Stolen Hearts Revenge

By lanajean

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Framed. Broken. Captured. Kat has been framed for manslaughter, accused of murdering an entire work staff and... More

Stolen Hearts Revenge
Authors note! IMPORTANT!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors note:

Chapter 7

70 9 1
By lanajean

Chapter 7

Diego POV

Sitting inside the sub, we all sat in silence, lost in our own thoughts. But all eyes were trained on one thing. The picture of the girl sat inside the open manila folder, which in turn lay in the middle of our small huddle. We all stared at the folder and picture like it was suddenly going to vanish into thin air.

Santiago broke the silence, "So, let me get this straight. THAT girl is locked up inside the prison we escaped from two years ago?"

I didn't remove my eyes from the photo as I replied, "Yep."

"And you wants us, to break BACK into the prison we barely escaped from?" He started to grow more and more incredulous by the second.

"Pretty much." I spoke.

He flung his hands to the side, "Well don't overload me all at once on the details man!"

I massaged my temples, "I see your sarcasm is still in tact." I graced him with a look, piercing him with my ice cold glare.

One of the triplets decided to finally place in their in put. "So how are we going to rescue this damsel without us getting into even bigger trouble?" Stitch nervously wrung his hands together as he spoke.

Big Dominic boomed, "I don't want to go back to jail."

Looking each of them in the eye, I said, "Look, I promised my father I would complete this case for his mate. I never break a promise. But here's the thing, you guys didn't promise. So I understand if you guys want to back out of doing this case." I took another glance at the girl's picture, "This is no way going to be easy, and I don't blame you guys. I can do this one on my own."

I watched as apprehension and gratefulness swam around behind their eyes.  I really don't blame the guys for wanting to back out. Crentshaw was hell for all of us. There are two sides to the compound. The men's and the woman's. The genders are completely separated. So yea.... I haven't even met the girl and she's already a pain in the ass, and this case appears to already be a lost cause, simply because she's female.

But then again..... I happen to be an expert with the doing the impossible.

Glitch slapped his brothers upside the head, "Are you loco?! We love that this is a challenge!" He turned on the other two, "Wouldn't you love to repeat doing the impossible! Our names would be forever remembered! We will become legends. Breaking out of the same prison twice? I don't know about you guys but that sounds pretty darn impossible to me. And it just so happens we have an expert in that department."

All the attention was then aimed at me. The guys all looked affected by Glitch's speech and now held a determined glint in their eyes. Dominic bared his teeth and grinned, "So what's the plan?"

There was a heavy pause. The heroic tension that had been gradually built up, during Glitch's inspiring speech, came crashing down as I said, "I have no idea."

Their shoulders sagged. Twitch slapped his brother upside the head, "I thought you said he was the expert?!" I growled and cracked my knuckles. Twitch shot a nervous smile in my direction. "Ugh.. sorry Diego."

I waved a hand, showing him that it was already forgotten. Santiago sighed, "I can't believe we're going back after two years, just as our arrest warrants are basically being given up on by the police."

A slow smirk started to curve the line of my mouth, as an idea formed inside my head. "I think I've got an idea."

Stitch's eyes became wide, giving off a deer in headlights look. "Oh no. That's his creepy genius face." Dominic mirrored my expression and turned to the others and let out a loud whoop, "The expert has got a plan!"

Santiago sat silently, a troubled look creasing his forehead. Speaking to me directly he said, "I'm not going to like this, am I?" I simply raised an eyebrow. "Shit."

Standing up, I hit my head on the roof of the van, "Fuck! I keep forgetting how low the roof on this van is." Rubbing my head, I shook myself and continued on, "Boys. I think it's about time we handed ourselves in."

Dominic's fist bump turned limp, as he let his arm fall. "Say what now?"

I turned to eye the computers, "Glitch can you print off our arrest warrants?"

"I knew I wasn't going to like this," Santiago groaned. His olive eyes burned as he picked up her picture in anger off the floor. Stabbing his finger at it he growled, "You better be worth it miha!"

