Boys Over Flower 2

By sohyunieLover

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F4 1st generation: Gu Jun Pyo, Yoon Ji Hoo, Soo Yi Jung, Song Woo Bin F4 2nd generation: Gu Seung Yoon, Yoon... More

Chapter 1: First Day of High School
Chapter 2: Different
Chapter 3: The 2nd Generation F4
Chapter 4: Reminiscence
Chapter 5: World War III
Chapter 6: Consequences
Chapter 7: Boarding School
Chapter 8: Familiar and Unfamiliar Faces
Chapter 9: Circle of Friends
Chapter 10: Rivalry
Chapter 11: The Plot
Chapter 12: The First Assault
Chapter 13: Trouble
Chapter 14: Accomplices
Chapter 15: Nursing Battle
Chapter 16: Weekend Getaway
Chapter 17: Right Feelings for the Wrong Person
Chapter 18: School Festival
Chapter 19: Oppa
Chapter 20: Empire High School (A Rich Kid's Diary Crossover)
Chapter 21: Camp
Chapter 22: The Amazing Race
Chapter 23: Confession
Chapter 24: Conflict
Chapter 25: Family Vacation Part I
Chapter 26: Family Vacation Part II
Chapter 28: Date
Chapter 29: The Danger That Lurks
Chapter 30: Scandal
Chapter 31: Mask
Chapter 32: Abstract Feelings In A Painting
Chapter 33: Change
Chapter 34: True Colour
Chapter 35: The Mastermind
Chapter 36: Struggles and Revelations
Chapter 37: The Rescue
Chapter 38: Ransom
Chapter 39: Heal
Last Chapter: The 3RD Generation F4

Chapter 27: Confrontation

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By sohyunieLover

Bzzz... Bzzz... Bzzz...

Sae Ron took her phone and looked at the screen. Joo Hyuk was calling her and she immediately smiled. She was so excited knowing that Joo Hyuk finally called her as soon as their summer vacation was over. She never got a call or any news about him for the last week and it made her worry.

"Joo Hyuk-ah!" Sae Ron answered her phone.

"Hey, is it a bad time?" Joo Hyuk asked from the other line.

"No, not at all. I'm so happy that you called. I haven't heard anything from you since last week." Sae Ron replied.

"Oh. About that, I'm so sorry. It's just that, we got some things going on during those times." Joo Hyuk said.

"Oh, it's okay. I understand. So what's up? Why did you call in the middle of the night?" Sae Ron asked.

"Actually I'm at the school dormitories now. I just came back from France yesterday and went here in case you're here but I guess you're still at your hometown?" Joo Hyuk explained.

"Oh, really? But there's a few more days left before school starts. Well, I could come back to the school dormitories tomorrow if you like. I really don't mind, because I've wanted to see you." Sae Ron stated.

"No. It's fine. I just wanted to talk about something. You don't have to rush to go back here. And tomorrow would not be a good time since we'll have an engagement party to attend to. Maybe on Monday?" Joo Hyuk exclaimed.

"Oh, sure." Sae Ron sounded disappointed. "Well, see on Monday then?" Sae Ron asked.

"Monday." Joo Hyuk confirmed. "You have to rest now. Sorry if I disturbed you but it was nice talking to you again, Sae Ron-ah. Have a good rest now. Good night." Joo Hyuk hanged up.

As soon as Yoon Ji Hoo got discharged from the hospital, Min Seo Hyun decided to go back to Korea because of an important client. She has to prepare the dress that the client's daughter would be wearing for her engagement party. And Joo Hyuk decided to go back with her since he wanted to talk with Sae Ron but ended up being alone with his friend Hyun Hyeong in the school dormitories.

"But why are you here? I thought you went back to your hometown with your brother?" Joo Hyuk asked.

"We're supposed to but my idiot kind of a brother got a lot of school works left to do and he made me stay to help him. Geez, my summer vacation really sucked." Hyun Hyeong complained, making Joo Hyuk laugh. "What about you then? Why did you come back so soon?" Hyun Hyeong asked and Joo Hyuk started to get tense.

