Cowgirl Up ✔️

By PalominoDreamtime

122K 3K 210

- will develop into mature reading - Bailey is seventeen years old and determined she's not going back to sc... More

A liftle bit of Blayze...
Chapter One
Chaper Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Cowgirl Up 2 Is Up!
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
Faithful Reader's!
Food For Thought...

Chapter Forty One

1.3K 39 0
By PalominoDreamtime

I sat in the morning sunshine in the enclosed area of the backyard, while the Joey hopped around on the grass, exploring.
My phone was grasped in my hand's and I snapped a few picture's of the little tyke's adventure.
He's so damn cute!
I shot Heath a quick text to thank him for taking over the fencing with Shayne.
We all know nobody likes fencing.
But when you run a farm there's no choice.
My little sibling's were excited about the Joey.
However Grandpa, Grandma and Mum thought I should've just let Blayze get rid of it last night.
Mum wasn't quite as sold.
She said it was remarkable and entirely sweet how the Joey had crawled it's way into my lap and curled up there to sleep.
But she also thought taking on the Joey was going to get in the way of everything else.
She was slightly right.
I'd locked the Joey into one of the empty dog cage's by the house (why we still have them I don't really know seeing as I can't remember the last time we've had a dog locked in one) so that I could help with the morning feed and filling of trough's and what not.
Then I'd bribed Heath to do the fencing ride for me.
My phone buzzed in my hand.
I looked down at the screen.
Heath: 9:06AM: You owe me 😑
Yes mate, I know!
I locked my phone and dropped it into my lap, not bothering to reply.
"What're ya up to?"
I jumped, startled.
Half turning around, I found Blayze leaning on the iron gate that had chicken wire covering the open slot's.
I greeted.
Blayze's gaze swung to where the Joey explored near the 'soft flower' garden bed.
Due to having kids and animals around, Grandma refused to have plants like Rose's in playful areas like this yard.
"Hopper doin alright?"
I rolled my eyes.
"Like you care."
Though my lip's itched to smile.
Blayze can't help that he is a country man through and through.
He's by no means heartless, but in the eyes of a farmer, if an animal can't or won't earn it's keep, then it's useless having it.
The way men like him see it, Roo's are a pest, ya shoot em and eat em.
I turned back to keep my eye on the Joey.
He wasn't strong and bold in his movement's, but he was on the move which I was thankful for.
It meant he wasn't quite as young and helpless as we'd thought he could be.
Behind me, the garden gate creaked to signal it was opening and Blayze was coming in.
What's he even want?
Doesn't he have work to get done today?
"So, I advertised Pirate and Oscar this morning."
I snapped my head around to look at Blayze, as he joined me sitting on the soft green grass.
"Really? Are they ready for that?"
Dumb question!
Blayze wouldn't do it unless he believed the horse's were ready.
Smiling, he shook his head.
"Unlike some of the stock we've got around at the moment, those guy's weren't completely unhandled remember."
True that.
They'd come from the sales, but not with a torturous back story.
Pirate was the brown and white gelding who stand's at just over 15 hand's.
Oscar is the grey stock horse who we measured to be 14.3 hand's.
Blayze shrugged.
"Now I guess I wait for the phone to ring."
"If your name's attached to the ad, I'm sure it will."
And I wasn't just trying to boost his ego.
"I don't doubt they'll sell, they're both good little horse's."
As if on cue, Garth Brooks' 'Papa Loved Mama' suddenly blared, muffled from within Blayze's pocket.
Just how many ring tone's does he have?
He leaned back to wriggle the phone free and groaned, seeing the ID on the screen.
"What's up?"
I asked, though judging by the heavy feeling in my heart, I already knew the answer.
Blayze sighed, his deep blue-green gaze flashing my way.
"It's Rikki."
He deliberated, then slid the answer bar across and held the phone to his ear.
He's gonna stay here and talk to her?!
He greeted.
I could faintly hear a muffled voice, but couldn't hear the word's replied.
"Yes, Rikki, I want to see him. As I told you, we had a Rodeo last weekend and I've got a flat chat week this week. My cousin's followed us back too, so thing's are a little cramped."
Uh oh...
Biting my lip, I crawled across the grass to where the Joey was now laying stretched out in the gentle April sunshine.
"Yes next weekend."
Blayze sounded frustrated.
"Get off my case alright. I'm doin the best I bloody well can!"
He pulled the phone from his ear and stabbed at the screen.
Oh great...
Blayze flopped back onto the grass, using his hat to shade his eyes from the sun.
Papa Loved Mama blared again.
So she's one of those is she?
Blayze didn't even move to look.
I saw the phone flashing on the grass beside him.
I got up and walked back over.
"Blayze, it's a random number."
I informed him, seeing an unidentified number on the screen.
He pulled his hat from his head and grabbed the phone, sliding the answer bar across, sat up and held the phone to his ear.
When you don't even know who it is?
Mild surprise flickered on Blayze's face.
"Yes it is."
He told whoever was on the other end.
"Not a mean bone in his body. Yeah, I've ridden him bareback in a halter, saddle and bridle, saddle and bridle-less..."
Oh wow is this somebody interested in Pirate or Oscar?
"Saturday...? Up until mid afternoon would work my end."
Blayze plucked at a blade of grass and rolled it around between his middle and forefinger.
"I'll text the location if you'd like, might be easier?"
He paused to listen,
"Righto, Tanya, we'll see ya Saturday. Cheers."
He pulled the phone from his ear and ended the call.
I practically bounced with excitement while I waited for him to explain.
"Some lady called Tanya from Angle Vale is interested to come see Pirate."
He explained.
That was quick.
He smiled weakly.
"It's not necessarily a sale, but we'll see."

