X Readers

By ehmislife

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Characters x readers. Plain and simple. Leave a request if you want but keep in mind I'm a procrastinating pi... More

Taiga Aisaka x Male Reader [Part 1]
Taiga Aisaka x Male Reader [Part 2]
Yuki Nagato x Male Reader
Yuno Gasai x Male Reader [Part 1]
Yandere-chan x Yandere Male Reader

Yuno Gasai x Male Reader [Part 2]

251 4 0
By ehmislife

The clock read 4:24 AM.

You were desperately trying to get some more sleep but you just couldn't.

Yuno's words kept ringing in your head... "I believe in doing anything for love..."

What did she mean by that? It slightly scared you thinking of all the possibilities of what she meant.

Morning eventually came after what seemed like forever.

You only managed to get about a half hour of sleep, but it didn't seem to make any difference.

You checked the clock again. 8:56 AM.

You groaned. You turned off the alarm clock. Not like it'd be a use.

You lied there for a couple minutes until you got up out of bed and walked slowly downstairs to the kitchen table.

You saw your dad standing by the coffee pot waiting for it to be filled. Your mom must've already left for work.

"Hey dad..." you said, sleepily.

"Hey... What happened to you, some kinda nightmare?" he asked.

"You could say that..." you said as you walked over to the fridge grabbing out some [choice of soda/pop].

"Really think that's a good idea this early in the morning?" he asked.

"Dad. I got half an hour of sleep last night. Please let me have this" you said.

"Wow. Uh, alright then, go nuts." he said.

The coffee pot stopped running as it was filled. You dad poured some into a travel cup.

"Alright, well I've gotta go to work now. I'll see ya after school. Have a good day!" he said as he grabbed his cup and left out the door.

"Bye" you said. You sighed. You had no idea how the heck today was going to go. You were nervous to be honest.

You took a big gulp of [choice of soda/pop] and put it back in the fridge.

You looked at the clock. 9:02 AM.

Better get going.

You walked back upstairs, got your uniform on, grabbed your stuff, and headed out the door.

Just after a few minutes of walking you heard your name being called. Crap.

You knew the voice, you knew the eagerness in the voice, you knew who it was... Yuno, of course.

"Hi [F/N]!" Yuno said, running up to your side.

"Hi..." you said.

"What's wrong, [F/N]?" Yuno asked. "You don't sound too good"

"It's nothing..." you said.

"Okay..." she said, with a tiny worried tone.

There was a good long silence after she said that.

"Yuno... What was that about... Last night?" you asked.

More silence.

She stopped in place. You stopped as well.

"[F/N]..." Yuno said.

"Y-Yeah?" you stuttered.

"You never answered my question" she said, ignoring your question once again.

"Huh?" you said confused.

She walked up to you, invading your personal space.

You felt some sweat droplets run down the sides of your head.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" she asked.

"L-Like I said before, I never thought about it..." you said, starting to walk again. "Can we please just leave it alone and get to sch-" you started before Yuno grabbed your wrist.

"Answer me..." she said.

"Yuno... P-Please let go of me..." you said.

"Answer me" she repeated.

"Sure, okay? Let's go now" you said quickly.

"I don't think you really mean it" she said with a hint of anger.

You stayed silent, knowing that was true.

"C-Can I at least think about it and get back to you later?" you asked.

"Okay!" she said in a sudden change into a chipper mood.

What the heck was it with this girl... You were started to get scared of her. Maybe you'd ask if you could move seats in class.

After the walk to school, you went to your class and sat down in your seat. Felt good after a long walk like that.

"Hey you feelin' okay?" a female classmate asked you.

You looked over tiredly. "Sure... why?" you asked.

"You've got bags big enough for a bag check..." she said.

"Haha, very funny" you said sarcastically. "I'll let you know I had to pull an all-nighter because I woke up at 10:30 and not to mention that little visit from Y-" you stopped seeming that it probably wasn't a good idea to let any others know what happened.

"Little visit from who?" she questioned.

"No one. Forget it." you said.

"C'mon! Tell me!" she said interested.

"Screw off..." you said a bit annoyed.

"Tell meee!" they insisted.

"Oh for crying out loud would you just leave me al-?!" you started, almost raising your voice.

"Hi guys!" a voice said.

You turned around.

"H-Hey Yuno..." you said, your slight fear returning.

She just smiled cutely and waved.

"So whatcha talkin' about?" Yuno asked.

"Mr. Sleepless here won't tell me who he got a visit from last night" your female classmate said, slightly teasing you.

"Hey c'mon now, leave him alone" Yuno said.

The classmate shrugged. "Whatever... You're gonna tell me one way or another, [F/N]" she said, walking away.

"Dream on" you said. You looked at Yuno. "Thanks" you said.

"Anything for you, sweetie!" she said.

You started blushing red. Where the heck did 'sweetie' come from?

Despite the confusion, you smiled at her. It was nice seeing her like this. Maybe she wasn't as bad as you experienced.