"Well, I was hoping I'd see Sae Ron and talk about something." Joo Hyuk started and Hyun Hyeong waited for him to continue. "I.. I like Gu So Hyun." Joo Hyuk finished but Hyun Hyeong looked unsurprised.

"Finally! I thought you're never going to realize that." Hyun Hyeong commented.

"What? You knew?" Joo Hyuk asked, surprised. "I, myself has just realized that this past days." He added.

"Dude, I'm not blind. I can tell just by the looks you wear every time we talk about Gu So Hyun. And the way you stare at her? Anyone could totally tell that you have feelings for her." Hyun Hyeong commented.

"Yah! Why didn't you tell me? Thanks to you, I got a lecture from Sung Kyoung." Joo Hyuk accused.

"Yoon Sung Kyoung? Seriously?" This time, Hyun Hyeong got surprised. "She's not so dense after all." He thought. "So, what're you going to do now?" Hyun Hyeong asked, making Joo Hyuk confuse. "About Sae Ron."

"Oh." Joo Hyuk suddenly became quiet, looking very grim. "I told myself to tell her straight about my true feelings but.. But I'm having second thoughts." He confessed.

"Why?" Hyun Hyeong asked.

"When I called her a while ago, she sounded so happy. She told me she wanted to see me. She'll be heart broken when I told her about how I really feel." Joo Hyuk sounded very sad and miserable.

"That's the idea! You have to break her heart." Hyun Hyeong exclaimed, making Joo Hyuk creased his brows at his friend. "If you don't want to hurt her anymore than necessary, you have to tell her. Yes, she'll be heartbroken but she'll get over it. If you don't tell her, you'll just be lying to her and to yourself and will end up hurting yourself, her and even So Hyun." He continued and hearing So Hyun's name, Joo Hyuk flinched.

"You're right." Joo Hyuk agreed. "I just hope that our friendship won't change but I guess it's impossible, huh?" He asked half heartedly and Hyun Hyeong just smiled at him sadly.

Monday came. All the students were busy chattering about their summer vacation as soon as they arrived in their respective class rooms. The F4 on the other hand, was walking along the corridor, feeling exhausted from their vacation. They were on their way to their respective classrooms and chatted about their own summer break.

"I can't believe that you're engage!" Sung Kyoung exclaimed, talking to Suhyun.

"Yah! I'm not! I already told you that it's not official yet. I have yet to decide." Suhyun replied.

"By the way, how's uncle Ji Hoo?" So Hyun changed the topic seeing Suhyun's uncomfortable state.

"Oh, he's so much better. You all saw him at last night's party, right? But just to make sure, mother and Jin Woo oppa went with him to his check up today." Sung Kyoung answered.

"That's good to hear. And how's your summer, Hayi?" So Hyun shifted to Hayi.

"Oh! It was so fun! I got this painting that Taehyun oppa painted for me." Hayi answered happily.

"How's yours, So Hyun-ah? I heard you and Sung Jae got stuck on an island?" Sung Kyoung asked, smirking.

"Yah! Do you really have to come up with that topic?" So Hyun accused.

"So? Nothing happened?" Suhyun asked excitedly.

"Aisshh! Yah! Just stop it, will you?" So Hyun demanded.

"Ohhh.. There's something fishy about the way you answered just now!" Suhyun insisted.

"What.. What's that supposed to mean?" So Hyun started to get red on the face. "Nothing happened! I'm telling you!" So Hyun insisted angrily.

"Why's your face so red, So Hyun-ah?" Hayi asked unknowingly, making So Hyun caught off guard and Sung Kyoung and Suhyun just laughed.

Together with all the students who were excited to see their friends, Sae Ron also was excited to see Joo Hyuk that as soon as she arrived at school, she directly went to Joo Hyuk's class room.

"Joo Hyuk-ah!" Sae Ron called out and Joo Hyuk went to her.

"Hey, what's up?" Joo Hyuk was surprised seeing her so early.

"I thought you wanted to talk?" Sae Ron asked and Joo Hyuk suddenly became nervous.

"Oh, I thought I'd talk to you during class break?" Joo Hyuk answered.

"Nonsense. Since I'm here, why not talk right now?" Sae Ron insisted and Joo Hyuk thought about it.

