One Shots Of H.S

By gangsta_burritos

5.5K 382 190

~ Better than words, more than a feeling.. Crazy in love, dancing on the ceiling, yeah ~ If you are planning... More

A Caring Boyfriend
The Best Gift!
That's How I feel With My Best Friend
Harry Read It!!!!!
Harry's Girl
Harry's One Shot Story (Requested)
Please Don't Go (Requested Imagine)
Requested Imagine: The Bully
Requested Imagine: Enemies Forever

It's Prank Time!

344 36 8
By gangsta_burritos

Me and my best friends were having a sleepover tonight, so we decided to go to the grocery store for buying some snacks and stuff for tonight. I was standing on the pavement beside my car, waiting for my best friend to get out of the car so I can lock it.

"Would you mind hurrying up?" I asked her in an annoyed tone.

"Just a minute!" She said. She was shuffling and finding something in her purse.

"What are you looking for?" 

"My card?! I don't have it?!" She said in a complaining voice.

"I have mine so it's fine Mavis?" I told her while assuring her.

"No it's not okay?! I have to find it right now!" She argued.

"Listen, I will buy the stuff okay? You don't have to buy it!" I said.

After she kept shuffling in her purse for one complete minute she finally found her card.

"AH! FINALLY!" She said with a deep breath.

"Okay come on then let's go."

"Hey listen (y/n)?"

I turned back, finding her evilly smirking at me.


"I was finding my card because I had to buy a wonderful and amazing perfume which I saw yesterday at the store. Since, you've said that you'll buy the stuff? I'm happy that you tagged along with me!" She started laughing.

"Screw you!" I muttered as I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Come on let's get going!" So we started walking towards the grocery store.

As we were passing through the Grocery Store towards the entrance door, I caught a reflection of me in the mirror and I huffed.

"I'm having a particularly bad hair day.." I whined.

"Why what happened?" My friend asked me.

"I can't do anything with it, everything I tried looks awful!" I pursed my lips.

"Yeah, you're lucky that you have a pretty face.."

"Awwww...thanks, wait what?!" I looked at her, startled.

"Just kidding, your hair looks great!" She said while rolling her eyes.

"I would take it as a compliment.." I said and we entered the store.

*In The Grocery Store*

As we were going through the lane of cookies, my friend stopped and spotted the brand of her favourite cookies.

"Oooh, [Brand] cookies are on sale, two packs for $2.90! That's a pack each!" She chanted.

"We can't eat a pack each of cookies" 

We paused and stared at each other for a moment.

"Okay we can eat a pack each of cookies, but we shouldn't." So my friend smirked and added the pack of her favourite cookies in the cart.

We were passing through the lanes of vegetables and fruits and juices and all when I glanced at my best friend who had a downer look on her face.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I was wondering, what if the bottle of my favourite perfume which I saw yesterday isn't there?" 

"I wish that it wouldn't be there.. after what you did to me earlier.." Laughing as she narrowed her eyes on me.

"It wasn't my fault that you became so kind saying that you're gonna buy all the stuff, besides you should've asked earlier about why I was finding my card so I might have told you why.." she said while rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah whatever.." I said while waving my hand and we both were looking in our opposite directions.

"Hey Mavis listen, I came to remember, didn't your sister gifted that bottle of perfume when she came back from her trip?" I asked her while putting a bottle of Cola in the cart.

"Well yeah, but I was quite fond of.." 

After we stopped besides the perfume section, Mavis started to try different types of perfumes. I went to find my favourite packet of chips while Mavis was trying perfumes on her. When I came back with a hand full of Pringles I suddenly started to cough.

"Wooaah Mavis, talk about a lot of perfume.." I said while waving my hand.

"I was finding the perfume I wanted.."

"Well did you find it?"

"Maybe, let me check.."

"Wait, I thought you were finding it?" My eyebrows furrowed.

"Well I am now.."

"Seriously?" I muttered.

"Listen I'm going to the cashier. Come as soon as possible when you find your perfume. I haven't got all day Mavis.." as soon I started to walk away, she grabbed my hand and told me to wait but I refused. I didn't have all day and I had to pay for the remaining stuff we bought.

