Lovesick Fool (A Harry Styles...

By StarDust_Raluca

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Harry's mysterious and mean, while Jess is naive and caring. Liam's got a dark past, while Rose is all bright... More

Chapter 2 - Make Friends
Chapter 3 - Brother Warning
Chapter 4 - Dates
Chapter 5 - A Funny Dinner
Chapter 6 - Hess
Chapter 7 - Date
Chapter 8 - Meadow
Chapter 9 - "I'll pay!"
Chapter 10 - He cheated?!
Chapter 11 - Deceiving.
Chapter 12 - Quiet.
Chapter 13 - Holiday spirit.
Chapter 14 - Mistakes.
Chapter 15 - Heat.
Chapter 16 - The truth (part 1)
Chapter 17 - Done.

Chapter 1 - Freak.

600 13 4
By StarDust_Raluca

Before you start reading, please read this, it's short and useful! :)

So, this will not be a typical bad boy story. In fact, I wouldn't even really call it like that at all but anyway...

The first chapter is more of an introduction but the boys will come in in the next chapters, promise!:)

Also, comments and votes are so important and if you have a suggestion or anything, don't hesitate to tell me!

If you read, ily ♥


Breathe. In and out. In and out. It's going to be fine, it's going to be ok-

"HOLY SHIT THE CAMPUS IS HUGE." I exclaimed making my mum jump a little in the driver's seat.

"Rose, honey, will you please calm down? It's going to be OK, I'm sure you'll make a lot of friends!" she smiled sweetly and threw me an understanding look.

"I hope so." I mumbled while unbuckling my seat belt.

I was here. Finally here, I was a college student in California.

"Do you want me to come with you to the dorms or you being seen with 'mummy' wouldn't be nice?" she giggled.

Gosh, I'll miss her.

"I'll be fine, thank you," I giggled along. "I'll miss you mum, but as soon as I get a car, I promise to visit!" I hugged her tightly and struggled not to cry. Yes, I will miss my family, of course, especially when our relationship was so strong, but I'm sure I'll manage it.

"OK, I gotta get to work now, sweetie, take care of yourself and stay away from drug dealers." she joked.

"Oh, I was just planning to go search for a dealer right away, mum. Bye, I love you!" I kissed her cheek and she got back to the driver's seat. She waved at me as she sped off and I was left there all alone, no friends, no one familiar; just me, myself and I.

2 hours later I was installed in my dorm, all my clothes folded neatly or hung and my books sat on the shelf above my desk; if I have time someday, I should arrange them alphabetically. I was supposed to have a roommate but she was nowhere to be found so I gave up on waiting for her and decided to go grab lunch.

As soon as I got out of the little bathroom though, the door burst open and on the hall, a figure was struggling with two huge trolleys.

"Hey?" I spoke unsure of who that was. Her head rose immediately to look at me and a smile lit her face in a second.

"Hi! I'm Jasmine, your roommate, but call me Jess. You must be Rosy?" she asked carrying her bags in the room.

"Rose, nice to meet you." I smiled and gave her a hand to shake.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm not always good with names." she giggled and pulled me in for a hug; well, that was unexpected but at least she was friendly. "So, freshman, ey?" she wiggled her eyebrows at me. What's so awesome about being a freshman?

"Yep." I smiled to her.

"Awesome! It should be pretty great if you hang with me!" she laughed and I joined in.

"I sure hope so! Hey, listen, I was just going to grab lunch, wanna join me?" I asked her smiling.

"Sure, I'm starving! And I'll show you the best cafe around here which is not expensive as hell either, let's go." she giggled and ran down the hall. So far, my roommate is the friendliest person I have ever met.

The city was warm this time of year, I really enjoyed it so far and I was glad it wasn't too crowded, San Francisco was big enough for me, this change was supposed to make me feel better about my life and I think I was off to a good start. Jess was right, the coffee house was adorable and the food was pretty good too!

"So, where are you from? I missed that today at lunch." Jess asked me smiling.

"San Francisco, you?"

"Oakland, baby." she laughed.

"Well, I'm going to sleep now, all this new college thing kinda exhausted me and I wanna be fresh for classes tomorrow." I told her and turned off my lamp.

"Oh, okay, I'll watch a few more episodes of this TV series and go to sleep too, sweet dreams!"

"Sweet dreams, Jess."


I groaned as I tried to stop my alarm clock only to be reminded of my habit of placing it somewhere in the room where I have to get off the bed to be able to stop it. I stumbled to the bathroom and brushed my teeth quickly and washed my face. I pulled a sleeveless green shirt on and a pair of high denim shorts and went to the bathroom again. I got my hair high up in a snail bun and applied a bit of mascara and a tiny bit of foundation.

I went to grab my phone and threw my iPod into my bag and headed out the door. Jess didn't even move so I figured she was a hard sleeper. It took me 20 minutes to get to the front desk for the schedule and another 10 minutes to find my first class: Biology.

Lunch came fast and I really enjoyed Biology and Physics, thank God the teachers were good. As I was walking down the hall, I saw a small group close to the entrance and was curious what's going on. As soon as I figured that it was some guy... bullying someone, I thought, I almost froze when I saw who the 'bullied' one was. Were the hell is security when you need it?!

"Get the fuck away from her!" I dropped my bag and shouted for the guy that was bullying the girl.

As I approached him, he turned his attention to me and rose from his knees and towered over me. Literarily towered over me because he was gigantic. Ok, I may not be too big either at my 1,69m but this guy was taller even than my brother who was pretty close to 1,90m.

"And who are you to tell me what to do?" he whispered through gritted teeth, clenching his fists.

"Who are you and who gave you the right to pick on people anyway?" I spat angrily.

His knuckles were going white by now. Uh-oh.

"Ha, your friend there should know who I am!" he laughed. "Listen, shut the fuck up before I break every little bone in your body, ok?" he smiled sweetly at me and left.

"Freak." I muttered under my breath as I headed for the girl.

"What did you just say?!" he turned to me angry.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Freak." I spit in his face.

Wow, I'm pretty tough today, huh?

"Say that one more time and you're dead!" he shouted at me and hurried for the doors. I rolled my eyes and a little laugh escaped my lips; who did he think he was anyway?

"Jess, are you ok? Did he do anything to you?" I asked her worried.

"Neh, it's ok, he was just...playing with me, I don't know." she stammered. "But damn girl, you're the shit!" she laughed and I sensed an intentional subject change but I just went with it and laughed along.

Grabbing my bag, we both left for lunch. Best part? The 'bully' was at our little cheap restaurant. Hooray!

We just chose to ignore him and his little groupie as we sat at our table waiting for our food. 

I took my time and analyzed this guy a little; well, his appearance at least. 

Harry, as Jess told me he's named, wore a black v-neck t-shirt and some dark washed jeans with a pair of old blue Vans. I could see some tattoos on his arms and also a couple stretching from his chest, I supposed, to his neck where a silver necklace hung carelessly.

His hair was dark brown and quite curly, but he wore it ruffled up in a messy quiff.

As my gaze left his hair, his head sprung up and his eyes met mine. They were green; icy, cold, emotionless green. I stared for a couple of seconds, immediately turning my head to Jess to ask her about classes. 

I could actually feel his gaze burning through my side and I knew he was checking me out. I was proven right when I turned my head again and his eyes met mine and a smirk grew on his face. 

Disgusted, I tried looking for our waitress; I was getting tired of waiting. Damn it, what's so hard to make some fries and a hamburger?! 

"Rosy, don't look, but Harry is coming our way." Jess whispered nervously.

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