New Love (CDV x Reader)

By The_Cassidy_Renwilde

263K 6.4K 10.2K

Book 1 of 2 You are the daughter of the Queen of Hearts. That's really all I can say before I spoil the whol... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
5k Special!!
10k Special!
15k Notice
Hello Again!
Carlos De Vil Pop Figure.
Yikes and Yay

Chapter 5

12.4K 270 578
By The_Cassidy_Renwilde

Your POV:

I sat on my bed. Maybe she was coming to tell me she's sorry and that the team needs me. Yeah. Maybe...

I push my guilty conscious aside so I don't feel any worse about it.

She deserved this.

She did. If this was a prank, it wasn't very funny and I won't tolerate this!

I hate Audrey and I can see why Carlos and Mal were trying to protect me.

I can't believe I just pushed Carlos aside when he was just trying to help! I am terrible at relationships.

I should go find him and apologize, but he could be anywhere right now... Where to start?

I should check his room first.

I get up and guiltily walk down the hall to Carlos and Jay's room.

I knock on the door and wait. A few minutes later, Jay opens up and frowns at me.

"What do you want?" he growls.

"Is Carlos here?"

"Yes, but he doesn't want to see you."

I push my way through the door and see that Carlos isn't here.


"I don't know! If I did, I still wouldn't tell you." He growls.

"Thanks, for nothing." I match his tone.

I storm out. Jay REALLY gets on my nerves sometimes, and this... this is one of those times.

I walk out to the cliff where the sunset was watching me instead of the other way around.

I was on a mission. An apology mission.

I was on a mission to find Carlos.

I sat down and waited. He would come by. I know he would.


I turn and, sure enough, there was Carlos.

He sat next to me.

"Hey, Carlos." I feel slightly embarrassed.

"Are you okay?" He asks me.

"I'm fine. Are you okay? I kinda snapped at you... which, I am sorry for."

"I'm fine. I was just a little stunned. Hey, some things happen that we can't change, (f/n), and sometimes they're for the better. If you think about it, now we can hang out more!"

I shiver a bit at the late gust that brushed my skin and pulled my skin into goosebumps.

"Here." He drapes his jacket over my shoulder.


I lean my head on his shoulder.

He leans his head on mine and wraps his arm around me.

"So we're cool?" He asks.

"Yeah. We're cool."


When the sun has no traces left, Carlos walks me to my room.

"So, dinner tomorrow night?" He asks nudging his shoulder with mine while we're walking.

"Love to. Where are we going?"

"It's a secret."

"And you know how much I hate those."

"Trust me. You'll love it."

"Okay... I'm trusting you."

We reached my door. He opens it for me.

"Goodnight, (f/n)..." He kisses my cheek before I close the door.

I smile at him and close the door.

I walk to bed and lay down before kicking off my boots and taking a shower...


I clean my ears with a Q- tip and watch my image fade away in the mirror. I look at my birthmark on my arm.

"Believe it or not, I miss you, Mom..." I whisper quietly to myself.

Jane knocks on the door.

"(f/n), you have a visitor."

"Who is it?"


"What does she want?"

"To talk to you personally, apparently."

"I'll be out in a minute." I groan.

I change into my pajamas and put my hair up so it stays out of my face.

I walk to the living room part of our room, and Audrey plays a weak smile my way.

"Hello, Audrey." I act like I haven't been plotting her death behind her back...

"(f/n), look... I'm sorry... My jealousy got the better of me. I was jealous of your looks, your boyfriend, your everything. Your incredibly smart, and I guess that I felt like I wanted that for myself. I'm sorry."

"Audrey, I forgive you. I don't understand the boyfriend part, though."

Jane hands me a bottle of water. 

I pop open the cap and sip some water while Audrey speaks.

"I'm jealous of you being with Carlos. I had liked him and I was planning on asking him out on the day you arrived and-"

I swallowed the last gulp and set the water down before I spit everywhere or choke on the water.

"Audrey, YOU liked Carlos!? H- How did I not know about this!? All the glares I got from you when I hugged him... That was from jealousy!?"

"Yeah, but I'm over it. I realized that he loved you.... You guys make a super cute couple, by the way."

"Thanks, Audrey." I hug her.

"So, you want back on the team?"

"Yeah. Of course I do."

She hands me my uniform that I had tossed at her earlier.