In the wee hours of Thursday morning I stumbled back to my bed and fell face first onto my pillow.
The familiar scent of our laundry detergent and fabric softener met my senses, seeing as Wednesday is generally the day Grandma attack's the bedding.
I squeezed my eyes shut, sincerely ill-prepared to face the day.
Crawling out of bed at 4:45AM was never on the top of my list of priorities.
Even less so when it's to chuck my gut's up in the toilet.
Before I knew it, my eyes were too heavy to stay open, even though I didn't want them open anyway because they were basically burning.
Darkness took over and dreamland consumed me.

I rushed back into my room at 6:55, fresh from another round of throwing my gut's up.
My heart was racing because I knew I was running late.
That and I no doubt had a Joey mess to clean up!
Wide eyed, I looked around the floor of my room, not seeing the Joey anywhere.
Oh shit!
"You okay honey?"
Gulping, I slowly turned around.
My heart beat too fast against my rib cage.
Fear gripped my heart.
How the hell did the Joey escape?
Did I leave the door open accidentally in my dash to the bathroom?
Mum walked toward me, concern on her face.
"What's up?"
I opened my mouth, my jaw working but no word's coming out.
Mum frowned.
"I can't find the Joey!"
My voice came out half yelp and half squeal.
My hand's went to cover my mouth as I fought hard to hold down the overwhelming emotion's that boiled up within me.
The leading emotion was that of frightened and upset tear's.
It felt like a tidal wave of them was waiting to erupt from deep within my soul.
"Calm down."
Mum said, her voice soothing.
She enveloped me into the warn kind of a hug that only a person who is a Mother can perform.
Unfortunately the gesture broke the fragile holding flood gate's to my tear's.
Several spilled out of my eyes, hot and huge to roll down my cheek's.
Mum gently rocked me from side to side.
"Joey is fine, Baby."
I pulled back from her, shocked.
"H-how do you know this?"
Mum smiled, lifting a hand to gently brush a loose clump of my fringe off my face.
"Dad took him outside."
I felt my eyes bug wide open.
Grandpa let the Joey out?
Or he took him out?
My eyes filled with a fresh round of tear's.
"He's safe honey."
Mum gently touched my cheek.
"Grandpa heard ya race off to be sick early this morning, so thought he'd leave ya to rest. Are you feeling okay?"
The tender, motherly concern she wore melted my heart.
She shouldn't need to worry over me like that anymore though.
I am seventeen.
"I'm good."
I nodded, my heart still beating too fast in my chest.
Mum gave me a small smile.
"I'll fix ya a warm drink. Get some rest baby."
"I'm fine."
I promised,
"I should get ready. I guess I've got work to do."
I looked around for some jeans.
Mum shook her head.
"Dad said take the day off."
Since when does Grandpa give people day's off?
Mum winked, evidently understanding my thought's.
"Perk of being the boss' Granddaughter I guess."
Laughing lightly, she walked out of my room and disappeared from my view.
Regardless of what she'd said, I crossed my room to push my door shut, then found myself some fresh jeans and a green R.M Williams t-shirt with the longhorn across the shoulder blades.
Next I found myself some clean socks, pulled them onto my feet and headed out of my room while pulling my long blonde hair into a low ponytail in preparation for wearing my hat.

