Gift of the Past (Harry Style...

By Rukia1DWolf

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They've known each other for years. She had to leave with her mother leaving her only friend behind. They bot... More

Gift of the Past (Harry Styles Love Story)
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch 12
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch 21

Ch. 20

20 0 0
By Rukia1DWolf

Okay so I started this before my last class which was an hour and a half ago and i got on a roll after class. I mean I knew what to get this through. I tried to push this into another way and I love it! it's a shocker at the end. trust even i was shocked for what I wrote...haha lol any way hope you enjoy it!!!!

*Kay's POV*

After we were done with dinner Jordan wanted to walk around before we had to leave. To be honest I didn't want to come back either for the reasons of being yelled at. So my answer to that was yes and he was happy that I did. Apparently he's the same as my friend back home and that's what made me want to hang out with him the most. Being gone from all my friends made me miss them. Yet I still make sure I call them when I know I have nothing to do.

Last time I talk to any of them I think it was Red she said that Jacob ended up moving again and that's what bugged me. He never told me he did for a reason or anything and he never talked to me. I tried to call him, but he never answered. The last time I called him it said his phone was disconnected. 

"Kay?" I looked up as we finally stopped and sat down at a bench. I didn't notice how long I've been out of it. I looked up at him wondering what he was talking about. 

"Are you okay?" He asked worried. I mean that's great for someone to be worried, but usually that's something I barley known. 

"Yeah. I'm just thinking." I told him. It was a lie. I am thinking about stuff. 

"Well I'm not sure. I mean you seemed out of it once we sat down five minutes ago. I didn't realize you weren't listening till I asked you a question and you did even reply back." He told me. at that note I felt sad. I'm never like this that much. Only when I'm drawing or writing.

"I'm so sorry about that I mean I never do that to anyone really-" He laughed. I stopped and waited for him to respond.

"Listen it's okay. It happens okay. I mean I do that sometimes too." He said. I smiled and relaxed. I looked up to the sky to see a bit of stars out and a full moon. I smiled because I always loved nature.

"Oh please don't zone out of me again." I laughed when I heard that. I mean I do that when I looked up, but with that I always be able to hear what the person is saying to me. 

"Don't worry I listen when I watch the stars. Or whether Nature. I love nature so much. I mean when I'm alone and I know nothing else won't help I go outside and watch the sky or walk around till I see something I like." I told him. 

"Well I can tell you that's maybe a reason why I brought you here." I gave him a confused looked he looked over towards me and pointed in front of us. I looked up to notice fans were already outside or Nando's and along the sides. I laughed because I don't think they will be able to get back towards the tour bus before me. 

"Well good think we ate quickly right?" I looked over and he started to laugh. 

"That and after a couple of people stopped us asking for your autograph I think you wanted to get away from that right?" I shook my head. He looked at me confused.

"To be honest tonight is the first night iI've been out of the bus. So when the first girl came to our table I was surprised that she even asked." I explained. 

"Oh really...well at least they aren't looking over here." I chuckled at that and looked around. 

"The only thing that I'm really worried about is the pappz. I mean I've never been on the other side so I don't know what's going to happen." I looked at him and he nodded. 

"That's true. I mean it's not like they will stand in a position that you can see them. A few know what to do and hid and take a picture at the worst moment and next thing you know it will pop everywhere." He said. I looked at him and wondered how he knows this stuff. He laughed knowing what I was thinking.

"I use to do it with my friends. Got a few great pictures, but after a while I stopped. They kept going wanting the money. I just stopped for their privacy." 

"You're a weird guy Jordan." I laughed. I looked around to see a couple or people here and there actually walking in the park. People were still around Nando's and I'm glad that I didn't go with them to the concert. I really hate crowds so much. 

"Oh my gosh!" The voice made both Jordan and I jump. We looked to see two girls smiling at me. I quick;y pushed my shyness away and smiled back at them. 

"Why hello here!" I smiled back at them.

"Is it really you?" One girl asked. I gave Jordan a look and he shrugged. 

"Depends." I started. "Who do you think I am?" 

"Are you the girl that played in Florida with The One Direction." The second one asked. Oh wow people still know me from long ago.

"Why." I slowly put out. "Yes I am." I finally finished. 

