Good Girl... Gone Bad.

By Eliza94

404K 6.3K 2K

[NOT APPROPRIATE FOR YOUNG READERS] Meet Lola Rose: The daggy, uncool new girl with a cheating boyfriend and... More

Chapter Two: Messing with the wrong girl
Chapter Three: Scandal with the Queen Bee
Chapter Four- A broken heart and a Douche of a boyfriend
Chapter Five: New friendship- Partner in crime
Chapter Six: The spark.
Chapter Seven: The makeover, the first kiss and the revenge.
Chapter eight: The transformation, The party, the actions of a skank.
Chapter Nine: Drama, Suitors, and a New Queen Bee
Chapter Ten: Bruises and Smiles
Chapter Eleven: Dates and Fates
Chapter Twelve: Trouble in Paradise
Chapter Thirteen: Bruised, broken and breakdowns.
Chapter Fourteen: Bed ridden and embarrassed.
Chapter Fifteen: Parties and Tensions
Chapter Sixteen: Love Triangles
Chapter Seventeen- Surprises
Chapter 18: Jealousy and Jacob.
Chapter Nineteen: Eating for two.
Chapter Twenty: Best and Worst day of my life
Chapter Twenty One: Love
Chapter Twenty Two : Surprises..
Chapter Twenty Three: Good Times Never Last
Chapter Twenty Four

Good Girl... Gone Bad.

67K 505 159
By Eliza94

Hi Everyone, this is my first book on wattpad so please, leave me comments and feedback as to tell me if I should continue !

I had written a previous one like this, but decided to delete it and start again, so please give me  some feedback and some comments !

Thanks :))

Photo of Lola-------> 


I woke up to the sound of my alarm and slowly stretched out. Yet again, I had fallen asleep with the book To Kill a Mocking Bird in my hands. As I sat up I remembered that today was the day I have been dreading for weeks... School. Not only do I have to go back to school itself, but also I am moving to a new school.

Mum and Dad were overly worried about me because I hadn't made any friends in my old school, so they made the decision to transfer me. Of course I had no say in this at all, in fact I quite liked being a loner at my school- no one would bother me and there was no drama in my life, which is how I like it.

I had had a few friends here and there but the only one that has stuck with me for years is my boyfriend, Jacob. He was a bit rude sometimes and arrogant, but deep down I know he's just a sweetheart, it’s just hard to see sometimes. Jacob and I have been dating for over 5 months now, and to me, things are going pretty well. I don't know how we have ended up together… Jacob is incredibly good-looking and popular with dark hair, light brown eyes and he was incredibly muscly, and I’m just the shy, nerdy girl with long brown hair and wears daggy clothes with no makeup.  I guess the reason why we ended up together though is just because we have been family friends and have known each other for so many years. 

As I was brushing my teeth I got a text from him. "Waitin outside. x" I ran to my window and looked out to see him sitting in his car looking back up, emotionless and looking bored. I quickly put my long, brown hair into plaits and ran down stairs not wanting to keep Jacob waiting.  

I was so nervous about starting school that I felt nauseous. It's not that I had trouble making friends, it's just people think I am a pushover because I'm shy and so people tend to just use me. I didn’t even know if I wanted to make friends at this new school. I said a silent prayer asking for an invisible spell so that no one would notice me.

I ran downstairs and outside to Jacob’s car. As I hopped in I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, smiling up at him, hoping for some kind of acknowledgment from him. God he really was handsome, even when his jaw was set into a tight line and I could tell that he was pissed off.  "I've been waiting here for like four minutes Lola, you know how I don't like to wait." He said, looking at me only briefly.

 "I'm so sorry Jacob," I said sadly.

"Just don't do it again," he said hastily replying. 

We drove to my new school in silence. I was use to Jacob being in bad moods quite often, it’s just who he is. Thankfully, I am an extremely forgiving person. He's even told me before that he's thinking of dumping me because I haven't given my virginity to him yet. I know I will one day... I just need some time; it doesn’t feel right at the moment. 

Jacob pulled up outside the front gates of the school. I pulled down my black, mid- waisted skirt and made sure my white blouse was buttoned up to the very top. I'm grateful that we had to wear a uniform at this school because maybe then I'll blend in more. Although it's hard to blend in when you come into a school half way through year 11. I leant in to give Jacob a kiss but he turned his head away from me.

