Truly, Madly, Deeply

By btsvt1d

86.9K 2.3K 628

[] he was just truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with his best friend. More

Truly, Madly, Deeply
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41: The Wedding
The Soundtrack

Chapter 29

1.2K 58 15
By btsvt1d

"Well have you told him yet?"

"Of course I haven't told him."

"Babe, you're gonna have to sooner or later."

"I don't want to break his heart. . . I love him."

"And he loves you too, more than anything. It's only gonna hurt him if you don't tell him as soon as possible."

I groaned then hid my face in my hands, my hair cascading down like a curtain to shield my face from my pesky little sister. The email I had recieved a few days ago was amazing and horrible all in one. I wanted to be happy for myself but I didn't want to at the same time. Niall and I have only been dating for a little less than one month and I just. . . I couldn't dare hurt him. Not again.

"Believe me, sis," Ariana quipped whilst leaning down to pat my shoulder sympathetically. She had that one smile on her lips, the one where she didn't quite know what to do about a situation. Like she wanted to help, but she couldn't.

A gentle knock on the door ripped me away from my thoughts. "Come in!" Ariana called, still standing over me. The door was pushed open and a head of blonde hair popped inside. Oh lovely, I thought.

"Can I come in?" Niall asked politely, looking back and forth between my twin and I. When Ariana nodded, he pressed on. "You sure? It looks like you're having serious girl talks. If someone's on their period, please tell me now."

I chuckled then rolled over and pat the space on the bed that I once occupied. "No one's on their time of the month. Come in, babe."

"I'll just leave you two to talk about. . . stuff." Ariana winked at me, then switched places with Niall outside of the door. I rolled my eyes at her as she shut the door slowly and Niall sat criss-cross on the bed.

"What was that about?" Niall chuckled before leaning in to place a chaste kiss on my chin. I absolutely adored when he did that. Although it was rare because he loved kissing my head and lips the most, it was nice everytime I was lucky enough to get one on my chin.

"Nothing, just Ariana being stupid."

"Like always?"

I laughed. "Yup. Um, what'dya wanna talk about? You're not breaking up with me, are you?"

Niall quickly shook his head. "No, no! Why would I ever be bloody stupid enough to break up with the perfect girl like you?" Niall noticed my blush immediantly, so he grabbed my face and kissed me sloppily.

"Ew!" I giggled and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, ridding it of his sticky slobber. "Good, because I have the perfect boy. Then what did you need?"

"Um. . ." Niall folded his hands and placed them in his lap, suddenly much more interested in the patterns on the comforter than me. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that Niall was getting nervous. "This is a really embarassing, stupid thing for me to ask. So please don't laugh at me, Ana."

"Niall," I sighed, reaching out to touch his exposed knee and looking him dead in the eyes. "I would never, ever laugh at you. We're together now and we can tell each other anything and everything, alright?"

"Alright," Niall nodded, exhaling a very heavy breath.

"So spill."

"Uh, right. . .intamacy. Or, ya know. . .sex."

My face heated up at the mention of that word and I'm ninety-nine point nine percent sure that my face was the color of a mature rose. "Oh. What about it?" I asked, even though I knew exactly where he was going with this.

"I'm not going to pull the 'I'm a guy and I have needs' card with you because I completely respect you and your opinion and modesty. . .and I know we've only been technically dating for about a month now but I think we know each other really well and we've been best friends forever and -"

I cut him off with a smirk. "You're asking when it's okay to have sex with me?"

"Well I, uh erm. . ." he stuttered, looking as flustered as ever. "Yeah, kinda."

"Babe," I started, scooting closer and closer to him. "I love you and I love that you asked me before actually trying anything. I mean. . .are you ready?"

Niall raised an eyebrow, challenging me. "Are you?"

"I asked you first."

"Ladies first, always."

"Niall, answer my question."

He chuckled, which made me smile. "I don't wanna scare you off or anything but. . .yeah, I think I am." I stayed silent, glancing at everything in the room except Niall. "So, are you?"

This was tough. Was I ready? Even though Niall and I were official, he was still the same old nerdy, goofy Niall that I always knew. He was still my best friend and I don't know if I was ready to give all of me to my best friend.

"I mean, it's not like either of us are virgins. . .right?" Niall asked, scooching closer and closer to me. Chills shot through my body as Niall gently touched my arm and rubbed it. His bright blue eyes were trained on mine and I became ten times more nervous.

"Right." I answered truthfully.

Suddenly Niall's eyes went wide and he stopped rubbing my goosebump-ridden skin. "Did you and Logan do it?"

"No! Did you and Adriana?"

Niall quickly shook his head. "No. . . If you and Logan didn't, then who'd you do it with?"

"Uh, that's an awkward question to ask, don't ya think?" I asked, nudging his shoulder with mine and repositioning myself so I was laying on his lap. "It was with my last boyfriend, Colby."

"Was it rough?"

"Niall!" I gasped, my eyes going wide as I stared up at him.

"What?" He just shrugged like it was completely normal. "It's just a question. We should be comfortable telling each other this stuff."