Grandpa led me to the side of the house, where the large wire dog yard's were.
"He's just out here."
Grandpa had opened gate's to make a long laneway alongside the house so the Joey could hop through grass and weed's and do some exploring.
I felt my heart swell with gratitude for my Grandfather.
He was even more 'farmer' than Blayze, so I knew immediately the Joey only got this treatment because of me.
"I've set him up a bucket of water just there."
Grandpa nodded toward a low bucket near the gate.
"I know you're bottle feedin' him, but best to keep the option open, he may take to it."
He sent me a small smile.
"Thank you Pa."
I bit my tongue to refrain from reminding him he doesn't believe in having Kangaroo's as pet's.
"You're right darlin."
He placed a hand on my shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"Now I got Heath to take over ridin boundaries with Jake today."
Grandpa explained.
Oh shit!
Heath's gonna hate me!
My face must have given my thought's away because Grandma chuckled, shaking his head.
"He wasn't all that keen, but one look from Blayze shut him up."
Oh great.
Those two will be back to square one if Heath keep's getting recruited to take up my task's!
"I could go let him off the hook."
I suggested,
"No, you take it easy. He'll do fine to shut up and do as he's told."
I couldn't help but laugh!
Grandpa grinned.
Oh crap!
"Blayze know's you gave me the day off?"
I wonder what he's got to say about that...
Grandpa shot me a confused look.
"Why wouldn't he? He is Overseer."
But why's he not came to check on me?
Mentally I smacked myself for that thought.
Blayze has a farm to run.
Grandpa would have told him if my 'illness' was serious.
"Now I've got some work to get done. You take it easy today and make sure ya drink lot's of fluid's."
Grandpa cautioned.
"Yes sir."
I nodded.
Grandpa smiled, touched his hat brim and walked away from me.
Now what to do?
The Joey hadn't paid me the slightest bit of attention, too busy hopping around in the long grass and long marsh mallow weed like a mad hatter!
I headed back into the house for another cuppa.
Maybe I'll try some toast...

Standing at the kitchen counter I fixed myself a sandwich, having given in to the urge for smoked champagne ham and some mustard pickle's.
Putting them and cheese in a lethal combination of a sandwich, sounded like heaven to my taste bud's.
Grandma might kick my arse if she catches me, seeing as lunch will be ready soon.
But I want it!
Maybe I should've asked Blayze to borrow his kitchen...
But I haven't seen the boy all day!
In my head I rocked out to Garth Brooks' 'Papa Loved Mama', while I fixed my sandwich.
Since Blayze's ringtone blaring yesterday, I haven't been able to get the song out of my head!
Plucking the top slice of bread from the bread board, I prepared to top off my sandwich so I could eat it.
Something came over my eyes, putting my vision into darkness.
I jumped about three feet into the air and at the same time, dropped my slice of bread, my heart pounding in my chest.
Laughter reached my ear's and my sight suddenly came back.
My heart rate slowed just a little.
Thankfully, my bread landed on the bench and not the floor.
Blayze turned to rest back against the kitchen bench, nearby to where I was making my taste buds' masterpiece.
I scowled in his direction.
"You almost ruined my lunch!"
He shrugged.
"Whatcha up to?"
Oh my god really?
I sent him a dry look.
Mentally I high five'd myself.
The roll of Blayze's eyes told me my quip wasn't as funny as I thought it was.
"Fixing myself some lunch. What're you up to?"
I tried hard to make myself be conversational, even though really all I wanted to do was mung into my sandwich.
"D'you wanna come for a drive with me?"
Idiotically, my heart reacted, beating at twice it's usual pace with excitement.
Blayze and I haven't been alone since the Rodeo.
Well on the way back from the Rodeo we were the only one's in his car, but Aayla and Bindi had been behind us in Aayla's Ford Ba Wagon, followed by Jaxon in his Raptor.
Jaxon kept in touch with us by UHF, seeing as he's got one because of the amount of time he can spend out on the open road travelling to gig's.
He found it a pretty essential buy, especially when encountering truck's on tricky road's.
They'd radio when it was safe to overtake or if they could see interesting thing's going on ahead.
So really, we hadn't been alone since the night's in the cabin.
"A drive where?"
I asked, pausing with my sandwich half way to my mouth.
Blayze's deep blue-green eyes sparkled.
"To pick up Aviator."
"Av- Aviator?!"
Oh my god!
He's coming home!
I squealed, bouncing on the ball's of my feet.
"Yes! Yes, yes, yes!"
God I sound like a kid on Christmas!
Blayze's laughter said he thought the same thing.
But I couldn't care less how crazy I look!
Baby Aviator is coming home!

