Royal Republic

By Feransela8

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A secret dimension called "The Lost World" where magic casters such as wizards, sorcerers and the like fight... More

Chapter 1:The Day it All Began
Chapter 2:An Expected Meeting
Chapter 3:The Grand Ball?
Chapter 4:The Prince of Elsiera
Chapter 5:The Special Department
Chapter 6:Reminiscence
Chapter 7:Entering the Lost World!
Chapter 8:A Mysterious Shadow
Chapter 9:Wrath of the Rain God
Chapter 10:Accursed Destiny
Chapter 11:The Lavaliere's Secret
Chapter 12:Night of the Full Moon
Chapter 13:The Truth Behind the Shadows
Chapter 14:Infernal Abyss

Chapter 15:Beyond the Horizon, A New Journey Begins

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By Feransela8

It was an overcast day, with the sun peeking through a gap in the clouds. I recalled in mind what happened yesterday. I thought that I was dreaming but it was all true after all. From the balcony I could see a lot of knights who are in training. I could say that they are professional fighters. Right now, everyone are also training on their own already. But I won't lose to them, I need to train too.

While I was walking, I caught the sight of the castle's greenhouse. I was astonished of its grand design upon entering it. The entire place looks very big indeed. There were a lot of flowers with different hues that I have never seen before.

I decided to train in a big space at the center of the garden. It helped my concentration a lot because of its quiet and peaceful atmosphere. After training, we packed up all our things and we're all ready to go.


As planned, we arrived in the lost world at night. A portal suddenly opened in front of us, telling us to go in.

"Is it a trap?" I asked Lucia-sensei.

"No, he's planning to make us come to him right away. I don't think he would attack us already. I'm sure he wants to fight us in his domain. Everyone! Be alert!" She commanded everyone as we all followed her and went through the portal.

At the other side of the portal, we saw an enormous fortress surrounded by water. There's a vast forest behind it. Inside it was a labyrinth of stairs and passageways.
How would we find the right way to the king? Before we know it, monsters started to appear from the shadows. We began to fight them but they kept on respawning all over again.

"Everyone! The chemical department will take care of this, now go!" Mira-sensei shouted.

All of us in the special department and the rest of the knights continued on going upstairs. Even though we're worried, we tried to put up a strong front. I know that it was hard for everyone but during times like this, we need to control our fears.

Door to door, there were monsters and groups of magicians who are left behind.
Despite having uncertainties, we continued our fight. We trusted each other that no one will die. And it was our absolute promise.


Me, Lucia-sensei, Seiji, Mia and some of my classmates from the special department were the only ones who were left. We arrived at the highest floor of the fortress, quite tired and hungry. But it was the opposite of our strength. We didn't use too much magic because of everyone who protected us and are left behind by their own will. We can't waste their efforts so we'll surely save the world.

From afar, we saw Arren standing at the center of the room, waiting for us. I knew that this would happen but I was still confused if I'm really ready for this. I felt a pang on my chest as I looked at him, his eyes were greatly clouded but at the same time, I could see the sadness that his hiding inside.

"Arren! Come back to us please, we don't need to fight!" I exclaimed.

"Shut up." With that, he ran towards me.

Before anyone could make their move, I quickly stopped them. They stared at me with a puzzled look.

"Please leave him to me."

"Are you crazy!?" Seiji was dumbfounded.

"I'll bring him back for sure. So...please trust me."

Seiji was not convinced but Lucia-sensei stopped him from his tracks. I reflected Arren's attacks. We both transformed into our powerful form. I made a sword by concentrating my powers as he also took his sword out too. He ignited it with flames and released fireballs with it. I was suddenly shoved backwards, It just teleported in front of me!

"Reanna!" My classmates were all worried. I smiled at them, telling them that I'm alright.

I used telepathy to communicate with him in his mind. My spell also sealed his movements and it created a temporary dimension where it was just the two of us.

"Don't give me that look as if you are alone in this world! I guess it's true that I may not know anything at all, but I'm all ears. I'll listen to you just like what you did that night when I ran away from home."

"Stop it! There's no way you can know my torment! You're free and I'm not. We're completely the opposite of each other." Tears welled up in his eyes, until they finally flowed down his face. I could feel his agony piercing my heart.

"The truth is, I never wanted to kill; I never wanted to fight. All I wanted...was to live in peace. But it's too late for that now. My soul is drenched in sin. I could never return anymore." He added.

"Liar! So you're saying that what you said to me that night were all lies!? That we are able to move on because we learn how to accept our past!?
Do you know how much those words mean to me? I trusted what you said and because of that, I was able to find the path that I want to take. It's never too late to change, we're the only ones who can shape our future." Before he could speak again, I hold his hands and hugged him tightly as my tears started falling too.

"You idiot...where are you getting all those confidence? Seriously you're just full of surprises." He muttered as he also returned my hug.

The dimension around us began to fall apart. I saw Mira-sensei and everyone waiting for us. I sighed in relief, knowing that they are safe. Arren was still hugging me as I felt uncomfortable. When he realized what he's doing, he immediately let go of me. I can't explain the feeling that was building up in me. But looking at him made me at ease.