I couldn't help but agree with him. The picture fluttered back to the floor of the van as Santiago flung it over his shoulder. I waited until they were all up front until I picked the picture back up. Scanning the photo, I rubbed my thumb over her face. "I haven't even met you, and I know I don't like you."

Copying my comrades actions I threw the photo over my shoulder, before joining everyone up front. As soon as I deliver the girl back to her father, I'm gone.

                       *****************************1 hour later****************

Together as one, my team and I walked through the front doors of the police station. Stopping in the middle, we gained more attention as curious eyes watched on. Eyeing the secretary behind the desk, she blushed as she said, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

I plastered a fake smile on my face, making her blush deepen to a cherry red. "Why yes you can sweetheart. You can get me your captain."

Reaching across her desk, she nervously picked up the phone and dialled a number. No sooner than a couple of seconds was a sturdy man with greying hair come striding down the hall. He scratched his stubbled chin, as he watched us, "What can I do for you?"

Continuing my charade I said cheerfully, "No sir. I believe the question is what can I do for you." He looked at me in confusion. In sync, all six of us held up our arrest warrants included with our identifying pictures up next to out faces. "I believe you were looking for us?"

The next thing I knew, the captain's eyes widened before narrowing in on us. Yanking a whistle out from under his shirt, he blew. I winced at the painful high pitched sound and was amused as several security guards came stampeding towards us. I was no longer amused when I was tackled to the ground.

They thought they needed three to  hold me down. The bastards. I wasn't even struggling. But I bet they were too busy screaming random panicked orders to each other to notice this detail. Santiago lay on his stomach next to me and groaned out, "I can't believe this was your best idea."

A maniacal grin that probably made me look psychotic spread across my face. "I bet you wished you'd backed out now."

"What? And let you get all the glory? Hell no." We shared a laugh as we were cuffed and dragged off towards a police van.

           ***********************************1 Day later****************

Dressed in the ever so fashionable neon orange jumpsuits of Crentshaw prison, was my team and I lead into the back storage place of the kitchens. If you have not guessed, it's out first day back and we are already stirring trouble, at least just enough trouble to land us some good old kitchen duties.

A guard stood in the corner, supervising us and making sure we completed our job. A familiar Russian accent sounded behind us, "I wondered when you boys would be back."

Turning to face her the boys cheered and smiled, "Doris!" Her mole twitched, letting us know she was fighting a smile. I stayed silent as her eyes snapped towards me, "What? Do I not get a greeting from you?"

I just folded my arms across my chest, my muscles bulging out from under the rolled up sleeves. Walking up to me, she came up to my chest and pinched my cheek, "Still brooding I see." She then tugged on the ends of my hair, "I will never understand why you let your hair flop in front of your eye like that."

She then slapped my cheek, "Now. Where is my boyfriend?" The big dumbo should have known this was coming. I watched in amusement as Dominic tried hiding behind the fridge, but his massive figure didn't allow for him to hide, and instead ended up knocking over a stack of brooms. Doris stormed over towards him and snatched his ear, yanking his hulking form down towards her. "Agh... there you are. I have missed you."

Dominic gulped and said, "I.... ugh... missed you too?"

She slapped his cheek and we all winced at the sound, knowing that would leave a mark. He shouldn't have formed that as a question. She snapped, "Don't lie."

Rubbing his cheek and standing up straight, he waited until she had given her orders and disappeared. "Damn woman. "

I patted his back, "You had it coming."


"You made out with her," Twitch said.

"Then you ignored her," Glitch said.

"Then you escaped prison," Stitch said.

"Now that you're back..." All three spoke, "You're in for hell."

Dominic turned and gripped my collar in desperation, "This plan of yours better hurry up. Let's grab the girl and go!"

I eased his hands off me, "Fine. Now distract the guard." Slipping out of the guards sight, I checked to see if anyone was watching. There are no cameras this far back in the kitchen. Coming to the locked draw, I used my tongue to snap the fake tooth cap that covered one of my molars. Spitting it out into the palm of  my hand, I took out the hidden pick that I hid inside and picked the lock on the draw.