"We're so glad we get to see you in person. We saw the youtube video of you and playing and when we realized it was a girl playing we want to scream I mean being a girl guitar playing ourselves you are someone we looked up to since." My eyes widen realizing that they actually look up to me. 

"Oh. Wow." I couldn't say anything. "I mean thank you so much! I mean I could've played with the boys tonight, but with other problems I was having with learning the songs which I can certainly say I'm getting them down quickly I may play with them next concert." I told them. 

"Really!" They both squealed. I laughed and nodded. 

"Yeah, I got a bit in trouble with Liam after a little misunderstanding, but we got that settled today and yeah." I said. 

"Anyway. We're sorry for interrupting your date. But can we get you a autograph?" the one on the left said. i nodded and trying not to sound any frighten from the fact that I'm talking to complete strangers. 

"You weren't interrupting anything. I met a friend and we needed to catch up and here we are." I lied. 

"Oh really?" They both looked over towards Jordan and he easily nodded back. 

"Oh wow. So are you single or what?" the One blond girl asked. 

"I-I Well that's a bit complicated." Was all I said. 

"Really?" I nodded back. I didn't want to say anything, because to be honest it is complicated. I haven't heard from him since I left. 

"Well. It was a pleasure to meet you two. Keep playing guitar and if I do play guitar in next concert which is in tomorrow I really hope to see you again." I smiled. 

"Really!" They both said. I laughed and nodded. 

"If you give me your names and numbers I may be able to give you backstage passes if you want." I smiled. "I just need to talk to the guys first." 

"That would be amazing!" They both jumped up. 

"Warning you now that if you guys give my number out to anyone else I will need to get a new number." I told them. They nodded and I smiled. They simply told me their names and numbers and I put them in my phone. 

"Well I will text both of you later on tonight or later tomorrow and tell you if I'm performing and tell you if I was able to give you passes. If you want me to sign them bring them with you." I told them. They nodded and gave me a hug. 

"Well I hope to see you and your boyfriend tomorrow if we get the passes." I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Ronda, Elise. I'll text you later." I waved they waved back and walked away. 

"So boyfriend?" Jordan finally said when they got away from us. 

"I just met you. Only friends." I said. 

"Well it's better then nothing." He laughed. I nodded and looked up. 

"A few of them left. I'm worried they might seen us already." He pointed out. I nodded and got up off the bench and stretched. 

"So I can walk you back to the bus if you want." I shook my head. 

"No. Why don't we walk out of the park and go our different ways. I don't want anything to get out that we're dating." I said. "It's just everything with my life or relationships is being complicated at the moment." He nodded. 

He stood up and we started to walk away from them crowded people. 

"I never asked. Do you enjoy crowds?" I shrugged.

"I mean I like and hate it. For a band yes I love them because well they want to listen to the group. outside that...well I don't really like groups all that much." I said. 

"Do they even-" I nodded.

"Yeah. They do." I said. "That was the first thing I told them and they know that so if anything is out of hand they know who to get out first." I laughed. 

"A good thing to do when the pappz start to ask questions just don't listen to them. I can twist your words." I nodded. 

We finally got out of the park and we were about to say goodbye till the group of people started to move over here. They didn't notice us yet, because I think they are heading this way. I turned towards him and smiled. 

"Well I'm glad to see you around Jordan and I would love to see you again." I smiled. 

"So can I get your number." I nodded and he took out his phone. I froze right there. His phone. His laugh. I didn't know what to think. I quickly snatched his phone from him and looked at it. Then It hit me. I really was him. I looked at him in the eye and knew it was. He smiled at me and I shook my head. I should've known. 

"We're done." Was all I said. I shoved his phone back at him and started to walk away we came. He quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. 

"Kay, Please." He whispered. I shook my head. 

"Jacob just stop you haven't text me or even called me why?" I looked back up him and he shook his head. I looked over and I notice one of the boys say us. Harry. I smiled at me while girls were around getting autographs. A couple looked over and smiled at me. A few much know me because the video and I really wanted to get away. 

"Please I wanted to say I'm sorry for everything. My phone got thrown away and I didn't remember your number." He said. 

"Oh yeah right." I rolled me eyes pulling my hand away. I notice a few pappz seen us and started to take pictures. I didn't really care at the moment. "I need to go."

I tried to leave but the next thing I knew I was pulled into a kiss and flashes going off.

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