Intoxication Paranoia And A L...

By InvisibleLips

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Vic Fuentes from Pierce The Veil is gay, but the only ones who know about it are his bandmates. As his fans p... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.

Chapter 12.

176 6 0
By InvisibleLips

Kellin’s POV:

As I entered the studio the following Monday, the only one in there was Tony. I sat down across him and gave him a smile as he greeted me, before I found my notebook and disappeared into a world of reading through my notes.

“Are you alright?” Tony suddenly asked. My head snapped up to look at him with a frown. Why was he asking me that? “Y-yeah, I’m alright, thanks,” I answered, not sure about his intentions. He just nodded and returned to his guitar, not saying anything else, which confused me quite a bit.

The others came few minutes later and Justin sent me a smile and a thumbs-up as he said down. I tried to return the smile the best way I could and I almost succeeded. To my surprise, Vic dumped down next to me with a wide smile on his lips. “Hey Kells,” he said and leaned in to touch my arm gently. I stared at him, really confused now. What the hell was going on? “Um, hi Vic,” I greeted back, looking over at Justin for some sort of help. He was just sitting there with a smug grin on his face and I mentally cursed him for being so stupid.

It made me kinda sad to realise that we were almost completely done with the song. Only a few days left and then we had to announce the releasing date. Not having to work together with Vic, Mike, Jaime and Tony every day wasn’t the most pleasant thing to think about. Especially the fact that I wouldn’t be around Vic every day made me upset. I wanted to continue to be really close to the tiny Mexican.

“Kells! Hey Kells,” Vic’s voice sounded as I was walking down the stairs by myself. I needed time to think about the usual stuff: why the hell I had feelings for Vic. I had no idea he had followed me, since everyone else took the elevator. “Mhm?” I just said, continuing to walk down the stairs. He caught up with me and we walked together. “I was wondering if you’d join me at the beach later today?” he asked, looking quite excited.

I thought about it as I bit my lip. Hanging with Vic couldn’t hurt. It wouldn’t make anything neither worse nor better. “Yeah, sure,” I said and received a big smile from him, which I couldn’t help but return. Just a tiny bit. We reached the bottom of the stairs and got out into the parking lot. Mike called Vic’s name from across the lot where their car was. I made a move to walk over to my own car, but Vic stepped in front of me, looking at me in this odd way. He then moved in and wrapped his arms around my waist. I was taken by surprise, mildly spoken. I really hadn’t expected him to do that, so for the first few seconds I was just standing there, not doing anything. I slowly lifted my arms and wrapped them around him as well, holding him tightly against me. It felt really good and comforting to hold him like that.

The hug was over way too quickly. He pulled away and sent me one of his charming smiles, before waving at me, disappearing in the direction of his car. I watched as Mike said something that made him laugh and hit his brother’s arm. Then they got into the car together and drove away.


I walked down to the beach from where I parked my car, looking around for Vic. As I couldn’t spot him anywhere, I pulled out my phone to call him. Suddenly two hands covered my eyes and I let out a weird noise of surprise, making the owner of the hands giggle.

“Vic, jesus, you scared me,” I said as I turned around to face the smiling Vic. He apologised, but didn’t seem too sorry about it, which was alright. We walked a bit to find a space that wasn’t in the middle of the crowd of people. I sat down on my towel, not really knowing what we were supposed to be talking about. Luckily Vic didn’t seem like he was in the mood for talking.

He started unbuttoning his shorts and I couldn’t help but stare as he pulled them off, closely followed by his t-shirt and cap, dumping everything next to his towel. He was wearing red swimming trunks that looked really good on him. “Aren’t you going to join me in the water?” he asked, grinning a bit, which made me look away. His body was gorgeous; he was tanned, his muscles were visible and he had a bit of chest hair. I felt slightly odd. “Well?” he continued, clearly wanting me to strip. I got up and slowly got rid of my clothes, standing in front of him in my blue swimming trunks, looking even paler than I was compared to him. Suddenly I was aware that I didn’t look as fit as he did, which annoyed me a tiny bit. I had to start using the gym.

Vic grinned widely and turned around, running through the sand, directly into the water and threw himself in. I smiled a bit and followed him, even though I was just walking out into the water. It was warm and lovely, so I quickly dipped my entire body as I was far enough out. Vic waved at me and I swam out to him. As soon as I was there, he splashed water on me and started laughing. I spat some out and splashed back on him, which just made him laugh even more and splash back at me.

It turned into a splashing fight and after a while he suddenly dived under. He was gone for a while and I looked around for him. Suddenly I felt something around my ankle and I got pulled under. As I came up again, spitting out water and rubbing my eyes, Vic was smiling playfully viciously at me a few feet away from me. I quickly started swimming over to where he was, but he fled; resulting in me chasing him for a while, until I finally caught him and wrapped my arms around him.

“No! Mercy, have mercy!” Vic begged and then let out a squeal as I pinched him in the arm gently. I grinned and kept holding onto him whilst he was struggling to get off and we were both laughing so hard other people further away started to look weirdly at us.

Suddenly Vic’s face was really close to mine and as we both realised we stopped laughing at once and just started into each other’s eyes. His brown eyes were still shining with the laughter from before, but there was something else in there as well. I couldn’t help but bite my lip as I felt something familiar in my stomach and my heart beat started to speed up. He was looking way too adorable with his big, brown eyes, his wet, brown hair that was messily covering his forehead and his full lips that were slightly parted.

I suddenly pulled away quickly and started to swim back towards the beach, leaving a probably really confused Vic behind without a word. I got up to our towels and quickly dried myself all over. I heard soft footsteps in the sand behind me, but I chose to ignore it. This was too weird for me. “What’s wrong, Kells?” Vic’s voice sounded somewhere to my left where he was picking up his towel. I shook my head. “Nothing’s wrong, I just need to go home now,” I mumbled, biting my lip hard. I pulled my t-shirt back on and grabbed my shoes and my shorts, before starting to walk back towards our cars.

Vic quickly caught up with me and started to babble about why I was being such a weirdo. I didn’t really listen to what he was saying as I was busy cursing myself for having those kind of feelings for him. I shouldn’t feel like that.

“Kellin, listen to me, for fucks sake!” Vic suddenly yelled. I stopped walking when I noticed he was standing right in front of me. “You’re acting like such an idiot and to be honest I should just flip you the bird and leave you all by yourself! I’m sick and tired of you fucking around like this, I can’t take it anymore, you’re hurting me, you know!” he said angrily and crossed his arms.

I just stared at him blankly for a while without saying anything. I fucking knew it. All he tried to do was to be my friend and I went and ruined it all with these stupid feelings of mine. We should just focus on finishing that song and nothing else, he was right, he should really just leave me by myself, this wasn’t good for either of us. “You’re right, Vic. We shouldn’t do things like this, we should just focus on the song and nothing else,” I told him. He dropped his jaw and gaped at me without being able to speak at all.

I tried to walk past him, but suddenly he grabbed my arms and pushed me into the wall of a tree near where we were standing. He stared directly into my eyes with some weird glare and suddenly he got up on his toes and placed a hard kiss on my lips. He pulled away just as quickly as all of it happened and turned around, walking away before I could even react. Now it was my turn to gape. What the hell just happened?

As I more or less returned to this world I noticed that I’d dropped everything I had in my hands. When did that happen? I picked it up and walked the rest of the way to my car. Vic’s car was of course already gone. I got behind the wheel and started to drive home with an odd feeling of numbness in my entire body.

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