"Do you like...need me to take you to see a Doctor or anything?"
I snapped back to the here and now, pulling my attention from staring out at the land that breezed past us.
"Isaiah said you've been sick this mornin..."
Blayze seemingly intentionally broke off.
He alternated his gaze between watching the long stretch of red dirt road ahead of us and looking across the Ranger's cab at me.
I waved a dismissive hand.
Now that it was 11:30 in the morning, I could barely remember my two morning episode's of emptying my gut's into the toilet.
The only bit stopping the memory from completely disappearing was the fact that I was tired.
But I had to shake that because soon we'd arrive to pick up Aviator!
Quinton was in the float already, happily munching on some Lucerne hay.
He was going to act as Aviator's babysitter for the drive home.
"Must just be a bit of an upset tummy or something."
I dismissed.
"Coz I feel fine now."
"Well that's good. Just-"
I cut him off, even though I know that pissed him off, because I knew where his word's were going.
"Don't worry, I've been having lot's to drink!"
I rolled my eyes.
"Grandpa already warned me on that one."
Blayze nodded.

Cornerstone Stud seemed as impeccable as the last time I was here.
About the only slightly off feature, was the grey cloud's that lingered overhead, breaking into the vibrant Autumn blue.
Worker's milled about, leading horse's or carrying equipment and some pushing wheelbarrow's.
I recognised one figure in a dark blue Cornerstone Stud polo t-shirt.
"Hi Tate!"
He faltered, pushing a wheelbarrow toward a manure heap.
He abandoned the wheelbarrow and walked my way.
"Bailey right?"
I nodded.
"What can we do for you?"
Tate asked, brushing his hand's off on his jeans.
They don't know Blayze is coming to get Aviator?
An all too familiar voice sounded behind me.
The stable hand looked past me, smiled and extended his right hand.
"Hey Blayze."
I twisted so I could see both the guy's.
My heart beat a little faster as I took them in standing close by one another.
Blayze was an easy few inches taller, plus significantly more built.
My idiot hormone's seemed to love that notion.
"Tate asked what we're doing here."
I told Blayze, trying to distract myself from wayward thought's of his body.
My oh so subtle way of saying 'do they even know what's going on?'
Tate shook his head.
"Now I know you're with Blayze, I know what's goin on."
Ah good!
"So my little devil's ready to come home?"
Blayze asked.
"Sure is."
Tate nodded.
"We'll miss him, but of course we know he's in good hand's!"
He grinned.
That much was true.

Half an hour later, we had both Quinton and Aviator in the float.
It was pretty clear Aviator wasn't at all sure what the hell was going on.
But he was easy enough to convince.
Plus he took comfort in the relaxed vibe from Quinton as the older horse stood patiently munching on Lucerne.
Once Aviator pulled some Lucerne strand's into his mouth, Blayze and I closed up the ramp and top door's to the float.
Tate approached us, wheelbarrow-less this time.
"Don't be stranger's to us yeah?"
I bit my tongue to refrain from answering.
This was Blayze's rodeo.
"Wouldn't dream of it."
Blayze extended his right hand to the Stable Hand.
Tate grinned and shook it.
Blayze smiled as he shook the stable hand's hand.
"Just don't go planning on me lookin for a horse for at least a few year's. Four plus the crew at home is more than enough."
Tate grinned.
"Well keep us posted on how the boy's are doin then!"
"Sure will."
Blayze nodded.
"We'd better get on the road. We've got over a couple hour's drivin before we're home."
"No worries."
Tate nodded.
"Hope he settles in well. We'll miss him."
Blayze shrugged.
"He'll be fine."
I guess he was going by the nature of Aviator's full brother's, three of which he owned.
"Drive safe."
Tate wished.
"Will do. Enjoy the rest of your week."
Blayze headed for the driver's door of the Ranger.
"Bye Tate!"
I bade, my excitement still simmering in my vein's.
"Bye Bailey!"
Tate replied also smiling.
"Was nice meeting you."
"You too!"
I waved and headed around the back of the float, down the side of the Ranger and to the passenger door.

