Akito and the Lion Guard

By PerkyGoth14

9.6K 112 14

summary: Simba and Nala's twins are finally born; a boy named Kion and a girl named Kiara. Kiara is destined... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15

chapter 16

549 8 4
By PerkyGoth14

There were lionesses around the youngest of Zira's cubs as his training was being intensified about fighting against Simba. Janja came over to the lioness.

"What is it?" Zira glanced down at him.

"You might want to take extra action to be necessary," Janja advised. "Simba and Nala's other cub Kion is in charge of this generation's Lion Guard and he's paired up with a cheetah, an egret, a honey badger, and a hippo!"

"What?!" Zira glared.

Janja visibly flinched at Zira's uproar. "It's true, Zira," he defended. "Kion is just a cub, but he has the roar of the great kings of the past in him!"

"There must be a way to defeat them, Mother." Vitani said, overhearing the conversation.

"We'll find a way..." Zira snarled.

Kovu looked over. "What's the Lion Guard...?"

"It's a long story, just focus on destroying Simba until you're ready." Zira snarled at her youngest cub. "Kion may be the youngest in the Lion Guard, but as MY youngest cub, you're going to be the one to kill Simba for killing Scar!"

"Yes, Mother." Kovu nodded with a frown.

Janja was relieved that Zira was still believing that Simba was the one that killed Scar.

"What can we do, Mother?" Vitani asked.

"The same thing we've been doing since your brother met Simba's daughter, training to the death." Zira sharply replied. "Janja and the other hyenas have the assignment to destroy the Lion Guard."

"We won't let you down." Janja saluted.

"You better not, I hate disappointment." Zira sneered.

"I know." Janja said.

"Good boy..." Zira grinned darkly. "And very soon, your efforts will be rewarded."

"Thank you, Zira." Janja bowed.

"You may go now." Zira allowed.

Janja nodded and went back to his clan to tell them what Zira had told him.

Kion was praised throughout Pride Rock as it was getting dark and the time to be with family.

"Kion, I should apologize for not taking you guys seriously when you said you were the new leader of the Lion Guard." Kiara frowned.

Simba and Nala approved of this.

"That's okay," Kion smiled, then smirked slightly. "At least I got my life together, right?"

"Yeah, yeah..." Kiara rolled her eyes, then smiled back to him. "I'm really proud of you."

"Same here." Kopa added in.

"Thanks, guys." Kion smiled, nuzzling up to them both.

"Another perfect Circle of Life..." Simba sighed softly. "I really wish Grandfather Mufasa and Grandmother Sarabi were here to see this."

Atticus, Mo, Cherry, and Forte hugged their children, happy that they were alive along with the Pokemon.

"Maman..." Felicity nuzzled against her mother.

"Fliss..." Cherry gently replied, lightly stroking her daughter's dark brown hair.

"We're so glad you dears are okay." Mo said.

"We were worried..." Atticus added.

"We're sorry, we didn't mean to make you guys worry." Estelle frowned.

"We're parents, it's our jobs to worry..." Mo said.

The others frowned.

"Hey, how about a story?" Kopa changed the subject to lighten the mood a little.

"Yes, please." The cubs smiled.

Kopa smiled. "Now, what should I tell?" he then asked, already having a story in mind, but wanted to know what they had to say.

"Well, I guess you could tell us abou your healing powers." Kiara suggested.

"Yeah." Kion agreed.

"Well, I dunno if you're old enough..." Kopa smirked playfully to his younger brother and sister.

"Please." Kiara and Kion begged.

"Well... It's all right with me..." Kopa smirked.

The cubs and Pokemon cheered to this.

Kopa laughed and got settled in a spot to sit as a storyteller. "All right, all right... Well, this is all before I ended up going to that zoo with Ryan and Samson in New York City."

Flashback shows us Kopa having himself a lot of fun on his own...

Sarabi smiled to her grandcub as she lied down next to him as he was at play. Kopa continued to play until he heard someone in pain.

"Oh, my..." Sarabi looked worried.

Kopa's ears twitched. Sarabi came to her grandcub's side as they went to the source of the voice in pain. And where they saw a young elephant with an injured leg.

"Oh, dear..." Sarabi looked concerned.

"Please, don't eat me..." the elephant pleaded. "I'm too young to suffer!"

"Don't worry, we're not going to eat you." Kopa assured her.

"You're not...?" the elephant asked.

"Let's see..." Sarabi came closer to the young elephant. "What seems to be the problem?"

"It's my back left leg, it hurts." The young elephant told them.

"Oh, you poor thing..." Sarabi cooed.

The elephant sniffled. "It hurts badly and I can't get back home..."

"Maybe it just needs a little licking." Kopa said.

"That's a wonderful idea." Sarabi had a knowing smile.

Kopa walked over to the young elephant's back left leg and started to lick its wound. Sarabi smiled and didn't even stop him, she seemed to had anticipated this. After licking the wound, it seemed to heal up instantly.

"Try standing up now, dear." Sarabi told the elephant.

The elephant stood up on all fours and smiled that she was no longer hurt. "Wow, that's incredible!"

"But how?" Kopa asked.

