Chat Noir x Reader

By XxmatchaxX

1.5M 45.8K 86.4K

A lot of things have happened to you and your mum; she decides it's time to leave the past behind and start o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
So I've been thinking....
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 1/2
Chapter 19 pt 2/2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 pt 1
Chapter 22 pt 2
Chapter 23 pt 1
Chapter 23 pt 2/2
What to do
Chapter 24 1/2
Chapter 25 2/2
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 1/2
Chapter 27 2/2
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 17

30.5K 1.2K 3.3K
By XxmatchaxX

"Ok come on guys." I said opening my front door and ushering everyone in. "Everyone go get comfy in the living room and pick a movie or show. Adrien, follow me the allergy pills are in the kitchen." I said closing the door behind them. They all nodded and made their way to the lounge. "Wait, hey Nathanaël can you come here for a sec please." I called, he nodded and followed me and Adrien to the Kitchen.

I don't know about them, but I'm hungry

"How can I help y/n?" Nathanaël asked giving me one of his signature 'too cute' smiles.

"Well  I was wondering if you guys were hungry so we could order some pizza? If you could ask the guys if they're hungry or not and what type of pizza they like would be awesome." I said shyly.

I swear Nathanaël you're too cute


"Sure y/n, anything for you."

I felt the heat rise up to my cheeks when he said that, I turned and unfortunately a giggle escaped my lips.
"Thanks Nath." I paused, "Er- sorry can I call you that or-?"

He smiled warmly, "Sure, you can call me anything you like, most people call me Nath or Nathan."

"Good to know, but in that case I'll just call you Nathanaël, I really like that name by the way. It's unique but charming ." I smiled blushing and turned, making my way to the kitchen cabinets while he made his way to the lounge.

I ran a hand through my hair and opened one of the kitchen cabinets. Poor Adrien stood there looking dazed and tired.

Aww poor guy

I pulled out the bottle of pills and pored a glass of water for him. "Give me your hand please." I said softly and he did as told. I shook the bottle and out came 2 small pills on too his hand. I then handed him the glass of water and put away the bottle of fluorescent pink pills. "There you go Adrien, those should start working in about ten to twenty minutes." I smiled at his sympathetically. "Feel free to lay down on the couch or actually you can go up to my room if you like to have some quiet time."

He looks likes he's about to fall asleep

"N-no it's ok y/n-" he sneezed, "-I'll manage. I'll be fine once the pills kick in." He assured me.

"Are you sure? A quick cat nap wouldn't hurt "

This guy should really just rest for a bit, come on dude I don't want you collapsing.

"What did you say?!"

My eyebrows furrowed"Um, I said a quick cap nap wouldn't hurt...?"

"O-oh yea huh ok."


Really weird

"Ok then I'll come get you when the pizza's here so maybe a solid forty five minutes ?"

"Sounds good, thanks y/n." He said sleepily.

"No prob Adrien, no offense but you look horrible." I said gently.

That was so rude crap

It's true

But mean

He blushed, "Y-yea, have I mentioned I really hate feathers?" I giggled and shook my head. "Hey y/n?"  He asked nervously.


"C-can you show me where your room is again?...I kinda forgot." He said rubbing his neck.

"Sure." I lead him to my room and made sure he was ok. The poor guy practically collapsed on my bed and fell asleep instantly, but not before I told him to take off his shoes because shoes on the bed are a no no.

I threw my  blanket over him and shut the door quietly. When I got back downstairs Nathanaël was leaning on the counter. "So what did the guys say?"

"They all asked for cheese pizza, but if you want we could do half cheese and half whatever you want."

"No no it's fine, two cheese pizzas it is then." I smiled and went over to the home phone. "So what place should we order fr- " I gasped as I tripped over my feet falling on top of Nathanaël.

Oh my god


"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Nathanaël I'm such a klutz." I blushed, ashamed of what just happened.

I'm freaking straddling him... AGAIN

There is no hope for us is there?

Suddenly Nathanaël chuckled, yes he chuckled while I was straddling him. "Is this going to happen every time I come over?"

I laughed nervously, "I'm so sorry, please don't think I do this on purpose. I'm just a clumsy dork." I said getting off him and holding out my hand for him to take.

"I-it's ok y/n." He chucked.

Stop laughing at meeee

Then stop blushing dofuss


I'm stating the facts

"I- I'm gonna order the pizza now," I said awkwardly reaching for the phone. He nodded and smiled.