"Awe he's so cute!"
I gushed, watching Aviator bounce around the paddock, trying to get the attention of Quinton, Roo and Rowan.
You'd think he'd be bored of Qhinton, seeing as they spent over two hour's in the float together.
But no.
He wanted all of the attention!
Jackaroo was interested in the pint sized horse.
Rowan was smitten.
For now, Aviator was basking in the much larger horse paying him such close attention.
But with the way Rowan's close proximity kept almost ramming a runaway Aviator into a fence, I was certain the Foal would soon be over this 'smother me' game.
Blayze warned when Aviator narrowly escaped the fence once again.
The big dark bay paid him no attention.
Aviator squealed and wheeled on his haunches, trying to escape.
I looked worriedly toward Blayze.
He placed two finger's to ether corner of his mouth and gave a shrill whistle,
Rowan snorted and wheeled on his haunches, ear's swivelling, searching for the sound.
Aviator cantered past him and ran to the opposite end of the paddock.
Blayze and I followed him with our eyes, wondering what he was up to.
My heart melted when I saw Phoenix standing at the fence line of the Working Horse paddock, which ran alongside the end of Blayze's horses' paddock.
There was a race way big enough for a car to drive through between the paddocks, but Aviator and Phoenix didn't seem to mind.
Both had ear's forward and nose's stretched forward, attempting to be able to reach and greet one another.
Phoenix's neck was arched beautifully, my boy looking positively majestic.
Aviator looked absolutely adorable as he tried to mimic the big horse's pose.

"What's up with you?"
I snapped out of my faraway thought's, my hand's resting on the long line of fencing wire I was meant to be dragging through the post's.
I had a pair of fencing glove's on my hand's and my hat pulled down low on my head, but already I had scratches on my arm's from the wire.
I turned my head to see Shayne walking toward me.
I asked.
Shayne frowned, a fencing hammer hanging from his right hand.
"You seem a million mile's away."
"I'm fine."
I dismissed.
"Did you need something?"
Shayne shook his head and headed back to the section of fence he was previously attending to.
Then what the hell did you come and disturb me for Cowboy?
With a shake of my own head, I turned back to the task of pulling the thick wire through the hole in the fence post.
The first few time's I performed this task, my hand's and arm's absolutely hated it.
These day's it didn't bother me so much.
Fencing is by no means fun.
Shayne and I have only been at it for an hour and a half and I've pulled possibly half a K of two line's of wire through.
One line is already rolled up in one of the fencing wire wheel's.
I'm on the second line and Shayne is getting started on the re-wiring.
The sun was warm overhead but not hot.
I probably should've worn a long sleeved top, considering an hour and a half in and with no drastic event's of flying wire, I already have scrape's on my forearm's, but I was feeling almost uncomfortably hot, so I'd shimmied out of my shirt which had left me in a blue tank top with the well renowned longhorn across the back and a pair of faded Ariat jeans.
Shayne still wore an over shirt, which is why I was under the impression the weather wasn't actually quite as warm as I was thinking.
Is there something wrong with me?
I seem to be doing lot's of weird thing's lately...
Mentally I shook my head.
I've got a job to do.
With a little renewed energy, I pulled harder on the wire.

"Hey Bail's?"
I turned from the sink, full glass of water in my hand.
Mum set a stack of tea towel's and oven mit's onto the kitchen bench.
"Blayze is going hunting with the guy's and taking Jaxon. I thought we could watch some movie's and what not with Aayla and Bindi."
The guy's are going hunting again?
I think I'll fall asleep!
I'm knackered!
"They're keen. They'll be here about six."
Mum explained, turning to distribute the clean item's into their designated home's.
I lifted my glass and sculled the majority of it, the cool liquid feeling amazing as it ran down my throat.

