Happy Hope (Book Two)

By mylifemyoption

81.2K 2.4K 433

Hope lost her man three years ago leaving her devastated. Ever since then she hasn't been completely happy bu... More

Happy Hope (Book Two)
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:

Chapter 17:

2.3K 83 11
By mylifemyoption

The phone fell from my hands and I barely heard it clang to the floor. My foot slammed on the brake just in time to miss the car that was on the wrong side of the road coming right at me. The other car, a sleek electric blue Honda, swerved back onto the right side of the road and my heat was pounding, vibrating my whole body. My eyes were still wide with shock and I could barely see in front of me.

            “Hope!” I heard vaguely. I shook my head and realised that the person was still on the phone. I pulled over on the side of the road and with shaking hands went to pick up the phone.

            “H-Hello?” I asked shakily. I didn’t even know who was on the phone.

            “Hope!” Amelia’s voice drifted to my ears. “What the hell happened?”

I quickly explained and asked her why she was calling.

            “Son of a-“


            “Sorry. We decided to take a walk and we ran into one of Connor’s friends, Danny, and he wants to go over.”

            “I guess that’s alright. Just make sure to pick him up and exchange numbers with his mum, Anna.”

            “Will do. Be careful sis and tell Louis he’s an idiot from me.”

            “Yes to the first one, no to the second. Look after my kids! Bye!”

I carefully merged back into the traffic keeping my eyes wide open like saucers. When I arrived at the O2 arena I parked my red Toyota in the large car park provided. Leaving the car I slung my little black bag on my shoulder and headed towards the necessary gate where Louis would be. Because of the almost car accident I was already ten minutes late.

Once out of the car park I was overwhelmed by the amount of Taylor Swift fans already crowding the area outside the arena. Pushing through the last crowd before the gates I craned my neck trying to find him. I grinned as I spotted him about thirty meters away from me, wearing glasses and a hoodie, probably trying to stay unnoticed. I walked towards him and he spotted me, a huge, relief filled smile crossing his face. My grin stretched more as I started walking faster towards him and he towards me. I felt like I couldn’t get there quick enough and soon enough we’d both broken out in a jog before full out sprinting the last ten meters. Our eyes were locked on each other the whole time.

We slammed together my hands snaking around his neck and his arms holding me close by my waist. Our lips crashed together in need of each other. I needed to be closer to him.

            “No more lying?” I asked breathlessly leaning back and cupping his face, our foreheads resting on each other.

            “No more lying,” he confirmed. “I missed you so much,” he said kissing me again. “I love you,” he kissed me again, “Don’t ever leave again,” he kissed me, “I love you.”

            “I love you too.”

We eventually made our way inside the building, hand in hand and smiling like we’d found out we’d one a billion dollars. I was walking towards the doors that took us through to the seats but Louis pulled me a different direction.

            “Where we going?”

            “I … upgraded our tickets,” he said vaguely.

            “But we already had private pit tickets,” I said confused.

            “Believe me there’s an upgrade.”

I saw a sign saying ‘staff only’ with a security guard standing in front of it. Louis dug two laminated passes out of his pocket and showed them to him and he let us through.

            “Are we going back stage? Because if we are I might hyperventilate!”

            “Yes, we are.”

            “I thought we were meeting her at a meet and greet,” I said feeling like I could faint. “I mean I’m going to meet Taylor Swift! She is like the Queen of country slash pop music! And I’m going to meet her!”

            “How come you didn’t act like that when you met me?” Louis frowned at my antics.

            “Because back then One Direction was just a band whether Taylor Swift. I’ve listened to all her songs, bought every album. Every single. I follow her on Twitter. She’s actually the reason I got Twitter!”

            “Do you follow me on Twitter?”

            “Didn’t know you had one,” I replied airily. “Can you imagine I meet her and we become best friends? Oh my, God! That would be amazing and I could listen to all her songs and Sophie would love to meet her and why didn’t I bring her? Gosh I’m dumb!” I gushed out only finishing because I’d run out of air.