"Audrey, shouldn't you be getting back to your dorm before curfew in about ten minutes?" Jane interrupts.

"Yes. Thank you, Jane. I'll see you tomorrow at practice, okay?"

She leaves and I go to bed...


I wake up and I quickly get dressed and race out the door down to Evie and Mal's room.

I practically pound on the door. Evie answers.

"I know this is late notice, Evie, but I need a dress by tonight. Something knee high and make it (f/c)! Can you do that?"

"Yeah. What do you need it for and what time?"

"Carlos is taking me to dinner, and 5:30 sharp!"

"Alright. I'll be over at 5:15, and I'll help you with your make up and hair."

"You're a life-saver. I'll see you at lunch... AND don't tell anyone... It's going to be a surprise... Okay? Not even Mal or Doug can know. NOT A SOUL."

"I cross my heart."

She shuts the door.

I walk down to my first class and sit behind Audrey.

"Good Morning, (f/n)!" She beams.

"You know we don't have to cheer lead until after school, right?"

"Yeah, I know. I am just so happy you're on the team."

"Thanks. It's good to be a member. Do you know the team's scheduling for games?"

"No, but I'm sure I could get one from Chad for you."


She smiles and turns back in her seat.

I open up a book and read while I wait for the class to begin.


When I walk out for lunch, I am automatically excited about it.

I see Evie looking at me... She looks completely giddy.

"Hey, guys." I sit down next to Carlos. He kisses my cheek, and I can already hear Audrey growling down my neck.

"How was your first classes, (f/n)?"

"As good as they get to be, I guess." I shrug.

"Anything new?" Carlos asks.

I nervously laugh before saying,"Funny you should ask that... Audrey invited me back to the team..."

"What did you say?" He asks looking me dead in the eyes. I turn away.

"I said I would re- join the team." I say shamefully.

"That's amazing, (f/n)!" 

He took me by surprise there.



"You caught me off guard. That's all."


"I was expecting you to be a little upset, honestly."

"If this is something you want to do, then I'm all for it! I am up to whatever you are."

"Aww..." comes from the table. 

I hug Carlos. I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn and see Audrey.


"The practice is cancelled after school today."

"Alright. Thanks for the notice."

She smiles and leaves.

"How do you deal with her, (f/n)?" Mal asks me.

"I don't. I tell her what I'm thinking."

"Not right there you didn't." Evie points out.

"Because I was just happy I didn't have practice today."

I squeeze Carlos's hand who squeezes mine back.

"So, what are your guy's plans tonight?" Evie asks me and Carlos.

Carlos answers first, "Going to dinner."


I bite back laughter and release Carlos's hand to throw my trash away.

When I walk back, I grab Evie to talk to her in private really quickly.

"Did you finish the dress?"

"I did."

"Okay, so we have more time to prepare for this 'date'. I am really nervous."

"You'll be fine because Carlos loves you for you!"

"I know, but I've never been on a date."

"Mal's first date was Ben, and that turned out more than perfect."

"Didn't you guys spell him?"

"It doesn't matter. He still fell for her after he was un- spelled and came to his senses."

"That's true. Thanks, E. I'll see you after school."

"Wait- you're not finishing lunch with us?"

"I already finished lunch. I have to go to my locker to get my books, and head over to my next class."

"Okay. I'll see you in about an hour... since we get off early today!"

"Wait- Why?"

"Umm... It's, uh, Family Day..."

"How lovely."

"The Isle kids get to go back to the Isle to visit their parents tomorrow..."

"My mom's dead."

"Well, now you can have your funeral for her! Ooh... That sounded way better in my head... Sorry, (f/n)..."

"Hey, you were making an effort to make me feel better." I smile at her.

"I'll see you later."

I nod and walk away.


After school, I found Evie and we walked to my dorm where she shut the door and allowed no one in.

She made me put the dress on, and she gave me heels. I looked magnificent! (This in your Favorite color of course, or if you like it how it is, leave it... I can already see it in Blue though...)

Evie does my makeup... Just a touch of mascara and light foundation with some deep red lipstick.

When she finished, she has me stand up and practice walking in heels for a few while we wait for Carlos. She chose low wedges. They go perfectly with the dress.

There's a knock on the door, and Evie gets her camera ready so she can snap a picture of Carlos's face.

I walk over to the door.

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