"Okay then, but not here. Let's go to somewhere private." Joo Hyuk then led the way.

Joo Hyuk and Sae Ron went to the school playground and they were the only ones who were there and it made Joo Hyuk thought about confessing his true feelings for her – that he likes Gu So Hyun. They were sitting on the swings side by side and Joo Hyuk started to get sweaty while Sae Ron was just smiling at him.

"Sae Ron-ah.." Joo Hyuk started.

"Yes?" Sae Ron asked and her eyes sparkled with full of expectation.

Joo Hyuk made a distorted face seeing Sae Ron like that and it made him thought of not saying his true feelings but then he suddenly remembered what Hyun Hyeong has said to him: "If you don't want to hurt her anymore than necessary, you have to tell her. Yes, she'll be heartbroken but she'll get over it. If you don't tell her, you'll just be lying to her and to yourself and will end up hurting yourself, her and even So Hyun."

"Sae Ron-ah.. I.." Joo Hyuk tried again. "I like Gu So Hyun." He finished and Sae Ron's world started to crash.

The class has started and So Hyun can't help wondering where Joo Hyuk was. She kept on staring at the empty seat beside her and the thought of last night's engagement party that her family and even Joo Hyuk's family were invited came into her mind. She couldn't forget about the stare that Joo Hyuk was giving her, like he has something to say. She was meaning to talk with him last night but thanks to her cousin who was with her all the time, she got no chance.

"Yah!" So Hyun heard Sung Jae from her back. "Where do you think you're staring at?" Sung Jae asked, noticing that So Hyun kept on staring at Joo Hyuk's empty seat.

"It's none of your business!" So Hyun whispered back at him, looking directly to his eyes.

For some unknown reason, So Hyun suddenly felt embarrassed and started to get red on the face. She then remembered what happened between them during their summer vacation at New Caledonia. She remembered Sung Jae confessing his feelings to her and she suddenly turned away from looking at him.

"What am I thinking? Aisshh." So Hyun thought.

It was lunch break and most of the students were at the cafeteria and were having their lunch, including So Hyun and her friends. Sung Jae and his friends was just a table away from So Hyun's while Hyun Hyeong and the rest of Joo Hyuk's friends were not so far away from So Hyun's table either. Joo Hyuk and Sae Ron were still nowhere to be found.

At So Hyun's table:

"Yah, Gu So Hyun." Sung Kyoung called her friend's attention. "Do you really miss Joo Hyuk that much that you keep on looking for him?" Sung Kyoung added, smirking at her, again.

"Yoon Sung Kyoung, you!" So Hyun exclaimed.

"Don't worry about that goofball. I'm sure he has some things to do." Sung Kyoung assured.

"You mean with Park Sae Ron?" Suhyun joined their conversation.

So Hyun and the rest of the F4 girls stared at the table where Joo Hyuk's friends were sitting and sure enough, they noticed that Sae Ron was also missing. So Hyun suddenly looked away feeling awkward and her friends noticed.

"Don't mind Suhyun." Sung Kyoung tried to console, kicking Suhyun under the table at the same time.

"Ouch!" Suhyun yelped. "Umm, yeah. Don't mind me. I don't know what I was talking about. I was just Hayi. You know, dumb." Suhyun added, looking at Sung Kyoung's warning look.

"Yah, what's that supposed to mean?" Hayi exclaimed.

"Thanks, you guys. But I'm fine. REALLY." So Hyun assured, smiling at her friends.

At Sung Jae's table:

"Aissshh. If I ever find that Nam Joo Hyuk's face around Sohyunie, I would totally pummel him to death." Sung Jae stated, looking annoyed by staring at So Hyun's worried face for Joo Hyuk.

"Chill dude." Bobby said.

"You seriously have some competition, Sung Jae-ah. He's not even here but all that Gu So Hyun's looking for is that Joo Hyuk guy." Jun Hue commented and all eyes went to him.

"What did you just say?" Sung Jae asked very seriously, his eyes were burning.

"Umm.. Nothing? Sorry." Jun Hue answered quickly.

"Loser." Bi commented and Dong Hyuk nodded in agreement.

At Joo Hyuk's friends' table:

"Seriously though, where the hell are those two?" Chan Woo asked.

