My SLY Fox [Jonghyun Fanfic]


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[From real SHINee interview] When Jonghyun was asked about his ideal girl he said: "I like women who can do a... More

Chptr 1: The Obsess and The Fierce
Chptr 2: Then He Saw...
Chptr 3: Bad Impression
Chptr 4: OPERATION: Get Jin Yerin
Chptr 5: OPERATION: Make Yerin Hate Jjong MORE
Chptr 6: His Offer. WTH?!?
Chptr 7: NEVER
Chptr 8: AWW! She really...
Chptr 9: Using Her 'POWERS'
Chptr 10: Touchy Jonghyun
Chptr 11: FINALLY... A Nice Talk
Chptr 12: My Fault
Chptr 13: My Fault Pt. 2
Chptr 14: Pressure Count
Chptr 15: The Advance Present
Chptr 16: Last Gift
Chptr 17: Another Flower Boy
Chptr 18: Back to Zero
Chptr 19: Taemin's Birthday
Chptr 20: FEELS ♥
Chptr 21: Almost?
Chptr 22: The Start, AGAIN.
Chptr 23: Give In, PLEASSSEEE
Chptr 24: FREEDOM~
Chptr 25: My Babies and My Babe ^-^
Chptr 26: Making It Official -__-"
Chptr 27: Ice Princess
Chptr 28: Change <3
Chptr 29: First Date... For the Second time?
Chptr 30: Because Being Jealous is too Mainstream
Chptr 31: Reconciliation
Chptr 32: Her Insecurities, REVEALED!
Chptr 33: Vacation Almost Over + New Character?
Chptr 34: First day, New Friend
Chptr 35: 100th...
Chptr 36: "You have a girlfriend?"
Chptr 37: Meet My Girlfriend
Chptr 38: "I Trust You"
Chptr 39: NO! TT^TT
Chptr 40: My Fault, AGAIN
Chptr 41: Let's All Hate Her >.<
Chptr 42: Then He Woke Up
Chptr 43: A BISH On Strike
Chptr 44: BISH's Plan Failed, BUT...
Chptr 45: He Won't?!?
Chptr 47: ENDING [Part 1]
Chptr 48: ENDING [Part 2]

Chptr 46: Everything is Back

2K 61 15

--Yerin's POV--

After unlocking the front door, I headed straight to Jonghyun's room. I promised him yesterday that I will come really early to make him let me leave. I told him to sleep early and take some rest because he looks so stressed and because he's a bit drunk, but he keeps on insisting that I should stay and it took hours before he finally agreed to rest and let me go home.

After we have settled our problem yesterday, it feels like my world started rotating again. It's such a relief to know that those things that I thought I won't be experiencing again and I won't be able to do again, they're all back to me. I can freely do things again and this time, i'd d better.

I quietly went in to Jonghyun's room and saw him, lying on a very messy bed, and on a very spread out position. I bet he had a hard time trying to sleep last night.

I walked further in and was about to open the curtains but I'm afraid that would wake him up uncomfortably so I just knelt beside his bed, on the side where he was facing. I smiled while I was staring at his perfect, sleeping face but then, I noticed that his brows are furrowed.

I chuckled and tapped his nose lightly with my index finger.

“Hey. Mr. Kim, you're awake, aren't you?”, I asked.

His brows furrowed more then without opening his eyes, he moaned as a response. I chuckled, knowing why he is acting like that.

“Headache?”, I asked and tapped his nose again.

 He slowly nodded his head.

 “Your fault. Who told you to drink?”, I teased. 

He opened his eyes and glared at me but just ended up closing it again tightly and holding his forehead because of the pain.

“I wonder who's fault is it.”, he said sarcastically.

I laughed and sat on the edge of his bed, beside his waist, then leaned my upped half body down to hug him. 

“Aw, my Kim Jonghyun has a hangover.”, I said as I hug him tighter. 

He hugged me back and chuckled. “It's fine as long as my Jin Yerin will take care of me.”

“Of course. Get up and I'll make you a soup.”

I tried to part from him to stand up but he just pulled me closer and refused to let me go.

“Later. Let's just stay like this longer.”, he whispered.

I didn't insist to stand up anymore, i'm enjoying it too, anyway. I just rested my chin on his chest, looking up at him.

“Yah. I discovered something.”, he said.

“What is it?" 

He sighed deep and held my cheeks. 

“It's Jisoo that told you to leave me.”

