
By ElizabethE4332

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A teen by the name of Christina, who lives with her two older brothers Dillion and Cooper, and her Sister Ivy... More

Chapter One: Taken
Chapter Two: Training
Chapter Three: Hiding
Chapter Four: Strangers
Chapter 5: The Stylish Life
Chapter:6 Captured
Chapter 7: Shocking News
Chapter Eight: Preparing For Battle
Chapter Nine: Cut and Bruised
Chapter 10: Heartbreaking News
Chapter 11: The Shadows
Chapter 12: Family Reunion
Chapter 13: Worst Nightmare
Chapter 14: From One Cage to Another
Chapter 15: Battle Between Hunters and Cats
Chapter 16: The Journey Home
Chapter 17: Training for War
Chapter 18: Final Training
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: The Final Battle
Message to my readers:
Help Me Decide.
Special Announcement

Chapter 19: Unlocking Supernatural Abilities

90 8 0
By ElizabethE4332

She packed quickly, before going into the garden. She indeed needed time alone, needing to wrap her mind around the feeling of having ability that no one in her family had seem to unlock. She sat on a bench under a tree. 

She closed her eyes, leaning up against the cool brake, letting the dripping tree branches swing and brush against her face as a cool breeze blew through out the yard. She sighed softly. She could hear the distant grunts from the basement through a open door that lead down to it. She rolled her eyes and began to block out the sounds around her.

She gripped her fingers, running her thumb against the back of her other hand silently. "Your mine." Her fathers voice echoed through her mind. She gasped and turned around, looking through the open room to try and find her father. "No I'm Not!" She whimpered and shut him out, trying to ignore any more words he had to say to her.

She continued to listen to the words from her father. If she wanted to defeat her father she needed to block him out, and not let his words get to her. She kept her  eyes closed, trying to ignore him. "Go away..." she whispered. "Im not afraid of you." She mumbled. She felt a icy hand on her shoulder, and she opened her eyes. She swiftly punched Ryan in the jaw.

As soon as she realized that she had punched him she quickly stood. "Oh my god! Im so sorry Ryan!" She said and stood. Ryan was rubbing his jaw and growling under his breathe. "I thought you were my father.. I didn't mean to punch you.." She said softly. He removed his hand from his jaw, revealing a bruise. "You have quite the punch there.. But I suggest you get up. We are leaving." He said softly. 

Christina frowned. "But I have only been sitting here for 5 minutes! What time is it?" She asked softly. Ryan looked at her. 
"It is now 1:30." He said softly. Christina shook her head. She had been sitting there for 3 hours. "Okay... My bags are up in my room..." She said. The two went there separate ways, Ryan going to get her stuff, and Christina heading over to get into the vans that were taking them to her fathers house. 

She sat in the back, looking down at her hand silently. Was it her father who made her violent? She knew she would never hit Ryan on purpose... but she didn't think that her hand would kill her father in the first place. 

She dazed off, deep in a state of confusion and deep thought. It wasn't long before her mothers hand gently touched her shoulder. She winced and slowly opened her eyes to look at her. "Darling, you have been staring at your hand for quite a while now. We've come to the hotel we are staying at tonight." She said. Luna slowly got out of the van, and looked around. The others had already settled in the rooms they had rented. 

She grabbed her bags and wobbled to the room with a silver 48 on the door. She walked in to see Ivy sitting on the bed looking at her phone. She sighed and threw her stuff on the bed and sat besides it. "Do you ever look up from your phone Ivy?" She mumbled. 

Her sister made a distinct grunt. "Why do you care? Don't you have a play date?" She grumbled, never taking her eyes from her phone. Christina stood. "So stupid." She mumbled and left the room, taking the one and only room key the two had. 

She walked around till she found Ryan throwing a frisby with Dillion and Cooper was reading a book in the sun. Ryan noticed her, and caught the frisby. He had a large bruise on his cheek from where he was punched. "Hey, Ryan could we talk a walk... alone...together?" She asked shyly. He nodded and tossed the frisby to Cooper, who caught the frisby without a glance up. 

He walked over to her, and they began to stroll down through the town. "So, this power thing..." She began, before loosing her train of focus and looking at him. "Yes. These powers are something only really special people unlock, and you don't have to be a rare to unlock them. These powers started when a man had lost his son in a war between WereCat and human, hundreds of years ago. He saw his body, bloody and beaten and he found a new rage. That rage sparked a power, and he defeated the whole army of man."

"He started to research it. He found out that we have a special part in our brain that normal mortals do not have the capability to reach. It is where all our other emotions are, but it connects a foreign part of the brain to the emotional, and that power will be controlled. Everyone is different. The powers are the elements that are present in the whole universe, and if your really lucky, you get one of the Five Elements. Wind, Air, Fire, Earth, Water, Magic. You are one of those kids."

Christina fought to take it all in and not laugh at how stupidly ridiculous that sounded. "So your saying that I am a rare shifter, able to turn into a Bengal tiger, and I have unlocked the power of the five elements!" She said, rubbing her temples. "Which Element?" She asked softly.

He shrugged. "Well. The Element is connected to your personality. Your beautiful, yet you can be very tricky. One wrong move and chaos will be created by you. Your powerful, and if you get on something, you won't be stopped. The color that your eyes turned was orangish red. The only one of those elements that could be was......" 

She stopped. "You mean... fire?" She asked softly and stared at him. He nodded.  "Yes you have fire. You Christina hold extraordinary power."  He said softly. "And we have a couple days before we reach your fathers little hideout, so those days you will be with me. Training." He said softly. 

Christina nodded. She looked down at a puddle of water, seeing a glowing aura around her, and the aura closely resembled fire.

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