
By Kris_Dotson

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The apocalypse of sepremes and anti-sepremes start and a group heads out to stop the madness. What will happ... More

At Home
Moving on....
If you die I'll shove your soul back in your body and kill you myself!
The Talk
Betraying of Trust
Running Off
Back with the Good Side
First act of business
Back to Life
Stealing Planes and Jets
Artyom (See picture)
At last,Alaska
More Interruptions
Step one; Infiltration
Where Are They Now?

Step two; Defeat the Four

28 0 8
By Kris_Dotson

"HELP!" Gaby screamed from down below thrashing under a guards trying to keep the ever present knife away from her neck.

"Ugh...." Jetzely and Katia said from a distance making sure not to get to close to Gaby.

¨HELP!!!!¨Gaby screamed into the mans ear coincidentally hurting the man because of her ear piercing screams.

¨AHHHH!!¨ the man yelled covering his ears with his hands.

¨Wow....so that's how Nathan make people feel.¨ Gaby said staring at the man.

¨Gaby watch out!"Kristina yelled at Gaby as a two men charged at her. Elizabeth blasted the two men and they both gave glares to Gaby and quickly turned back to the anti-sepremes.

They had all been fighting for a couple of hours now and they were all very tired, drained, and hungry. Although Ramon's army had been slowly dwindling he had not showed up himself. Bodies littered the floor and everyone had given up the curtsy of not stepping on them. It was a very gruesome battle and everyone just mainly fought for their lives and wanted to go home. Finally as the army dwindled down to just men streaming slowly into only five people Anyssa woke up. Not being a sepreme she took a while to wake up because of the fumes.

¨What are you doing? Where in the world am I? What is Devin and Roger doing here? I thought all of you were dead?!?!¨ Anyssa exclaimed and struggled to gain control of her limbs.

¨YOUR ALIVE!!!¨ Devin exclaimed rushing to hug Anyssa.

¨Of course I am! It is going to take tougher stuff than fumes to kill me.¨ Anyssa said partly annoyed because of Devin hugging her. She shrugged off Devin,not liking hugs, and stood up with Devin's help.

¨Here! Knock her out again!¨ Kristina yelled and tossed over the can of fumes. Devin fumbled with the catch and hit it with his hand instead of catching it. It bounced over into Anyssa's hands. Anyssa tore the top off and sprayed the fumes at Devin. Devin backed away just in time to narrowly miss the fumes.

¨Hey stupid the fumes only work on girls!¨ Artyom calls over his shoulder.

¨Oh.¨ Devin replied sheepishly. He ran up to Anyssa and grabbed the fumes and turned it on her, ¨Don't make me use this.¨ Devin said while coming closer to Anyssa backing her into the wall.

While Devin was threatening Anyssa everyone else fought the remainder of Ramon's army. Everyone suffered very few casualties. Elizabeth threw the last anti-sepreme against the wall and stabbed him in his arm with her powers without touching the man. Finally, everything was done and they could leave and be rid of this apocalypse.

¨Okay, lets go everyone.¨Kristina called over her shoulder and went the fetch Anyssa thus turning her back to the door the anti-sepremes were coming out of. She tore off a elbow pad off a anti-sepreme girl on the way to Anyssa. She quickly strapped it on while a figure appeared through the door. Everyone was resting their sore bodies that they didn't notice the figure quickly slip into the room.

¨Lets just grab the bags. I think it is safe to say that this apocalypse is over.¨ Devin said sighing as Kristina picked up Anyssa.

¨Is it? To my understanding the apocalypse hasn't even started. I'm just beginning to make more anti-sepremes soon the whole world will be on my side.¨a figure said as he lurked in the shadows.

¨Who's that?¨ Nathan asked.

Three more figures move in and separate upon entrance. The three figures move around in a sort of circle formation and close in on Kristina and the others.

¨Everyone move in!¨ Kristina shouts as Devin and Nathan move toward the middle. Kristina hands Devin Anyssa and faces the figures. Ramon comes out of the shadows and with him Lisa, Joey, and Krystal.

¨You TRAITOR!"Kristina shouts as she sees Krystal.

¨We all are,aren't we?¨ Krystal says in reply.

¨Well as you see we all have assembled here to evaluate your worthiness and take you in if you are needed.¨ Ramon says.

¨If you are not really needed you will be eliminated immediately.¨Joey added while Lisa nodded her head in agreement.

¨Ramon this does not have to end badly.¨ Elizabeth said stepping up to be the voice of reason and logic.

¨For you maybe,for me...not so much¨ Ramon replied and nudged Joey. Joey took out the gun and pointed at Elizabeth.

¨We have now four sepremes and your side and you only have one.¨"Kristina said and crossed her arms.

¨Yes but how strong is the one?¨ Ramon asked Kristina his face showing nothing but hatred. Ramon hated Kristina for many reasons. The main three were that she would not join his team. Yes, she did join it but he could sense a unwillingness behind her actions. Next, she had a attitude that he didn't like. He hated that she was determined and didn't give up even in the face of death. Finally, he hated how she was always being appointed leader. She was a sepreme and her powers were slightly stronger than his own. Therefore, she detested Kristina mainly because she wouldn't join his side and she was too hard to break.

