He Saved Me

By Abileneansongwriter

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A girl called Brooke Carson. She was a normal girl in high school and she was a nerd. Her best friend Treyvon... More

After School
Business Trip
Christian Is Home
It Wasn't A Quite Morning
Our Argument
Cuddling In The Morning
He Lied To You
Really What Son?
Christian Is Fine
It Was Boring Until
Ordering Things
Were Setting It Up
Double Checking
My Birthday P:1
My Birthday P:2
Ryan! Your Here
It's settled
Aria Is Back Guys
Before The Big Day
Day One
The Ceremony
The Party
Bonus Chapter

My Day With Christian

297 9 0
By Abileneansongwriter

Brooke's P.O.V

I woke up in an empty bed. I walked to the bathroom to see an cute outfit hanging on bathroom door. There was a note. I brushed my teeth and them my hair. I changed into my outfit. I walked back to see Christian in a suit. I kissed him and he kissed my forehead. "You look cute". He said. We walked downstairs to see a group of men with boys. They all looked at me. I can recognize one boy. He was the one who saved me and he walks to us. "Hey dad". He said. "Hey Ryan, this is the girl you've saved". Christian said. "Hey, I didn't get your name... And I can't stop thinking about you". Ryan said. "Anyway, I'm going to work and Brooke is coming with me". Christian said. "Ryan, your the leader today while I'm gone". He said as he nods. Christian turns to me and picked me up. We walked out of the house, he put me in the car, he got in, I pulled him for a kiss and he drove us to his work.

When arrived he parked the car where nobody can see us. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked and got in the back of the car. He gets up and comes in the back. I smashed my lips into his, my hands moved around him neck and he wrapped his hands around me. That kiss turned into a make out session. I'd pulled back for air and I rested my head on his chest. He holds my hands as I looked up at him. "Didn't know you had a son". I said. "Well, his mother died when he was born... And when he told me he saved you he wanted you... But before you do be with him I want you for a while". He said and I kissed him. "Shouldn't we get to work?" I asked as I got off him. He gets out, fixed himself up and helps me out. He fixed me and I kissed his cheek.

He had to scan his eye's, so we can enter. The door opened and we walked in. I was scared and I was walking close to him. He stops and looks at me. "Brooke, there is nothing to be scared about". He said and hugged me. We walked to see people with there own desk. "Morning everyone". He said. "Morning boss". They said as we walked upstairs. We walked to his office. One was a bathroom and the other side was a bathroom and in the middle in the office. He sat on his chair at the desk. I pulled a chair and sat with him. "Your breaking a rule". He said and leaned closer. "But, I'm your lover Mr. Alexander". I said. He chuckles, then smiles and then he kissed me sweetly. Then suddenly comes in with a briefcase. "Christian, we have a problem". The guy said, they looked at me. "Baby, can you go to the bedroom I'll be there after". Christian whispered and I nod and walked to the bedroom.

Then bedroom was different that he has. I sat on the bed and watching TV while he does his business. I fell asleep for a while. I felt cold breath on my skin and I opened my to see Christian. He rubs my face and gently kissed me. "I'm sorry baby, I left a note on the door. So I'm all yours". He said. "Can you cuddle me in your arms because I feel just a little scared". I asked. He laid next to me and hugged me.

Christian's P.O.V

I was cuddling her as she asked. I want her and my son wants her too. Anyway she'll be perfect for Ryan. She turns my head and she leaned closer. I kissed her as she wrapped her hands around my head. I put one hand on her face another on her waist.  "Christian, why did you like me, when there was plenty of hot girls in the school?" She asked. I got from the opened the window. Brooke comes off the bed and walked to me. "Look out there. They are the hot girls, but they starts fights. And you are more prettier and you don't fight". I said. She blushed madly as I pulled her to me. I was kissing her.

Then the door fell off, I pulled back and Brooke turned. It was Harry and Rex. They laughed as they walked in. "Oh, hey Christian. Why your girl scared". Rex asked. I looked at her she look fine. "Everything is gonna be okay". I whispered to her. Rex took Brooke away from and sat her the bed. I walked to Rex so I can punch him, but I was pushed back by Harry. I fought with Harry.  He punch me hard. "Leave Christian alone!" Brooke shouted as they pushed her. I got up and walked to her. I hugged her tight and she was scared. Then I kissed her I don't care if they see. Then they pulled me and taking me out, I hear Brooke shouted my name, they stop pulling. "Tell goodbye and come back". Rex said. I walked to her and smashed my lips into hers. "I love you". I said. "I love you too". She said and I gave you her one last kiss. "I have to go... promise me that you'll tell Ryan everything". I said. "I- I promise... But promise me you'll come back". She said. "I promise baby". I said and letting go. Then they grabbed me, I knew she was following us they put me in the back. I looked back see Brooke crying, she looks up and I give her a flying kissed and they drove off.

