Forever and Always

By startributes

751 4 0

Forever and Always (Book 1/4) Katniss and Peeta..... Katniss and her best friend, Madge, are starting their f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Book #2 Info

Chapter 2

69 1 0
By startributes

Katniss POV:
The next morning I walk to Madge's house and we walk to school together. Today we decide to walk instead of drive.
"So how'd it go with Peeta yesterday?" Madge says "Well my mom kind of walked in drunk like always." "Oh really? That must have been bad." "Well of course I had to explain the situation between me and my mom and then he made me feel so much better you know?" "Well it looks like somebody is in LOVE!!!" "Madge!! I never said that!" "Well I just know." "So I told you my story. Now tell me yours." "Well he drove me home and walked me up to my house." "And..." "And what?" "Oh come on Madge! I know there's more because of the way you are smiling." "Ok ok. Well we kind of..... kissed." "Wow! I guess you guys are getting along pretty well." "Yeah."
We finally arrive at school and catch up with Gale and Peeta. All people are talking about is Finnick's party this Friday night. Me, Madge, Peeta, and Gale all got invited.

Peeta's POV:
So Finnick is having this party on Friday and I'm thinking about asking Katniss to go with me but only if she wants to. Of course Gale is going to ask Madge. He is already kissing all over her. But I want to ask Katniss and I just don't know exactly how to ask her. "So Peeta." Gale says as we are walking to class together. "Are you going to ask Katniss?" "I don't know Gale." "Are you CRAZY!? Just ask her and if she says no you can kill me." "Fine." "Don't worry she is gonna say yes. I promise." After school I meet up with Gale and I was planning on walking home with him so I could figure out how to ask Katniss to the party but he decides to walk home with Madge. Not a surprise. Then I notice Katniss walking alone so I catch up with her. "Hey." "Hi." She says "Mind if I walk with you home?" "No. Not at all." We talk and laugh all the way to her house. When we finally get there I figure that this is my chance. "So Finnick is having this party Friday night and I was wondering would to maybe go with me?" "Sure!" She says with the biggest smile on her face. "Great! I'll pick you up around 7?" "Ok. Bye Peeta." "Bye." As I walk home I realize that she actually said yes.

Katniss' POV:
As soon as I say goodbye to Peeta I run to my room and call Madge. She picks up after the 2nd ring.
"Hey Madge!"
"Hey Kat! What's up?"
"I have some news."
"Oooohhhh! Sounds exciting!! Tell me!!!"
"Peeta just asked me to go to the party with him."
"Yeah but I don't know what to wear."
"Well then we should go shopping tomorrow."
"How about.....right after school?"
"Yeah. Let's take your car."
"Sure. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning for school."
"Ok. I'll see you tomorrow!"
"Ok. Bye!"
The next day after school me and Madge catch up with Gale and Peeta.
"Hey Gale." Madge says before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him on his cheek. "Woah! I didn't know you guys were together." Peeta says sarcastically. I can't help but laugh. "Well we're just so in love that it is hard to explain!!" Madge jokes. "So what are you guys up to?" I ask "Nothing much." Gale says "We were planning on hanging out at my house." "What about you guys?" Peeta asks "Well we are on our way to the mall." "Do you guys wanna come?" Madge asks "Sure." They both say. We all climb into my car. Peeta sits in the passenger seat and Madge and Gale sit in the back together. We drive all the way to the mall singing songs and just having a good time together.

Peeta's POV:
Gale and I watch as Madge and Katniss walk inside a clothing shop. We then go and look at few other shops. After awhile we get bored and decide it would be nice if we bought something for Katniss and Madge. So Gale and I walk into a couple of other stores until we find the perfect gift to get them. I can't wait to see Katniss' face when I give her my gift!

Katniss' POV:
Madge and I finally find the right dresses after searching and searching for a half-hour. I found this really short green dress with flowers on it and Madge found a medium length Blue dress with sparkles all over it. "Do you think the guys will like it?" Madge ask "They better! We're basically their dates." I say. We change and then go pay for them. As soon as we walk out of the store Peeta and Gale are walking up to us. "So are you guys ready to go?" I ask "Yes but the question is are you two ready?" Gale asks. "Of course we are." Madge says taking his hand. "So what's in the bag?" I ask trying to take the bag out of Peeta's hand. "No! It is a surprise." He says and pushing me away playfully. I push him back and then we head back to my car. Peeta offers to drive so I let him. We all talk about the party on Friday and how school is going. After awhile I notice that Madge has gotten really quiet so I turn around in my seat and then I tap Peeta on his shoulder.

Peeta's POV:
We are almost at Madge's house when I feel a tap on my shoulder. It's Katniss. She points to the back where Gale and Madge are. So I quickly look back and find the two of them making out! I turn back around and keep my eyes on the road until we pull up to Madge's house. I stop the car and no one is getting out. Katniss and I both look at each other and then start to clear our throats. They look up at us.
"Yeah. So we are here." I say "Oh well um.....thanks for the ride." Madge says blushing. Then Gale climbs out of the car behind her. "Where do you think you're going?" Katniss ask playfully. "You know just-" "-to finish what he started." I say laughing."You guys just can't keep your hands off each can you?" Katniss says. "Ok ok. I'll call you guys later." "Sure." I say sarcastically. "If your not still making out with Madge!" Katniss and I laugh and drive away. I look over at Katniss and smile. Why can't I just tell her how I feel?
Song-Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time by Panic! At The Disco

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