As I was going towards the queue, I came in touch with a guy who was talking on phone, from the curly head, I recognized who it was.

"Harry? Oh my god Harry?" I said with happiness when he turned around and smiled and told me to wait for a second as he said goodbye to the person on the phone.

"Hey (y/n) how are you?" He asked me eagerly.

"I'm good, I didn't know that I'll find you here..?" I asked him with surprise and a goofy smile.

"Well yeah, me and Zayn are here together because we are having a boy's night tonight so, kinda grabbing some snacks for all of us.." he snickered.

"Oh my god, me and Mavis are here for the same reason, we're having a girl's night and a sleepover at my place.." I blinked twice.

"That great!" He smiled.

"Yeah.." As we were talking, Mavis and Zayn were coming together from the side of the perfume shop.

"Should've seen that coming.." I mumbled.

and soon they joined us in our conversation.

"It's finally so great to meet you guys here, I mean it's been a week since our graduation and we didn't meet after that.." Mavis said enthusiastically.

"Yeah, I mean I was looking forward to plan a picnic for all of us so we could spend time together..." I added.

"I miss bullying you Mavis.." Zayn said with a smirk and I glanced at Mavis who was blushing. His biggest crush. I don't know what she ever saw in him.

"So where are the other three?" I inquired.

"Well they've gone to DVD shop to buy some movies for tonight.." Harry replied.

"Oh I see.." I mumbled.

So there we stood silently, everyone wondering what to speak next..

"Hey guys I don't want us to get separated again.. I mean, I miss those memories from College know.. we had great days back then.." Mavis said while looking at all of us..

"'re right.." Harry said.

"Why don't we swap our number?" Harry and Mavis said unison.

Me and Zayn were looking at each other in confusion..

"Is that legal?" I muttered.

"I bet it is.." Harry said, making me blush that he heard it.

So after a second we swapped our numbers, Zayn took Mavis's number and I took Harry's number and so we all walked together towards the counter.

As we were standing in a queue, Mavis suddenly nudged me and told me that she found her favourite bottle of perfume.

"Hey look, I found the perfume that I love." she then added while making a sad expression "I bet it's expensive.."

"Not really, it's only $6 a bottle." I told her after checking the price.

"REALLY? Awesome! I'm definitely going to buy some!" She chanted.

"Wait..why are you so happy? Your sister got you a pretty crappy gift." My eyebrows knitted together.

"It's not crappy. I like it and I can afford it." She told me seriously.

"You like wearing crappy cheap perfume?" She asked me while looking at me weirdly.

"Mavis, you have complimented me on how I smell before." I said with a side-smirk.

She muttered something under her breath which made me laugh.

As we moved a little further, Zayn and Harry were just standing behind us with their cart so we heard them talking about some Zombie apocalypse plans so we joined them in their conversation.

"What would you guys do if I was turned." I asked the  boys.

They looked at each other with evil grins and said,

"Oh, honey, at the speed you walk we're using you as a bait." and Mavis along with Harry and Zayn burst into laughter.

"Screw you both, I'm gonna turn and get revenge and eat you both." I told them while laughing.

"Haha, we'll still miss you.." They admitted.

"Yeah yeah me too, but I'd still eat your faces." I said and we laughed again.

As we were still waiting for the last customer to finish paying for their stuff. A pair of two kids around 15 came and stood beside the customers in front of us. WE four heard them both talking,

"Did you know that it only took them 12 months for building a cure for Ebola?" me and Harry looked at each other.

"Well that's weird, why don't they have a cure for Cancer yet?" The other kid asked and me and Mavis laughed at Zayn's answer.

"Because Ebola is a virus and Cancer is a disease, Duh?" Zayn told them while rolling his eyes and the two kids looked at each other and remained quiet for the other two minutes.

After it was our turn, we moved our cart and started to put our things on the counter. Suddenly a tomato fell and I ran to pick it up {Had to buy it for my mom}. When I came back I said.

"What do you think Mavis? Are tomatoes fruit?"

"Well yeah, they are."

"You know tomatoes aren't really fruit, because you can make sauce out of them. You wouldn't like, take apples and make sauce out of them." I admitted honestly.

