You Make It Real (A Harry Sty...

By jadorelarry

132K 2K 312

Excerpt: In that moment, nothing moved. Everything was silent. Except for him. He looked straight in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75 (warning: depression triggers)

Chapter 3

3.1K 61 9
By jadorelarry


Damn. What just happened? I didn't have time to answer the questions in my head as the next few fans piled in to say hello and take a picture. The rest of the meet and greet was all sort of a blur. Sure, I've met plenty of gorgeous fans that I would be lucky to have. But, something about her just set me on fire. Piper, wasn't it? Of course, she slipped something into my pocket. I needed to find a moment alone so I could see what it was. Why was she so different? I've had numbers slipped into my pocket before. I've had them thrown at me from a crowd along with other private things. Why was I so much more intrigued this time? I didn't have answers. 

"Mate, you alright?"

Liam patted me on the back as the rest of the guys began to rush back to the dressing rooms.

"Yeah, yeah I am. Sorry, just in a bit of a daze."

"Ha, yeah, I saw the way you looked at her... and hey, did you see her friend? Damn..." he paused in deep thought, "Come on, we gotta hurry."

He chuckled and shook his head as he jogged off to his dressing room. After he left, I slowly followed behind, reaching into the pocket of my shirt. I unfolded the small sheet of paper and on it in dainty scribbled cursive was her name and phone number followed by an 'xoxo'.

I smiled curtly to myself and stumbled off to get ready.


By the time we found our seats, I finally felt capable of speaking to some degree. I turned to Riley, who still seems to be on cloud 9 as well, and get her attention.

"So, I don't know how to take what happened in there."

"I can't even think straight right now. But, what do you mean?"

"I just, I don't know. I got something from Harry. As if he was coming on to me. But, that's impossible."

"What happened?!"

I told her exactly what happened, which seemed to be a lot longer when it happened. The fact the greatest point of my life so far occurred in less than a minute made me shudder. 

"You put your number in his pocket!? Oh my god!!!!!"

She squealed and laughed uncontrollably.

"He's totally going to call you..."

Riley stopped talking abruptly as the opening act took the stage. This was going to be a long night. 

"I am pretty sure that this was the best show ever," my voice cracked, "I think I'm losing my voice."

"You do know that we have to see them every tour, right?" Riley asked this question rhetorically of course and didn't even wait for a reply. "Let's get something to eat, I'm starved!"

"Chili's sound alright?"

"Sure, anything is fine with me."

As we got into the car, we mapped out how to get to the restaurant since we weren't familiar with the area. Finding it easily, I didn't need to focus on the GPS to navigate us to our destination. I shoved my phone back into my purse and we arrived within minutes. After we were seated and ordered our drinks, I searched my purse for my phone again.  I checked the time, which was 10:30 and set my cell phone on the table. Wait. Did I have a text message? From a number that wasn't saved in my phone? Riley saw the bewilderment in my facade.

"Umm, what is it?"

She asked, obviously remembering the note I slipped in Harry Styles' pocket earlier. She peered over the table at my phone as I answered.

"I don't know.  I'm scared to open it."


"Keep your voice down. I doubt it's even him. It can't be"

My fingers shook as I slid one across the screen to unlock it. Typing my password in was a lot more difficult when I felt as though I would pass out. 

* Ritz Carlton. Come soon and and bring your friend. Room 1005.

~Harry x*

"No... Fucking... Way."

I gasped for breath but it didn't come. The hand not holding my phone waved back and forth in excitement. I couldn't spit out any more words so I simply held my phone up for Riley to see.

She literally screamed. In the middle of Chili's.

"SHHHHHHH..... Should we go?"

"UMMM, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK? Nah, we just got invited to a hotel by One Direction but, hmm, better not, we do need to get up early in the morning. WAKE UP, LET'S DITCH THIS JOINT."

I was glad that she quieted herself for the details so that we wouldn't be bombarded with questions. I was also glad that she was able to express the feelings I couldn't bring myself to let out. Since we hadn't ordered anything besides water, which hadn't arrived yet, we decided to simply walk back to the car.

"Wait, should I text him back?"

I somehow forgot to think about that.

"No. Let's let him wait around."

I scoffed at the thought of Harry waiting around for me as I climbed into the driver's seat of my practical Carolla.

