Twisted games (Michael Jackso...

By MJsGirl1987

41.4K 1.4K 537

After a random meeting backstage before an interview Michael Jackson befriends 17 year old Faith Owens. The d... More

The games begin
Phone call
Interview/kind of
Can't stop thinking of you
It's a date x
Can I trust you?
Home Alone
Just friends
Playing games
Guilty pleasure
Too Close
Happy birthday Pt.2
The girl is mine
Walk Away
The perfect image
Just for show
Prom night
Playing with the press
Double lives
Family tree
Apart of me
Bail out
The truth Pt.1
The truth Pt.2
Other side Pt.1
Other side Pt.2
Meet the family
Special place
Tell her
Real love
Family time
Mind games
Someone's watching
Won't let go
Tip off
The truth
Accept it
Let me go
moving on
Moving on
Precious gift
Change of heart
Secrets and lies
Better off
Let me explain
please Listen
who am I?
Last supper
God's will
New start
lies and secrets
Better late than never
Double crossed
Game over

Happy birthday Pt.1

717 19 4
By MJsGirl1987

Faith's POV

I wake up and head downstairs and my mom rushes over to me smiling. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She says wrapping her arms around me. "since when did you get so excited about birthday's?" I chuckle confused. "since you made the front cover on pretty much EVERY magazine!" She says excitedly showing me. "why would they put me..."

"why do you think!?" She cuts me off "your a 17 year old hottie AKA jailbait and your parents are famous. Of course the media was going to take and interest in you! Now as for tonight. We're gonna have to make sure you look your best for the camera's"

"what camera's? I thought we were going to dinner?" I frown confused "yes, but the media will still be there!" My phone beeps and I look down and smile reading the message

from: Michael  

Happy birthday x

"who's that?" My mom asks. "Alex wishing me happy birthday" I lie. "you havn't spoken to Michael have you?" She asks in a stern tone. "of course not" I lie faking a smile at her. "I have no reason to now you don't want me to get dirt on him"


Michael's POV

from: Faith

thank you. Good luck at the Grammys x

"awww. Is that Brooke?" Karen my stylist coo's coming into the room. "No, I was texting happy birthday to a friend" I smile slightly "what's the matter with you? Your going to the awards tonight and the after party with Brooke Taylor! you should be looking excited!"

"I'm not actually gonna go to the party. I think I'm just gonna go home after the awards"

"what!? Michael. You've had a crush on Brooke for weeks. Why don't you wanna go?" She looks at me confused. "I did have a crush on her, but now I don't" I shrug "so why don't you take the girl you do like to the awards and not Brooke?"

"I would if I could" I mumble "why can't you?" She shrugs "it's complicated, but it's fine I'll just take Brooke like I said I would. It's only for a few hours anyway" I sigh. "so who was you texting?"

"nobody. Can we just drop it now?" I roll my eyes and she looks at me skeptically "Michael, who was you texting?"

"she's called Faith"

"Faith who?" She frowns confused. "Owens" I mumble and she shakes her head. "please tell me your joking"

"we met at while when I did an interview and she just happened to be backstage"

"she just randomly turned up at the same place you were?" she raises and eyebrow. "yup! And we got talking and we hang out sometimes"

"hang out!? Michael your shouldn't even be speaking to her, let alone hanging out with her! Does anybody else know about this!?" She snaps at and I sigh rolling my eyes "just you and Quincy and he's already give ln me the third degree about being friends with a reporters daughter so.."

"it's not just anybody's daughter though so it? It Julie Owens daughter" she cuts me off "I just wanna get to know her and we've really bonded I don't see the problem" I shrug. "you know what the problem is. I'm telling you this as a friend. You have to stop talking to her"

"I can't do that" I shake my head. "why not? All you have to do is.." She pauses and looks at me for a moment. "you have feeling for her don't you?"