I didn't answer and just looked away. I moved and sat properly beside him, leaning on the headboard, then he sat up too. 

“She told me that, that's why I know.”, he said. 

“She told you?”, I looked at him and asked.

“Yes. She told me everything she done. Why did you follow her?” 

I sighed. “I already told you, it was because she made me realize a lot. I easily believed her because the things she told me were the things I have in mind even before.” 

“You should have not believed her. Aiishh, that girl...”

“It's over, okay? Let's not talk about her anymore.”, I turned to him. “Wait. If you already knew about it, why didn't you come to me, knowing that you already know that it's all a setup?” 

He squinted his eyes as he looks at me. “It's because you were with Sehun, again, and it seems like you got really, really close to each other that he even hugs you while you where crying.”

I paused for a while to think what he is talking about. Then I remembered that scene when I and Sehun were at the park.

“Oh that...”, I said, nodding.

“Now you remember. You were SO close then, right?”, he made a face.

I smiled at him. “He's just being a friend that time, well actually, always. How many times shall I repeat that to you.”

“You could be friends but is it necessary to hug?”, he frowned.

“You know, you should take a bath now. I thought your head is aching.”, I stood up from the bed.

 “You're just changing the topic.”

I rolled my eyes. “I am not. Just take a bath while I cook breakfast. Common~.” 

I pulled him up and when he did, he stood fast and forwarded straightly in front of me, letting his lips land exactly on mine, giving me a smooch.

“I missed the skinship.”, I laughed and pushed him to the bathroom.

“You're always pushing me away.”, He frowned and pouted.

I smiled while I'm stepping back, away from him him, then I winked.

“Love you Jjong~”, I said aegyo-ishly then walked away. I can imagine how big is Jonghyun's grin right now. 


After setting up the table with the breakfast that I prepared on it, I went to Jonghyun's room to call him, I'm sure he's done taking his shower by now. I came in without knocking which turned out to be a bad decision because just exactly when I came in, he came out of the bathroom, with his pants on but shirtless. 

I never saw him shirtless, even before. I halted, or more accurately, I froze. I didn't know what to do next and my mind went blank for quite a few seconds. But oh.. my eyes. Oh my god my eyes. They wandered on their own.

It landed on his bare shoulders. I know Jonghyun has a good body build because he works so hard to stay in shape but I really haven't paid attention on how broad his shoulders are. Down to his arms. Damn they look so manly. Veins popping out on the right places. No wonder he could easily scoop me up and carry me whenever. Those pair of arms looks so strong.

I still haven't moved an inch, but my eyes have traveled miles. They now landed on his chest.

I involuntary gulped, my throat suddenly felt dry, I guess. He lost weight from his recent accident and I am sure due to the stress from the past couple of days but how on earth are those pecs still that toned. They look so big and packed and nowhere near soft. There are still some droplets of water maybe 'cause he's just out of the shower... or maybe it's a little sweat because it is a little hot in here?

'Is it? No. Wait. Is it hot in here? It was not, earlier.', I thought but I really don't care. Why do I suddenly have the urge to wipe off those droplets on his chest. One droplet trickled further down from his chest to his abs.

'One, two, three..... six. It's six', I counted and I don't even know why I did. Those chiseled abs looks so hard. Was it always like that? Why haven't I noticed? Was I not paying attention? I think it impossible to miss that. Where has it been hiding the whole time?


I heard Jonghyun's finger snapping, calling my attention. My mind suddenly went back to the current moment. I looked at Jonghyun and he has this very devilish smirk on his lips, looking at me while I gather my thoughts.

'Oh my God. How long was I leering?', I thought, blinking as I relax my body from being frozen for a while.

"Enjoying the view, are you?". He said, still with a smirk.

I felt my whole body blush, specially my face which feels burning hot. The sight of him is bothering.

He chuckled as he puts on his shirt. “I know I look so hot but it's cold, I need my shirt.”

'Oh so it's not hot in here', I thought to myself, confused as to why am I sweating a bit.

“Someone's blushing~”, he teased as he comes forward for a hug.

I glared and moved away from him. 

“I am not. Aishhh. Let's just eat breakfast, then clean up your house. It's a complete mess. Yo didn't even bothered to clean up while you're not attending classes.”, I pretended to rant then pointed at his messy shelves but something caught my attention. 

I saw the notebook that he was hiding from me before, together with his laptop. Even though he's denying hat he's hiding it, I don't believe him, I know there's something on it. I just forgot about these past weeks.

