Affair With The Dean

By BrandiWiley

4.1K 52 7

Andie is a Sophmore in college and she meets the new Dean in charge. What will happen between the two of them... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 11

221 3 0
By BrandiWiley


Chapter 11

I get to Norman's and he's waiting on me with pizza already on the table.

"Hey babe you have good timing. It just got here five minutes ago. I wanted to wait but I was so hungry after our "lunch" today."

"Oh were you." I wink.

I grab the plate he set out for me and grabbed two slices. "I have to admit I was super hungry too." I say as I take two bites.

"Must have been." He laughs. I smile.

After we finish the pizza I try to approach this the best way I can so it doesn't unfold like it had the day before.

"Baby I think we need to revisit the conversation we had in the beginning about you possibly going to another school or something."

He looks at me oddly. "Why?"

"Because Mark approached me today and said he went to the office for something today and no one was in there and he was leaving and heard you say my name. I thought maybe he heard us having sex but he didn't say anything like that. We almost got caught."

"What did you tell him?"
"I just said we bumped into each other in the hall as I was going to the diner for lunch and you said you wouldn't get to be eating soon because you were busy so I offered to bring you lunch. He bought it but he was concerned about how you call me Andie. I just brushed it off as us being nice and familiar with one another."

"Well then that's fine. I don't think there's any reason for me to leave then."

I can't believe he was just brushing this off. "Norman, first Janel and now Mark and all in just a few days. It's becoming risky being with one another so openly. Something needs to be done."

"Well Janel knows about us and apparently she's fine with it maybe other's will be too."

I look at him like he has two heads. "Are you serious? Even if that were true it's not that simple. I don't care what the students really think although it will be my reputation on the line. You'll be fired because this is not allowed but you'll always be able to get another job. I'll have to suffer through two more years of looks and gossip and then when and if I find a job this will all follow me too."

"What makes you think I won't get that too?"
"Because you're a man."

"Don't start that."

"No don't you dare try to deny it. There is so much sexism in this world and as a man you don't always see it. I'd probably be that bimbo that was out of her league with Stanford work and slept with her Dean to get better grades. It will always be on me no matter if this is a mutual affair because that's what this is."

"You really speak of our relationship like it's just this tawdry affair that means nothing."

"That's not what I was getting at Norman you know that. I'm just saying that it doesn't matter if we love each other people will always see what they want. It's not just your future it's mine too and I'm just beginning. I want to do amazing things in my life and one is not just to be seen as a side piece even though for us it's more it will always be seen that way."

"You have no faith in this do you?"

"I do but I'm just trying to be realistic."

"Realistic or self-sabotaging?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well the other day we fought and I'll admit I jumped to conclusions and was an ass but at the same time here we are arguing again about the relationship. Is this about what is better for us you better for you? Do you think it would be that easy to just leave and go somewhere else? Do you think that if I do happen to switch jobs that if you and I suddenly were seen together that questions and accusations won't be thrown around? Or what would happen with us if I took another job in a further town or state? Are you just trying to find a way out of this? If so just say it."

I wasn't self-sabotaging was I? I loved him. I wanted to be with him.

"Norman, I want to be with you. There's no denying that. I know we fought the other day and I don't want a repeat of that night please. It's not about me it's about us. I never considered you going too far away. I just didn't think that far ahead I guess or maybe I didn't want to I don't know. You're right people will probably talk no matter what and I guess either way we will have to deal with that but I don't want out."

I go over to him and hug him but I don't feel his arms around me. No not again. He promised. I tear up because again this was not how I saw the evening happening. I hold onto him tighter and place a kiss on his chest through his t-shirt. "Please don't be angry. Please don't shut me out you promised Norman. You promised. Let's figure this out without you shutting down on me. I want you. I love you. Don't shut me out."

I feel him sigh and his arms slack and then wrap around me. His head rests on mine. "I'm sorry. This is my problem. I shut down and that's not on you. That's my thing. My flaw. I know you don't want out I don't know why I go there. Maybe part of me thinks that one day you'll wake up and realize you are too good for me."

I turn my tear soaked face to his chest and inhale smelling him. "Why would you say something like that?"

"Because Andie, you're young, brilliant to a tee, funny and sweet as can be and as stunning as I have ever seen someone could be. I think part of me doesn't understand why you want an old man that's just the Dean at a college."

