Remember me (Levixreader)

By DatInsaneKitty

77.8K 3.1K 1.5K

Hey guys this is the second book to 'The Underground thug' >>UNEDITED!!>Thanks for the 70k+ views~!<< So this... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author's Note(not from the story)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13~Lemon~
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21~End Remember me
Author's note
Important Author's Note
Notice - Truyenfun

Chapter 20

2.7K 127 30
By DatInsaneKitty

I am so sorry I have been very depressed these days and also busy so yeah I have also been stressed

Also there's ur dresses
I suck at choosing dresses dunt judge plz

And there's a song next to the photo,that I heard while writting this idk :v

Anyways onto da story~!

Jen's POV

I was fixing (Y/n)-san's hair,as slow as I could,while Hanji-san's words were repeated in my mind.

"Please keep Tiny away from the party for a while!And when you arrive keep her away from Shorty!!"

I still don't understand why,but might as well go with it...

I wonder how Eren-kun will look like..



I looked at (Y/n)-san from the mirror as she had a playfull smirk on her lips, "You're blushing.Were you thinking of Eren~?",my face got hotter as I shook my head,"N-No that's not it!!",I mentally cursed myself,of my stutter,as (Y/n)-san giggled,"It's normal to think of a boy,don't worry",I let out a relieved sigh,as I tuck the white flower on (Y/n)-san's hair.

"You're ready!","Thank you Jen,it's beautiful!",(Y/n)-san said, standing up,as she embraced me,"I-It's fine really!",I say with a light chuckle as I recieved a text.I glance at my phone,as the text was from Hanji-san,and it stated that I had to arrive now."(Y-Y/n)-san let's go or we'll be late!",she let go of me,with a nod, but then her face grew worried,"M-My ring is gone!",she looked everywhere as I tried to find an excuse,"M-Maybe you left it in your house..?","Y-Yeah I think I did..",(Y/n)-san replied,sad,and then dragged me downstairs where we saw my mom.

"Bye girls,have fun!",my mom said as we waved,but then my face turned scarlet from the other thing she said.

"Get you're first kiss with Carla's son,Jen!!"


"Don't worry Jennifer I'll make it happen!!"


~Teleporting both to the school gym~

Your POV

We arrive at the school gym as I see everyone looking at me,while I raised a brow.Just then the microphone was heard as I see Hanji in the stage.
"Tiny we would like you to hear this message!It's from Shorty!", Hanji said with a smile,as she grabbed a paper and started reading.

"I remember the time where we fought in the underground and I made a scar on you're cheek.I felt guilt inside me because of that."


Then an image of Levi,pinning me down,with a different attire popped in my mind as I traced my fingers over my cheek and felt a line.

It's a scar..?

"Also that time when I realized I fell inlove with you.It was our first expedition,where I lost Isabel and Farlan.I saw you impaled with one of the blades by the tree,thinking that I lost you. But when they screamed you were alive,I really thanked God for not taking you away."

Images,of what Hanji was saying,were popping in my mind as I traced my hand over my stomach.

So that's the scar in my stomach..

"Also that time when you were mad with me and you decided to hang with Yaeger.God how I wished I killed that bastard when we were in the custody."

Well that's rude.

"My point is that after that we had our first kiss."

That moment replayed in my mind as I covered my mouth,with my right hand, feeling tears welmp in my eyes.

How could I forget..?
How could I forget all of this precious moments we had...?

Jen then appeared,as she grabbed my hand leading me outside,and then Eren appeared,with a smile on his face,while he laced his fingers with Jen's.They both led me towards a trail of rocks as I heard Hanji in the backround.

"After that we went in expeditions.God you never stopped making me worry.We did loose a lot of friends and comrades.Then that mission of the female titan came up;it was also the day when your broken rib cage got worst."

Hanji stopped talking as we reached this river,sorrounded by trees,while everything was decorated with lights. Jen and Eren gave me a bright smile and they walked away,hand in hand, leaving me alone as I heard another voice.

"That was also the day I lost you. But also the day we made a promise in the night.Do you remember?"

I turned around wide eyeded,as I saw Levi,in a tux,giving me a small,caring smile.I covered my mouth,again,but with both hands this time as that memory replayed again.


"' rn..a..g-ga..i-in..a-and..onc..e.. we..d-do..w-we'll..m-meet"


~Flashback ends~

"I'm sorry.."

"I-I'm so sorry.."

I said softly,shedding tears,as Levi walked towards me and wipped my tears."You didn't break that promise.So why would you be sorry?","I-I left you all alone that night!Why wouldn't I feel sorry?!",I choked a sob,as Levi was caught off guard by my answer,but then smiled guininely.

"Well there was something I wanted to ask in that night."

"W-What is it..?"

I wipped my eyes,sniffling,as Levi's smile never left his face while he kneeled down with one leg making me wide eyeded.

"L-Levi?W-What are you..?"

"(Y/n) replaying our past I know we had one hell of a backstory. Now that our promise has been fulfilled,I would like to ask you what I couldn't ask last time."

I covered my mouth,shocked,when Levi pulled out a black box.When he openned it,it revealed my missing ring.

"(Y/n) (L/n) would you do the honor,of being my beloved and beautiful wife forever,and become Ms.Ackerman?"

"Y-Yes you OCD cleaning freak!!", I shouted with a bright smile,as I ran and tackled him in a hug,while he kissed me,passionately,and slipped the ring in my marrige finger.

We parted,with a smile on our faces, as I looked around when I heard cheering. I saw Isabel and Farlan giving us thumbs up having grins on they're faces,as Petra was wipping her tears of joy while Mikasa and Armin were smiling at me.

"C-Congrats (Y/n)-san!",Jen said with a bright smile,next to Eren,as Hanji was sneeking behined them.Me and Levi tilted our heads,curioused,as Hanji had her insane grin plastered on her face,with the glint in her glasses. And in a split second she grabbed Jen and Eren's face,as she collided them,making them kiss while they're faces dyed red.

Hanji let them go,walking towards Mikasa and Armin with a victorious smile,while Jen backed beaming red. "I-I'm s-s-so sorry E-Eren-kun!I-",but Eren cutted her off,by closing their distance,as she slowly melted in the kiss.

"About fucking time..",I heard Levi mumble,as I turned to him with a smile on my face,"Atleast I fulfilled her mom's promise.",I lightly chuckle as Levi cups my cheek,making me stop chuckling,and look at him with my cheeks slowly getting dusted with pink.

"You also fulfilled mine.",I closed our distance,wrapping my arms around his neck,while Levi wrapped his around my waist and tilted his head deepening the kiss.He laced his right hand with my left one as the rings made a glint with the moonlight.

I love you...Levi...

Author's note

Okay next chapter is the last one guys!!!
Yes,sadly this story has to end :p

Anyways hope you liked this chapter and see ya in the next one~!


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