By Embrina

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{BOOK THREE OF THE DIFFERENT DIRECTION SERIES} The preasure has finally gotten to Louis. He can't look at a m... More



67 3 2
By Embrina

I laid in bed, quietly humming to myself some songs from the album One Direction has been working on. It was all I could do for the time, I was too weak to really go anywhere or do anything. I only had nurses come to see me, to make sure I was okay and comfortable. But that was the only human contact I've had in weeks. The boys have come by only on the first day. I haven't heard or seen them since. And I miss them teribly.

Suddenly, my door flew open, and a girl slipped in and slammed it shut. She never noticed I was there, she proceeded to imidently looking out the small window on the top of the door. I sat up some and looked at her. She had a white tanktop and sweatpants, so I assumed she was a patient here as well. We all had to wear white shirts and white bottoms.

"Hello?" I moaned. She turned to me, supprised that there was someone in the room. She had medium brown hair, dark brown eyes, and deep, tanned skin.

"Oh, sorry, I thought this room was empty. I never saw a patient leave," she explained.

"I have a hard time getting around right now," I told her, laying my tired head down on my pillow. I heard quiet footsteps walk over to the side of my bed, and I looked up to see the girl.

"You seem familiar, I've seen you somewhere before. Do you go to my high school?" she asked. I smiled and rolled onto my back, looking at her.

"I haven't been in school in years, Im twenty one love," I grinned. She looked down at me and covered her mouth with her hand, thinking hard about where she's seen me.

"You.. are English," she concluded. I laughed at the obvious, and she smiled at her words.

"I had no idea," I smiled.

"But I have seen you before somewhere, can I get a hint?" she asked. I thought about a hint I could tease the silly girl with.

"I've been in the news for years, maybe that's where you've seen me." Now the girl was pacing, mouthing words to herself. She had her back to me when she suddenly stopped, turning to look at me.

"You're a murderer?!" she whispered out of pure horror. I sat up and imidiently began to defend myself.

"No no no, not CNN news. Like, MTV and TMZ- type news, I promise," I explained. She placed a hand on her chest and closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath.

"Good, I didn't want to go down that road again." I raised and eyebrow at her and laid back down.

"Okay, I seriously know you are dude, but I suck at matching names and faces, okay?" she said, sitting on the end of my bed.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson from One Direction," I explained. She snapped her fingers and smiled widely.

"I knew I've seen your face on TV."

"I'll take it you're not a fan," I concluded.

"I'm more of a hiphop and rap kinda girl, pop isn't really my thing." I nodded, understanding it's not her type of music.

"Well, I'm Mikki. Mikki Thomas." She stuck her hand out at me and I shook it. Who shakes hands anymore?

"Nice to meet you. So, why did you come barging into my room?" I asked. She instantly looked annoyed and pissed off.

"Because a nurse was chasing me with my medication and I really really didn't want to take it. And I thought this room was empty, so I slipped inside."

"Medication? What's your condition?"

"I.. kinda.. hear things.. and feel and see things.. that don't exist," she mumbled, looking down at the floor. Her ankles were crossed nervously.

"So, schizophrinia?" I asked. she seemed a little suprised at me and looked up.

"How do you know? You're a hallucination to aren't you?" she asked, standing up causiously.

"I'm real, I promise."

"But how do I know that?"

"How can I prove it to you?" She thought for a few seconds, then knelt next to my bed.

"Hit me." I raised an eyebrow.

"I beg your pardon?" 

"Just hit me. I can tell if you're real or not then."

"Mikki, I'm not going to hit you." She looked at me angrily, then sat on the floor beside me.

"Maybe I should get going." She mumbled. As she got on her feet, a high- pitched voice called out her name.

"Mikki, Mikki, it's time for your medicine darling."

"Pretend to be asleep," she ordered, rolling under my bed. I pulled the blankets up as the door to my room opened. There was a soft grunt of annoyance and the door closed, the voice traveling down the hall. Mikki crawled out from under the bed, her hair a tangled mess in her face.

"Well that went well," she mumbled.

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