"I don't know. All I know is that Sae Ron went to our class room earlier, looking for Joo Hyuk and then they went out." Jin Hwan answered and went back to eat his lunch.

"Hmm.. I guess things are getting better between those two." Yoo Jung said, smiling all to herself.

"I doubt it." Hyun Hyeong commented and all eyes went to stare at him.

"What is it? You know something, don't you?" Yoo Jung asked but Hyun Hyeong looked away.

"Why don't you ask Sae Ron yourself?" Hyun Hyeong answered back, looking at the school cafeteria's door.

All their eyes went to where Hyun Hyeong was looking at and there was Sae Ron standing alone. They noticed that she was searching the cafeteria and they all thought that she was looking for them and Jin Hwan started to wave his hand at her but Sae Ron didn't see them and she went straight to where So Hyun and her friends were sitting.

At So Hyun's table:

"Sae Ron-ah.." So Hyun was confused and stood up from where she was sitting.

So Hyun noticed that Sae Ron's eyes were red, telling her that she just cried and she was about to ask what the problem was but she got taken aback when Sae Ron suddenly slapped her on the face, making everyone gasped in surprise. And then everything became a blur for So Hyun. She didn't even notice that Sung Jae and his friends were now on her and her friends' side while Joo Hyuk's friends were at Sae Ron's side.

"How dare you steal Joo Hyuk from me?" Sae Ron was about to slap So Hyun again but this time, Sung Kyoung grabbed Sae Ron's wrist. "Let go of me!" Sae Ron demanded but Sung Kyoung tightened her grip on her wrist.

"That's strike two. One more and I'll make sure this wrist of yours will be useless for you to use." Sung Kyoung warned and everyone was just standing there, watching them.

"That's enough." Hyun Hyeong intervened, grabbing Sung Kyoung's hand which was holding Sae Ron.

"What's going on here?" Joo Hyuk, looking very horrified suddenly appeared together with Chan Hyuk.

As soon as the commotion started, Chan Hyuk went to look for Joo Hyuk who he believed was the source of confrontation. And as soon as Joo Hyuk heard about the commotion between Sae Ron and So Hyun, he immediately went to the school cafeteria and ended up with the current situation.

"What's going on? Let me tell you then." Sae Ron started. "So Hyun stole you from me!" She finished, tugging herself free from Sung Kyoung.

"Sae Ron-ah. Please don't do this. Don't blame So Hyun for this. If you want to blame someone, blame ME instead." Joo Hyuk exclaimed. "It's not her fault if.." Joo Hyuk was now bowing his head. "If I've fallen for her." Joo Hyuk finished and everyone was shocked hearing his confession.

"Nam Joo Hyuk!" Sung Jae suddenly tackled Joo Hyuk on the ground and everything started to get chaotic.

Sung Jae and Joo Hyuk were wrestling on the ground and Bobby, Jun Hue, Chan Hyuk and Jin Hwan quickly went to stop them. Bobby and Jun Hue were trying their best to grab Sung Jae while Chan Hyuk and Jin Hwan were doing the same with Joo Hyuk while DongHyuk was just standing there dumbfounded. So Hyun was about to help them stop the two but Sae Ron suddenly grabbed her hair.

"Oww!" So Hyun yelped. "Yah, Park Sae Ron. Let go of my hair." So Hyun demanded.

"As if!" Sae Ron spat back.

So Hyun was about to grab one of Sae Ron's hand but Yoo Jung suddenly grabbed her, stopping her. After seeing that Sae Ron and Yoo Jung were helping each other against So Hyun, Sung Kyoung decided to help So Hyun but Hyun Hyeong suddenly grabbed her hand, making her stop from her track.

"Don't. You're just making this harder and worse." Hyun Hyeong said.

"I don't care! Let go of me, you shithead!" Sung Kyoung demanded but he didn't let go.

"Didn't you hear her?" Bi intervened, grabbing Hyun Hyeong's hand which was holding Sung Kyoung. "She said to let go of her." He continued and Sung Kyoung was surprised that BI was taking her side

"And if I don't?" Hyun Hyeong replied, not taking his eyes off of Bi.