Unlocking the draw, I took one of the matches  and snuck it into the pocket of my jumpsuit.  Re-locking the draw, I slid back into the room to see the triplets and Santiago trying to hold back Dominic from bashing the guards brains out.

Seeing me, Dominic instantly dropped the act and apologised, "Sorry amigo, forgot to take my meds this morning." However, the guard wouldn't have it.

"All of you! Back to your cells!"

                           ****************************THAT NIGHT*******************


Yells and shouts sounded and the alarms went off. Guards came and handcuffed us all, dragging us outside into the courtyard. Un-like most of the idiots in here, I went calmly.

Show time.

Standing under the stars, roll-call was taken. As I heard my name, I kept a blank face as a few gasps initiated throughout the cell mates. No doubt recognising my name. I used to be the King of this place. Turns out my name still has the desired affect. Hopefully no one decides to mess with me while I'm here, as I don't plan on staying. Avoiding any drama would be most helpful.

The prison's sergeant shouted, "I will find out who caused the fire! Until then the entire men's block is no longer suitable, most cells were destroyed." That got some cheers, "So for now, we will be bunking in with the woman's block!"

Wolf whistles rang out, and cheers of who was gonna get lucky sounded. I kept silent and so did my team, refusing to join in with the vulgarity of the others behaviour. Once the men were quietened down, we were moved inside through a different entrance.

The entrance to the woman's block.

It took the rest of the night to settle down, and by then, we were all waiting inside the cafeteria, waiting for the women to be released from their cells for breakfast. My team and I stood in the corner, watching the entrance.

"I admit. The fire was a clever way of getting us into the woman's block. But now what?" Santiago asked.

"Now we just need to find her, grab her and get out," I said.

"Sounds simple enough."

The triplets started to perk up as the sounds of shoes thudding against the ground, sounded. Twitch rubbed his hands together in anticipation, "Here comes the...."
It was funny to watch, as the men in the hall started to re-adjust themselves and fixed themselves waiting for the women. A shock waved through the hall as these..... ladies.... weren't very.... womanly.

"Ladies?" He finished.

We looked over the bunch as the women's muscles matched some of the men in this hall. Some even had moustaches! Looking over their appearances, I scanned each one for the girl in the photo. Soon, everyone was seated and still I had not seen the girl.  Coming off the wall, I re-scanned the hall, when finally a tiny girl sat in the back corner caught my eye.

I nudged the boys and pointed towards her. "That's her."

"How do you know? She's got her head down." Twitch said.

"Call it a gut feeling." She was the only one that didn't look like a man and was tiny. If she were to stand beside me, she would probably only come up to my upper arm. Watching her closely from across the room, I scanned her dainty frame. She looked too thin, like she hadn't eaten properly in a  long time. Her dark brown chocolate waves are shorter, coming just under her ears.

She was cute....ish.

Mainly she looks like if someone even blew in her direction she would fall off a cliff. Dominic clapped his hands, "Right. Now that we've found her. Let's grab her and go!"

We stepped forward to do just that when the girl was surrounded by a bunch of extremely butch women. I could smell trouble. Some conversation was exchanged before the next thing I knew, a punch was thrown.  The girl ducked and swung her leg out, clipping the woman and knocking her to the ground. The boys and I watched in shock, as this small, fragile girl took them down one by one until the last one was left writhing underneath the bottom of her boot, with blood streaming from a cut on her cheek.

It was only then did she look up. Her eyes met mine. A shocking pair of lime green eyes stared back at me. She kept eye contact as her hands were cuffed behind her back and she was dragged out of the hall, her head tilted in curiosity at me.

"Well that was......" Snitch trailed off.

"Interesting." I finished for him, "Very interesting."

Santiago placed a hand on my shoulder, "I think you're gonna have to re-think the grabbing her and go part of your plan."

It was until later when I was sat inside my cell by myself that I asked the question, "Who the hell is this girl?"

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