"Um, yeah you would.. It's called 'Apple Sauce'." And really I was left speechless when Harry and Zayn started to laugh real loud.

*After Exiting The Grocery Store*

"Okay guys! It was great to meet you here.." I said.

"Yeah you too." Harry and Zayn both replied.

"UGH, Niall is still not here.." Zayn groaned.

"Yeah, he must've caught up in finding the movies.." Harry added.

"We'll give you a ride home, if that's okay I mean.." Mavis offered sympathetically.

"Um..are you sure?" Zayn asked while arching his eyebrows on both of us. 

"Yeah it's fine with us." I assured him.

"Okay then, I'll call Niall and tell them that we're with you guys and we'll meet them at my house." Harry said and we nodded in reply.

"Okay Zayn you go with the girls and put the stuff inside the car, I'm coming after making this call okay?" Harry said and Zayn nodded and came with us to the car.

As we were keeping the stuff in my car's trunk, a middle-aged woman approached us and started to talk,

"Hello there, I just wanted to come over and thank you." She said with a smile.

"Huh? Thank me for what?" Suddenly zayn and Mavis caught attention and came towards me when they saw me talking to the woman.

"For not paying with my tax dollars. Usually when you see a young personwith their cart that full they are paying with a welfare card, and you know howthis neighborhood is. The people that live around here are 'what's wrong withthis country'. It's just so nice seeing someone paying with cash for once. Ijust wanted to let you know I appreciate it." She said eagerly.

Me, Mavis and Zayn stood there with a shock and our mouths opened in an O-shape, as the woman turned to walk away humming happily to herself.

"Yeah, well we don't appreciate it. Why don't you mind your own business lady?" Suddenly Harry appeared and told the woman angrily.

"Excuse me?! I think it IS my business when people eat up MY tax money." The woman argued with Harry.

"No, it's not your business to watch other people to see what they pullout of their wallets. You weren't even behind me in line; you were spying on mefrom another lane because you looked at me and thought I must be on welfare?!That's what you wanted to let me know." I snapped angrily at the woman.

The woman turned red and spluttered.

"And by the way, just because this is a working class minorityneighborhood doesn't mean everyone here is on welfare. In fact, everyone whoends up on welfare is a tax paying citizen, too. Did that ever occur to you?What makes you think your fraction of a penny gives you the right to judge? Ithink holier-than-thou racists like YOU are 'what's wrong with this country'." Zayn and Mavis said angrily.

The woman harrumphed and stormed off the parking lot. 

"The real kicker is that our cart is only filled with junk food worth $30 or something." Mavis interrupted. 

"That woman must have issues." Harry mumbled making us laugh.

"Okay guys, all of the stuff is inside the trunk, let's get in the car okay?"

As we all agreed and decided to get in the car, a black car came and started to honk it's terrible car horn at us. Several times.

"Hey it's Niall's car!" Harry said.

"Really?" I mumbled while looking at it as the door opened and Louis, Niall and Liam came out of the car. Zayn and Harry also came out of the car and we all met at the sidewalk beside the Grocery Store.

After meeting, Harry and zayn decided to go with them since they came and Niall also bought some movies for us, to watch tonight. That was very kind of him whereas Louis on other hand always wanted Mavis's number so she finally gave her the number. Funny.

As we were driving, we came to stop at the red light. We opened our window and we were talking about how people communicate these days.

" I was saying, even family members or people that are close to each other usually understand the same words differently, so, it is highly probable that a complete stranger will use a completely different set of words to communicate—" as I was speaking a homeless stranger came and stood beside our car.

"AAAAHHHHHH.." Suddenly waving hands and he started to scream.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH.." Mavis also suddenly waved back and started screaming.

The homeless person just blinked and wandered off.

I had no words to say.

"Hey listen Mavis?" I asked after a while.

"Yeah?" She said to me while turning up the volume of her favourite song Devotion by Hurts.

"I'm pretty sure all of the joints are called ankles, seriously what do you call this?" Me pointing at her wrist.

"Hand ankles!" She chanted.

"You mean wrists?" I asked her with a side-smirk.