"what!? Of course not. We're just friends"

"you can't have her. Do you realise that?" She says softly and I nod. "of course I know that. We're just friends"


Faith's POV

when we get to the restaurant there's a whole bunch of people waiting outside taking pictures and shouting questions at me, but with everybody asking me different things at once it's hard to hear completely. "don't say anything and just keep walking... And smile for god sake!" My mother says sternly whilst still smiling. We go through this alot so I've gotten really good at faking a smile at people.

nobody really says anything over dinner just stuff about work mainly. "oh, I almost forgot. I have to be in new York with your father tomorrow so I'll be leaving tonight" my mother says casually then continues eating. "how long will you be gone?" I ask feeling pretty hurt she gonna leave town on my birthday. "about three or four days. Maybe a week" she shrugs. "you'll be ok and your mother and I will give you some money so you can get take out and stuff" my dad smiles and I fake a smile at him, feeling even more pissed off. Like him giving me money for take out is supposed to make me happy about both my parents pretty much abandoning me yet again.


Michael's POV

We're at the after party and even though I didn't wanna go, Quincy said I had to because it would look weird if I didn't especially after winning 8 awards in one night. "oh my god, we're gonna have so many interviews and photo shoots after tonight's win" Brooke says excitedly and I fake a smile at her. I have no idea where she's got this 'we' from as if we're dating or something. I took her to the Grammys because I was told to and she sat on her butt all night, yet she's smiling excitedly mingling with everybody as if she had something to do with it. I havn't said anything to her and let her continue, because I don't wanna be rude and ruin the party for everybody, but I wish she would leave me alone now. "Michael, come on there's some people I want you to meet" Brooke smiles taking my hand yet again. "actually I'm just gonna use the bathroom. I'll be right back" I smile heading to the bathroom. I close the door and sigh in relief. Brooke's really pretty and a nice girl, but she get so annoying and clingly and seems to try and do her best to stay in the media eye. I don't get why though. I love my job and all, but sometimes it would be nice to be able to get away from all the media and gossip sometimes and I already know that the next piece of gossip about me will be that I'm dating Brooke even though I'm not, but it seems like Brooke is doing her best to make sure those rumors get started.

I leave the bathroom and immediately Brooke comes over. "finally! I thought you ran out on me" she giggles and also gives me a pretty good idea. "my friends are waiting to meet you come on" she smiles. "well I can't go over there without drinks. Why don't you go join your friends and I'll come over with the drinks" I fake a smile. "awww, thanks babes" she smiles walking over to a table and as soon as her back is turned I head towards the fire exit and luckily for me all the paparazzi are at the other side of the building. I call my driver and he quickly comes over before anybody sees me.


Faith's POV

Once my parents dropped me off at the house I went inside and put my PJs on and got into bed. I really wanted to call Michael to congratulate him on his Grammy wins. Which I was checking up on with my phone, but instead I decide I would text him since he'll be at the after party with Brooke who he went with. Just as I'm about to start texting, my phone starts ringing and it's Michael.


"hey, birthday girl!" he says excitedly. "hey, I heard about all you wins tonight congratulations" I smile. "thanks. I saw you got on all the magazines today. You looked really nice in the pictures"

"thanks" I smile, blushing slightly at his comment. "how's the after party going?"

"I didn't really stay that long. I wasn't really in the mood"

"won't your girlfriend be upset that you left so early?"

"Brooke's not my girlfriend" he chuckles slightly "Quincy set it up awhile ago for me to take her. I told you I didn't have a girlfriend" I don't know why but after he said that my smile grew even bigger knowing that him and Brooke aren't a couple. "so what are you doing now?" Michael asks bringing me from my thoughts. "I'm just in bed about to watch a movie"

"yeah, me too. Your parents asleep already?"

"they um.. They actually went out of town about an hour ago for work or something"

"they left you alone!?" He asks in a surprised tone. "I'm with a family friend" I lie "can you still come over tomorrow?"

"of course! I can't wait" I smile.


Michael's POV

I don't know why I felt a little defensive when Faith thought that Brooke was my girlfriend. It's not like we're dating and she has a boyfriend so it wouldn't  bother her either way of I did. After me telling her about Brooke not being my girlfriend and her telling me her parents are out of town, our conversation changes to talking about everything except for anything personal. Every now and then we tell each other a little thing about each other, but not too much then quickly change the conversation.

i'm really glad I decided to leave the party, because I got to spent the rest of the night talking to Faith

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