To Mend A Broken Angel - (Fir...

By ooAlySoo

151K 806 58


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Excerpt #2
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Excerpt #3
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Excerpt #4
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Excerpt #5
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Book Two of the Broken Angel Series

Chapter Twenty Two

2.4K 13 1
By ooAlySoo

13 January 2006 – Friday

Burkesville, Kentucky

Angellica sat behind her desk practically buried in paper.  Her hair had come loose from the bun at the base of her head.  She angrily pushed it back behind her ear.  She was far too busy to put up with her hair.

She flicked her riding crop against her boot as she wrote her notes about her last interview.

She had one more interview to do according to Vince’s piece of paper that was taped into her diary.  Vince’s notes left no name; just that he had heaps of experience with horses and rodeo gigs.

She sighed and checked her watch.  Twenty past three.  Forty minutes and her mystery man would arrive.  She tossed her pen onto the papers and stood up to stretch.  She glanced out the window and spotted Vince running along the cleared roadways.  Snow had not fallen in two days so it wasn’t a difficult path to follow.

 “What now?”  She muttered.  Vince ran for nothing but an emergency.

Angellica stepped out the door and started towards him, leaving her coat behind.

He called something, but was so breathless, had to stop running.

 “What’s happened?” She called out.

 “The Admiral... Caelum.”

 “Shit.”  Angellica swore and started for the corral, reaching it in what seemed record time.

Caelum sat at the edge of the corral, panting in pain.  At 16, he was a tall boy, strong for his age. 

 “You okay?”  She asked, as she came through the gate.

 “No, I’m not okay, he really hurt me.”

 “What are you doing in here?”

Caelum pointed to his hat The Admiral was standing over.  His head down, nose snorting.

 “A hat!”  She asked, “You came in here for a hat?”

 “He looked calm enough, I’ve been in before, and I thought it would be okay.”

 “Caelum, you know better than this.  He’s unpredictable and snotty.”

Caelum nodded, “I know that Mum, but...”

 “No buts about it boyo.  I’ll get him in his box, you get Vince to help you to the house please, get some ice on that leg, and we need to make sure it’s not broken.”

Caelum nodded.

 “Maybe I could dump him in some snow to cool him off?”  Vince suggested under his breath.

Angellica glared at him and straightened up, and looked at her stallion. “What’re you doin’?”  She asked him and started towards him.

The Admiral backed away.  His tail flicked, and ears went back.  He’d noticed the whip in her hand.

 “Hey,” She whispered, “Come here.”  Angellica whistled low, and The Admiral lifted his head slightly, ears coming forward.

She stopped next to him and took hold of his halter.

He threw his head up, pulling the halter from her hand.

 “Don’t you dare.”  She said, the whip touching his flank.  “Calm down.”

The Admiral lowered his head, and let Angellica lead him into his box.  At three years old, the Stallion was a handful to say the least, but she loved him dearly.  He was due to start his first year as a breeding stallion when spring arrived.  Unofficially he was already a father to a dozen foals in the higher pastures.

As Angellica locked the box, she heard Caelum cry out in pain and she left the Stallion to his own devices while she dealt with her son.

 “Broken?”  Caelum confirmed.

The emergency doctor nodded, “Yep, we are going to put you in your very own cast.”

Caelum fell back on the bed, and sighed.  “Broken.”

Angellica laughed quietly.  They had been at the hospital for an hour.

However, it was going to be another hour by the time they were allowed to leave.  

Angellica was tired by the time she and Mike helped Caelum into the back of her new Toyota Hilux.

 “You know, I really like this truck.”  Caelum said as Angellica hopped into the driver’s seat.

Angellica laughed.

 “It’s big and black, and Mike kind of looks like he should be a hood ornament.  You know why?”  Caelum laughed.

 “Gotta love morphine.”  Mike muttered.

 “C’mon, take a guess, why should Mike be a hood ornament?”  Caelum laughed again.  “Mum?  Mike?  Nobody want to guess?”

Mike pulled his seatbelt on and Angellica started the engine.  She turned at looked at her son.  “Is it because he’s big and black too?”  

Caelum fell over sideways and dissolved in hysterical laughter.

Mike scoffed, “Guess so.”

Angellica laughed.  “Yep.”  She put the truck in gear, pulled away from curb, and headed for home.

In the ten minutes it took them to drive home, Caelum had gone from bad to worse.  He was lying down in the back seat singing songs that Angellica had no idea existed.  Mike had been teased, Vince had been teased, and even Angellica had been teased.  Azhure had managed to avoid his tongue though.  Maybe he knew subconsciously there was a line not to cross.

Angellica looked at the clock on the dashboard.  “Shit.”  She said.