¨Not very...¨ Devin said in response to Ramon's question. Ramon being an anti-sepreme heard Devin and scowled.

¨He is first to go!¨ Ramon said and pointed at Devin. Joey fired the gun.

¨Powers.¨ Kristina said dully and caught the bullet an inch from Devin's face.

¨Hm...fine then shall you not want to be cooperative we will just have to kill you all."Lisa said and took out a sword from the hilt dangling from her belt. She handed it to Krystal and settled back into the shadows.

Ramon charged at Elizabeth while Krystal struggled to get her sword out of her hilt. Kristina took the chance and sprinted off towards Krystal. Artyom grabbed a sword from a guard and hit Ramons sword with his own. Elizabeth backed up crashing into Devin who stared in wonder cradling Anyssa. Elizabeth pulled Devin up and laid Anyssa in a shadowed corner.

¨Lets go!¨ Elizabeth shouted at Devin as Lisa ran towards Elizabeth.

¨Duck!¨ Devin shouted as he flattened himself to the ground. Elizabeth prepared for a fighting position and kicked Lisa in the stomach. Elizabeth retracted her foot as Lisa's sword hit the ground. Lisa's sword it her stomach. A spot of blood spread and soon drenched Lisa's shirt were the impact had been.

¨Lets go...¨ Elizabeth said and moved away. That was to easy to be certified as vengeance, Elizabeth thought.

¨I would but what about Lisa?" Devin asked.

¨What about her? She is the unneeded party.¨ Elizabeth replied over her shoulder. She didn't dare look at Lisa only too be reminded of what she had done when Lisa hadn't done so much as hit her.

¨Okay...¨ Devin said and burned the evidence of Lisa's body with his powers.

Kristina and Krystal, the two sisters, meet together when Krystal finally successfully pulled out her sword.

¨Kristina step back. I do not want to kill you. Your part of the valuable party. I don't think you want to mess that up.¨ Krystal said warning Kristina.

¨What kind of sister does that? Pretends to love her sister only to betray her. You said you were a good person. You said that you would never hurt me and betray Ramon if it came down to it. Your a liar and as you know very well I don't associate with those kinds of people.¨ Kristina spat out at her sister.

¨I guess I'm one of a kind. Maybe, one day, I will start a club. You know for the people who betray their sisters."Krystal said and smiled maliciously.

¨Funny.¨ Kristina said sarcastically. Krystal took the chance to rush at her sister preparing to plunge the sword into Kristina's abdomen. Kristina,caught off guard, used her powers and disintegrated Krystal. Krystal's ashes drifted towards the floor. Kristina caught them with a swoop of her hand and shoved them into a small pouch in her pocket.

Joey had chosen to sprint after Katia and Gaby who were heading out of the place, but of course because of Gaby they had to stop by Roger and find an electronic device to take a picture. They had found a phone and were heading back only to find Joey staring at Roger who had two holes in each arm. Katia had dragged Anyssa along with them and she had woken up a while ago. She had agreed to join the team as long as they don't put any restrictions to her freedom.

¨Shoot him!!¨ Gaby whispered to Katia.

¨I don't have a gun.¨Katia replied as Gaby went into the kitchen and got three butcher knives.

¨Everyone gets one shot and at least one of us has to make it.¨ Gaby whispered and handed Katia and Anyssa one.

Katia aimed at Joeys head and missed hitting the wall beside his head. Joey flinched and ran away from the wall looking around wildly. Next, Gaby aimed and threw her knife but joey flattened himself to the floor and the knife flew past behind him. After Gaby Anyssa threw hers quickly in the moment Joey was getting up and the knife burrowed itself into his head.

¨Whatever."Katia said and moved towards Roger.

¨Ugh..."Roger moaned in pain.

"Ahh!"Katia screamed as Gaby covered her mouth with her hand.

"Where is Anyssa? I need to speak with Anyssa."Roger said as Anyssa came forward.

"My love, I wish that you have a prosperous life, and don't talk to the bastard that did this to me. I will love you forever. Give me a kiss before I go."Roger said to what he thought to be his future wife.

"I never loved you. I thought you were a hideous man the moment I saw you. I hate you."Anyssa said as Roger slipped into a death he could never be resurrected from.

"Damn."Katia said as she gazed at Rogers dead corpse. Nathan came into the door and quickly called Anyssa and Katia and Gaby. He told them they were needed and to come quick and then he left.

"Someone needs to become a sepreme or his blood will be wasted."Anyssa said.

"OH ME!"Katia and Gaby said in unison.

"Only one can be a sepreme."Anyssa explained.

"Fine then there clearly is only on answer to this question."Gaby said as her and Katia stared at each other. Katia and Gaby laid out her hands in front of each other and Katia said the Spanish version of 'bubble gum bubble gum in a dish'. In the end Katia lost and Gaby won and inherited Rogers powers.

"God damn it."Katia said when she lost as Gaby spilled some of Rogers blood into a small cut she made on herself.

They went back into the room where Elizabeth, Artyom, Kristina,and Devin battled Ramon while Nathan huddled in a corner.

