The Fake Fan

By lovelyvenu

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'He is my secret, my beautiful little secret'. Naina who fell in love with Liam Payne but was quite about. Li... More

Chapter 3
Chapter 14
Chapter-29 (Liam'POV)
Chapter- 40
The End
The End

Chapter-55 (part-1)

20 5 0
By lovelyvenu

Naina's POV

'Wake up....' I heard Liam scream the fourth time in my ear, asking me to wake up, but obviously I am too sleepy to flutter my eyes open.

I am not a morning person, actually am not a morning, evening, afternoon or night person. I am all lazy and I am really slothful. Maybe that's the reason I hate sports and love food. I prefer lying in a comfy bed, rather than burning myself out in the sun.

I wonder how Liam is so active in morning. It is hard for me to even open my eyes and here was Liam screaming at top of his lungs.

'No Liam, I need five minutes more.' I pulled the duvet to my head, blocking the sunlight, if there was any and if possible Liam's voice.

'No,' Liam answered trying to pull the duvet away from me. Sadly, my grip on the corners of the duvet was too tight for Liam to pull it off me, not denying the fact that Liam is really muscular.

I am not at all physically strong, but when it comes to sleep, I don't know how I earn so much of strength.

'Naina, we're already late.' Liam told me finally able to pull the cover off me. Wait. We're late for what.

Oh Shit. Thanks Liam for reminding me about all the mess in my life. Life. Rather HELL.

But why am I worried, I know the result are going to be in our favour. Corey is not Liam's kid obviously. Well how can I know, but self believe is obviously something.

Once the duvet was pulled off me I felt the cold air hit my legs and air really hurts sometimes.

'Fine.' I tried to pull myself off the extremely comfortable and soft bed, but being the most clumsy creature in the world. I failed miserably, and ended up falling on the bed again. My eyes were trying their best to force themselves shut.

'Come on,' Liam grabbed both of my wrists and pulled me up. I wanted to throw myself on the bed again. It felt like I was waking up too early. Well, not really because sometimes even 12:00 PM is too early for me.

I won't be shocked if Liam will tell me that it is already 3:00PM cause' I know my laziness really well.

'Can I have another five minutes.' I begged with the most convincing puppy smile in the entire world.

Say yes, say yes.

'No' he answered firmly his lips set in a straight line.

Liam is stone hearted, I guess, a puppy dog face can't melt him. A puppy dog face always make me do those things that I don't want to.

'Liam.' I groaned throwing the pillows all around in the room. Hopefully none of them hit Liam. Who was standing there his arms crossed against his chest .Oh his wonderful chest. I was acting like a kid, but my behavior clearly shows that how tired and sleepy I am right now.

'Naina not stop acting like a kid, get yourself done else I'll drag you to the hospital in those clothes.' Liam pointed towards the clothes I was wearing, pink princess pyjamas and yellow singlet. 'PRINCESS PYJAMAS' seriously.

I saw as Liam started biting his lips trying to hide the smile but he failed.

'Funny right.' I asked looking at my outfit.

'Just get up, we're late.' Liam said chuckling his voice no more firm.

I looked at the alarm clock, believe me or not it was 4:00 AM and we were late. We had an appointment on 4:00Am , what doctor does that.

'Liam are we really late.' I asked narrowing my eyes at the red clock on the night stand. A smirk was spreading across my lips as I asked.

'Obviously just get up and move.' He almost scolded me collecting the pillows that I threw across the room seconds ago.

Liam's POV

I stared the wrist watch on my wrist which said 4:30 AM. I slammed my hand on the steering wheel, too impatient. I told Naina to get ready by 4:15 and come to the car and it's 4:30 now.

Weather was dark and cold, you can't expect London to be sunny at such time of morning.

Oh crap! I am nervous again, I am so nervous. I am a little exited to see Arbil's dumbstruck face when she'll see that Corey's not my kid. But again because she looked so confident I am nervous.

This isn't a nervous breakdown I am having a calm, rational breakdown based on an understanding of how screwed up things are. Well I am really nervous.

Sometimes all you need to do is take a deep breath.

Trust me I tried it hundred of times and it didn't worked. I ended up panicking even more. Right now all I have in my brain is anxiety, nervousness, anger and panic. It's like someone has given world's all the problems the address to my life. Right now I am feeling like this every fucking second.

I heard the car door to passenger's seat open and there was Naina standing there her eyes only half open.

'Hi' she yawned covering her mouth with her hand.

Thank god, finally.

'Naina', I smiled sarcastically. 'I was so lucky to get the pleasure to see you.' I taunted her, and my lips turned to be a smirk.