" did I..?" She was speechless and narrowed her eyes at me. I sighed and smiled at her.

I was waiting for the other car to drive so that we can move, when suddenly a crow fell on our window and we both screamed.

"Oh my god..that was horrible!" I said in horror. As the bird gained the strength to fly away.

"I was about to die.." Mavis said while catching her breath from the shock.

"But you aren't!" I argued playfully as she playfully laughed like "Ha. Ha. Ha very funny."

As I was wondering what would happen if we humans had wings and we could fly anywhere we wanted and could shit on anyone we wanted which would be the best revenge for all of our enemies lol. But my mind, as I spoke, comes out differently.

"What would happen if human beings had two arms?" I said completely lost in my thoughts.

My friend who stopped drinking her coffee and looked at me incredulously said, "Something you want to tell me?"

I broke from my thoughts and completely unaware of what I just said, "What..Did I just say something?"

"Darling..  forget it.." She said and looked away and continued drinking her coffee.

"Cool!" I said with a confusing look.

*You're In Your House With Your one Best Friend waiting for other best friends to come so you could start your party*

"They are so late.." I said while texting Lydia to come here at once or else me and Mavis would barge in her house with a chainsaw.

"Girls, girls, girls, girls.." She said as she was lying on her stomach and reading a magazine and went completely normal after saying that as if nothing happened.

I was looking at her what-the-hell-was-that.

Suddenly my bell rang and someone was at the door.

"Be careful!" Mavis said confidently.

"It's just Lydia and friends on the door." I assured her while wearing me shoes.

"What if there's a psychopath at the door?" She asked me while grinning at me.

"Yeah there are psychopaths at my house, you including Lydia and friends.." I said and laughed.

"That's just why we're best friends!" She muttered happily.

I chuckled and went downstairs as I stopped in my tracks when I saw a manly figure through my window.

"What if Mavis's right?" I whispered.

"But no how could she be right?" I thought out loud.

As I glanced around to find something to take with me, in case if some stranger or weirdo is outside the house. A long and slender vase was on the table which I picked up and hid it behind me, still in my hands.

I slowly and cautiously walked towards the door and gasped loudly as I saw a man roaming outside the house.

"What if Lydia or my other friend's brought someone else with them?" I whispered to myself.

"BUt no, it's just a girls night and sleepover.." I thought out loud.

After a minute, my house bell rang two times in a row making me frightened.

"(y/n)?! What's going down there?" Mavis came out of the room and shouted from above.

"SSSShhhh..." I gestured her to be quiet when she frowned and slowly came down the stairs.

"What's going on (y/n)?" She asked me worriedly.

"As if I know!? There is a man roaming outside the house.." I whispered loudly.

"But it's just a girl's night? Did Lydia brought someone with her?" She asked me.

"If she would, she would've informed us earlier.." I suggested.

"What do we do now?" I asked her.

"Maybe we should peek from the hole.." Mavis suggested.

"OKay..I'll do it.."

"No (y/n) I'll do it you wait here." She stopped me and went towards the door, peeking from the door.

I held the vase tightly, my hands were becoming sweaty.

As I saw Mavis coming back, suddenly someone banged on the door loudly making us shake in fear all of a sudden.

"I can't see his face, only the shadow of his body and he's giant." Mavis whispered.

"Okay Mavis, can you do me a favour?" I asked Mavis calmly because she was freaking out.

"Yeah, what is it?" 

"You have to turn off all the lights in the house, the kitchen one and our room's too Mavis, don't worry I'm gonna call Harry and Zayn over here, just go and do this for me okay?" I told her, trying to calm her down.

"Okay, but promise me you'll be okay?" She said wile taking my hand in hers. She was probably shaking.

"Yeah, I promise I'll be fine, now go hurry up!" I told her and suddenly she ran into the kitchen turning off the lights all over the house and locking all the windows and doors too.

I searched Harry's number in my call logs and dialled it.

The bell was ringing but suddenly the call ended.

I tried two time more but the same happened.

Now I wasn't sure what to do because two girls alone in the house and a man is banging outside the house. It's freaking crazy.

"What happened?" Mavis asked me.

"Harry's not picking up his phone.." I said desperately.