"Okay, map this shit. I don't know how to get there."

I was finally letting my excitement show. I wouldn't even wait until we had directions to peel out of the parking lot. It took us about 20 minutes to complete our journey and we decided to get Valet. We had to at least act like we fit in here, right? After paying for valet, we brought our duffel bags with us into the lobby. We had some work to do if we were going to be presentable enough to hang out with One Direction. Quickly finding the lobby restrooms, we pushed through the doors, wanting to be upstairs as soon as humanly possible.

"SHIT, I forgot that we were supposed to stay at my uncle's house. How long do you think we'll be here?"

I looked frantically at Riley. She simply shrugged, 

"I don't know about you but I don't plan on leaving."

I smiled and pulled out my phone and texted Uncle Jack as fast as I could while trying to type a coherent message.

*Hey, sorry to ditch last minute but Riley and I decided to just get a hotel room around the stadium. Wouldn't be back to late and don't want to wake the kids up. Will come by tomorrow.


I double checked the message and hit send. It wasn't as if he would call my parents or that they could say anything. I was old enough to do whatever I wanted. I just couldn't help but reassure him so he wouldn't worry. I played with my wild hair, trying to tame it in any way possible. I finally decided that wild hair was just how it was going to be. I wiped smudges of eyeliner off of my face and reapplied more, a thin strip under my eye and a thicker one on my eyelid. Riley did the same, leaving her eyelid liner a bit thinner than mine. We touched up on our blush and mascara and looked for something to change into. The only nice outfits that we brought were our second options for the concert. Riley pulled out her navy blue sleeveless, eyelet dress, corseted at the top with a slight flair in the skirt. She pulled the dress over her head and searched for her white wedges in her bag. I looked into my bag and found my white laced dress that was cut in a V in the front as well as the back, only slightly revealing my tattoo. I didn't bring any other shoes so I left on my brown studded combat boots. We both took one last look at our wild, but somewhat sexy. hair and gathered our things. We hurried out to ask the valet to return our items to my car. For the amount I paid to have them park, this should be nothing. They agreed kindly and we walked back into the crisp lobby.


I wonder if she'll show. I sat on the armchair closest to the window as I stared at my phone. She hadn't answered. Did that mean anything though? Who knows. All I know is that I need a drink. I walk over to the kitchen in the suite and grabbed a beer from the fridge. Zayn and Louis were sitting on barstools in front of him, beers in front of them, phones in hand. Probably texting their girlfriends. And I couldn't even get a couple fans to come to our hotel. It had been a half hour since I sent the message and I was really beginning to lose any hope that I still had that they would show up.

"Hey, are they coming?" 

Liam still seemed energetic.

"I don't know. I haven't heard anything."

"Did you get the number right?"

He looked concerned.

"Yes, I triple checked. Maybe her phone died. I don't know."

I tried not to sound too disappointed. It's so lonely for all of us on tour. Sure, a couple of the guys had girlfriends and of course they talked regularly, even seeing each other as often as possible. It just wasn't the same. Being single on the road, that's another story. Liam and Niall seemed to still be enjoying the random hook-ups in different cities, but that's only because they hadn't experienced it long enough. It get's old. Niall walked into the kitchen and grabbed a Guinness from the fridge.

"You do know that we are all aware that you're Irish, right? You don't have to keep drinking that shit to prove it." 

I teased as he took a gulp. He made a face that came off as a playful warning. He put the bottle down loudly,

"So where are the babes?"

"Well, I don't know who you're referring to but Harry and I have got a couple on their way."

Liam looked proud and draped one arm around my shoulder.

"Alright, I see how it is. I'll find someone myself. Zayn, Louis, be my wingmen. Come on, we will be back in a couple hours. Tops."

Louis rolled his eyes in exhaustion, "Sorry mate, I'm gonna pass out. Have fun."

He slightly waved as he shuffled off to his room.

Zayn sighed, obviously not tired enough to easily turn down Niall's request.

"Alright. I'll go with you."

Niall motioned his excitement with a dance while chugging the rest of his bitter beer.

I looked down at my can, sloshing the remaining liquid, which was less than half.  I poured the last of it into my mouth and swallowed hard. I looked at my phone again. It was 11 o'clock and nothing. Until...

