Arms Wide Open (One Shots for...

By CstaTheDaydreamer

8.1K 207 92

You've known Tom for so long now and at long last he's finally yours. You love him with your entire being and... More

Don't Let Me Breathe
Night Terrors
Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?
What a dork

Hold Me Tight

3.4K 43 18
By CstaTheDaydreamer

A/N: Yes. I am in fact writing a fanfiction of a fanfiction. But honestly the fanfiction was so beautiful I couldn't help but write a fanfiction of it! It will just be a short story and a few one shots basically! I am so ecstatic about writing it though!

I own literally nothing in this story except the actual story line of the story (duh). I don't own Tom (also duh). I don't own Jo/ you (the story is written in second person so you just so happen to be the main character the majority of the time, you can substitute your name for Jo's). The Original fanfiction was written by @korahuddles who is amazing and brilliant (and the one I've dedicated the story to obviously).

I would highly suggest reading "His English Heart" before you read my fanfiction of it because obviously it won't make any sense otherwise!



His arms had always been open for you. Even when you’d just barely gotten to know him, he was always ready with a needed hug when necessary. His hugs were the type that completely encased you in their grasp and gently seemed to squeeze any horrid or bad feeling right out of you in an instant. Over the years they had become your comfort more than anything else, just the knowledge that at any moment you could run into those long, lanky, arms and let their warmth sooth you was enough.

You had been married for just over 2 weeks now and were still completely blissful over that fact. Everything just seemed so brilliantly perfect that you could hardly believe it. Sometimes you would wake up in the middle of the night and think it had all been some sort of dream but upon turn over you’d lay your eyes on Tom’s sleeping form and breathe a sigh of relief.

He was real.

He was here.

He was yours.

You are jolted out of your thoughts by the door opening. You look up to see a grinning Tom holding something behind his back.

“What are you hiding there Tom?” You say with an eyebrow raised in suspicion, you are all too familiar with his prankish side not to be at least a bit suspicious.

“Something.” He said with a sly smile.

“Should I be worried about this ‘something’ then?”

He hopped on the couch next to you and deftly pulled out a bouquet of daisies, lilies, and chrysanthemums, all brightly hued and beautiful. His grin widens as he hides his face behind them a little as if he’s shy (you know better).

“I wouldn’t worry too much about a simple bouquet of flowers.” He smiles a bit sheepishly and you poke his side playfully as you take the flowers.

“They’re lovely Tom… but I there an occasion for them that I forgot?” I smelled the flowers as I spoke: perfectly fragrant.

“Well kind of….” His eyes sparkled, those galaxy green eyes filled with love.

You sit up straighter and try to think of what on Earth you’ve forgotten.

Tom giggles a bit in his usual “Ehehehehehe” before scooping you into his arms and burying his face in your hair a bit.

He then whispers in your ear “This day about 3 years ago I really hugged you for the very first time.”

You look at his loving face with surprise “How do you even remember that? I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast a week ago.”

“A granola bar and an apple I believe.”

“Tom… that is creepy. Stop having such a good memory.”

He chuckles low in his throat. “Come now love, surely you remember the first time I hugged you…” He nuzzles his nose against your cheek gently and almost playfully.

You sigh and struggle to remember the first time those arms had encased you in their embrace.




This had been a really horrid morning. Your alarm had failed to wake you up and you were going to be late even though it was barely past dawn. You hadn’t even had time to apply mascara or throw your hair into a simple pony tail. You’d even almost forgotten to change out of your pajama shirt that you’d had for years saying “You just realized that Donald Duck never wears pants” and your lounge pants. Then when you got to your car the engine decided today was the day it was going to stall on you.

“I don’t have time for this.” You thought, stress nearly working you to the point of tears. After a few failed attempts and quite an amount of desperate prayers the engine finally sputtered to life. It was foggy and rainy so you had to drive much slower than you would’ve liked and as a result you were even later on to set. As if you hadn’t already been in a nerve-wracked mood from finding out your niece and sister-in-law had both caught a horrid case of swine flu and getting less than 5 hours of sleep the night before, this was the final nail in your coffin to use the figure of speech.

It was pouring out so you got soaked on your way rushing into the trailer. There was a note on the door in familiar handwriting: “YOU’RE LATE MORTAL!!!”

You sigh, feeling weary all of the sudden. Of course this would be the day he came first thing in the morning. You open the trailer and see Tom sitting in a chair with his feet propped up on the small side table, he had headphones in his ears and he was mouthing the words to a song silently. Normally the sight of him would’ve sent your heart in a flurry but today it was more like a dull thumping you were barely aware of.

Tom’s eyes snapped up to yours and he started to smile but noticed your sopping wet, barely hanging-in-there state of being and he furrowed his brow in concern. He took the earbuds out and put his beloved iPod away into his pocket.

“Jo. Are you alright? You look run down- and you look soaked to the bone!”

“Tom I don’t have time for you being all care-barey today. I have got to get started on you this instant or I’m probably going to be fired for ruining everyone’s schedule.” You give him a bit of a glare and he hopped over into his chair that you normally work on him from. Fortunately you didn’t have to mess with the dye on his hair today. You start to clip in the extensions as quickly and well as possible, so unfortunately for Tom that meant you were a tad rougher than usual and he occasionally winced when you clipped them in.

“Sorry.” You mumble tersely.

You start working on his foundation, eyeliner, and mascara quickly as well. You felt as if your hands should be shaking horribly but they were simply too used to their job to shake. He flashed a smile at you and you try to avoid his gaze.

“Tom stop.”

“Stop what?”

