I knew you (Wesley Stromberg...

By ___brittttany___

18.5K 456 22

16 year old Lily Smith, fan of Emblem three, goes to a meet and greet and instantly falls for 19 year old Wes... More

I Knew You (Emblem3 Fanfic)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 8

535 15 0
By ___brittttany___


Wes' POV

I wake up and see her laying next to me. I feel her bare skin touching me 'Wow! she's beautiful' I think to my self. Last night was the best night I have ever had. I still cant believe it even happened, I can't believe she likes me back.

She opens her eyes and sees me staring at her. "Goodmorning beautiful." I say.

"Hey." she says, "Did last night really happen?" she asks.

"Yea, and I loved every moment of it." I say with a smile.

She blushes, "Good." she say giving me a quick peck on the lips.

"What? That's all I get." I say making a frown face.

She laughs and climbs on top of me. She puts both her hands on my face and I put mine on her waist. She kisses me slowly and deeply and I kiss back. She stops. Why did she have to stop.

"Are we...um." she starts.

"Dating? I don't know are we?" I ask.

"I don't know." she answers.

"We'll then... Lily Smith, would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend."

"Hmmm I would love to be your girlfriend." she says. Kissing me again. I loved when she kissed me.

Lily's POV

'I have the perfect boyfriend' I think, still kissing him. Wait!...boyfriend....my parents....my sister....Keaton... Oh no.

I pull away quick. He looks worried.

"Wes. We need to talk about something."

"Ok. What?" he asks. I know he's nervous.

"My parents and my sister. They can't know. And Keaton and Drew I think we should wait to tell them."

"But" he starts "Keaton and Drew... they're my brothers I cant keep this from them. I can't keep this from your parents either."

"Wes if they find out we will never see each other again. And I didn't say we have to keep it from Drew and Keaton forever we should just wait because If they say something and my parents... I just can't lose you Wes. I can't." I finish with tears running down my face.

"Shhh." he says trying to calm me down and pulling me into a hug.

"Your not going to lose me." he promises, "I can't imagine my life with out you."

"Really?" I ask.


I can't help but crash my lips into his. And he kisses me back. I can't even think that's how happy I am. He said he couldn't imagine his life with out me. He truly is perfect.

Then I hear the front door down stairs open. My sister. "Shit!" I whisper. Jumping off of Wes remembering were both naked I toss him his clothes and he puts them on quickly.

I put my clothes on and jump back in to bed.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"Just lay down and pretend your sleeping." I say quickly.

"What? No. Do I look like I'm five?"

"If she comes up here and sees us both sleeping in our clothes shell think nothing happened. Now shut up and lay down."

He comes over next to me and gets under the blankets.

"You're lucky I love laying next to you." he whispers in my ear. I giggle. And he smiles.

I hear Jackie come up the steps. My eyes snap shut. I hear her open the door. She doesn't walk in and she doesn't say anything. She shuts the door and I open my eyes slowly. She's gone.

Wes opens his eyes too and stares in to mine. When he looks at me like that I feel my insides melt. He kisses my far head.

"You're perfect." he says to me.

I smile, "You are too."

Then my stomach growls. I'm starving. Wes laughs and gets up.

"Come on." he motions me to get on his back so he can give me a piggy back ride. I laugh and get on his back. He carries me down the steps and in to the kitchen, I laugh the whole time because he made horse noises. We get to the kitchen and see Jackie sitting at the table drinking coffee. Wes puts me down on the floor.

"You know you guys are cuter then an actually couple." she says.

"It's called being best friends." I reply.

"Yea well guy best friends don't sleep over as much as Wes does and in the same bed. Say Wes when was the last time you actually slept at your own house?"

"Jackie stop! Why can't you just be happy that I have a friend you know I don't have many. God to think you actually cared about me!"

I take Wes' hand running out of the house.

"What was that about?" he asks.

I can't stop the tears from running down my face. I try to hide them from Wesley, but he notices anyway.

"Babe. What's wrong?" he takes my face in one of his hands and brushes the tears away.

"If I tell you, promise you won't think anything different of me."

"Lily nothing you can say will make me leave you."

