His Greenie ~TMR~ Newt x read...

By Lizzy_07261990

243K 5K 3.7K

This is basically that your the greenie of the glade, for now, and you become quite close to him. Read to fin... More

The Tour
My Name
The Kiss
Trying Out Jobs
The Job Isn't Important
First Day In The Maze
Stuck In The Maze
Keeper Meeting
Missing (Part 2)
Limp (Part 2)
Author's Note
Banished (Part 2)
New Plan
Putting the Past Behind Us
The End?
Untitled Part 30


5.8K 133 46
By Lizzy_07261990

I was just waking up when it all started. I woke up to the sound of voices. I could hear people yelling all around the Glade. I don't know what the problem was, but I sure am about to find out. 

I walked out of the homestead to see the gladers running around like loonies. As they ran I noticed that they were carrying many things with them. I looked around for anyone I might know, but no sign of my friends. I didn't spot out anyone. The only gladers I saw running around were the ones I didn't know.

One boy ran passed me in a rush. Before he could get far, I stopped him. I gripped his forearm, maybe a little too harsh, and he stopped dead in his tracks.

"What the shuck is going on here?" I asked the boy.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about you. Ask someone else, I don't have time to explain anything. Sorry!" He yelped and rushed off.

I sighed and shook my head. Didn't even take the time to at least give me a damn hint on why everyone is rushing around. This place looked worse than usual. The buildings looked as if someone tried to tear them apart, gladers running like crazed animals, there were some people fighting, and all of the supplies was either torn or taken by someone. I wonder if this is what the Glade looked like in the beginning, or if it was close to it. 

I blurred out my thoughts and walked off towards the kitchen. It may be chaos outside, but i'm hungry. I will fight someone for the food.

I skipped into the kitchen to see no food at all. My blood boiled even more. What was everyone's problem, they all acted like caged animals. I stomped out of the kitchen and stood up on one of the tables outside. 

"Hey you slintheads! Everyone gather here now!" I screamed to the top of my lungs.

"Why should we listen to you?"

"Your just a girl."

"Quit wasting time!"

"Quiet!" I screamed once more. "Someone explain to me what the shuck is going on, now!"

"I completely forgot about you passing out." Chuck said, submerging from the crowd.

I jumped at his voice, startled. I almost forgot about him. "What do you mean?"

"About a week ago, you passed out. No one really knows how, but you were alone with Newt. So everyone suspected that Newt did something to you. Thomas and Minho tried to defend Newt, but no one would listen.Newt got thrown in the slammer shortly after. Then Alby got stung out in the maze and Gally is missing. Ever since then this place has been chaos." Chuck explained to me. 

I nodded my head trying to process everything. I passed out? I know for sure Newt did nothing, so what could it have been? I let the issue drop and began to run off to the slammer. Before I could make it even five feet away Chuck stopped me. 

"They plan to ban Newt today." he whispered, almost as if he was scared.

My heart shattered at his words. Ban him? They had no evidence!

"Chuck, where is Thomas and Minho?" I mumbled, trying to keep my mind off of things.

"The maze, Thomas is determined to find a way out."

"So they left all the gladers with no leader?! I swear, everyone here has went bloody insane." I groaned out. I wish I stayed passed out a lot longer if this is what's going on.

"You sound like Newt." Chuck giggled.

That's right! I was gonna go help Newt. I darted off to the slammer, almost tripping as I pushed myself to run. I was still drowsy from sleeping, but I kept going. I need to fix this, and I need his help to do it.

I reached the slammer and tried to stop. My feet didn't quite cooperate, which ended with me crashing into the door of the jail. I groaned as I stood up, my left leg being caught in one of the little windows.

"What the bloody hell were you trying to do, break through it?" Newt snapped.

"Nice seeing you too babe." I croaked out, way too tired to argue. "What the bloody hell happened to this place?" I asked, mocking his accent. 

"I will explain if you can get me out." he replied.

"Oh I can do more than get you out of here." I said with a wink, finally standing up. I brushed my pants off and stumbled up to the door. 

"Any day now." Newt groaned in annoyance.

"Slim it." I grumbled and fiddled with the lock. About five minutes later, I finally popped it open. Before I could even open the door, Newt came crashing out of it.

He sat on the ground and sighed heavily, seemingly relieved.

"How long were you in there?" I asked.

"Ever since you passed out." he answered, rolling onto his back.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault." I mumbled. I couldn't believe everything that has happened, it's all my fault.

"Don't you bloody dare blame yourself, you did nothing. You couldn't help what happened. Hell we don't know what happened." He reached up and gripped my shoulders, pulling me back down with him. We were both lying on the ground now. He reached down and intertwined our hands, making me shift a bit. "Besides, the only important thing is that your safe." He mumbled as he rubbed his thumb against the back of my hand.

"Newt, we need to get things back to normal. The gladers have turned into caged animals."

"I know, they're all a bunch of bloody loonies. I'm not sure if we can stop them now." He said, sitting up.

I sat up with him and heaved a sigh. Maybe he's right, there is no order anymore.

"We need to restore the order." I mumbled under my breath, trying to think of ways to do so.

"That's what I always bloody say, it's all about order." Newt grinned happily, finally someone agreeing with him.

"How could we do that though?" I asked, shifting towards him.

"I have no bloody idea, but at the moment I don't really care. It's been a whole week that I haven't been able to see you, so come here." he said as he pulled me towards him. He wrapped him arms around my waist and pulled me back to the ground, so we were lying down again. He began to pepper my face and neck with kisses, occasionally nuzzling me with his nose. 

"Newt... we have to help the others..." I whispered, trying to pull away.

His grip on me tightened as he nuzzled into the crook of my neck. "Fuck them." he whispered and continued. 

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