“Wish me luck!” I said, pretending I hadn’t saw what he just did.

I was walking up the driveway desperately trying to understand this stupid map of the school when i walked straight into someone. I looked up to see a tall, blonde, tan, makeup covered girl, who looked just like a cheerleader would staring at me looking furious. "Did you just do that to me on purpose, bitch?" She said to me stepping towards me. Oh my god, please don't make me have enemies on my first day.

"I- I'm s-so sorry. It's my first day here, I'm a bit lost." I replied quietly.

"Well maybe you should watch where you're fucking going then in the future," she said, practically spitting in my face. I could feel the heat rising up from my neck to my face and I knew that I was blushing tomato red.

“Sorry,” I murmured looking at the ground, shocked at her rudeness. 

All of a sudden a guy walked up and slung his arm around her. But he wasn’t just any guy, he was so handsome it was breathtaking.  "Now, now Tracy let's not pick on the new girl, give her a break."  I couldn't help but stare at him. He was so incredibly good looking. He was tall, tan, well built with sandy blonde that was messily pushed back.

He then turned his attention to me and looked at me with curiosity with his big hazel eyes. "Well hey there. I'm Sam. You're new right?" he said looking down at me holding out his hand.

I blushed furiously and said, "I'm Lola and yeah, unfortunately I am new."

He laughed. His eyes twinkled when he laughed, which made me smile. "Come and I'll take you to your next class where are you heading?" 

Sam walked me away from Tracy without giving her a further acknowledgement after he discovered we were in the same class together first period.  I could feel her cold, hard stare on my back and I knew that she would instantly despise me, even though I had only bumped into her accidentally.

 “Don’t mind Tracy,” he said, looking at me with earnest, “she’s always been like this. She’ll get over it once she realizes how nice you are.” I blushed at the compliment and coughed loudly to try hide it.

“Yes, well I’m sure she’s…. nice” I lied, extremely unconvincingly. Sam threw his head back and laughed, even though I never even meant to be funny.

“You’re a funny girl you know, Lola.” He said to me, putting his arm on my shoulder.

Two hours later it was morning tea and I was invited by Sam to sit with with his group. As I walked into the cafeteria I could instantly tell that Sam (and Tracy) were part of the "in crowd." I had never had any good experience with this crowd... They seem the same in every school. Rude, bitchy and act like top shit.

I was surprised that Sam was part of this crowd because he was actually genuinely nice. He was so fun to be around and I had never opened up to someone so quickly before in my life. We talked and whispered throughout the entire Biology class.  I had already told him about Jacob, why I moved, my life, my parents... just everything. Sam was so understanding, always nodding and looking right into my eyes and smiling at me with encouragement.  I was so happy that I had actually made a friend, and on my first day!

Sam had also told me a lot in return. I found out that he's been going out with Tracy for two months already. he laughed when I said "but you're so nice!"  He laughter was just plain beautiful and I couldn’t help but smile when I heard it. We sat down next to each other at the table, which had about 12 people sitting on it. The guys and the other girls on the table both ignored me and gave me constant dirty looks, making it obvious that I was not welcome at this table.

All of a sudden Tracy came and walked up to the table and suddenly everybody stopped talking and it seemed as though every single eye in the room was on her. "What the fuck is she doing here on my table, sitting in my chair, next to my boyfriend?" she said, staring at me with venom.  "She has a name Tracy and she hasn't even done anything wrong to you she's just a new student, lay off okay?" Sam responded.

I was so shocked by his kindness towards me and clearly Tracy was too. He gave me a little smile and I smiled back, which only seemed to infuriate Tracy more.  "YOU'RE MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND AND YOU'RE TAKING HER SIDE? If you're going to take her side then there's no point in us even being together." She cried, practically screaming. Why does this girl have such an issue with me?

To my surprise (and to everybody else's) Sam threw his hands up in defeat and said, "fine then Tracy be that way, I could never go out with such a cold hearted bitch anyway." When he said this, the cafeteria went completely silent except for a few gasps around the table, making me feel extremely awkward and uncomfortable.

Tracy slowly turned to look at me- she looked as though she was about to throttle me. "Lola Rose, you messed with the wrong person, whore." She said, exaggerating the last word and walked off. As all the girls got up to run after Tracy, My heart started racing extremely fast and I could feel a lump rising in my throat so I excused myself and ran to the bathrooms.

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