Falling In Love

By KSizzleeee

1K 102 17

Follow Ciara on her journey to recovery and renewal as she finds her true friends and a new soul mate. She be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 (Part 1)
Chapter 34 (Part 2)
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 22

27 3 1
By KSizzleeee


I was extra excited today, because I was finally getting my hair done. I called Ciara and it rung once and the phone picked up.

"Hello?" Michael whispered.

"Uh, hey what you whispering for?"

"Ciara's sleep, she had a long night."

"Oh." I laughed.

"Nah." He laughed, "It wasn't even like that, well yea it was never mind." I shook my head.

"Nasty, nasty, nasty."

"But what's up what you need?"

"I need to see when I am coming in today."

"Oh okay I'll ask her when she get up."

"Alright thanks you tha' plug, let her know this hair needs it."

"Okay." he said and hung up.



"Did y'all see what Trell posted about Ciara the other day?" I spoke. "I feel so bad for her." Trell never spoke about me, or to me like that. The only time he would call me is for sex anyway, so we didn't really talk.

"Yeah, that shit was crazy." Nisha said. I shook my head, continuing to talk to Felicia and Nisha on three way.

"She doesn't seem like herself y'all need to check on her." I said recalling when I seen her in her shop, she said little to nothing, and her appearance showed that she didn't want to be bothered.

"And you need to call Ciara and apologize for real, not no text message." Nisha said.

"I am I just don't know what to say, or how to start."

"Girl, Tell her everything from beginning to end, I think she will understand; matter fact come with me to her shop." Felicia said.

"Hello, that's dumb. She doesn't want me there."

"Okay I'll text and ask right now."

"Okay." I said growing a little nervous.

"Lucky you, she said yes!" Felicia said cheery. "Get all dolled up cute and I'll pick you up in a hour."

"Okay bye y'all."

"Bye." They said together and I hung up.

I sat my phone on the night stand and plugged it up the charger. I took a shower and got dressed in some high waisted jeans, a polo shirt, and black vans. I put my hair in a ponytail and put a polo hat in and pulled my ponytail through. I heard Felicia blow, letting me know she was outside. I grabbed my blue jean jacket and slipped my phone in it. I walked from my bedroom to the living room and out the door.

"Hey Felicia."

"Hey." She said smirking at me.

"What?" I asked looking around.

"Don't think I forgot about Mr. Jamarion with the full package, you never finished telling me." She said pulling off from my lot.

"Oh yeah." I said blushing. "Well yeah, it is true."

"Woah, it done changed you."

"Yep, that's what the goods do to you." I said.

"Hell nah." She laughed loudly. We pulled up and I got out the car. Felicia opened the door and took a seat, I took a seat beside her.

"You know I got the sauce, you know I'm saucy." Ciara sang with her earphones on. She didn't even notice we were here.

"Damn, she sounds good." I mumbled.

"I know right." She whispered. "Ciara!" She yelled. Ciara jumped and took an earphone out.

"When y'all get here?" She asked still holding her chest.

"A few minutes ago." Felicia said.

I finally decided to speak up, "Ciara can I talk to you?"

"Sure." She said pulling out her other earphone and stopping her music.

"Okay so I'm not sure if you got my text message, but I just wanted to apologize face to face. I wanted to tell you sorry for the way I treated you, Trell drove me crazy in a way and when you said you knew him I just snapped because he had so many girls smiling in my face like he wasn't having sex with them. So I am also sorry for not believing you and coming at you sideways."

She nodded her head, "It's cool."

"Okay." I smiled.

"Aww." Felicia said, "Can I get my hair done now?"

"Yeah." Ciara said wrapping the cape around Felicia.


"Seriously Maria, you need to check on your friend. I've never seen her like this in my life."

"What's wrong with her? I just seen her this week."

"She was gone yesterday, and I mean gone."

"I'll call her tonight."

"I think it was 'bout that shit Trell had to say."

"Man, that was so disrespectful." She shook her head.

"Yeah, I texted him and told him how wrong he was for that."

"That's good." She smiled, "But Ion fuck with him so."

"Yeah I know." I laughed.

"You know It's real sweet of you to look after her like that, I'm sure Michael appreciates it."

"Prolly." I shrugged, "but I ain't worried bout them no more, I'm worried bout you."

"For real?" She asked smiling.

"Yea, you know like I said I'm new to this relationship shit but I'm making it work for you."

"That's sweet, thank you."

"And that's why you deserve this." I said pulling a bag from behind my bed.

She slowly opened the bag and yelled, "What! You didn't."

"I did." I smirked.

"Thank you so much." She squealed holding up the shoes I got her.

"No problem." I kissed her.



"Hey." I said when Ciara answered my FaceTime call.


"You okay?" I Asked.

"Uh, yeah I'm good." She said and I could tell the unsureness in her voice.

"You better spill it and you better spill it now Ciara Marie."

"Alright, alright." She said. "It's about what Trell said about me."

"Why you even let him get to you anymore boo?"

"Because you know how insecure he made me, he left me hanging high and dry for some teenager. Then multiple times he called me out my name and he tried to force himself on me and-"

"Wait what?" She said cutting me off.

"Yeah I was too embarrassed to tell anyone but he got drunk and tried to take my clothes off after I said no multiple times."

I heard Michael in the background, "Man, I shoulda killed him."

"Shit, I'm feeling the same way right now." I shook my head. "But I am pretty sure Michael has already told you you pretty, you beautiful; fuck Trell monkey looking ass and enjoy your life."

Michael laughed at my comment and finally said, "Amen."

"Alright." Ciara smiled, "Will do."

"Now take y'all asses to sleep, love y'all." 

"Love you too." They said together and Ciara pressed end.

"My poor little boo." I mumbled. "He gone get his." I said referring to Trell, "If its the last thing I do."

I dialed Ashley's number, waiting for her to pick up. "Yeah Ash, I need a favor."

"Yeah sure wassup?"


Cliffhanger!!! 😈

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