"Alright class..." the teacher said, walking in. "Okay class, we have a few lessons to get through and then we have a test near the end of class."

Your eyes shot open. A test?! You never heard anything about this! What the heck?! Maybe the teacher said it when you were tired yesterday.

You had a hard time keeping your eyes open during the lectures. You were tired, you were worried about the test, and on top of that you had a lot of questions to ask Yuno. Thankfully, time passed rather quickly so it wasn't all bad.

The teacher was in the middle of a lecture when the bell rang for lunch.

Everyone started getting out their lunches and eating. You were going to do the same but- You remembered it like a brick being thrown at you. You didn't make one this morning. Duh. Oh well. You were more tired than hungry anyway. You layed your head down in your arms and closed your eyes.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Yuno said.

You put your head up and looked at her holding her lunch.

"Uh... no, actually..." you said. "I didn't bring one today"

"Do you wanted me to give you some?" she said, a bit excited.

"N-No... T-That's okay..." you said, smiling nervously.

"Are you sure?" she said, opening her lunch for you to see. "It's goood"

"I'm sure... I'd rather rest" you said.

"Well... Alright" she said.

You put your head back on the desk in your arms and closed your eyes. After a couple seconds, you started to feel something on your head moving. Like... a hand. You were being petted. You were 99% sure it was Yuno. You would've said something but it felt strangely good, so you didn't do anything.

Soon after, lunch was over. You didn't get any sleep though, unfortunately.

"Okay class, I guess this would be a good time to have our test now..."

You tensed up a bit a the teacher started passing out the tests to everyone. He then returned to the front of the class. "You may begin now" he said.

Everyone picked up their pencils and started their tests.

You stared at the paper, taking in what kind of test it was. Luckily it was [best common core subject]. You sighed with relief. Good.

After about 10 minutes, you saw Yuno stand up and give her test to the teacher. Seesh, she must be really smart to finish this test in that short of time. After she sat down again, she started... staring at you? You tried to ignore her but it was kinda... weird. You had no idea what to think of this girl now though.

You shook your head. "Ugh, stop thinking about Yuno, [F/N]!" you thought to yourself. "Finish this stupid test then you can get all the answers later"

After about 5 more minutes, you finished the test. Surprisingly, you thought you did pretty good on it.

You went back to your seat wondering what you should do as everyone finishes. You put your head down in your arms on the desk and sighed. You checked out of the corner of your eye to see if Yuno was still staring at you. You turned your head a little and sure enough, she was. You turned your head towards her. You started to think about how the heck you were going to get all these answers you wanted. You thought of an idea then quickly ripped a piece of paper out of a notebook and scribbled down "Meet me behind the school at 3:15".

"Psst. Yuno" You whispered quickly, looking towards her with your head still down.

She got a big grin as she kept staring at you. "Yes?" she whispered back.

You handed her the note and her grin grew. She read the note and looked back at you with the same big grin and nodded. You smiled back and closed your eyes, starting to rest as you were still really tired.

Later, you awoke to the sound of your name being called quietly and shaking. Surprise, surprise, Yuno was shaking you.

"What..." you whined quietly.

"Time to go..." Yuno said.

"Huh?" you said, tiredly raising your head. There were only about 7 kids still in the classroom, packing up their things.

"Oh... okay" you said.

You picked up your bag and started to leave.

You stopped by your locker and put your bag in there. You closed your locker and sighed.

"Okay [F/N]... Just ask her the things you need to and then leave. Simple" you thought.

You started walking to the back of the school. You couldn't help but get mixed emotions on the way. You were slightly scared because of some of things she said, but at the same time she seemed like such a loving person... You pushed the thoughts aside and kept walking.

You arrived at the back of the school only to see Yuno standing there waiting impatiently for you.

"H-Hey Yuno..." you said, walking up to her.

"[F/N]!" she said excitedly as she ran up to you and hugged you.

You awkwardly hugged back "Umm... Yuno..."

"Yes?" she said happily.

You started thinking of how to say the things you wanted to say "Um... Yuno why did yo-"

"It's because I love you" she said hastily.

You looked at her like she was crazy (oh the irony). "I didn't even say what I wa-" you started.

"It doesn't matter..." she said, looking at you with the same insane look as the night before. "I love you so much, [F/N], I'd never let anyone harm you in any way..." she said creepily.

"T-Thank you..." you said being weirdly flattered. It's like she was obsessed with you.

She walked up closer to you, barely any personal space left between the two of you. She looked up at you with a powerful stare. "Please be mine, [F/N]..." she said.

You started to think of something to say to her, but you couldn't think of anything.

She wrapped her arms around your neck and then kissed you.

You were awkwardly frozen for a few seconds but before you could even react, she pulled away and looked at you with adoring eyes.

You were still frozen. "O-okay..." you said, responding to her finally.

A big grin grew on her face. "Yay!" she cheered like a little kid, hugging you tightly. "Don't worry, I'll always be there for you, my love! I love you!"

Maybe it was all in the heat of the moment, but you quietly responded despite of it. "I love you too..." you said as you hugged her back.

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