What Was Lost

By TheGhostofNevermore

52K 1.6K 117


Author's Note!
Greed and an Adventure
New Friends
Pinky Promise
Insults and Apologies
Weapons of Choice
A Challenge Accepted
Overcoming The Fear
The Battle of Moria
In Time
Bag End
Nightmares and Memories
Into the Fire
Whispers in the Wind
The Skin-Changer
Forest of Illusion
Not Just a Thief
Night Tales


1.6K 66 1
By TheGhostofNevermore

Not long after that, Dis and I had been strolling through the palace. Just walking about, enjoying each other's company. We walk out into the courtyard where a few of the young men were training. We paused to watch. Thorin and Dwalin were fighting against each other. They were equally matched in size and ability. It was a fair fight. They hadn't noticed that Dis and I had been watching them for some time. I don't know why, but a sudden spark lit within me and I wanted to learn to fight as well.

Weapons had never intrigued me before, why all the sudden now, at sixteen, did I feel the urge to pick up a sword? I still don't know. I had always been gentle and tender. I never had the urge to fight before. Why now? I wondered. We continued watching the men fight. Thorin began to overcome Dwalin. His sword almost to Dwalin's throat. He wasn't really going to harm him, of course. Dwalin glanced towards us and winked. This caused Thorin to look back as well. And with that, Dwalin turned the tables on him. Kicking Thorin onto his back and putting his sword on his throat, he announced "I win."

"I had no idea you were so easily distracted Thorin, son of Thrain!" He chuckled and leaned to help Thorin to his feet.

They started speaking in a low tone. I couldn't hear what was said but I somehow knew it was about me. They would glance up at me every few seconds, grin, and then continue to converse.

I turned to Dis, "Do you think that I could become a fighter one day?"

She laughed, "What on earth for?"

"I don't know. It was just a thought." I felt a little embarrassed at my question. She noticed.

"I do not think my father or grandfather would allow you to train with the men." I nodded. "But..." she continued. "I may be able to persuade them to get me a tutor and you can train with me!" She smiled her beautiful smile at me. I was overwhelmed with joy! She was my best friend and though she had no interest in fighting, she was willing to train with me. I gave her a giant hug and we ran to find Thror and Thrain.

"Fight, my darlings? What on earth would you need to fight for?" Thrain asked us. He had become my second father in a way. He always treated me as one of his own.

"Well..." I tried to think of something to persuade him. "I've heard talk of the forest growing dangerous. And whose to say those dangerous won't come any closer to home. What if we were in the courtyard and a spider or goblin came upon us? I don't want to be a silly, defenseless girl left to die." That seemed convincing enough for Thrain said that we would begin training the next day. Dis and I smiled slyly at one another knowing we had won.

The next day came quickly, we were to report to the training hall at noon. I found Dis and we walked there together. I was so excited. I was quickly snapped back to reality when I could barely wield the sword. The men had made it look so easy, so natural. I suddenly felt this idea was very foolish. We had no choice now. We were stuck with it. Swords were the first things we learned to use. We had work our way up the different types of swords to build our strength. It got easier as time went on. Weeks had passed and we trained everyday. Though, there were times my muscles ached and my hands bled, I would not give up. I refused to believe that I couldn't do. I would do it. Once our instructor had deemed us presentable, our parents were summoned to the training hall.

As we began to raise our swords, I noticed that the boys were spying on us. They were not summoned with the parent, which meant they weren't suppose to watching. They couldn't resist. They had never seen girls fight before. They hid on the next level and looked down at us through stone railing. "Fight!" our tutor instructed. And it began. I knew that I would win. Dis was not as dedicated as I was. She still wanted to impress her father. I let her overcome me a few times to satisfy that need. But before she could touch her sword to my skin, I always blocked or shoved her away. She didn't mind. She knew she wouldn't beat me in the end.

She stood over me, just about to put her sword to my throat, when I kicked her feet out from underneath her. She fell on her back, dropping her sword. I placed my foot on her chest, not pressing down hard. And I touch my sword to her heart and smiled. "Dead." I stated loudly. She giggled and I helped her up and we walked up to where our audience was standing. Our parents looked at us both proudly.

"Our little warriors have trained hard. It has paid off." Thrain stated with a hand on my fathers shoulder.

"Indeed it has." Father came and scooped my into a hug and twirled me around. "I'm so proud of you, my darling."  I smiled a bright smile.

Then I realized I had forgotten about the boys. I looked up. They just sat there with their mouth opened and eyes so wide I thought that they'd fall out for sure. I giggled and winked at them and skipped off to the courtyard. Dis stayed with her father.

The boys followed me to the courtyard and praised me and said things like "I've never seen a girl fight like a man before!"

Of course, Frerin had to remark, "I told you she was a man! Haha!" and here it comes...


Thorin looked shocked for it wasn't he who punched Frerin this time. It was me. A little dwarf girl had punched a stronger warrior in the face.

"Care to say something else?" I looked at him wildly. He shook his head. "That's what I thought."

Dwalin and Thorin burst into laughter. Rolling on the ground, holding their stomachs. And I swear, Dwalin cried he laughed so hard. I giggled at the sight of them.

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