Is It Bad To Want Something M...

By edsasukeluva

610K 19K 11.8K

Naomi Fumo never knew what it was like to be wanted. Born only as an accident and destroying her parent's mar... More

Is It Bad To Want Something More? [Modern Sasuke story]
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 17

12.3K 448 452
By edsasukeluva

"Ok! Today we are going to play tennis! Everyone grab a partner!" Gai yells. Sasuke stood by me clamming me as his partner. He's still upset about that whole kiss incident this morning... But at least he's holding it well. "Alright now find another pair to play against and grab a racket and ball!" Sasuke and I paired up with Hinata and Naruto and made our way to the tennis courts. Sasuke and I have the ball first so Sasuke served it, lobbing it to the other side of the net.

"Got it!" Naruto yells swinging his racket at the ball. It made impact and sent it flying back over to our side.

"It's mine!" Sasuke yells so I back off as he goes for the ball. The ball nicked the net before going over. Hinata was closer to it so she claimed it and hit the ball back. As I was getting ready to swing someone started yelling.

"Watch out!" I caught on a little too late and a random ball came flying and blasted me on the side of my face. My hand immediately shot up and covered where the ball made impact. Gai started blowing his whistle immediately.

"Sasuke! Take her to get an ice pack!" Sasuke nodded and took my free hand leading me to the nurse. As soon as we entered the school Sasuke stopped me. The halls were completely empty.

"Let me see how bad it is." I blushed as I removed my hand from my face. Sasuke frowned at the bright red mark. "Does it hurt?"

"S-Sort of... It hurts when I touch it other than that it just feels really warm..." Sasuke reached up and brushed his hand against my cheek. I winced at his touch since it stung. My face flushed as he leaned in and placed a delicate kiss on my cheek. He pulled away slightly but his face still was lingering dangerously close to mine.

My hear began to race. The closer he got to me the more I could smell his cologne. Ever since I told him I liked it he's been wearing it more and more. After a long silence he finally spoke up.

"... I don't want you letting that dog this close to you anymore." His hot breath brushed against my lips.

"W-What...?" He took me by surprise. I took a step back nervously. Sasuke just kept approaching me until my back hit the wall. He placed his hand next to my head against the hard concrete.

"You still don't get it, do you?" His onyx eyes look so serious. I just looked at him, completely lost, not knowing what to say or do. Sasuke leaned closer and closer into me. I shut my eyes tight and flinched as his lips brushed mine.

Sasuke let out a soft sigh and pulled away. I opened my eyes, cautiously, to see him standing away from me looking to the side.


"Come on. Let's go get you that ice pack." Sasuke seemed a little upset as he began walking towards the nurses office. I reached my hand up to my chest to calm my beating heart and took a deep breath before turning to follow him. What's with him today...?

"Thank you." I thanked the nurse as she gave me an ice pack. "Ah~" I let out a happy sigh as I put it against my cheek. It felt so good. Sasuke smirked as we started heading back towards class. As we were walking along I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I used my free hand to pull it out and look at it. Sasuke stopped when he noticed me take it out.

"Who is it?" He questions as I unlock the screen.

"... Itachi." Sasuke watched me curiously as I opened the message.

"The judge came to a verdict. He ruled in our favor. You never have to go back to that woman again." Tears started to swell and run down my face. I could feel my hands start to shake.

"What did he say?" Sasuke asks, placing his hand on my shoulders to try and calm me down.

"W-We won the case... I-I get to s-stay with you!" I smiled and cried in happiness. Sasuke pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms firmly around me. I, in turn, wrapped my arms around his chest in order to pull myself closer. Being in his arms like this just makes everything better.

"Hey! You two! You got hall passes!?" I pulled away from Sasuke as the hall monitor approached us. An irritated look was plastered on Sasuke's face.

"No. Guy-sensei told me to take her to get an icepack since she got hurt. We're heading back right now." Sasuke states emotionless. The man glances at the pack in my hand then back at us.

