Chim- Teddybears and tourbuse...

By SoldierMark916

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Girls aloud are currently on tour and lately Cheryl and Kimberley have been having thoughts about being toget... More

Chim- Teddybears and tourbuses
Chapters 1+2
Chapters 3+4
Chapters 7+8
Chapters 9+10
Chapters 11+12
Chapters 13+14
Chapters 15+16
Chim- Everything I wanted and more
Chapters 1+2+3

Chapters 5+6

1K 22 0
By SoldierMark916

Chapter 5

Kimberley's POV:

Okay I'm either dead or dreaming...I hope I'm not dead. I'm kissing the girl I am madly in love with...and she's kissing me back....WOW! I feel her pull back and she stares at me intently.
“Kimba? Are you okay?” Her smooth Geordie tones bring me out of my thoughts, I gaze at her. Smiling, I nod.
“Yeah...But I think I might be dead...” I reply, my voice shaking. She looks at me softly, an adorable confused expression on her beautiful face.
“What? I don't understand..” She says, her eyes fixed on my face, she cups my cheek, rubbing it with her thumb softly.
“Okay! I'm definitely dead because there is no way this is earth...I'm in heaven...but...Oh God that means your dead too..What will happen to Girls Aloud?! We have to perform in an hour and a half..think of all the disappointed fans!” I'm cut off by a pair of tender lips brushing over mine, capturing and locking away all of the unspoken words. She pulls back slowly, resting her forehead against mine. Her hot breath glides over my lips as she speaks.
“We aren't dead baby. This is real. This is happening. And the fans won't be disappointed, because we are gonna go out there and put on a kick ass show, and then we are gonna go out and celebrate the end of another amazing tour.” I smile, wow! This actually is happening, and it's so much better than my dreams. I grin, pulling her closer to me, I hug her softly. I pull back as I hear the tour bus door open, I look into her eyes.
“Kimberley! Cheryl! It's time to go inside!” I hear Nicola shout. I smile at Cheryl tenderly, and shout  back.
“Okay Nic we're coming! Be there in a sec.” Cheryl grins at me and strokes my cheek, her fingers glide across my skin causing me to shudder. The tour bus door opens again, signalling the departure of the red head. I turn to Cheryl and kiss her, my lips clinging onto hers for a few seconds.
“Come on babe,” I murmur as I pull back, I stand up and take her hand “Lets go and give the best performance of our lives!”
Loud whoops greet us backstage as we walk in, the concert was the best yet. I grin at everyone as I walk past them, receiving several cheers and compliments. I reach the rest of the girls and am pulled into a giant group hug. Sarah's lips are next to my ear, and I'm nearly deafened as she cheers. Cheryl notices the expression on my face and giggles at me. I smile at her, releasing myself from the hug and walking over to her. I pull her into my arms, and give her a chaste kiss on the cheek, she returns the gesture wordlessly. I hold her in my arms and breathe her in.
“Come on girls!” I hear our manager, Hilary, shout. “We gotta get back on the bus!” We all start to shuffle out of the room and towards the bus park, me and Cheryl still gripping each others hands tightly.

Chapter 6

Cheryl's POV:

It took about 5 minutes to get to the bus, and me and Kimberley didn't let go of each other the whole way there. Once on the bus, we all went to the top deck to watch movies and relax. I sat back in the leather couch, happily watching Sarah and Kimberley squabble over the DVD choice.
“Kimba, I swear if I have to watch another musical I am going to throw myself out of the window!” Sarah said, playfully punching Kimberley on the arm. I laughed softly, causing Kim to smile at me. Kim looked at Sarah once more, and said,
“Sarah, I am not watching another horror film! I've only just stopped having nightmares over the last one!” Sarah just laughed loudly.
“That's because your a wimp Kim!” She joked, causing Kim to open her mouth in mock offence. I laughed again, and said “Why don't we put it to a vote?” They both nodded. We all turned to look at Nicola and Nadine, who hadn't said anything.
“Nadine!” I said, making her jump and look up, “Horror or Musical?” She thought for a second before saying, “What musical is it?” I looked at Kim, chuckling as she hummed along to the tune of 'Your the one that I want.'
“I'm guessing Grease.” I replied with a smile. Nadine nodded, barely managing an “Okay” before she started playing with her phone again. I laughed at her softly, not noticing that Sarah had moved to sit beside Nicola and was whispering gently into her ear. I turned to look at them, raising an eyebrow at the pair. Nicola's mouth fell open.
“Sarah! That's bribery!” She exclaimed loudly, causing everyone to look at the now blushing blonde. I sniggered quietly.
“I wasn't bribing her! I simply said if she picked horror, she would get a reward!” Sarah mumbled, smiling cheekily.
“Knowing you Sarah, that reward would be you buying her a drink when we go out tomorrow night!” Nadine said, grinning. Sarah huffed, making Nicola laugh and put her arm around her shoulders.
“Yeah well I like Grease.” She said, causing Kim to whoop and Sarah to groan. I laughed and stood up, picking up the DVD and slotting it into to the player. I sat down next to Kimberley, snuggling into her shoulder as the familiar music began to play.

As the credits began to roll, I looked around me. The bus was silent, with only the soft hum of the engine breaking through. I smiled warmly at the sleeping blonde beside me. Nadine had gone to bed about 10 minutes into the film, the other 2 following about 15 minutes later. I turned towards the girl beside me with a smile. I stroked her cheek, silently allowing my fingers to glide over the soft skin.
“Cheryl,” she mumbled, making me jump. “Stop staring at me.” Her lips stretched into a gentle smile. I smiled back at her.
“I can't help it,” I said, “Your so beautiful.” She opened her eyes, staring tenderly into mine.
“Kiss me.” I whispered, my voice so soft I wasn't sure if she heard me. She looked at me, searching my face for any hesitation. She leaned forwards, kissing my lips tenderly. I kissed her back, pushing her back into the sofa as I kissed her. My hands roamed her body, massaging her breasts with one hand and caressing her thighs with the other. She pulled back to look at me.
“Cheryl,” she said, causing me to stop, “Not here's not right.” I nodded, sighing as I pulled back my hands. She pulled me close, kissing my neck,  she whispered into my ear, “Soon babe. I promise.”

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