"Okay then. . ." I thought for a moment, then blushed as the memory came back from almost two years ago. "I had broken up with him because he cheated on me with Sidney -"

"That girl on the cheerleading team whose fucked basically all of the soccer team?"

"Yeah, her. So, a couple of weeks after we broke up, we both saw each other at an end-of-the-year party. I was wearing this really tight dress and I guess he was turned on by it. He looked pretty good himself. He tried to dance with me, but I turned him down because Sidney was with him. The sexual tension was really high and it was killing us. So he told me if he saw me touch another boy ever again, he'd go crazy. . .then I kissed him and he took me to the room upstairs and. . .the end."

"Angry, jealous sex? Hm, I like it."

"Now you tell me your first time, lover boy."

Niall smiled, then reached to stroke my hair. "Unlike yours, it was actually very romantic. I've been seeing this girl for six months and I set up a bunch of candles and flower petals at my house and when she came over, it just happened."

I laughed. "You're a hopeless romantic, babe."

My body layed still as Niall moved out from underneath me. There was an innocent smirk tugging at his lips as he crawled over me, his legs on either side of my waist. Niall layed himself down, our bodies pressed against each other's. I grinned and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

That simple kiss turned into a very romantic kiss and soon, we were having a full on make out session. Niall's hands touched on almost every part of me and I fisted his blonde hair, craving more and more of him.

I felt Niall's hand creep up my inner thigh until he was fiddling with the zipper on my shorts. The tingles I immediantly experienced from it scared me, so I pulled my head away from his. "Wait," I stopped him, my breathing unsteady and erratic. "We're not doing it right now, are we?"

"I don't know...are we?"

" you want to?"

"I'm a guy and you're hot as fuck, so duh."

"But I want our first time to be natural and romantic."

"Okay then, I'll wait."

I laughed as Niall rolled off of me. Our relationship was developing and I was loving every second of it. "When's soundcheck?"

"A couple hours," Niall told me, collapsing back down onto the bed. "Give me a kiss."


"Why not?" he pouted. I rolled my eyes, then leaned down. Right as our lips were about to touch, I jerked away and teasingly placed my lips on his cheek. "You're such a fucking tease," Niall growled.

"KNOCK, KNOCK, GIRLS AND BOYS!" Lou screamed, pushing the door wide open. Niall stood up and greeted her with a warm smile. "Ana, the girls and I are going shopping...if you aren't busy with the Irishman over here."

"Nah, you go and have fun. You know where I'll be, babe."

I smiled at him as he slid off the edge of the bed and walked towards the door. "Thanks, Nialler."

" you a lot. Bye." Niall gave Lou and I an awkward glance before shutting the door gently behind him.

Lou's eyes widened as she plopped down onto the bed beside me. "Was he about to say he loves you?"

"I don't know, but I want him to!" I squealed, playfully slapping Lou's arms. "Girl, I can't do this. That email was way too much for me to handle. I can't hurt him like that."

Lou sighed. I knew that she was being put in an awkward position, but I needed her help more than anything. "Why don't you just email them back for some more information. This could be the chance of a lifetime, babe. Niall will always be here... Read me the email again, please."

"Alright," I breathed, pulling out my phone. I tapped on the cute email icon (shoutout to iOS7, you a real thug) and scrolled down to the message from Victoria's Secret Inc, then read it aloud. "Hello, Ana Jones. Due to recommendations from a fellow Victoria's Secret model, you have been asked to become an Angel! This means that you will be signed onto our contract which includes features such as walking the infamous VS Runway every year at our annual fashion show, have posters made for various VS locations, go to on-site photo shoots, and much more! You will also need to relocate to Los Angeles, paid for completely by the company, for eleven months. If you're interested, reply as soon as possible. See you soon."

Lou took in a deep breath, then ran her fingers through her light hair. "Have you emailed them back yet?"

"No," I replied honestly.

"Here," Lou started, grabbing my hand and pulling me up onto my feet. "How about you don't worry about it right now. Come shopping with us. We'll get mani-pedi's, eat junk food, watch movies and have a great time. We'll worry about your career tomorrow. Sound good?"

I smiled. "Sounds good. . .You're a great friend, Lou."

"I know." She shrugged playfully. "Now let's go! Care and Ariana are waiting."

"You go, I need to get my purse. I'll meet you in the lobby."

"Okay." She smiled at me, then merrily made her way out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

I listened to make sure she was completely out of range before quickly typing a risky responce to the email. I felt so horrible; Niall and I's relationship was just taking off. We just had the sex talk fir God's sake. But this is my career here.

After sending the email, I grabbed my purse and headed out of the room, ready to get all of my guilty thoughts out of my head and spend time with the girls. Either way, Niall will still like me a lot and that'll never change...I hope.

To: Victoria's Secret Inc.

From: Ana Jones

Subject: Angel Recommendations


- I'm interested! xx


oh nooo.

first of all, sorry it took me so long, i just really dig cliffhangers. but to everyone who sent me multiple messages, yelling at me to update (cough narrylover11 cough) 1. leave me the fuck alone please and 2. i hope you're fucking happy.

second, JESUS ANA IS IN A TOUGH SPOT. what would you do if you were her?

love you lots like tator tots.

- mads x

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