I returned the hug's Aayla and Bindi gave me upon their arrival.
Thanks to the end of daylight savings (note the sarcasm), it was 6:20PM and just about pitch black by my glance out the kitchen window.
The guy's were gone, having loaded Zeus, Buzz and Woody into Blayze's Ranger and stocked the rifle's and ammo into the gun rack.
They'd made track's to the National Park before sunset.
"The kids' pizza's are almost ready."
Mum announced, walking into the kitchen.
"We'll get them sorted then make our's and we can sit down with a movie."
She suggested.
Aayla nodded with a smile.
"Sound's perfect."
I pushed back from the bench.
"I should rescue the Joey from them and feed him."
Mum shot me a glance.
"Tell them to wash their hand's please honey."
"Oh my god do you still have him?"
Bindi asked eagerly.
I shot her a smile.
"He's doing really well."
"Oh I so wanna see!"
Bindi moved to follow me.
"She'll bring him to the out dining room."
Mum told her.

"Guy's, Mum said go wash your hand's. I'm gonna feed the Joey and you guy's are gonna eat."
I told my brother's and sister's as I walked into the kitchen.
The Joey got to his feet and hopped toward me.
My heart swelled with pride.
He's so cute!
Hazel immediately got to her feet, ready to go and do as she was told.
"I don't want to!"
Jace complained.
I rolled my eyes at him and vent to pick up the Joey.
"Fine. Don't eat Pizza."
Man I really need to think of a name for the poor guy...
Jace's eyes widened and he scrambled to his feet, battling Hazel for first place at the bathroom.
Izac and Lily hurried after them.
Ah, the magic word's!
I smiled down at the Joey in my arm's and headed back to the kitchen.
"C'mon cutie pie, time for your dinner too."

Sitting in the out dining room, I watched with fondness as Bindi bottle fed the Joey.
We both looked toward the doorway at the sound of Mum's voice.
I asked as she stepped into the room.
Mum held something out in my direction.
A moment later I realised it was my phone that had the lit up screen.
Mum stepped forward to hand me my phone.
"Blayze is on the other end."
Blayze is calling me?
I thought they headed out hunting!
I took my phone from her, glanced at the screen which said the call was answered and held the device to my ear.
I greeted.
"Hey. Um... I was wondering if you can do me a favour?"
Uh oh...
Mentally I face palmed.
He never hesitate's to help me out.
"Sure. What is it?"
I avoided looking at Bindi because I'd already seen her six foot grin.
"I forgot to leave food in Azlan's bowl. I've brought shit Zeus, Buzz and Woody can eat."
Blayze explained.
"You want me to feed him?"
Thank god the task wasn't a challenging one!
"If you could, yeah. Dunno what time we'll get back."
I nodded even though he couldn't see.
"No worries."
"No worries. Have fun. Be safe."
Blayze laughed.
"Yeah, righto."
I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile.
"Okay. I'll let ya get back to it."
I bade.
He replied.
I pulled the phone from my ear, tapped the red 'end' button and set it onto the long picnic style table.
"You guy's are really cute."
Bindi noted.
I felt a pink blush flare up on my cheek's.
I avoided eye contact and shook my head.
"You're crazy."
"No I'm not."
"Are you okay to keep feeding Joey? There's something I need to do quickly."
I explained.
Out the corner of my eye, I saw Bindi nod.
I got to my feet and headed out of the out dining room, down the path to the yard gate and slipped out of it, the hinge's creaking as always.

Azlan's excited yap's reached my ear's as I approached the familiar cottage.
Funny how I basically stayed away from this place while Blayze was away on the American Circuit, yet I still call it familiar.
"Yes Azlan, I'm coming to get your dinner for you."
I gripped the door handle, twisted it and pushed the door open.
The excited Kelpie met me on the other side, positively bouncing at the same time as squirming like a worm.
I couldn't help but laugh.
"Hello crazy boy!"
I bent to pat him.
He stood on his hind leg's, his pink tongue flicking out to lick my cheek.
Grinning from ear to ear, I straightened.
"Jeez dude! Ya scared me!"
I froze, almost standing straight.
Heath stood across the room, just outside of his bedroom doorway.
He was shirtless, wearing a pair of wash jeans and a brown leather belt with a silver belt buckle.
A par of white socks were on his feet, but as far as clothing went, that was the extent of it.
His hair was a little damp and sticking in a few different directions, making it pretty clear he'd ran a towel over it as an attempt to dry it.
Considering he's been here for a while now working his butt off, his body and arm's were a relatively same colour tan.
I'd already thought he looked like Blayze.
My original thought of him being 'scrawny' didn't necessarily hold anymore, at least not as I now looked at him shirtless.
He'd obviously built some more muscle during his time here.
Unfortunately for him, he still had a way to go before he matched his big cousin.
I felt a second pink blush of the evening creep up on my cheek's and pulled my gaze away, in the direction of the kitchen.
"I- I ah- B-Blayze asked me t-to feed Az-Azlan."
As if on cue, the dog in question yapped.
"Okay. Dunno why he didn't just ask me..."
"Maybe he thought you'd already left for town."
I headed for the kitchen knowing that's where Blayze stashed the dog food.