When Hyun Hyeong didn't let go of Sung Kyoung's arm, Bi punched Hyun Hyeong, making him let go of Sung Kyoung. Hyun Hyeong didn't think twice and hit Bi back and Sung Kyoung quickly went to stop them but was having a hard time. Suhyun was now at So Hyun's side and was trying to hold Yoo Jung back by trying to grab Yoo Jung's arms away from her hold of So Hyun while Hayi was just standing there, not knowing what to do.

"Let go of So Hyun, you witch!" Suhyun finally got Yoo Jung to release So Hyun.

"Witch? Me?" Yoo Jung was smoking angry. "Let me show you what a witch is all about then." Yoo Jung was about to grab Suhyun and Suhyun was about to do the same but Chan Woo intervened.

"Hey, hey, hey." Chan woo placed his self between the two. "Stop it, you two." He demanded.

Chan Woo was holding the two girls back patiently and Hayi decided to help him and she too went to grab Suhyun away from Yoo Jung. Yoo Jung on the other hand was so angry that she didn't let Chan Woo stopped her from grabbing an unopened bottled water and threw it towards Suhyun but Hayi suddenly blocked it and she got hit instead and fell to her knees. Bobby, who was helping in stopping Sung Jae and Joo Hyuk, saw what happened and went to Hayi's side.

"Hayi-ah!" Suhyun was now holding Hayi into her arms.

"Are you two okay?" Bobby asked them. "Hayi-ah, are you okay?" He repeated.

Bobby didn't care that Yoo Jung was a girl. He was about to confront Yoo Jung but Chan Woo got in his way. Chan Woo also saw what happened and felt bad for Hayi but when he saw that Bobby was deadly angry towards his friend, he also didn't care if Yoo Jung was in the wrong and decided to stop Bobby.

"Get out of my way." Bobby demanded but Chan Woo didn't move.

When Chan Woo didn't move away, Bobby grabbed Chan Woo by the hem of his shirt and Chan Woo did the same to him. And both Suhyun and Hayi hurriedly went to stop them while Yoo Jung went to help Sae Ron in dealing with So Hyun once again and this time, she also grabbed So Hyun by her hair.

"Stop this at once!" Head Master Yang Hyun Suk demanded and they all stopped moving.

Head Master Yang together with the teachers was shocked seeing them like that. Sung Jae and Joo Hyuk were still on the floor and grabbing each other's throats while Chan Hyuk, Jun Hue, Jin Hwan and Dong Hyuk were on their knees and grabbing Sung Jae and Joo Hyuk away from each other. Bi and Hyun Hyeong was just standing there, their faces were swollen from punching each other while Sung Kyoung was looking very haggard – her hair was so messed up and her clothes were all rumpled. Bobby and Chan Woo was still holding the other's shirt but their faces was not swollen, telling them that they did not yet hit each other while Hayi and SuHyun were beside them and holding their arms to stop them. So Hyun, Sae Ron and Yoo Jung were also in a mess. Both Sae Ron and Yoo Jung still have their hands on So Hyun's hair while So Hyun has her hands on both Yoo Jung and Sae Ron's hair too.

"All of you, in my office. NOW!" Head Master Yang demanded.

After the long scolding, the head master finally let them go. They all got a week of suspension and most of them have gone back to their respective homes. Sung Jae was in his room alone (Bobby got home already) and was preparing his things to go home too. And when he was done, he immediately went out but he was surprised seeing Joo Hyuk outside.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Sung Jae asked as soon as they arrived at the dormitory's rooftop.

"I like Gu So Hyun." Joo Hyuk declared, making Sung Jae grit his teeth.

"And what do you mean by telling me that, exactly?" Sung Jae started to tremble in his anger.

"It means that I won't let you have her." Joo Hyuk answered confidently.

"Ow really?" Sung Jae was trying hard not to grab Joo Hyuk again. "That's funny. For all I know, I should be the one telling you that." He added, smirking at Joo Hyuk. "Let me tell you this, Nam Joo Hyuk." He continued, making his way towards him at the same time. "STAY AWAY FROM GU SO HYUN." He demanded.

"Make me." Joo Hyuk spat back, not taking his eyes away from Sung Jae.

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