"Alright. Continue on then." He says while leaving. I lifted the icepack back up to my cheek as Sasuke and I started heading back to class. We've been gone awhile now...

"Sasuke, Mimi! What took you so long!?" Naruto yells out to us as we made our way back to the courts.

"S-Sorry. We kinda got distracted." I gave him a small smile as him and Hinata approached us. Naruto gave me a toothy grin.

"Oh. I get it~. You and Sasuke enjoy your alone time?" My face immediately flushed. Hinata's face turned slightly red as Naruto laughed. Sasuke ended up smacking Naruto upside the head.

"Shut up you idiot. That's how rumors start." Sasuke gave Naruto a slight glare as he grabbed his head in pain.

"I was only joking!" He yelps. Sasuke's glare remained. "So what were you guys doing?"

"Well, Itachi text me..."

"And?" He asks anxious knowing what it was concerning. Hinata just stood there looking confused.

"Everything is going to be alright." I smiled. Naruto's face just lit up.

"Naruto, Hinata! Get back to playing! Sasuke, you and Naomi just sit out and watch!" Gai yells at us finally realizing we were slacking. Naruto and Hinata quickly went back to playing while Sasuke and I just sat in the bleachers watching. Tons of the girls in our class kept looking up and glaring at me.

"Just ignore them." Sasuke says taking notice to the glares.

"Easy for you to say... I wonder what they'd do if you had a girlfriend?" I say with a slight laugh. Sasuke glanced at me. He didn't seem to find the humor in it.

"... Do you not like being around me because of them?" I looked at him slightly shocked. I wasn't expecting a serious answer from him. I was just expecting him to shrug his shoulders and respond with a 'Hn.'

"W-Well... It makes me feel a bit uncomfortable but I won't stop being around you because of it. I like you too much to just let our relationship go." I blushed slightly as I realized what I said. "I-I mean... Y-You know... A-As frien-" Sasuke smirked at my embarrassment and cut off my ranting.

"I like you too." He calmly said looking away. My face flushed. Why am I getting so worked up? O-Of course he means it as just friends... "Do you think-" The bell rang cutting off the rest of his sentence.

"What did you say? I couldn't hear." Sasuke glanced over at me and gave me a somber look.

"It was nothing. Forget it." He stood up from the bleachers and looked away from me. I gave him a questioning look before standing myself. We both made our way to the locker rooms in silence to get dressed and head for lunch.

"Naomi, what happened? Let me see." Kiba says trying to get me to remove my icepack from my face. It was already starting to swell.

"I-I'm fine. I just got hit by a ball." I scooted a little bit away from when I noticed Sasuke glance at us. Kiba frowned. I don't think he noticed I did it because of Sasuke. He probably thinks it's because of that kiss this morning...

"Did you all hear the nominations for homecoming the junior queen and king~!?" Ino says cheerfully. "Naruto, Kiba, and Sasuke are the nominees for king while Sakura, some other chick and I are the nominees for queen~!"

"No surprise." Kiba shrugs.

"Oh Sasuke~! Wouldn't it be amazing if we were crowned queen and king!? We should totally go together!" You could practically see the hearts in her eyes...

"Hn. I'm not going to something so stupid." He says not even looking at her. I frowned at his statement. I don't know why it disappointed me though. I can still go even if he doesn't... I've never gone to a dance before, let alone homecoming. I really want to go...

"Naomi, are you going to the dance?" Kiba smiles as I look at him.

"I-I don't know..."

"You should. It won't be any fun without you." I felt my cheeks get warm as I looked away.

"I-I'll think about it." Kiba leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"Good. Cause I'd love to take you as my date." I felt my face flush as he pulled away and smiled. I glanced at Sasuke and he didn't seem very happy... But why am I even worrying about that? I can't rely on him forever. Eventually I'm going to have to find someone to be with... Kiba's already made it clear that he likes me. Frankly, I don't know how I feel about either of them. Maybe it'd be clear once I tried being in a relationship...?