Mike looked at her as they turned into the driveway.

 “I had another interview to do.”

 “What time?”

 “A couple of hours ago.”

Mike laughed, “Oops, surely Vince would have told him what had happened.”

Angellica shrugged, she wasn’t worried.  “I can get a new horse master anytime I suppose.”

 “When does Vince leave?”

 “Five weeks.”

 “Who needs Vince anyway, I can do his job with a blindfold on.”  Caelum sung from the back seat, waving his arms wildly.

 “With a broken leg?”  Asked Mike.

 “With two broken legs!”  He collapsed into laughter again.

 “How long til that stuff knocks him out?”  Mike asked.

 “After we get him into bed I hope, he’s not going to be easy to move if he’s asleep.”  Angellica replied, pulling into her car park, next to another black truck.

 “Who’s that?”  Mike asked.

Angellica shrugged.  “No idea.  Never seen it before.”

Mike swung his door open and hopped out.  He stalked to the truck and looked it over.

 “Do you know it?”  Angellica asked as she dropped out of her seat.


 “Then why are you so suspicious of it?”

Mike laughed, “Do you know what this is?”  He asked, standing with his hand on his hips.

Angellica shook her head, “It’s a black truck.”

 “This is a 1967 Chevy Truck, in original condition.”

Angellica laughed. “Of course it is.  Can you help me get Caelum out of my truck before he goes to sleep?”

Mike nodded and headed to the back door.  He groaned.  “Too late.”

Angellica sighed and leaned her head against Mike’s shoulder.  “This is your fault.”  She moaned.

He laughed.

 “Actually, I think it might be mine.”

Angellica spun to see a face she had not seen in a very long time.

He smiled at her.  “Sorry, I’m Adam Tarson; I came earlier about the job.  Vince told me what happened and invited me to wait.”  He shrugged looking sheepish.

 “So you did.”  She finished, her legs felt like liquid filled balloons.

He nodded, “Yes Ma’am, I did.  Can I give you a hand?”

Mike laughed, “Sure thing big fella, I ain’t gonna be able to lift this by myself, and the boss here is not exactly muscle woman of the year.”

 “I’m stronger than I look.”  Angellica objected, but stepped back into Adam’s big, black, Chevy truck.  Flashbacks threatened to cripple her.

He smiled down at her as he passed, “I’m sure you are.”  

Angellica had to hold onto the side of the Chevy to keep herself standing. 

Mike looked at her.  “You okay?”

Angellica nodded, sinking.

He laughed, “You must like the truck, you’re holding onto it for dear life.”

Angellica realised she’d sat down on the back guard, and forced herself upright as Mike and Adam got Caelum from the backseat, and carried him inside.

 “Take him up to his room please Mike, and Mr Tarson,” They stopped and he looked at her, “Mike will bring you back to my office for your interview.”

He nodded, “Yes Ma’am.”

Angellica waited in her office for ten minutes.  She checked her watch.  Twenty to seven.

 “Mum.”  Azhure poked her head around the door.


 “Can I go out with a couple of girls from school tonight?”

 “Where to?”

 “Just to the movies in town.”  She said, still hiding around the corner.

Angellica put her hands on her hips.  “Come in here.”

Azhure stepped through the door.  

Knee high boots, knee length skirt, both black.  Bright red shirt, with thick silver bangles and necklace.  Her black hair pulled up into a high ponytail and make up on.

Angellica looked at her.  “There is no way you would dress like that to go out with girls.  Who is he?”  She asked.

Azhure giggled.  “A boy I know, he lives in town.”

 “Oh?”  Angellica laughed, “What’s his name?”


Angellica nodded, “What time will you be home?”

Azhure squealed, “No later than ten, no, eleven.”

 “I will give you until eleven thirty, but you have to take your cell phone, and drive yourself home, so no drinking.”

Azhure jumped on the spot.  “Can I take the Hilux?”

 “That’s pushing it.  Take the other one please.  It’s an automatic.”

Azhure kissed her mother on the cheek and spun for the door, walking straight into Adam Tarson.  They stared at each other for a few moments.

 “Excuse me.”  Azhure said, and squeezed out the door.

Adam’s eyes followed her as she skipped out the front door.

Angellica smiled, “My daughter, Azhure, off on a date.”  She said.

Adam stared at her.

 “That was my son, Caelum; you just carried him to his bed.  The Admiral kicked him this afternoon and broke his leg.”

He still stared at her.

 “My horse master is leaving in five weeks to get married.  Are you prepared to have an interview?”  She asked.

He continued to stare at her.

 “Adam.”  She said.

He blinked.

 “Adam.”  She said again.

He opened his mouth to say something, and then closed it again.