"Did someone just knock?" Liam's head turned swiftly to look at the front door.

In response, I walked to the door and peered through the hole.

"It's them," I exclaimed in a low voice. Liam irritably motioned for me to open it.


As I heard the door click, my heart stopped. I stabled myself on Riley's arm, attempting to put a normal smile on my face. That hope soon vanished as I looked at the person standing in the doorway, arm propped against the frame. Why was he saw gorgeous? His red flannel shirt was hardly buttoned at all and who could complain? His hair seemed damp from a shower maybe? Probably. I'm sure that was the first thing they did when they got back from their incredible show. My heart began to race as I slowly looked down at his tight black jeans. Wow. They fit snug in all the right places. Oh, what I would do to take them off. Surely, my face described my thoughts because Harry cleared his throat, snapping me out of my pleasant fantasy.

"Please, come in." 

He motioned for us to enter the suite which Riley did first and I followed behind. However, I was stopped by a tattooed, muscular arm. 

"Where do you think you're going?"

He smiled devilishly and licked his lips.


WHAT?! Why did I do that? She looks so nervous and uncomfortable. Way to start out, Styles. Quick, make a comeback.

"I'm just teasing, come on in." 

I welcomed Piper in again, this time allowing her to pass. As the door shut behind me, I couldn't help but to stare at her. That dress was lovely on her. Incredible, is actually a better adjective. I looked at her flawless back, exposed by the V-shape in her dress, as  I see something to the left. Is it a tattoo? I needed to find out. I wanted to examine her entire body. 

Don't get ahead of yourself. 

She stopped in the kitchen area and turned to face me. I walked over to the bar and grabbed a bottle of tequila from one of the shelves.

"Would you like something to drink, love?"

She turned slightly red and looked down before answering.

"Umm, sure. 7 and 7?"

"Coming right up."

I winked at her before reaching for the Jameson as well. I was tempted to make her drink a little stronger but decided against it. She doesn't seem that naive. After handing her the drink I made, I poured tequila in another glass for myself, mixing it with some agave and lime juice and a splash of water. The perfect margarita.

"Seems a little girly next to mine."

She smiled as she sipped out of her glass.

"Ah, so she does speak. That's good to know."

I moved closer to her and took the first sip of my drink.

"We're in Florida. First night back in America. What am I supposed to drink?"

"I suppose margaritas are appropriate," she grinned flirtatiously and nervously bit her bottom lip. 

God, why was that so fucking hot? 

My thoughts were interrupted by an already tipsy Niall and a supportive Zayn. Niall walked up and immediately kissed Piper's forehead, making her color flush.

"We'll be back. Don't wait up," Niall's voice trailed as he walked confidently toward the door, Zayn unenthusiastically in tow.

I laughed as I looked back at Piper who was cautiously chugging her Whiskey drink.

"Is it alright?"

"Yes, very good. Another please."


Harry looked surprised as I ordered him to make my second drink. Was I not supposed to drink that quickly? Was I being rude? I was reassured as he chuckled a took my glass from me, preparing my second drink. Wait, where was Riley? As if reading my mind, Harry answered my thoughts,

"I think your friend and Liam cut to the chase."

He glanced in the direction of a door with a light shining through the bottom crack. I snickered at the thought of Riley and Liam. Really, just the thought of us being here in the first place. It seemed unreal. I was trying so hard to not be a crazed fan. I was trying to act as I normally would around a guy. Was I coming off as rude? I hadn't said much.

"You guys were great tonight."

Decent. Not crazy, just supportive with slight excitement.

"Thanks, it was a fun show. The first night somewhere is always exhilarating in a way."

God, his voice is like velvet. So sexy. It's soft but also strong and robust. I couldn't stop staring. God, say something, Piper! You're making him uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry that I'm being so  awkward. I just don't know what to say. I'm still trying to remind myself of where I am."


"Let's go sit down in my room and we can just chat, how does that sound?"

The grin on his face let me know that he didn't need to read my mind to understand my thoughts. He walked over with his drink in his hand and placed the palm of his large hand on the small of my back, kindly guiding the way to his bedroom. TO HIS BEDROOM. HARRY STYLES' BEDROOM. Breathe... Breathe...


Author's note:

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