After ordering two cheese pizzas

I hope Adrien doesn't mind

I don't think you could go wrong with plain cheese pizza

Fair enough

Unless your lactose intolerant

They would have told me now hush

Me and Nathanaël walked into the lounge and took a seat on the floor. I looked at the tv screen and instantly recognized the show as (your choice of Doctor who, Supernatural, Sherlock, or Merlin. Or.. Any show you like really)

I smiled and watched the episode happily
I felt a tap on my shoulder, "H-hey y/n?"

"Yes Marinette?" I whispered back.

"Uh where's Adrien?"

"Oh, he's taking a nap up in my room."

"WHAT?!" She screamed, everyone jumped at her sudden increase of volume and gave her a look. "So he's in your room?!" She whispered urgently.


"O-oh ok I uh need to use the uh the bathroom yes so excuse me." She said hurriedly.

It took no genius to figure out she was most likely going to see Adrien. I wasn't upset but rather annoyed by the fact she was going to see him, I mean come on he's sleeping.

Oh come on let the tired boy sleep

What's she even going to do? Watch him sleep?! Why?

It's really unnecessary

And creepy af

I shook my head to get rid of my thoughts, who was I to judge? There was also a possibility she really did need to go to the bathroom.

I sighed and leaned back and tuned back in to the show.

After about an hour the doorbell rang scaring the ever loving shit out of me. I put a hand to my heart feeling it race and got up to get the door but was stopped by Nathanaël.

"Y/n if it's the pizza man don't worry about paying ok? I've got it." He said grabbing my wrist.

Alya paused the tv, "No don't worry about it I've got money." Said Nino and Alya nodded.

"I have money too."

Marinette who 15 minutes after leaving to 'go to the bathroom' shook her head "No no guys let me get this one. Or better yet how about we all pitch in ?" Everyone nodded in agreement.

I smiled at how generous they all were, "No guys please let me pay, you all are my guests, I can't let you pay." Nathanaël opened his mouth surely to protest but I beat him to it. "If I let you guys pay I would feel absolutely horrible about myself." I added.

Nathanaël sighed, "...Okay, but next time it's my treat ok?" I smiled and nodded.

Awww how sweet

I remembered the pizza man or woman was still waiting outside so I quickly grabbed the money from the counter and swung open the door.

After exchanging a brief 'hello' 'how are you' I handed the man his cash. After our quick goodbye I kicked the door close and locking it with a quick flick of the wrist. The gang cheered as I brought the pizzas into the lounge. "Help yourselves guys I'll be right back.

I jogged up to my room and opened the door slowly. I chuckled as I walked over to the lump sticking out from under my blacker. It seemed he had cocooned himself with it. "Adrien? Adrien the pizzas here." I said softly.

Crap how am I supposed to wake him up



Push him off the bed?


Dump water on him?

NO! That's rude and it would wet the bed.

Good point,I don't feel like changing the it's actually pretty rude

I sighed and walked over to him. "Adrian?" I shook him. "Adrian come on, the pizza will get cold."

"Ehhhhh." He grumbled.

I chuckled, "I know I'm sorry it's been an hour though."


"I know, I know dude, I'm sorry. Forgive me for this by the way." I said before slowly peeling the blanket away from him.

"It's so cold." He said groggily as he sat up shivering.

I chuckled "Here let me get you a sweatshirt." He nodded and stood up stretching.

I pulled out my favorite around the house sweat shirt and tossed it at him.

"Thanks y/n, you're the best." He yawned.

"Your welcome, now let's go eat some pizza!"

Adrien trailed behind me as we slowly walked downstairs , "Y/n?"


"If you don't mind me asking, why do you have a boy's sweatshirt?"

"It's fine, don't worry it didn't belong to anyone before me. It's just boy's clothed are much much more comfortable than girl's clothing." I shrugged sheepishly. "

It's so unfair, I just want a plain t shirt that I can feel comfortable in no one that's made of weird material that sticks to your body. I want a lose baggy one, not one that makes my chest look big and makes my stomach more noticeable.


Adrien laughed, "I never thought that girl clothing was uncomfortable."

"Well some are and some aren't. As much as I'd like to give you my full on speech on each genders clothing if much rather eat pizza, wouldn't you?"

His eyes lit up at the mention of pizza, "I wouldn't mind either really but I am really hungry so pizza please."

"We should hurry before there's none left."

With that Adrien ran.


H e

R a n

AN: hi hi! You can guess which cover one because I already changed the original cover so woo! Congratulations confer stand number two! Haha
I'm not sure about the way this chapter was written but I figured you guys have waited long enough.

I'm so tired

Anyway how are you my little marshmallows?

What did you think about this chapter?

You probably can tell but I'm really passionate about the comfort inequality of girl clothing vs boy clothing.


Anyway I'll probably read this in the morning and cringe then edit after school.


Bye my little marshmallows ❤️

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