"Oh No! What do we do now?" Mavis whimpered.

"It's gonna be okay, he probably might think that no one's here so he'll buzz off.." I said, trying to calm down Mavis who's is comepletely freaked out.


"Go drink some water and calm--" as I was saying the man banged on the door three time in a row. Much stronger than the last time making us scream a little bit.

"(y/n)?!" Mavis called out my name in fear. Expecting me to do something.

"Oh god? What's happening all of a sudden?" I whispered to myself. 

Suddenly the stranger outside started banging five times in a row. 

"Oh Shit!?" I cursed in fear and we were all roaming around the living room in fear and wondering what to do.

For a moment the banging stopped. We were a bit relieved but not okay.

"Are all the doors locked?" I asked Mavis.

"Yes they are.." She whispered.

I tightened my grip around the vase and slowly walked towards the window beside the door so I can see if the man is still outside.

"(y/n) be careful!" Mavis whispered loudly.

"I will.." I replied and as I was just standing in front of the window and I just had to push the curtain aside a bit so I can peek outside, the figure suddenly came in front, making me gasp in shock and I fell down in fear.

"Oh god, Oh god no he's still here! God help us!" Mavis and me suddenly cried and begged for God's mercy. When suddenly the light outside in the garden turned on by itself and the figure vanished.

"Is it gone?" 

"I don't think so." I went in the kitchen and took a hockey stick in my hand as Mavis took a baseball bat and we slowly went towards the door.

"We've gotta get outside and check if he's still here.." I said.

"Are you out of your freaking mind (y/n)?!" She half-whispered and half-yelled at me completely shaking.

"If today's my last day on earth, I'm not afraid to die Mavis..!" I said and suddenly opened the door.

"(y/n)?! Are you f****ing crazy?!" As she remained inside for covering me and I stood on the doorway, looking here and there to find the man outside my house.

"Get inside right now (y/n)!!" Mavis whispered loudly at me.

By completely ignoring her, I started to walk forward inside the garden, it was dark everywhere and I swear I was gonna pee right there. I was so scared.

"(y/n) please come back at this instant!" She yelled.

"Would please just shut up?!" I snapped at her. She became quiet and I thought that was a bit harsh but then I swear it wasn't.

"Y/n get in here right now!" She whispered loudly.

I was walking slowly towards the dim light in my garden and Mavis was right, I was kinda at a distance from my house.

As I turned to walk back inside my house, I could feel the grass behind me deepen and I could feel a presence behind me. An adrenaline rush came inside me and I just had to run when I saw Mavis's face going all out of blood becoming pal in shock as she stared at me in horror and I knew that someone was right behind me and I just without thinking anything else I started to run towards my house and I could feel the man chasing and running behind me.

He struggled to catch me but he failed, his strong hands hurting my back and I ran up the stairs and as the door was just in front of me the man caught me and kept his strong and thick hands on mouth, preventing me from screaming.

Mavis was looking at me in horror and fear and she was stiffened right there and she didn't know what to do when I felt like I was gonna cry and tears actually started to stream down my face and suddenly all of the lights in the garden opened and Lydia and her friends came to me squealing from the side of the house and when the hand from my mouth was removed and I turned around to see who it was, It was Harry. 

Zayn came from inside of my house, screaming in Mavis's ears and she screamed and started to cry and Lydia and everyone laughed. I just kept staring at harry and finally burst into a big cry when He told me that he was sorry and he hugged me and kissed my forehead. I was still shivering and kept crying and I don't know why I couldn't stop but maybe this was the best prank which happened to us apart from the pranks plotted on us two during the school and college days.

 I love best friend Mavis who supported me during this all of the time and I love Harry too.. Although I was gonna kill him.

Hello people! How are you all? Oh My F\God what an awesome and an amazing prank plotted by Harry and Lydia and friends.... I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and If you really did, thank you very much and don't forget to vote for this chapter. I know it's not much of a prank or the finest chapter but I still did what I could do and I would really appreciate it if you would encourage me more by voting and commenting and stating all of your states and opinions while reading this chapter! Thank you so much! 

Have a great day and night guys! All the love -H. :)

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