They stop driving. This house was different to the last house. I got out and I followed them. They pushed me in a room. There was no windows only a door and a bed. "Why am I here?" I asked. "Your son kill my girl, so now we are gonna kill your girl". Harry said a slammed the door and locked it. I punched, kicked, shouted and hissed. I need Brooke and I know she needs me too.

Ryan's P.O.V

I was on at my dad's work. And I see Brooke crying. I stopped the car and got out. She looked at me and she hugs me. "What's going?" I asked. "Your father left with two men named Rex and Harry... Will he ever come back?" She asked. "It's gonna be okay, I'll deal with this... come on, let's get home". I said. We got home and we walked in the house. I got the phone and called the gang. I saw Brooke ran upstairs crying.

Brooke's P.O.V

I ran in the shower, I turned it on, I sat on the floor and started crying. It just feels like when my parents left me at someone's house when I was born. I got up, I take off my wet clothes and put my undergarments on. I walked back to the room and then the door opens up to see Ryan. He eye's widens and I rolled my eye's. "What's haven't you seen a girl from school or something in her undergarments?" I asked. "No, your the first". He said. I put my shorts and top on. I laid on the bed and he sits next to me. "So, you and my dad. Uh Brooke?" Ryan said. The thought of Christian I just cried more. "Hey, we're gonna get him back. And he would want to see you first". Ryan said. "Then what's the plan?" I asked.

He took my hand, walked out of the room, walked downstairs and walked to the front door. There gang was here watching us walking. "You must be Brooke. We have a plan to get Christian back to you". One of them said. "Let's get to the plan now". Ryan said and kissed my forehead. He must like me or he likes me as a friend. I don't know, but Christian said he likes me more than a friend. This is way too confusing. We walked to the living room, sat down and started talking. I didn't do anything like this before. I was the good girl and now I'm turning bad a bit.

I walked away and walked to the kitchen. My day with Christian was the worst. First, we had a make out session, then cuddling, kissing again, then two men came to us and took us apart. I wish he was holding me in his arms and kissing me. I could hear cheering, normally go and see, but I didn't feel like it. I felt two arms around me and I turned around to see Christian. I smashed my lips into hers and I pulled back with tears falling down. I hugged him as he kissed my head. He whips my tears and our nose touched. "You had scared me... I thought I was gonna lose you". I said and cried and then I whipped my tears. "Hey, I'm here now". He said. I wrapped my hands around his neck and my legs around his legs. He holds me by my butt. I'm hip started to hurt and I sat on the floor. He picks me up, we walked upstairs to our room and he shut the door behind him. He put me on the bed as he pulled his shirt. I lift my top and see there is a bruise. He walks to me and he sees the bruise. "What happened? Did they hurt you or something while was gone?" He asked. I placed my hand on his face and traced his lips with my thumb.

I leaned closer to his ear. "While you were gone a guy came to me, hurt me, I kicked him and ran off". I said walked to the window. He turns my head and leans closer. "We had a plan to rescue you". I said. "I know, you know how they said I would want to see you first". He said. "Mm". I said. "That's true, because I would want to see you first before anything else". He said and I smashed my lips into his. We walked to the bed and continued kissing each other. God, he was a good kisser. His hands was on the bed and mine was on his face. He pulls back, he kisses and nibble on my neck. He moves to my sweet spot and I moaned. "I found it, yeah baby". He said. I pulled his face and smashed my lips into his again. "I thought my day sucked, but now it's awesome". I said against his lips and he chuckles. "That's because I'm back". He said against my lips. "Remember the question you had asked earlier?" He asked as he laid next to me. I hold his hand and nod. "Well, Brooke your gorgeous, smart, talented, and you're all I want in my life". He said and cuddling me.