"Hahaha! What's this? Does it mean that you're finally abandoning your mother? What a pity, though she didn't even last long so might as well be it!" A man with runes in his skin stands before us. His body was enveloped with a purple aura and his eyes were bloody red.

"Father! What did you do to Arren's mother!?"

"Arren, I knew that you would betray me someday so I just killed her right away hahaha!" can't be. How could he do that! It's not fair.

"You monster!"

"Well I was not wrong in the first place aren't I? You clearly betrayed me now. I thought that I told you to kill my daughter?" He said with a menacing look.

"The one who should be killed is you!" Arren yelled.

"Very well, I will grant death to you fools! I have long awaited this moment. I've lived thousands of years for it. I'll destroy this world!"

He's completely insane. Does he even know that if he destroy the world, he'll also die?
Does killing and having power bring happiness? That's nonsense, he's being overly delusional. A world where only darkness resides can never exist. It will only destroy itself.

"Heed the contract and serve me, oh King of Hades. Come, cracking of the Earth, torrent of scorching heat engulfing the furthest reaches! Seethe and surge forth, Earth God of burning ruination! Tearing Earth!" He casted an extremely powerful and large-scale spell. He called forth a big wave of lava from the ground. And he also started to build up a huge lightning bolt at the center of the room.

We all ran to a high place but it would not be long enough until it would reach us. If I don't do something, we'll all be burned alive!

A ball of light suddenly surrounded me and sent me flying in mid air. I felt my body infused with incredible power. This time, I had two magic circles appear on my back.

"Princess! You've finally awakened! Now you just have to activate that spell." The fairies appeared in front of me.

"Yes I will." I replied.

"This will be your final blow, but it's too powerful that it might cause a side-effect on your body." They warned.

I'll still do it even if I have to lose my life. There's a lot of people who are depending on me. I can't let them down and more importantly, I can't let them die!

"Don' can't." Arren grabbed my arms. He must have heard our conversation.

"I can...for all of you. I'll be happy to sacrifice myself." I immediately escaped from his grip.

Everyone casted their own spells and slowed down the movements of the lava and the thunder as I recite my incantations.

"Heed the contract and serve me, darkness, ice and snow, the queen of eternity! The coursing white rose of ice, the sleeping eternal garden! Come, everlasting light, the eternal glacier! Imprison the soulless puppets with frozen lightning! The enchanting tranquility, the eternal prison of white roses blooming in profusion! Endless White Nine Heavens!"

A wide-range spell centered around a 'white rose', a tornado of lightning-ice, whose vines lock on to and pursue soulless beings. Once caught, the entire area around the target, including any shields, are continually frozen until it would shatter into pieces.
With this spell I was able to defeat the Great Mage King Robert. My power sealed him for all eternity.

I fell asleep for one whole week, the spell caused a huge strain on my body. But luckily, with the help of the fairies, I was able to wake up again. When I woke up, although I could barely move, everyone as well as my mother greeted me with their warm smiles as we all rejoiced and celebrate our victory. This grand triumph means that all of our ordeals has come to an end.

The fortress turned into a beautiful castle and we discovered that we're actually in the kingdom of kingdom. It was in the lost world all along. My mother, Queen Isabelle sacrificed her life and protected her people. It was not long until the people of Reizerline, were found sealed inside the castle, finally woke up from their deep slumber. At long last, my kingdom was revived and freed from the darkness.


It took me several days to gain my memories back. We all agreed not to use that incantation again, they said that it could have taken my life. But I don't think there will come a time that I will have to use it again. Today, my people insisted on having a grand ball to celebrate my recovery and also for recalling my mother's memories.

"May I have this dance, your highness?" Seiji asked.

"Ok, but can you just call me by my name?" I replied.

"As you wish little miss."

That's not my name! I just want him to stop being formal, though I already know that he's just teasing me...well nevermind. I smiled at him as we both danced with everyone.

I stuffed myself with food. The food here is good too, though it's a little different from the foods that I eat in Elsiera. Me and mother enjoyed ourselves as we talked about the past events. Afterwards Arren approached me with a weird look on his face.
He later laugh at me for eating too much food!

"S-Stop it! It can't be helped, I'm hungry you know." I pouted. After all, I had a long sleep after the fight.

"You should act more like a princess. But...I think you're more admirable just the way you are. And more importantly, during the fight, I really thought that you really sacrificed yourself...don't ever do that again." He mumbled.


"I-It's nothing! Anyway, would you dance with me?" He asked.

"You should have said that sooner instead of teasing me!...well if you insist." I answered. Sometimes I wonder about what if he and Seiji were actually brothers, knowing that they both enjoy making me angry for senseless things...I can't stand those thoughts.

I glanced over at Arren, who was carefully leading our dance. Though I thought he was a scary, arrogant person at first..but after some time together, I know he's not like that deep inside. Countless stars twinkled and shone merrily in the sky overhead as the fireflies danced together with us. Everyone had a joyful night. Together, we were able to move forward...together, we will start a new journey with everyone we love.

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