'Thank you.' She furrowed her eyebrows her lips set in a straight line.

And then, WOMEN. She closed the door and I wondered if she was not coming. I leaned to see her and saw she opened the door to the back of the car.
She closed it harshly with a loud bang and sat there her arms crossed against her chest.

Well done Liam Payne, well done idiot.

'Naina'. I smiled at her looking behind where Naina was now sitting. 'You won't sit here.' I pointed towards the passenger's seat beside me.

'We're already late.' She said coldly not even looking at me.

I came back to my normal position and rolled my eyes. Hope Naina didn't saw it. I slammed my hands on the steering wheel.

I give up. I give up on everything. Everything I have a huge list.


Because my life has turned out to be a mess. Life is all screwed up and every single time I am the screwdriver.
My sarcasm disappears when I am nervous.


Women is the most confusing creature in this entire world. Women. Every single trouble in my life is caused by a Woman. Abril, Naina, Chloe and K every one are women. Nicki Minaj is a woman and she scares me more than a paranormal activity.


I am tired of myself, why the hell I am here. Obviously being Liam Payne is cool, but right now being Liam sucks. Is this possible that when there is something good going on I can be Liam and when there is something wrong someone else can be Liam.

And, my list goes on forever.

'We were late.' Naina taunted me with a ironic grin.

Of course' Women.

I sighed starting the engine and taking off for my destination. Harry's house.


Liam's POV

I was one lane away from Harry's house, I know this place like back of my hand. I know routes to all of their houses. I've visited those places many, many times.

Realization struck me. It was my mistake, Naina didn't had any hand in this. Although she was late but I was too rude. This is because I have a trouble acting normal when I am nervous.

'Naina.' I said not looking away from the road in front of me.

She didn't replied there was only silence. Dead silence. She's really, really angry at me.

'Naina'. I called for her again and she didn't replied. Oh come on, at least say yes or no.

'Naina' I sighed and turned behind, to see her. She was sleeping that is the reason she didn't replied. She was looking adorable, her hairs were covering her entire face. Her head was supported on her own shoulders. Sleeping Beauty.

I saw Harry's house in sight. His mansion is obviously big and I was close. I pulled close towards the huge entrance gate and then came a guard who asked me to stop the car. This is what happens every time I visit Harry.

He came towards the window and leaned a little to see me on the driving seat.

'I am sorry Mr.Payne, you can go in.' He said gesturing a couple of other guards to open the door.

Once the door opened, I pulled into Harry's driveway and bought the car to a halt. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and dialed Harry's number. After a couple of rings he picked up his phone.

'Abril attacked your house Liam.' Harry asked from other side of the phone and I could hear his loud yawns. I can even imagine him rubbing his eyes with sleep.

'Good morning to you too.' I said ironically trying to make him laugh.

He let out a fake chuckle, 'morning right.' He ridiculed me his voice almost slow motion.

'Harry, come down, I am standing here with my car and then we'll go for the appointment.' I told him now leaning over my side of the window to look at Harry's bedroom balcony.

I heard a little bit of shuffling on the other side. Silence before the cyclone.

'Liam are you crazy.' I heard Harry scream from the other side. 'It's just 5:35 AM and you're telling me to go for an appointment.' He yelled again.

'Harry listen-' I started but I was soon cut off by Harry screaming.

'What doctor does that, you have a ridiculous Doc'. He screamed and I knew that he was punching the pillows right now.

'Harry-' I started to explain the reality but again.

'I know you want me to come, I am coming because you're my buddy.' Harry sighed. Wait was Harry telling me that he's doing a favour over me.

'Harry listen-' I started but again Harry's old disease to interrupt people.

'Fine I am coming.' He told me and before I could say anything the line went dead. Okay lets go with the flow.

After five minutes I saw Harry exit his house and enter driveway. He saw the car and walked towards it. He looked sleepy from the way he walked.

'Good Morning.' I greeted him with a big grin. He gave me a smirk and a deadly glare.

'Good and Morning both of these words are unfavorable right now.' He nodded gesturing his hands towards the dark sky.

'What else to say.' I shrugged just like a small snail.

He shakes his head and walked towards the back of the car taking a seat beside Naina.

Okay Harry was a little easy but the one head was completely and absolutely difficult . It was Zayn the bad boy Bradford who knows that how will I convince him. But I know I'll do. After all I know some of Zayn's secrets that he would not want to reveal.


This chapter and the next chapter is dedicated to my elder sister. Namrata. Who always supports me. Thank You Namrata.

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