I cut up some of the Kangaroo meat from the fridge while Azlan sat at my feet almost drooling, then I scooped out some biscuit's and added it all to the dog bowl.
I took the lot outside and set the bowl onto the porch for Azlan to eat.
He waited, sitting patiently and watching me for the go ahead to eat.
I told him.
He pranced forward and hoed in, going for the meat first.
I slipped back inside to clean up the cutting board and knife I'd used.
Heath came into the kitchen, thankfully wearing a t-shirt now.
"Are you gonna come to town?"
He asked, pulling the fridge door open and grabbing a beer.
I shook my head, able to look at him now he was covered.
Unfortunately my idiot brain flickered to the bare chested version.
Mentally I slapped that thought away.
"Why not?"
I shook my head.
"Mum invited Aayla and Bindi down for a movie night. I'm recruited in that apparently. Plus I've got the Joey."
Heath rolled his eyes.
"That thing's causing ya more problem's than joy!"
I rolled my eyes.
"He is not!"
Speaking of...
I'd better get back.
"I gotta get back."
I headed for the door.
Hang on!
Halfway into the lounge room, I spun on my heel.
"Oh! Let's not mention that to Blayze yeah?"
Heath smirked.
"Mention what? The fact I offered for you to come out? He might not be goin but I can look out for ya, Bail's."
Smiling, I shook my head.
"We all know that. But..."
I sucked in a deep breath.
"Let's just leave out how I came across you half naked."
Heath grinned and shook his head.
"What's the matter? I know you've seen Blayze shirtless. Hell I seem to remember you were 'sleeping' in a bed alongside him while he was shirtless!"
I felt my cheek's flame at his word's.
I looked away unable to maintain eye contact.
"N- th-that's dif-different."
I turned on my heel and headed outside.
Heath called after me.
With an embarrassed scowl, I slammed the cottage door shut.
Azlan danced around my leg's.
I frowned curiously at the seven year old Kelpie.
"What's up with you?"
He wagged his tail, looking up at me with a doggy grin.
He's probably feeling lost that Blayze has gone.
Azlan's tough, but Blayze doesn't intentionally get him involved in hunting.
"Alright, c'mon."
I told him.
I'll text Blayze and tell him Azlan's with me.
Azlan eagerly followed me back across the yard toward the main house.
Halfway across the yard, Heath's words caught up with me.
His teasing emphasis on 'sleeping'.
I face palmed, humiliation washing over me.
Heath actually didn't believe our story?


My phone buzzed in my jeans pocket and I realised with frustration that once again I'd forgotten to just turn the thing off and shove it in the centre console.
Keegan was in my driver's seat, following the track's of the National Park.
How I was in the passenger seat was a little beyond me.
But it was Keegsn in my seat, so I could deal.
He doesn't have to change the position of my seat or steering wheel or anything.
I wriggled my phone out of my pocket, my beer stubby wedged between my knee's so I didn't lose the content's on the floor.
Looking at the screen I saw a few messages on there, but the latest was from Lukas.
What's Luk want?
He know's we've come hunting...
Lukas sent an attachment?
I opened the message.
Lukas: iMessage: 8:41PM: Been a while since I've carried Bails to bed! 😱 oh the memories! Lol
The image he'd attached was of Bailey sprawled out on her back on her bed, the dark blue and purple covers pulled up to just beneath her underarm's.
Interestingly, a familiar Black and Tan Kelpie was curled up beside her, curling himself into her side.
Azlan went for a visit with Bailey?
I wrote back.

Edited 20/5/2022

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