, his hands making fists in the satin sheets. "You're so.... fuck. You're so tight, baby."


    His hands grip my hips, squeezing them gently. I take a few deep breaths to try to get used to the feeling of him inside me. I didn't want to boost his ego any more than necessary, but he was huge.

    "Take your time, babe," He reassures me, kissing my neck.

    "What do I do?" I ask him, feeling like an idiot.

    "Just do what feels good, baby," He says, snaking his hands under my thighs. "Like this..."

    He lifts me up with seemingly no effort, and I feel him move inside me. He then brings my body back down to his, entering me fully once more. I copy his movements, lifting myself and then reconnecting our bodies. I wrap my arms around Harry's neck, growing tired very quickly.

    Harry suddenly lifts me off of him and lays me on the bed, facing him. He lifts my leg and anchors it around him, then repositions himself and enters me. He thrusts into me relentlessly as I moan his name over and over. One of his hands is anchored onto my ass, squeezing and caressing, while the other is wrapped around my back, pressing my chest into his.

    Our mouths remain attached, but I've long lost the ability to kiss him anymore, my mouth too busy screaming and moaning his name.

    "Fuck, Harry," I whine, my hands wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him to me. "I can't hold on much longer."

    "I'm close, too, baby," He grunts, thrusting into me harder. "Let go baby, I want you to come for me."

    He thrusts quicker and harder, pulling me into him even more. I feel a pressure build up inside of me, and suddenly...

    "Oh, God! Yes, baby!" I scream breathlessly, clawing his back, most likely leaving scars.

    "Yes! That's it baby, I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." Harry hisses, sloppily thrusting into me. "Fuck!"

    Suddenly, he stills, and I feel a warmth inside me. As he pulls out of me, I hear him panting.

    "That was..." He breathes.

    "Incredible..." I giggle, running a hand through my still wet hair.

    "That's the most beautiful sound in the world." He smiles, sweat dripping from his forehead.

    "You know," I laugh. "The shower should've probably happened after.. the.. well, you know."

    "Sex, Rhiannon. It's not a curse word," He smirks and I roll my eyes. "Although, it typically does illicit curse words from your mouth. By the way... your mouth... Bloody hell, can it do things to me."

    I roll my eyes.

    "I'm not talking about that," He laughs. "Well, I kind've am. But I'm also talking about the way you speak my name. You can be saying something completely innocent, but the second my name leaves your lips, I'm a goner. The way you purse your lips together when you try not to laugh at my jokes, or the way you lick your lips when you're concentrating, or the way you bite your lip when you're embarrassed. Your mouth is a powerful weapon when it comes to me, Rhiannon."

    "Good to know." I smile, involuntarily yawning at the end.

    I roll off the bed lazily and walk to the bathroom to clean up, not bothering to cover myself. After cleaning up, I look for my toothbrush in my makeup bag and find my birth control pills.

    "Shit," I moan, realizing I'd forgotten to take yesterday's pill. I take it and tonight's and swallow them. "Well, at least I know I can't get pregnant."

    After brushing my teeth, I grab one of Harry's lightly worn t-shirts laying on the bathroom floor and throw it over my head before opening the door. Harry's leaning against the wall waiting on me.

    "Everything okay?" He asks, and I nod.


    "Yep," I smile, reassuringly. "I was just cleaning up."

    "M'kay," He mumbles sleepily, and I smile at him. "I'll be out in a second."

    He shuts the door behind him, and I climb into bed, trying my best to fix the dismantled covers and sheets. I turn the lamp on my side of the bed off, checking my phone quickly for any necessary emails, texts, or calls I need to respond to before going to bed.

    Grace Smith

    Just checking in with you. Call me when you get the chance. XO

    Lou Teasdale

    Heard you're in London! So glad you're back. Missed ya loads.     Lunch one day this week with Soph and Lottie? (Lux says hi) xx

    Calvin Aurand

    From all the crew, we're so glad you're back and healthy. Can't wait     to have you back tomorrow. Well wishes.

    I replied to each one of them, smiling at Lou mentioning Lux. I hadn't seen her in quite some time, and I did miss her. Lou, too, I guess.



    Date: August 26, 2015 09:34:45



    Subject: <none>


    I've tried to contact you since we've spoken last. I'm well aware I don't deserve your attention or response to this request, but I feel I'm obligated to let you know why I'm contacting you, in full detail.

    I met your mother when I was nineteen years old, and I fell in love. Your mother was spending the summer working at an estate in Savannah for a friend of your father's, George Vance. George Vance is my grandfather. I was spending the summer there with my family.

    Your mother was quiet and reserved, spoke quite fondly of your grandparents, and had a vivd imagination like none other. Being a fan of literature already, the way your mother made classics I'd read millions of times over hold new meanings was nothing short of mesmerizing to me.

    We grew very close over that summer, and we planned to elope and run away together. We both knew our families would disapprove, so we told no one. We spend every day and every night together, and when your mother left suddenly without even saying goodbye a couple months later, I was heartbroken.

    My grandfather told me she'd changed her mind about us, and ran away. I believed him at the time. I was naive.

    Little did I know, she was pregnant with you. I had no knowledge, I swear it to you. I tried to contact her for years after she left, but to no avail. I figured she was done with me.

    I was in Alabama a few months back for a conference when I decided to investigate. I'd since moved on with my life. I've been married now for a few years to my wife, Carrie. We have a baby boy named Silas who's now a month old.

    I finally traced records and pulled a few strings until I found your grandfather.  I contacted him with intentions of just seeing how your mother was, potentially catching up with her, seeing how she was doing.


    He told me it wasn't a wise idea and explained the situation. Then, he told me she had a daughter. I'd hoped she'd moved on from me and had a happy life, but when he told me how old you were, and your birthdate, I knew.

    He said your mother wouldn't utter a word about who the father was when she returned home. Your grandparents were too kind, too gentle to push it any further, so they left it at that. Your grandmother had been suffering from terminal cancer a few months before you were born, and made it just long enough to see you.

    Your grandfather says she fulfilled her purpose in life, seeing you born, and that's why she was able to leave then.

    From what I've been told, Rhiannon, your mother wasn't anywhere near the foundation, support, or love and guidance that you needed. Whenever I begin to think of what it must've been like for you, growing up... I can't bear it.

    I am deeply sorry and incredibly pained for not being apart of the first 22 years of your life, Rhiannon. I truly am. I should've tried harder to contact your mother, to find her... But, I didn't. That's my fault.

    The only thing I wish to do now is to meet you. If you don't wish to do so, I fully understand. I just hope that too much time hasn't passed and we can still make something work, because from what your grandfather has told me, you're quite an incredible young woman, Rhiannon. I'd be honored to meet you as my daughter.

    Please call, email, or text me at any time.

    Oh, and one more thing...


    Happy 22nd Birthday, Rhiannon.

    David Vance, CEO    

    Vance Publishing Ltd.

    3800 Culliver-Vance Square

    Seattle, Washington 98102


    I blinked at the screen, re-reading it until my eyes filled with tears.

    "Rhi? Babe? What's wrong?" Harry asked, climbing into bed beside me, running his hand through my hair, reassuringly.

    "He really is my father," I blink back the tears, handing him the phone. "I think I believe him."

    I give him a moment as he reads the screen.

    He looks up at me once he's finished, eyes bright and a wide smile on his face.

    "This is so wonderful, babe," He says excitedly, pulling me into his chest. "This is what you deserve. I'm so so incredibly happy for you. He seems so great."

    I smile at him, a tear rolling down my face.

    "I think I want to meet him. I want you to be there."


(a/n): made this chapter bigger to make up for "Emma".

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