I untangle myself from him and push him in the chair that I was sitting in and sit in his lap. I place my hands on either side of his face. "Norman, you're not old. You'll be 40 in two months. Are you older than me? Yes but you're not old. You're not just the Dean at a college. You're a Dean at Stanford and that means something just as much as a teaching professor there. You're brilliant. Don't act like I don't know about you're Masters and Ph. D. The fact that Stanford picked you means something. I love and want you because you're brilliant too, you make me laugh at actual funny things and the stupid things, and you're sweeter than anyone I've known. When I met you, you didn't have to be nice to me. You didn't have to be as nice to the staff and students as you were and are but you were and are. You are so caring with me. When we are cuddling there is no one else's arms I want around me. Your lips are my air; it's like the world just stops when I'm with you. When we make love and when we fuck it's the best feeling I've ever had. Not just physically but emotionally I feel fulfilled. I haven't had a lot of experience you know this but when I'm with you it's like you think I'm the most beautiful woman in the world that pleases you. Last but not least you're so fucking sexy. I've never seen blue eyes that shine the way yours do, your lips are sexy when you talk, your body is just perfection and most women my age would be jealous of how nice and glossy your hair is along with your incredible cheekbones." I smile.

I needed him to know just what I saw.

"In the beginning before we got together I never imagined you could be into me because I don't feel beautiful just when I'm with you. I always thought you'd just see me as a kid and pictured you with someone more mature. I'm not out of that stupid college kid phase no matter how much I seem to be."

"Wow Andie! Baby I don't see your age. I see you. I'm not the most mature person either as you can see. I can still act like a college kid myself so we definitely are on the same level in that area. I never knew you thought those things about me. Thank you for saying all those things. It means more than you'll ever know. In all honesty I think we are a good fit for each other. I absolutely love you."

"And I love you." I say. I lean in and kiss him.

His tongue probes my mouth and I feel his tongue run over my bottom lip and then push into my mouth. I sigh and lean more into the kiss.

After a few minutes of kissing we pull back. I place my forehead on his. "I'm sorry I started another fight." I say.

"No I'm sorry for being an insecure old man that shuts down when I get my feelings hurt. I did promise you I wouldn't do that again but I guess it's harder than I thought. I'm glad you reminded me. I hated that I made you cry. I never want to make you cry. I never want to hurt you and I did. I'm sorry."

"It's fine because you realize it and we are in this together so if you ever need reminding I'll be here." I say looking into his eyes.

"You know you talk about my eyes but you never said how incredible your blue and gray eyes are. I swear I could get lost in them all day and wouldn't even care." He says.

"I wouldn't either baby."

"What do you want to do now?" He asks.

"Can we just go to bed and talk?"

"About what babe? I thought we fixed things."

"We did I just want to talk. About anything and everything and nothing. I want to know more about you."

"Well then that makes two of us. Let's go to bed then." He tucks his arms underneath my legs and back and he stands carrying me to the bedroom.


I woke up and it was still dark. I think my body was just used to waking up before light since I studied before I went to school in the morning and my body just hasn't adjusted but I'm glad it didn't because I love having extra time with Norman. I look at him sleeping and smile. He's so peaceful. We stayed up until 2am talking about anything, everything and nothing like promised. We learned a lot more about the other and I felt like our connection just deepened. 

We decided to not tell anyone about us yet and he would stay at Stanford because he didn't want to leave me and I didn't want him to go either even if he only went an hour away. That's an hour too far. We decided that if we were going to have sex at school we'd have to be more careful. More quiet. That part would be the hardest. He suggested not having sex in his office no more but I could not agree to that because I knew we would not follow that rule. So we set guidelines. We had to make sure the office was clear of all students and staff and the main office door would be locked as well as his office and we would be as quiet as possible.

His hair partly hanging in his face. How amazing was he. I moved his hair out of his face and he stirred. I removed my hand quickly but he caught it and he kissed my palm and wrist.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up." I say.

"I don't mind if I get to wake up to a beautiful creature like you every morning. What time is it?" He asks.

I smile. "6:20am."

"Okay. Can I burry myself in you before we start the day?"

I gasp. He knew how to turn me on in an instant. "Yes." I whisper.

He flips me over and I notice he's naked. He must have undressed before we went to sleep and I hadn't noticed. I need to be more astute with these things. He kisses me and places one hand on my face and then it travels down my neck to my top. He lifts it up and tosses it to the floor. He reaches my panties.

