Cold & Warm Heart

By Kitsuki_izaiya

504 18 3

He Grew up being alone and ends up being psychotic, She grows up in a family filled with happiness and prospe... More

Chapter 1 Add's past
Chapter 3 Warmth

Chapter 2 Ara's Past

128 5 1
By Kitsuki_izaiya

Ara's POV

My name is Ara Haan, I was raised in Fahrrmann and was taught martial arts by my father and brother. My village had lived in peace and prosperity for a long time.

Until one day, demons had attacked my village during the night and I had grabbed my spear to run out of my house and saw the night sky filled with smoke and ash, houses were burning, people fleeing.

I then ran for the temple where we prayed to the spirits to find my brother Aren but, he looked like my brother but something was different. His skin tone changed to what seem like a purple color, he had silver hair with horns sticking out.

"Oh hello Ara." The demon said."Who're you and how do you know my name ?!" I raised my spear to defend myself from anything that comes in my way. "Do you not remember your brother ?" "Brother Aren ?" Before I tried to question him I had fell into the floor of the shrine knocking me unconscious.

I wake up seeing that no one was around me but a hair pin on the floor. I heard a voice coming from it. "Do you wish for power ?" It was coming from the hairpin. "I do ! I wish for power that could help me save my brother !" I exclaimed. "My name is Eun I am a fox spirit that has lived to serve my masters for many generations. Make a contract with me and I'll be able to give you the power you need." Eun explained.

"Yes I will make the contract that will help bring my brother back!" "Then it is settled. I'll help you bring back your brother from the demons and the dark el."

And with that the adventure starts by meeting up with a guy.

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