 I walked closer to the shelf and took the notebook.

“This notebook...”, I was about to open to scan it but Jonghyun immediately took it from me and held it away.

“I thought we're going to eat breakfast?”, he said.

I squinted my eyes at him. “Yah! I know you're hiding something on that notebook.”


“I don't believe you. Show it.”, I commanded. 

Instead of complying, he put it back to the shelf but on the higher portion, then he smiled widely at me, covering his suspicious act.

“What is it?! Why won't you show it? And your laptop, you're hiding it too.”, I asked irritably.

“Let's eat breakfast, common~”, he hooked his arm on my neck and dragged me out of the room.

“Yah Kim Jonghyun! What is it? Seriously, I getting pissed off. ”, I yelled.

“Don't be. Okay, you'll know it soon. Just trust me.”, he smiled.

 I just sighed deep and didn't ask more. Though that is extremely suspicious, if he told me to just trust him, I will.


 “Finally, we did our plan to have snack in this pizza parlor together.”, Sehun said when we got out of the pizza parlor.

 “Yeah. Thanks for the treat~”, I giggled then we started walking, heading home. 

We were walking while talking happily when suddenly he stopped talking and just looked at me while smiling. 

“Why?”, I asked and looked at him weirdly.

“I have been observing you these past days and I have noticed that you're already fine from whatever serious problem you have before.”

I smiled. “I am fine now.” 

“I'm glad to hear that. Though I don't know what exactly your problem. But I must tell, I think it's about Jonghyun.”

“Is it that obvious?”, I chuckled.

“A bit.”, he laughed and ruffled my hair. 

“I bet it's really serious that you cried so hard to me that time. But I know that time that you could settle whatever your problem is.”

I linked my arm to his. “You know, you make me think if I should change my bestfriend now.” 

“I think you should consider that.”, he laughed to. 

And like dejavu, a car stopped beside us and we both know whose car is it.

“Is it just me or this scene is kinda familiar.”, he whispered to me.

Jonghyun finally got out of the car and as expected, there's that unpleased expression plastered on his face. He did not came to us but just stood in front of the car door and motioned me to get in the car. Just that, without words and he went in the car again. 

“This is not KINDA familiar. It's REALLY familiar.”, Sehun said.

“So, I gotta go now before Jonghyun fire up. Thanks for the treat.”, I bid my goodbye and quickly followed Jonghyun.

He just looked at me silently when I got in the car. I was waiting for him to rant or say something but none came from him. He just kept staring at me.

Minutes passed but he still haven't started the car nor talked.

“Are you mad?”, I asked. 

I waited for his answer but he remained silent, which brought a bit nervousness to me.

 “Yah, I told you it's--”

 I got cut off when he suddenly leaned forward and captured my lips without any warning, but it wasn't a harsh kiss, just a deep one. I got shocked by his sudden action but I responded. I expressed my apology for making him jealous again, and the reminder for him not to worry through the kiss, and he was accepting it whole-heartedly.

 Moments passed, he ended up hugging me tight.

“What's with this weird action, huh?”, I asked while trapped in his arms.

“Never leave me.”, he whispered.

“What? Why are you suddenly saying that?”, I asked in confusion, hugging his neck as a response for his hug that gets tighter and tighter. 

“Even how close you got to Sehun, don't fall for him.”

“Wait. What?!?”, I pushed him away a bit so we could talk face to face.

“You're with Sehun again. Can't you stay away a bit from each other?”, He frowned.

“Okay. Sorry for making you jealous again though it's not really my intention. But he's my friend. It's just like how I hang out with the other oppas sometimes.” 

He just rolled his eyes.

“Can't you consider being nice to him? It'd be better if you'll be friends too.”

 He started the car engine and proceed driving.

 “Yah yeobo...”, I called his attention because he did not answer.

“Sssshhhh.”, he put his finger in front of his lips.

I smiled because I know he's not really mad. 

“But, yeah, I'll never leave you.”, I chuckled softly.

I small smile formed on his lips as he continue to drive. My jealous Jonghyun will forever be a jealous Jonghyun.



Thank you for waiting for this chapter and sorry if it took too long. I just got really busy. And i didn't have a chance to update last weekend because... OMYGOSH... SHINee was here last week and I watched them.

So yeah... 

This is the second to the last chapter of this story. Maybe I could do the last chapter by tomorrow so please wait for it.


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