I take a deep breath. I really don't want to tell him but he's my boyfriend he would tell me. Here goes nothing.

"The....The first time I.... Had sex...... I. Was. 13" I breath in "And he was 18" I see him tense up. But I kept going. "Kids in my school found out and I became cool. I don't know why because after it happened I felt disgusting but I went along with it saying it was great. My parents found out. They were furious. Didn't talk to me for weeks. I was known as the slut of the school. Now when my sister found out.... She went over to the school personally and said nothing happened she went up there and practically said I was a big fat liar. I didn't know what she did until I went into school and everyone called me 'fake slut lily' I never had a friend after that. And hence why I'm not allowed to date older guys."

"Wow." he says, "That's not cool."

It kind of hurt that he didn't say anything else and he didn't seem to care. But I let it go.

"But I'm not that much older then you." he says.

"They don't care about that. Until I'm 18 I can't date someone one year older then me." I comment trying not to cry again.

He doesn't say anything, and it's starting to get me mad how he doesn't seem to care. "Maybe you should go home." I say.

"Um ok....I thought we were going to hang out today though?" he says sounding upset.

"I'm sorry. Maybe tomorrow." I reply. I don't want him to leave but after telling him I feel like he's mad at me or something. He gives me a kiss on the cheek an gets up from where we were sitting on the step and leaves. It also bothered how he didn't even try to argue about leaving. I regret telling him.

I get up from the step and walk into my house I see Jackie still sitting in the kitchen. I run straight upstairs in my room, collapse on my bed and cry my eyes out. All I could think about was what would have happened if I didn't tell him. We would be okay and we would be together right now I shouldn't have opened my stupid mouth. Soon after I cry myself to sleep.


I wake up at 3:30pm and look at my phone a bunch of missed calls from Wes...of course he always seems to call me when I'm sleeping. I don't bother calling him back. I figured I would get a shower.

I take my shower and I walk into my room with a white towel around my body and hair. I was standing their about to get changed when I hear footsteps running up my steps. I panic and I don't know what to do, I'm frozen. The my door flies open. "Keaton!?" he runs over to me and hugs me.

"What the hell! You should really answer your phone! I get nervous." he says.

"Keaton! I'm like naked!"

"Oh sorry." he says pulling away from me.

He turns around and walks out if the room awkwardly. I quick get changed in sweatpants and a tank top. I walk out of my room where Keaton is standing.

"Wes said you weren't answering your phone so I drove over here. You should lock your door too, you're here all by yourself in the shower I could have been anyone!"

"I'm sorry." is all I can say.

"You know Lily all of us care about you, and would practically risk our lives for you. Just please lock your door and answer your phone or at least call back."

I hug him and burry my face into his neck.

"Keaton, I'm so lucky to have you." I say smiling up at him.

He smiles back at me. "So there is this party thing thing tonight and we have some news but Wesley got dibs on telling you."

"Ok? What do I wear?" I ask.

"I don't know I guess a dress." he says

"Ugh! A dress are you serious?" I sigh, "Fine, I guess I'll wear a stupid dress."

He laughs, "See you in a little bit."


I hate getting dressed up, but I have fun when I do. I put on a red tight short dress and a pair of black heels. I curl my hair and put it 'half up half down'. I don't put a lot of makeup on, I never do. I walk downstairs and check my phone. I got a text from Wes.

'hey be there in 5'

I didn't bother texting him back. Considering we haven't talked since this morning when I told him my biggest secret. I felt like it was going to be awkward.

I hear Wesley at the door. I open it and before I could say hi he begins to talk.

"Ok listen I'm really sorry about this morning. I was just kind of freaked out and didn't really know what to say. I just hate thinking of losing you and I know I shouldn't have just left but I thought you needed space. I'm. Just. Really sorry."

"Wes its fine really I was kind of freaked out too. I never would have thought in a million years that I would have told Wesley Stromberg that. It was partially my fault."

"So were good." he says.

"We're good."

"Ok. Is your sister home?"


"Well then you are looking hot!" he says moving closer to me.

