Catch Me If You Can | Winter...

By Massive_Times

73.4K 2.4K 644

A new threat arises for the Avengers. The game can no longer be played with guns or fists when the enemies ar... More



2K 86 35
By Massive_Times

It was really fücking bizarre to see him hanging around your safe haven.

This place meant everything to you. It was the one place where the burdens of the world didn't hang on your shoulder.

Sure, sometimes you had to drag in newbie kids to prove matters were serious.

But when there were no newbies, no ambassadors, no local cops— it was just you.

"You're staring." Bucky Barnes snapped, drilling a hole into your head. Sweet. His tarred personality was beginning to surface. At least it'll help you get over this whole infatuation.

You growled. "Well, you wouldn't have noticed if you were looking at me." Oh, this guy is definitely going to be scared off. The first time you were a little cocky. The second time you were a little seductive. The third time you were a complete ašshole. Wait, fourth time you saw him you were also an ašshole. But, hey! This time you're being a little defensive!

Heh, dealing with your ašs is like having another world war.

"Well at least I'm not staring." He heaved a sigh, shoving his fingers into his coat. There was clear smoke following out his nostrils from the bitter cold. "What are we doing here?"

"Ethan is just opening up the gates. It shouldn't be too long. Did you watch that movie?"

"What movie?"

"Tracers, remember?"

"I barely found any time."

"Mmm," you hummed, mockingly. "You're in big trouble."

The man furrowed his brows, knitted his face to a frown. "I can handle it."

"Yeah, of course. You know, because you've dealt with world war two and the whole H.Y.D.R.A. thing too." You saw his face hardened and slowed your rambling. "Whatever, but I hope you know how to swim."

"Why do you do that?"

You paused, glancing at the man. "Do what?"

"Well, first things first, you always act like everything is completely fine. And you always seem to keep yourself on the suspicious side of things. It's unsettling."

"Well, the answer is simple," you started, beaming like a little girl who got a compliment for her dress. "It's just in my nature."

"Brilliant." He scoffed, staring at the metal door that began to slowly open.

You studied his face as it lit up in wonder. His deep-set blues widened, growing vivid in color as the rays of sun hit them. You loved the way his stubble chin sharpened the look of his jaw, but you desired to see his baby butt clean face some day. That was one reason to have him around. As he raised his head, his Adam's apple came into view. It bobbed as though he were gulping. He looked apprehensive yet awestruck all at the same time.

But bloody hell, it was just a worn out ship.

Yet, you liked that about him too. He was cold as stone, that's why it was precious to see any other expression upon him. Reason two to keep him around.

"Keep it moving, sugar." You called, snatching him by his collar to quicken his pace. Eventually you let go, realizing his face had not changed from that extremely stunned look. But ultimately, he broke out of that trance and stared at you for the new nickname.

You'd been doing a bit of research, he guessed. The way you were beginning to address him was triggering memories from the past— pleasant ones, of course. A faint tint of scarlet crossed his cheek, nothing noticeable but to himself. "So what about you?" You asked.

"What about me?"

"Why are you such a hard faced schmuck?"

"I'm not."

"Yes you are. And I've taken note it isn't just me you're so snappy with. You remind me of this old black woman I used to live with. She was so blunt and emotionless, it was painful," You rambled.

He gave up with fighting with you. He took on your own words. "I guess it's in my nature."

"Ooh," you cooed, smirking wickedly. After leaping onto the poop deck, you lent your arm to the man. "That was a very unique answer."

He glared at you briefly, ignoring your aid as he climbed upon independently. "Where are we headed?"

"To the prow," called an unfamiliar voice. When both you and the Winter Soldier had glanced forward, you found the Ambassador climbing down a set of ladders. Bucky remembered almost immediately that he was the boy he nearly killed by holding him over the edge of the building. Despite the number of times he glanced towards Bucky's direction, he didn't seem too rattled about it. "If we complete the training within twenty minutes, we can meet the deck opening."

"If you watched the movie, you'd know what's about to happen to ya." You whispered, tauntingly to the man. He was about to open his mouth to quarrel but stopped when he saw you and the boy begin to run. He was certainly bewildered but gained his speed as he tried to match up with you.

