Moonsburrow High

By urmomgae7

440 20 62

Cece and her friends are in highschool. More

First Day
After School
Second Day
Siblings Day
The Girl
The sleepover
My Concert
The trip
Our rooms and the beginning of Hillbilly Days
Why world why?
Garroth's got a girlfriend
The best day ever!!!
The Dare Pt 1
The Dare PT 2
New friends!!
The Concert! PT 1
The Concert! PT 2
The Concert! PT 3
The Concert! PT 4
The Concert! PT 5
The Concert PT 6
After the Concert!
Another Concert pt 1
Another Concert pt 2
Another Concert pt 3
Another concert pt 4
Another concert pt 5
Another concert pt 6
I at least have one friend...
What are you doing here?
You mess with one of us,you mess with all of us!


9 0 1
By urmomgae7

(Cece's P.O.V)
I was getting ready for my date with my friends and Dante when I decided I wanted to get there early.When I got there,I saw Kawaii~chan sitting with Dante,holding his hand.I could see them talking but I had to get closer to hear their conversation.I stepped closer and heard Kawaii~chan say she wanted to get back together with him.He said okay.I went over to where they were sitting."Hey Cece."Dante said."Hello Cece~sama!"Kawaii~chan said.I looked down and noticed Kawaii~chan had food in her hand."Hey Kawaii~chan,can I borrow that pie?"I asked her."Sure Cece~sama!"she said.I took it out of her hand and smashed it Dante's face."I'm assuming you heard our conversation."he said."No,I just wanted to smash a pie in my boyfriend's face for no reason,of course I did!"I said and stormed out.Why does every person I get interested in like someone else?

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