We were cuddling up for a while. Then Ryan opened the door. "Hey, dad and Brooke I want you to be happy... so I have moved on and Brooke can take the rule of being my mother". He said and walked out. I turned to him and covered my mouth. "Did he mean what he said?" I asked. "I think... But it's good because one day I want to call you my wife". He said and kissed my lips. "Yea, I wouldn't mind being called that... Because if we get married I'll call you my husband". I said. We both got up and walked to the kitchen. "What's for dinner?" Ryan asked. We shrugged our shoulders and I pulled out my phone from my pocket. "Call the pizza place and get food". I said and handed it to Ryan. I walked out of the kitchen to the backyard. I sat on the swing and started to sing Broken Home by 5 Seconds Of Summer.

Then I saw a group of butterflies around a flowers. Then Ryan sat next to me. "Hey, did you order it yet?" I asked. He nods his head and leans closer. He kissed me and I got up. "What was that?" I asked. "Yes, Ryan I would like to know too". Christian said as he stood next to me. "I don't know? Don't hit me dad". He said. I looked at him and I took a step back. I didn't realize the pool and I fell in. I couldn't swim at all. They walked to me. "Can you help me... I can't swim". I said and they let there hand out. I grabbed their hands and they pulled me out. "You hit Ryan?" I asked. "That is only when he doesn't listen... But I'll never hit you. I love you baby". Christian said as he pulled me. Ryan tries to get away, but I had stopped him. "Your gonna buy things if you want our forgiveness". I said. He nods his head as he passed his phone. I got on notes and put the things we need and gave it to him. "Will pay for the food when it gets here... now go and get the things and come start home". Christian said as he left.

We walked to the swing and sat down. I sat on his lap and played with fingers. "Tomorrow, I have a business trip to go... But I'll be back when you finish school on Monday". He said. "Do you have to go?" I asked as I shift my body. He nods and I put my head on his shoulder. "You better make it up to me when you some back". I said. "I'll seal it with a kiss". He said and kissed me. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked. "Of course baby, what's up?" He said. I took a deep breath. "If someone you known from small had lied to you what would you do?" I asked. "If was not a big lie I've give them a second chance... But if it was a big lie I'll not talk to them. Why?" He asked. "Treyvonetta lied that she didn't open my locker when I saw her". I said. "What do you want to do?" He asked. "I'll have talk to her and see what happens next". I said. "So, can you change your clothes". He said as I got up. "I'll change if you let me be in my undergarments with my robe on top". I made a offer. "Fine, and if Ryan-". I stop him with my hand on his lips. "Don't worry". I said.


I was choosing what one to wear. I grabbed my mint bra and matching underwear. I walked to the bathroom, I stripped and put my undergarments on. I walked out see Christian looking at me head to toe. He pulled me to him and started kissing me. I pulled back and we walked downstairs and heard the doorbell rang. He went to answer it. I walked to the kitchen and I got the dinner table ready. He placed the pizza's on the table and hugged me. Just in time Ryan came in the bags. "Put the cold things in the fridge, the frozen in the freezer and the other things in the pantry". Christian told Ryan. I served the three of us and Christian got two beers. I got a cup of coke and sat on the table with the boys. "So, Ryan what are you doing tomorrow?" Christian asked as he placed his hand on mine. "Going to spend my day with Liam". He said and ate his pizza. "Well, don't stay the night there". He said. Ryan looked at me and walked away. "Now, you why I wasn't here yesterday night". He said to me. "Ryan, don't talk to like that". Christian said. "Christian, please don't". I said. He rolled his eye's and left too. "That's was lovely". I said to myself.


I walked upstairs to our room. I see Christian reading a book with his glasses, which is cute. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I sat next to him and played with his hair. "I didn't mean to course problems". I said. He put his book down and kissed me. "You didn't, I don't like his friend Liam. He is a trouble maker". He said. "Isn't that Liam Blake the one every girl expect for me thought he was hot?" I asked. He nods his head. So Ryan finished school last year with Liam and I didn't notice him at all. "I better get to sleep". I said. He closed the door and turn off some of the lights. "What are you doing?" I asked. But he didn't answer and got on top of me. We start kissing each other. He makes me feel his abs as he pulled me closer. And I pulled back and fell off the bed. I opened the window just a little bit. My hip hurts more now since I fell. I got in bed and he pulled me to him. He kisses my shoulder to my lips. "We can do it later". He said and I nod. "Goodnight baby". He said. "Goodnight". I said and we drifted to sleep.

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