"Do you like these?" He asks. I nod.

"I'll buy you another pair."

He rips them and throws them to the ground as if they were a nuisance. I hitch my leg around him and then he slides in. His face falls into my breasts kissing and licking them as he thrusts slowly into me. I wrap my arm around him and my other hand goes straight to his hair holding and pulling a bit. I feel him grunt into my collarbone then nipping at it as I swirl my hips colliding with his.

"Andie!" He whispers right in my ear.

"Oh Norman, yes right there! More baby more!" I whisper back into his ear. Just then he goes deeper and longer strokes hitting my gspot. He always knew when and how to hit my spot. My mouth against his ear and mine against his mouth. We hear each other breathing and it just intensified everything.

"Sweetheart I want you to cum with me! I want to feel you tighten around me and make me remember you the rest of the day. Cum with me Andie baby!" He whispers and I moan. Suddenly he untangles our bodies and he pushes my arms and hands beside my head and he intertwines his fingers and hands with mine. He's looking into my eyes and I feel it.

I moan. "Norman, I'm-"

"That's right sweetheart. Cum with me!"  Just then we both went over the edge cumming hard shaking head to toe but still looking in one another's eyes and fingers interlocked. My body convulsing under his and his spasming over mine.

"Oh god!" I say slightly louder than before.

"Oh baby!" He moans.

We lay there with him still inside me for a few more minutes. He pulls out slowly and brings me to his chest.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you more." I say back.

We get up and shower together. It was our first shower together believe it or not. It was so intimate and we tried not to have sex but we ended up having a little quickie which I wasn't mad about and neither was he. We washed up and then got ready for the day. I brought clothes with me last night so I wouldn't have to leave early.

I slip into my baby blue bra and panties and then my cute confetti skirt. Yes confetti skirt. I saw it about six months ago and couldn't resist. Then I get a purple tank top and pull a white cardigan over than and slide my regular flats on. I tie my hair into a high ponytail and apply a little makeup.

Norman comes out of the bathroom where he was shaving before getting dressed. He stops and his mouth hanging open.

"What?" I smile.

"You have got to stop looking so goddamn sexy every day or someone better may come along and take you from me."

"Not possible. You're everything I need and want. I'm not sexy but you in these suits do something to me. I always want to see you out of it when I see you in one."

"That's a double negative isn't it?" He laughs.

"Perhaps." I laugh with him.

"I should get going. I'm going to get breakfast first. Do you want anything?" I ask.

"If you don't mind. I'll take whatever you get me." He winks.

"I never mind. I'll get you something amazing then." I smile.

"You're getting me you?" He says playing.

"You have me. I'll see your sexy ass in just a bit." I slap his ass as I leave the bedroom.

"Hey come back here." He yells after me laughing.

He chases me to the front door and I open it and his hand lifts my skirt up and grabs my ass. I squeal and laugh.

"Norman." Thank god it was still barely light out. My skirt had flown all the way up.

"You asked for it." He winks.

I just laugh and head down the stairs. I go to leave but turn around looking at him as he turns to shut the door.

"Norman?" He turns to me.

I blow a kiss to him.

He catches it and puckers his lips and kisses me in the air. I smile.

I head to the café to get us some coffee. He preferred the café coffee as opposed to the diner. I didn't blame him. I grab him a Danish and then head to the diner. I get him two more breakfast burritos, hash browns, bacon, a biscuit and an orange juice. He liked coffee and juice.

I get myself a burrito and head to school. I stop by the office and no one is in yet so I wouldn't have to have an excuse. I open his door and there he was already at work. I smile.

"Breakfast is served." I say setting things on his desk and closing his door. I go over to him and he looks at everything.

"How did you carry all of this?" He asks.

"I don't know I guess I'm just used to carrying several things at once." I chuckle.

"You deserve an award."

"I'll take a kiss." I say smirking.

He stands and leans into me placing his lips on mine. "Here's my payment for you beautiful." His lips collide with mine again.

"You taste like coffee and toothpaste." He says.

"Sorry." I laugh.

"I like it. Kind of turns me on."

I shake my head and laugh. "Of course. I should go. I'll see you later though okay baby."

"Alright have a wonderful day my love. I love you."

"You too and I love you." I open his door and no one still there so I leave quickly.

I get to class a little early. Not even the professor was in yet. Maybe that's why the office was deserted.


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