            “You need to take a few breaths because I’m scared you’re going to pass out.”

            “Right,” I nodded, looping my arm through his. “I thought you didn’t like her.”

            “I’m willing to make an exception for you. If Harry is over the whole ‘Haylor’ thing then I’m willing to move on too.”

            “Oh yeah! I forgot they dated when was it almost two years ago?”

            “A year and a half ago, I think. A big fiasco it was too. Press was all over them. Claiming stupid things like she called Niall a fat pig, or that Harry claimed she was a prude, or that Harry wasn’t into the relationship, or that Harry was her next victim and blah, blah, blah. It was all bullshit of course but obviously it didn’t end well. Too many rumours. He broke it off with her at some holiday they were meant to be on together. She left immediately, heartbroken and Harry did what he always does when he is upset. He flirted with every girl in a ten mile radius.”

            “That sounds like an intense three months,” I murmured. “Is that why you don’t like her?”

            “Don’t get me wrong she’s a lovely girl but every time even one of us get within a mile distance of her the paps go wild and it’s just extra rumours we don’t need. So sometimes, most times I try to block her out. We’re here.”

We had arrived at the side of the stage where people were busy doing last minute checks and making sure everything was where it was supposed to be. A group of dancers were practicing some choreography on the part of the stage where the curtain would have blocked the view from the audience.

            “Hi!” greeted an enthusiastic voice from behind us. We whirled around and her smile faltered whilst mine went into shock expression. Taylor Swift was standing in front of me wearing her stage outfit, a high waisted, black, tulle skirt that fell ten inches above her knee along with a fitted white, what I assumed was a leotard, completed with slightly curled hair and a black fedora hat.

            “Louis, hi,” she greeted shocked at the sight of him.

            “Good to see you again, Taylor.”

            “You too,” she said politely and I could feel the strain of the conversation.

            “This shell shocked person here,” Louis nudged me, “is Hope. She’s a huge fan.”

            “Thanks Louis,” I said sweetly, “for introducing me like that.”

            “Nice to meet you Hope,” Taylor said to me. “I’m Taylor.”

            “I know. Your music is amazing! My daughter and I listen to it all the time!”

            “Awe, how old is your daughter?”

            “She’s three,” Louis answered for me.

            “She adores you. She knows all the words to your songs,” I chuckled.

            “You should’ve brought her along,” Taylor said.

            “I know but some things happened and yeah.”

            “So are you guys dating?” she asked us straight out. I looked up at Louis smiling.

            “Yeah,” we said simultaneously.

            “How long?”

            “Well two months and then we took a break and this was sort of the reunion,” Louis told her.

            “Yes!” Taylor exclaimed bringing her hand down like you would if you just won a game. “I love it when couples make up at my concerts! I just find it ironic since my well known songs are break-up songs.”

            “Taylor!” a lady with black hair pulled in a slick ponytail and wearing a woman suit called immediately catching her attention. “Your guest act bailed!”

            “What! No! Why?”

            “Something about food poisoning.”

            “Not much we can do about that,” Taylor frowned. “Make sure to send to remind me to send Cher a get better text.”

            “Don’t worry about that now! Who will be your guest act?”


            “He’s busy.”


            “In America.”

            “Forgot about that,” Taylor tsked. “Adele?”


            “Damn it!”

            “Is that Louis Tomlinson?”

            “Lucy. No. He’s here for the concert.”

            “But we don’t have anyone else!”

            “We’ve done shows without a guest singer before. Besides if we had Louis do it wouldn’t we need the whole One Direction to come?”

            “No, not necessarily.”

            “Anyway the answer is no. Louis is here to enjoy the concert with Hope.”

            “I’ll do it,” Louis groaned.

            “What?” all three of us asked together with unified shock.

            “Louis,” Taylor started.

            “I’m sure.”

            “Okay great. What song of Taylor’s do you know?”