"Kopa, we have to talk, you are going to be much more than king someday, you are going to be the Prideland Healer." Sarabi replied.

"Prideland Healer?" Kopa asked his paternal grandmother. "How do you mean?"

"Come with me, my boy." Sarabi replied gently.

"Okay." Kopa said, following his grandmother.

Sarabi led the way back home as the elephant smiled and ran off back home, healed up and feeling 100% better. "The Prideland Healer is extremely rare," she informed her grandson. "It happens at least once every other generation."

"Really?" Kopa smiled. "Cool."

"Yes," Sarabi smiled. "Your great-grandmother, Grandfather Mufasa's mother Uru, was one of them."

"So, what does it mean?" Kopa then asked.

"It means you can heal anyone you wish and desire," Sarabi informed. "No matter how old you get, it will always work and you'll help keep the Circle of Life in balance and you may even become a very generous and thoughtful king with your healing powers."

"Rafiki once told me that Great-Grandmother Uru discovered a lake at the western edge of the Pridelands and saved animals from thirst." Kopa smiled.

"And he's correct, she really did discover a lake." Sarabi smiled.

Kopa smiled back.

"Uru was the first official queen, her father had no sons, so she inherited the throne to Pride Rock and then met your Great-Grandfather Ahadi and she became the Lion Queen," Sarabi told more. "Unfortunately, the only wound your great-grandmother could never heal was when her younger son Taka gained a scar and he refused to let her help him due to insane jealousy of his older brother having the crown to become the next Lion King."

"But that's just crazy, why would he be jealous of Grandfather?" Kopa asked.

"That is a story for another day, my boy," Sarabi replied. "What's important is that not only will you become the new King of the Jungle, but you will also become the Prideland Healer and you will use your powers and monarchy for good and not evil. Can you promise me?"

Kopa obviously smiled. "Of course."

"Thank you, because if this power were to be used for evil, it would do the opposite." Sarabi told him.

"Of course, that makes sense." Kopa replied maturely.

"You are going to be a very wise kind brave and strong king when you grow up." Sarabi smiled.

Kopa smiled back to his grandmother and stood proudly.

End of Flashback

"And that's how I learned about my healing powers." Kopa said.

"Whoa..." Kiara and Kion, the human kids, an Pokemon were blown away from the story.

"That's amazing." Teddy said.

Kopa sighed softly. "I sure do miss Grandmother Sarabi though."

"We all do, son." Simba frowned.

"She really was a great woman from what we knew." Cherry said, referring to herself, Mo, Atticus, and Forte.

"Yeah." Atticus nodded.

"What happened to her anyway?" Mo asked. "I-If it's not too much trouble to ask."

"She was killed by two humans." Simba frowned.

"Oh, no..." Forte frowned back.

"Oh, yes..." Nala confirmed.

"It must have been the same humans that brought Kopa to the Zoo." Felicity said.

"I'm pretty sure it was," Simba replied. "I remember that we were both running to save Kopa..." The sound of the gunshot started to echo in his head. "NOOOO!" he suddenly yelled out.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Kion asked.

Simba held his head with his paw and looked back to see everyone staring at him, both confused and concerned. "I... I..." he then cleared his throat. "Sorry.... I was just... Thinking."

"Was it about that day?" Vulpix asked.

Simba frowned. "Yes, as a matter of fact... It's all my fault..."

"Simba, I told you, you couldn't help it, nothing was your fault, it just happened." Nala tried to soothe her mate.

Forte was about to agree, but then his pocket watch went off like a timer, telling him only one thing. Cherry leaned over his shoulder to see the ticking clock.

"You know what this means, Cerise." Forte looked down to her.

Cherry nodded.

"What is it, Maman and Papa?" Felicity asked her parents.

"Everyone, I'm afraid it's time for us to go back home." Forte said.

"Aww..." the kids and Pokemon groaned in dismay.

"I'm sorry, kids, but we have to go back to where we belong." Mo soothed them.

"So, you guys are leaving?" Kion asked.

"We'll come back again someday." Akito promised.

"Yeah." Vincent smiled.

"We promise." Estelle said.

"Possibly when we're teenagers." Felicity suggested.

"You know where to find us." Nala smiled to their human friends.

After a few goodbyes, the humans and Pokemon all left the Pridelands and went back home.

"I wish we could've seen more adventures with Kion in the Lion Guard..." Akito pouted.

"Yeah." Larvitar agreed.

"But if we stayed longer, how would we be ready for Enchancia?" Mo prompted, then cupped her mouth playfully. "Oops!"

"You know we'll learn about their adventures when we come back for a visit in the future." Akito said.

"You kids are smarter than I thought!" Mo pretended to be gobsmacked.

"Come on, we better get on the plane before it leaves." Felicity smiled.

"Come along then." Cherry said.

With that, they gathered together and took their leave. Once they were all in their seats, the plane began to take them out of Africa. The kids and Pokemon were still sad to go, but they eventually fell asleep as they were on the way back home after a long journey.

"I just know that our time in Enchancia will be an adventure for the kids." Mo said.

"I know they'll love it." Atticus agreed as he kissed his wife's knuckles in his own hand.

Mo smiled as they were now on their way back home.

The End

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