"You don't look to bad yourself." I say moving closer to him until our bodies are touching. He places his hands lightly around my waist and brings his head down toward mine. I put my hands on his shoulders. Then our lips touch and we kiss and kiss and kiss until we realized 5 minutes went by. I pull away.

"We should get going." I say.

He sighs "I would rather stay here and do this."

"I know."

I gasp, "What's the big news!"

"You have to wait until later." he says.

"Ugh you're killing me."

He laughs and puts out his hand for me to grab. I take his hand and we walk to his car. I get in and as usual I turn on the radio. That was always my favorite part about our car rides. When we sing songs not caring what we sounded like. But obviously Wesley sounded good no matter what but you could tell he was just having fun.

We pull up to his house and walk in. Drew and Keaton were standing in the kitchen and Laraine was still getting ready. I walk over to them. "Hey." I say

Drew whistles "Damn girl! You look good. Wes If you don't get in her pants soon I will."

I can't help but blush. I see out off the corner of my eye that Wes is starting to get angry.

"Thanks Drew, ill try to take that as a compliment." I say.

I walk over to the fridge to get a bottle of water. Wes and Drew walk in to the living room. I close the fridge and see Keaton standing next to me. "Hey Keats."

"Hey...um....you. Um you look amazing." he says shyly.

I loved that about Keaton. His awkward shyness. I have loved it since day one. What am I talking about! I'm with Wesley. It is weird though how I wound up being with Wes instead of Keaton. A month ago I would have done anything to be with Keaton.

"Thanks. You look good too." I say with a smile.

We stood there in silence until Drew says, "Ok guys let's go!"

Me and Keaton walk over to the front door. I stand next to Wes. As we walk out my hand brushes against his. I fight the urge to hold it. This was going to be a long night.


We arrive at the hall where the party is at around 7. And the music is already loud and the people are already pretty drunk.

Me and Wes walk behind everyone else as we try to get to our table. He whispers in to my ear, "Try not to get to drunk this time I don't want you sleeping with anyone....but me."

I whisper back, "I don't know its hard to keep me away from alcohol."

I can feel him tense up next to me. It was fun making him jealous but I would never do that to my boyfriend. Boyfriend can I tell you how much I love that?

We get over to our table. And Drew is already handing me a beer, so I take it. Why not? I don't do things that I don't want to do.

It's a slow song and Keaton asks me to dance. I couldn't say no that would just make things even weirder between us. So we walk over to the dance floor. He places his hands on my waist and I put my arms around his neck. I make sure to leave enough room between us.

"Lily?" Keaton says breaking the silence between us.

"Yea." I answer.

"Can we talk about what happened. You know. In the ocean."

"Keaton I can't I- "

"Just tell me why you did it." he says cutting me off.

"I don't know honestly." I pause, "It just felt right." oh god! Why did I say that I didn't mean to say that out loud. I can't feel my face turn red.

"Why did you do it?" I finally ask.

"Because I wanted to." he pauses " I like you Lily."

The song ends and before I could say anything he walks away. I just stood there in shock. Like I forgot how to move. What do I do. Then I realize I'm just standing there with people surrounding me grinding on each other.

I can't handle all this stress any more. I chug as many beers as I could in a short period of time. I can't remember how many I drank but that doesn't matter I find Wes and pull him to the dance floor. I don't waste time and I start grinding on him. He seems to be enjoying it, then I can tell he stops.

"Lily we can't people will start thinking something's up."

"I know Wes! But I can't! I just want to dance with my boyfriend!"

I turn around and see Drew standing there. I know he heard what I said. I dont bother explaining I just try to get away as fast as possible.

I look around trying to figure out what I'm doing. My mind is racing and I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm going to explode. I look around again and find Keaton leaning up against a wall. I run over to him as fast as my heels allow me. I don't say anything I don't think I just crash my lips into his. He doesn't wait he kisses back. He slides his tongue against my lips asking for entrance I don't hesitate and I let him in. Then we were making out in front of a crowd which was weird and I didn't think anything of it.

He pulls away and smiles. I almost forget where I am, I turn around and see Wesley angry and upset. I can't tell if he wants to kill someone or if he is going to cry. Then it hits me. 'holy shit what did I just do'


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