“Stop smiling. I just smudged your eyeliner! You should know better than to move when I’m doing eyeliner.” You sigh in exasperation. You are waiting for a pounding on the trailer at any second to demand that you relinquish Tom.

He looked genuinely sorry and a little hurt almost but he didn’t move. You were just in a bad mood-

“Look up.”

He did without a word.

You were almost done. You just smoothed out a bit of foundation and stepped back, a little relieved that it was done.

“Love, did you happen to check the schedule today?”

“No I was in too much of a hurry.”

“What date is it?” He asked nonchalantly.

“There’s a calendar on the wall Tom.” You say in a bit of annoyance. You never found him annoying- why today?

“Please look.”

You roll your eyes but give in and check, “November 6th,” is your reply.

“Correct. Now please inform me what you Americans all are doing on this date.”

You give him a look of confusion and he grins a bit.

“I believe you forgot to set your clock backwards one hour my lovely Jo.”

Your jaw drops “What….”

He nodded “I got here early and set up the note as a prank- if I would’ve known that you were in such a flustered state I would have refrained. I apologize. I’m not even due on set for another 2 hours.”

You groan and collapse into a chair.

His eyes rested on you; you can feel that caring gaze and suddenly the crushy mush feeling returns full force and you just feel like a Raggedy Ann doll, floppy and rather losing all your stuffing (aka sanity). Suddenly you feel warm arms around you, pulling you close, encasing you in their scent of cologne and detergent. You feel like mush. And quite without realizing it you’re sobbing partially from stress and- well, actually it was mostly stress. He rubs your back comfortingly and rests that magnificent jaw line on the top of your unbrushed head.

If you weren’t so upset the butterflies in your stomach would have the force of a F5 tornado with the equivalent damage done to your nervous system as well because he was holding you so close. Of course this wasn’t the first technical hug Tom had given you; he’d given you the occasional side hug here and there before. But this- this was a full on hug; the kind that exudes care and compassion, the kind that envelopes you in warmth and the kind of hug that actually means something. This was the first of that kind, and it felt wonderful.

“Now Jo. Please tell me what is wrong….” Tom whispers quietly, not letting me go.

“I’m just tired.”

“And now you’re just lying.”

“No, I really am exhausted. I only got 4 ½ hours of sleep last night…..” You trail off and try to breath in between all the jerky breaths.

“But it isn’t just that.” He says with sincerity, he looks at you with his blue green eyes looking almost sad.

“No… I suppose not.” You sigh miserably.

“Joooooo. Please tell me?” You literally couldn’t resist him when he got that look in his eyes, no matter what mood you were in.

You let loose a breath of air and shut your eyes for a moment “I just feel pulled in every direction. I feel scattered and disorganized and chaotic. Everything is going wrong today and I just want to go home and curl up in my bed and sleep for eternity and-“ You stop yourself before you say “And I have a hopeless crush on you but you don’t seem to notice!!!”

“And what?” He asked quietly.

“And… I couldn’t even brush my hair this morning. For a hair and make-up artist I look dead awful.” You are somewhat proud of your quick rebuttal.

He nods slightly and grabs one of the spare brushes you always keep on the vanity.

“Ok love. Turn around.” He made a circular motion with his finger indicating that I should turn.

“What?” You are a bit confused.

“Well you’re always making me look better. It’s about time I return the favor and help you out a bit.” He gave me a wink.

“Tom… that’s my job! Besides, what do you know about hair and make-up?!” You ask.

He chuckles. “More than I’d like to admit. Jo, I grew up in between two sisters, I had to pick a few things up in my years of being forced to help them pick out lipstick shades and braid their hair. Now please love turn around. You can vent while I brush your hair if you need to.”

You sigh and turn about; he gives you a smile and begins to brush your hair. He even does it gently and from the ends up, the more professional way to do it. At one point he runs his long fingers through your hair and you just about explode from that sheer fact. He hums while he brushes and takes his time, then he starts to braid your hair. Most men would probably gawk at another man braiding a girl’s hair but Tom was different. He didn’t mind doing something considered so effeminate to make you feel better. That was just another thing to add to the huge pile of things you loved about this man.

He finishes the braiding and somehow found a hair tie to hold it back before turning you around. He grins. “I think you look absolutely lovely Joanna, you really don’t need make up. You’re radiant enough without it.”

“Tom, I have bags under my eyes the size of Alaska. Don’t kid me.” You say finally. How you even managed to form words after compliments like that you didn’t know but you did.

“I’m not. I think you’re beautiful. You just obviously don’t get told often enough, which is a shame.” He hugs you gently again and you hug him back. Tears stream down your face but this time they aren’t quite sad. All you know is you don’t ever want to live without Thomas Hiddleston in your life because he is basically the pillar in your life as of now.


“I still can’t believe you know how to French braid hair so well.” You chuckle lightly.

Tom’s face flushes. “Please don’t inform the fangirls of that fact…”

“Or the fact that you know which lipstick shade complements my skin tone almost better than I do?”

“Pleeeease don’t let them know that. I have a reputation!” He feigned begging. You roll your eyes and sigh dramatically.

“Ah alright, it shall be our little secret I suppose. Safe from tumblr and Cora.” Your eyes glint playfully as his face goes white, most likely from the thought of Cora knowing about his marvelous abilities in the hair and cosmetic realm.

You laugh high and clear and Tom rolls his eyes but takes the opportunity to snatch a quick kiss on your lips. You smile at him endearingly and he in turn wraps his arms around your waist.

“I love you.” He says.

“And I you.” You reply with a smile.

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