After what seemed like minutes of adrenaline, both Ethan and you had leaped, disappearing beyond a cliff like region. Bucky halted himself to a stop, breathing heavily when he realized the distance he was about to fall. Strangely enough, both the Ambassadors were on the bottom floor, continuing to do their training. They were flipping, sprawling and swinging like monkeys in a jungle.

Bucky furrowed his brows, finally realizing things that should have been obvious. Other than the sinister powers that the teenagers had, it was difficult to get in and out of a building unseen. The parkour would be a helpful tool. An assassin would know, certainly.

A very slight grin rolled over his lips. He knew exactly how to catch up to them. He leaped off the cliff, caught onto the railings of the third floor, then the second and landed on his feet on the main floor. Immediately, he gained speed, thrusting his feet as far and as quickly as humanly possible. He shoved his ability to the max as he continued to meet the others' pace.

He began to enjoy it all.

He enjoyed the thrill of running freely.

He enjoyed how the wind battled against him.

He enjoyed how he won the battle with each step he took forward.

Bucky Barnes began to imagine it all. Memories raised in his mind, cluttering with purity, freedom and joy. He remembered how wonder life was. And it made him even more pleased that he was close to achieving all that he'd lost with his life with H.Y.D.R.A.

He gained speed as his heartbeat sped.

He was so close— he could feel it.

You turned around, only for a moment, to see how far the ex Winter Soldier would be at. It was a horrid mistake. With a sharp collision, you hit the ground, head smacking viciously against the floor. After a few moments of groaning, and the excruciating pain subsided, you attempted to sit up. Bucky Barnes was with no doubt a slim and built man but he was heavy as fück. "Are you okay?" You asked, partially just hoping he'd hop off soon.

"Yeah, I'm—"

"AH!" You shrieked, as the man began to gather to all fours.

"What- what's wrong?"

"You're kneeling on my- ah! Get off- oof!" You grunt, grabbing his collar and the material at his waist in an attempt to move him. He finally got the cue and removed his weight from your thigh. You finally felt like your lungs had accepted air when the tenderness disappeared.

And that's when reason three hit you.

Why did you want this psychopathic old man ex assassin in your organization?

This motherfücker is a hot delicious piece of ass.

And right then, when you laid beneath him with his warmth breath ghosting over your lips, you couldn't help but melt. All once, time and color began to slow it beauty when he glanced at you. He was sort of bathed in the moment, as you were. His biceps were tensed as they held him up, and you could feel the heat radiate off his body from the closeness you were in.

Oh, boy. You wanted to get laid so bad.

"Are you okay?" He almost whispered, concern painted over his features.

You smiled like a bloody idiot, nodding with googly eyes. "Hell yeah..." Feeling the warmth of his lips near yours, you fluttered your eyes shut, waiting for bliss to engulf you.

You felt his weight shift, completely being removed from your body. When you opened your eyes, he'd already joined Ethan's side. You flipped onto your stomach, staring at their figures grow smaller in your sight. "Hey! I thought we were going to make out!" You called.

Thankfully, Bucky was too busy apologizing to Ethan to hear your random outburst. "Don't worry. I forgive you, man. I understand what you're going through. Just... try not to kill anyone? Especially me please?"

A grin tugged at the man's lips, "I'll do my best."

"Hey, did (Y/n) talk to you?"

"She does that all the time," he joked.

The boy chuckled, trying to manage his breath. He could see the deck opening from afar. "She was supposed to talk to you seriously about a few things. I suppose she's been busy—"

"You're talking about me?" You perched into their conversation, finally matching your footsteps to their pace.

"I just told him your secret." Ethan chirped, a wicked smirk growing over his face.

"You're a dîck!" You screamed, defensively. The Winter Soldier was certainly enjoying your weak moments. You stopped jogging, causing the others to pause as well. "Whatever he told you is a lie."

"It doesn't seem too much like a lie." Bucky played on with the prank.

You groaned, glancing at the young man who stood behind the Winter Soldier. "What the hëll did you tell him?" Ethan smirked. He pointed at you, then he pumping his fist in the air and then he pointed to the man's back.

Your cheeks heated up immediately. You were blushing so hard that your face could be the picture they put in children's books as an example for the word red. "Out of all the things you could tell him, you tell him that!" You hollered. "I don't jack off to you! That's bullshit."


Ever since that day, James Buchanan Barnes never looked at you the same.

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