"Katia! Gaby! Anyssa! Get back!"Elizabeth called over her shoulder.

"Gaby's a sepreme!"Katia and Anyssa yelled.

"Then come and help! Don't just stand there!"Kristina yelled in Gaby's general direction.

Gaby willed her hands to do something but they didn't do anything. She tried and tried but couldn't make it work. She had seen Elizabeth blast people and Kristina heal Elizabeth with her hands. Why couldn't she do it? In the end, she sat down in defeat with Katia, Gaby, and Nathan.

Devin made fire engulf the floor causing Ramon to fly off the ground. Artyom blasted at Ramon while Ramon either swerved and avoided them, Elizabeth lingered to the side not wanting to hurt or be hurt. Devin finally had to switch powers because Ramon kept disturbing him causing the fire that was on the floor to go away and then come back. Devin gave up and waited for Ramon to come back down. Artyom who tired out quickly because of him just turning a sepreme panted slightly and watched Ramon descend. Kristina stayed in a corner waiting for the moment Ramon reaches the ground. Ramon took his sweet time and depicted the image of a fallen angel making his way into the earth instead of hell. To everyone in the room he looked like a fallen angel but to himself he looked like a god. Finally, he reached the ground and they all stared at each other long and hard. Anyssa and Katia hovered near the sidelines encouraging Gaby and trying to get her power out of her.

"Anyssa,be a dear and come over to the wining team." Ramon said breaking the silence. Gaby and Katia stopped muttering and looked at Anyssa to see what she would do.

"I'm sorry. Am I mistaken I thought I was with the wining team." Anyssa responded with a straight face but laughing all the while inside her head.

"Don't you want all I have to offer. Money, power, fame. Roger."Ramon said in a loud whisper.

"I'm sorry none of those things have any value to me." Anyssa said thinking about the dead corpse near the stairs.

"Not even Roger?"Ramon said clearly and calm but still confused.

"I know he is dead. Plus, I don't like him I like.....Devin."Anyssa said sneaking a quick look at Devin's beaming face.

Devin and Anyssa had known each other since before the apocalypse. They had known each other in Junior High and had been friends. They were always shipped together by Ramon and Kristina. They had meet again in High School, but Devin had left in Junior High. They liked each other but didn't think it would last so they never brought it up. Their friends on the other hand... well that was a whole different story.

Ramon was so confused so he paused and didn't say anything being at lost for words. He stood their and there was a silence that was deafening. Finally, a light emerged from Gaby's and Kristina's hands. They had the same idea at the same time and happened to be so involved with their plan that they forgot anyone around them. A buzzing noise filled the room steadily growing louder.

Ramon's gaze traveled around the room to Artyom to Katia to Elizabeth and then to Devin who fainted and was now on the floor. Kristina and Gaby shot the balls of light towards Ramon and they combined together in the air. They sent sparks of light shooting off in many directions. Ramon staggered backwards as the giant ball of light flew forward. The light blinded Ramon and he covered his eyes and staggered against the wall. The ball of light collided with Ramon and exploded of impact. It knocked out everything in its path the wall, Ramon, and a big chunk of ice, but finally the four were gone. All that was left of them was Joey's, Krystal's bodies and Ramon's and Lisa's ashes.

"Okay head count!"Kristina shouted like a kindergarten teacher,"One...two...three...four...five... six. Where is Nathan and Jetzely?"

"JETZELY!!!" Gaby hollered out.

"Nathan." Anyssa whispered not wanting Nathan to be found.

Kristina walked out through the wall and spotted Nathans corpse just outside of it.

"Um....found Nathan but he isn't alive."Kristina said.

A silence swept over the group until Anyssa asked nobody in particular,"Did we break him?"

"Yes."Kristina responded and went further out to find Jetzely.

"Well....what do we do now."Elizabeth asked startled that Nathan had died.

As much as anyone hated Nathan for is annoying attitude, everyone found that they couldn't live without his noise. It was just so unusual. Everyone said they would sacrifice Nathan whatever the cost but they knew deep inside that they wouldn't but they wouldn't sacrifice themselves either. The loss of Nathan didn't draw grief out of them but not happiness either. It drew a uncomfortable feeling that no one wanted the feeling that just something wasn't right and that something was missing from the big picture.

Kristina came back with Jetzely who was freezing but only had one cut now thanks to Kristina's healing powers. Kristina held a pouch that contained Ramon's ashes.

"Okay. We better get going or the jet will freeze." Kristina said looking at the confused faces of her group. Anyssa got up and started to head out and soon enough everyone followed. All that was left was Kristina, Katia, and Gaby,

"Glad you're back." Katia said and partially hugged Kristina.

"Glad to back."Kristina said as Gaby smiled in the background.

"JUST KISS ALREADY!¨ Gaby shrieked. Her dream was to get Kristina and Katia to kiss since Junior High.

Kristina and Katia pulled apart and glared at Gaby and following tradition ignored Gaby and got out of the base.

***One more chapter to go. Its a Where Are They Now? chapter. Hope you enjoyed the second to the last chapter. BYE!!!***

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