 “Would you like a drink?”  She asked.

He nodded.

Angellica poured him water from her cooler in the corner and handed it to him.  He grabbed at her wrist, pulling her close to him.

She held her breath.

 “Is it really you?”  He asked.

She nodded.  “Yes it’s me, I’m the girl you deserted 21 years ago.”

He took a deep breath.  “I’m so terribly sorry about that.”  He whispered in her ear.

 “Me too.”  She breathed.

Adam let go of her and stepped back half a step.  He drank down the water and gave the cup back to Angellica.  He moved towards the door.

 “Running again?”  She asked.

His head snapped around.  “I didn’t run.”

 “Then what did you do?”

He looked to the ground and pushed his hands into his pockets.  “I had no choice.”

 “Is that right?”  She asked, suddenly angry.

Adam took two steps towards her.  “I didn’t run.  I had no choice.  If I didn’t go when I left...” He stopped.

 “I still need a horse master.  Vince tells me you are very experienced.  When did that happen?”

He laughed, “About twenty years ago.  After I moved here.”

Angellica sat down on the couch in her office.  “Tell me about it.” 

Adam looked down at her.  “I moved to Burkesville in 1985 to help someone out, and she got me into the rodeo circuit.  I spent a lot of time with the horses.  Reminded me of you I guess.  Been doing that ever since.  After Cathi had a fall and hurt her leg, we moved to the big city,” he paused to laugh, “Nashville actually.”

 “Why Nashville?”

Adam shrugged.  “Not sure.  Cathi wanted to move, so we did.”

 “Where is she now?”

 “With her parents in Burkesville.”

 “And you?”

 “Looking for a job.”

Angellica laughed.

 “What happened with you?  How on earth did you get here?”  He looked around the room.

 “After you left, a lot of crap happened.  I lost the plot and got put in hospital, nothing major, but there I met Azhure and Caelum’s Dad.  I married him in 1988 and pretty much got pregnant with Azhure straight away.”  

She stood and moved to her liquor cabinet and poured two small whiskeys.  

 “Then Caelum came along, and life continued.  Damien spent a lot of time away on business.  It was not a good marriage.”  She laughed, “In fact, it was the worst it could be.”  She pulled her sleeve up and showed him her left arm.

He looked, and reached out as though he was going to touch her, but changed his mind.  

He took the whisky.

 “When my father died, he left me some money.”

 “When did he die?”

 “Sixteen years ago.  In a car accident with my grandmother.  They left me money together.  Then when Mum was killed...”

Adam interrupted, “Killed?”

 “Eliot.  Slit her wrists a week before he went away with Damien, left her in the bath.  I found her.”

Adam gasped.

 “She left me some money too.  When I was thirty-one, my inheritance became available and I came to Burkesville, and bought some land off Victor Harris.”

Adam’s eyes widened.  “It was you!”  He pointed at her.

She nodded.

 “Vic swore black and blue that he’d never heard of you.”

Angellica smiled, “He promised he wouldn’t.”

 “Where is this husband of yours now?”

 “Ex-husband, he lives in Burkesville, keeps to himself a lot.  We don’t see or hear from him very much.  There’s not much point.  No one will talk to him here.”  She perched on the edge of her desk.

Adam nodded.  “How much money did you get?”

She laughed.  “Twenty-five and half million from the inheritance.”

 “How much is left?”  

 “None of your business.”  She replied.

Adam took a sip of his drink, “There must be decent amount.  This stuff is nice.”

Angellica nodded, “I like it, it’s my treat.”

 “When did you divorce Damien?”

 “November 2001.”  She said with a tone of finality.  She did not want to talk about him anymore.  She stared at Adam and waited.

Adam took two steps closer to her.  “I missed you.”  He said.

 “You have no idea how much I hated you back then, for leaving the way you did.”  She replied, and swirled the golden liquid around in her glass.  She didn’t meet his gaze as she took a small sip.

Adam took the glass from her hand and set it on her desk.  He hooked one finger under her chin and lifted her face.  “I’m sorry I left you.”  He said.

Angellica closed her eyes as two tears rolled down her cheeks.

 “I am so very sorry.”  He whispered.

 “Yes.”  She said, her eyes still closed.

Adam bent slowly to her face and kissed her gently on the lips.

She tasted of whisky.  She smelled like horses.

She was just like he imagined she would be.

The Angellica he remembered was still in there.  Damien hadn’t destroyed her as he feared.

She was strong.

She was beautiful.

He ached with need.

Adam deepened his kiss, his hand going into her hair.

Angellica pressed against him.

She fit perfectly.

Her arms twisted around his neck.

She was delicious.

He never wanted to let go.

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