Kiba's funny, sweet and charming while Sasuke, on the other hand, is closed off and unpredictable but he saved my life... We stand on a friend basis while Kiba's pushing for more... I can't wait on him forever. But... Sasuke's the only person who makes me feel like there's a thousand butterflies in my stomach. Maybe I do like... like him...

The bell rang, ending lunch, and I quickly shook all those thoughts out of my head. I'll just have to figure out all of this later... I walked to class with Kiba and Sasuke. Both seemed rather on edge around each other.

"Naomi, since you've been gone, why don't you read us a passage of your poem you've been working on?"

"R-Right now?" I felt my cheeks get warm. I really really don't want to share my work with the class.

"Yes, now." Kakashi motioned for me to come stand at the front of the class. I nervously got up, clutching my notebook, and made my way up there. Kiba gave me a warm smile and Sasuke just stared at me eager to hear my poem. He always tries to read my writing at home but I won't let him. "Go ahead." I took in a deep breath before reading a verse.

"This feeling lingers, like pure electricity coarsening through my veins. Festering, building, like it's alive. That cold stare will be my demise."

"Very good. You can take your seat now." I slowly nodded my head and made my way back to my seat. Everyone did a forced pity clap. I felt so embarrassed.

"Hey, don't feel so bad. Yours is ten times better than mine!" Kiba smiles trying to cheer me up.

"If you say so..." I gave him a small smile back.

"Oh really? Why don't you come up here and share yours with the class then, Kiba?" Kakashi says butting into our conversation. Kiba's face went slightly pale.

"... Yes, sir..." He sluggishly go out of his seat and made his way to the front of the classroom. I couldn't help but laugh at his expression.

Class went by remotely fast after Kiba had to share his poem. It was rather cute.

"See you all tomorrow." Kakashi says dismissing the class.

"Thank god that's over..." Kiba sighs as I let out a small laugh. "Well... I'm off to practice. I'll see you tomorrow, Naomi." Kiba planted a quick kiss on my cheek before leaving. I hesitantly looked towards Sasuke. He has that irritated look again. But hey, It wasn't my fault. How in the hell was I supposed to dodge that?

"Come on. Let's go." I quickly followed Sasuke out to the parking lot. As soon as we stepped foot on the lot my heart dropped.

"N-Naomi!" My mom yelled, slurring her words. Her car was blocking off Sasuke's and she has a strange man with her. Sasuke stood in front of me as they approached us. People were starting to stop and watch the commotion. "M-Move it...! She's coming wif me..." I could smell the alcohol on her breath. Actually, it smelt like she bathed in it.

"She's not going anywhere with you. She's coming home with me where she belongs. Now get out of here before I call the police." I could actually feel the hatred dripping off each word he said.

"Y-You’re not takin' the last thing I-I have away... T-Take care of em Rick!" The man with my mother suddenly took a swing at Sasuke and successfully hit him in the face. As soon as he was away from me my mom grabbed my arm and started dragging me to her car.

"S-Sasuke!" I screamed out as he fought with that man. The whole time I was struggling to get away from her and to him.

"W-Wut I'd tell yew bout talking!?" My mom yelled and smacked me across the face. I cried out as she grabbed me by the hair and threw me into the passenger seat of her car. This whole time people stopped to watch and film this on their phones but no one stopped to help.

My mom quickly jumped into the driver’s side and put it in gear. I was frantically trying to open the door, screaming Sasuke's name, as she sped off into oncoming traffic. Damn child locks.

"Mom! Stop!" I screamed and grabbed onto the wheel so we wouldn't collide with another vehicle. She smacked me across the face, so I'd let go, and sped up. The sudden jerk of the car made my head bash against the passenger side window.

"I'm not going to let anyone else have yew... I-If I can't then no one can!" She yelled before the car made impact with another solid object. My body was thrown up against the dash then whiplashed back into my seat as glass shattered all around me. The last thing I remember was the airbags exploding and the faint sounds of sirens and screams in the background...

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