            “Everything Has Changed,” he answered and I had a feeling he only knew that one because Ed, who I met at the St Patrick’s party, sung that song too.

            “Perfect!” Lucy exclaimed with a click of her fingers. “You and Hope can watch from back here and I’ll come get you when you’re needed.” Lucy whisked away immediately talking on her phone. My eyes had slightly widened when I realised she remembers my name from when Taylor had briefly mentioned me.

            “Louis are you sure? You and Hope…”

            “It’s fine,” I told her. “It’s only one song.”

            “What Hope said,” Louis agreed and Taylor jumped up and down in excitement, her skirt swishing about.

The concert was fantastic. Filled with different colours and costumes and songs that made me want to dance. The whole place was shaking with excitement. Louis was brilliant for someone who’d barley practiced the song two times before going on and the crowd went wild and I dared to say a lot of them were confused.

            “I need to teach you Taylor Swift songs,” I told him as I noticed he didn’t sing along unless it was one of her singles.

            “How was tonight?”

            “It was amazing,” I gushed as he slung an arm around my shoulder and kissed my forehead. “You sung beautifully. I might have to start listening to One Direction,” I teased.

            “Next time we perform in London, I’ll get you and the kids a ticket.”

            “I’m flattered,” I told him.

Taylor ended the concert and ran off stage with the rest of her crew. Louis and I were directed to what was formerly known as the T-Party and Club Red and we made ourselves comfortable. I watched with a smile as Taylor greeted and chatted to all her fans. It was nice how she did that. Eventually she made her way to Louis and I.

            “Enjoy the concert?”

            “Definitely. It was amazing,” I told her.

            “Glad you liked it,” she smiled warmly.

            “I think I just tied it all together,” Louis joked and I laughed giving him a light punch on the arm.

            “Believe me, Taylor you just tied it all together.”

            “You said your daughter was a fan right?” Taylor asked quite randomly.

            “Yeah,” I said slowly not quite grasping why she was asking.

            “I’m in London for another three weeks on a bit of a tour break. We should get together. I’d love to meet your daughter.”


            “Yes,” she laughed as she wrote something down on a piece of paper. “Here’s my number. Text or call and we’ll arrange something.”

            “Taylor, photo?” a professional photographer with short black hair and a lean build asked.

            “Of course,” we all smiled for the camera and then he left.

            “I’ve got to go but seriously get in touch with me.”

I assured her that I would and then we said our goodbyes with a small hug and then Louis and I were leaving. I think it surprised Louis how uninterested most of Taylor’s fans were in him. I laughed and told him that not everyone is going to be a fan and that he should lower his ego. He wasn’t amused.

I ended up following Louis back to his place and decided that I’d stay the night.

            “I can’t believe she wants to get together,” I said for the billionth time, “Louis thank you so much tonight was magical.” We both plopped down on Louis’s tanned couch.

            “Anything for you,” he said it seriously.

            “You really would, wouldn’t you?”

            “Anything and everything.”

            “Where’s the bedroom?” I asked looking for a door.

In the morning Louis and I were all wrapped up together, tangled in the blankets. I traced patterns on his hand as we lay in comfortable morning silence.

I didn’t know how it could get any better than that. I felt completely at ease with Louis. Like we’d known each other years instead of months. It was unexplainable but I felt like a cloud when I was with Louis. Light and free.

            “I’m going to miss you when I go on tour.”

            “But you’ll have the boys and the sold out shows to keep you busy.”

            “Not as good as you.”

            “I’m going to miss you too.”

We fell into another silence and I’d almost fallen asleep again when Louis said five shocking words.






A/N: Hi Everyone! Finally managed a quick update thanks to school holidays!! Hopefully I can get the next one up this quickly!!!

Don't forget to VOTE or COMMENT if you liked it!!!!!

Just reminding you guys that this story is set in 2014! 

1) Who wants to see more of Taylor Swift?

2) What do you think the 'five shocking words' are?

3) What do you think will happen next?


-Natalie xx

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