Her Suicide Note

By Romancaholic15

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Before she took her life, Lisa Harford left some last piece of advice for Bianca Smith, the best friend she l... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Nineteen

24 2 1
By Romancaholic15

To no surprise-at least when it comes to my own-Bianca and I walk into school Friday morning to a hallway more chaotic than it usually is. I'm not sure what it is, but school events make these people rowdier.
A couple argues on whether to take a Mustang or a Jeep Commander to the dance. A girl cries over the phone about her dress coming in the wrong color. A paper airplane flies toward us, landing at our feet: a last minute invitation to the dance for a girl named Marcie from Rick.
"I though the football game was bad," Bianca says, shaking her head.
She looks like a little kid holding my hand.
"It's the first Homecoming of the year," I remind her as if that's explanation enough.
"Lisa would've loved this," Bianca says quietly, a troubled look on her face. I've come to learn that Lisa's death has changed Bianca's feelings towards her ex-best friend, bordering between grief and anger with just a hint of hatred at being left behind. I sometimes wonder if Bianca ever thinks about going after her, following her path so that they really are friends forever.
But as quickly as it came, the conflicted expression dissipates, replaced by a playful look of annoyance. "We have PE today," she whines. "Do you think she'll let us just sit and talk?"
"Mrs. Stevens?" I laugh. "Not a chance."
I pull her to the side of the hall, leaning her against a pair of lockers. "I can't wait to see you in your dress," I state, tugging on the flaps of her sleeveless jean jacket to pull her even more closer. "Are you gonna even gonna tell me a little of what it looks like?"
"No." She swats at me. "It'll ruin the grand reveal. Besides, you're not telling me what your suit looks like."
I give her a look of exasperation. "It's a suit. I looks like...a suit."
"Well, what color is it?" she questions.
"Bordering between silver and gray," I reply.
"Nice," she comments as the bell rings. "Come on, Bio and Physics awaits."
"I don't wanna go to class," I groan. "Why are they even making us go to school?"
"Because a dance isn't going to keep them from busting our brains open," she says bitterly.
"Hey, Smith!"
Bianca and I lock our eyes on the figure running towards us from down the hall. It's amazing how much his face can sour my entire mood. I grip Bianca's hand.
"Hi, MacKenzie," Bianca greets back halfheartedly. "What's up?"
"Nothing much." He's trying too hard to sound casual as he glances at our joined hands. I fight the compulsion to smirk smugly. "I'm going to Homecoming."
Bianca raises her eyebrows in surprise. "Oh really? With who?"
"Jessica Sapling," MacKenzie answers. I catch him leaning toward her ever so slightly in expectation, waiting for a satisfying reaction of jealousy that'll never come.
"That's cool. I was actually thinking about her when I offered to find you a date," Bianca says, completely unfazed by this. "Anyways, we should get going or Mrs. Gertsby's going to have a fit."
Despite standing on her tiptoes, I still have to bend down some to let her kiss me on the cheek. The patch of skin her lips touched tingles and I try to ward off the idiotic grin from my face. "Catch you later, Adrian."

Mom's going crazy. When I get home after school after dropping Bianca off, I find my suit for tonight laid across my bed when I could've sworn it was in my closet this morning. My shoes are polished to a shine and my tie is already knotted and ready to go around my neck.
A bottle of cologne I've never seen before sits on my desk and a new razor and bottle of shaving cream sit on the sink counter in my bathroom, a full body of Axe shower gel replacing the almost empty one I had before on the water-proof shelf in the shower. It's not until I see the razor and cream that I reach up to scratch the stubble along my jaw, finally acknowledging its presence.
I've never seen Mom go to this length for one of my dances before and I think it has everything to do with the girl I'm going with, the only girl she's liked, let alone tolerated.
"You have to look your best tonight." Mom causes me to startle as she seems to appear in the doorway out of thin air.
"I know," I agree, twirling the small bottle of cologne between my palms. "But you seemed to have pulled out all the stops." I place it back down.
"This night is going to be special, I just know it." She seems to be gushing as she gazes dreamily at the ceiling, probably imagining me in my suit and Bianca in her mystery dress, dancing the night away.
"Well, come on." She snaps out of it, shooing at me like I'm not already in the room. "Get dressed. I'm walking you to her house. I want to take pictures of you guys."
Oh boy. I forgot about the standard one hundred picture procedure parents are so fond of. Knowing there's no use in dissuading her, I do as she says and get ready.

I decide not to put on the cologne since the scent of Axe is strong enough. I don't want to kill her. The short walk to Bianca's feels excruciatingly long and if it wasn't for the chilly breeze, I would probably be sweating straight through my suit. I hold the boxed corsage in a crushing grip.
Water pools in my palms as the house comes into sight and I fight the urge to turn tail and sprint all the way back to my place. The only thing keeping my feet moving forward is the want-the need-to see her in her dance wear. I unnecessarily tighten my tie as Mom and I walk up the porch steps and ring the doorbell.
"Relax," Mom whispers, obviously sensing my tension. "There's no need to be nervous."
"Easy for you to say," I tell her. "You're not in the hot seat."
Mom giggles in her hand as Mr. Smith opens the door in black sweatpants and a plain white shirt.
"Hey, guys," he greets, opening the glass door for us. "Come on in."
I take his merriment as a good sign. The living room screams Movie Night. There are blankets covering the couch, the coffee table covered in DVD cases and a big bowl of caramel Crunch 'n Munch. A small fire brews in the fireplace making the room pleasantly warm.
"Bianca will be down in a minute. My wife is just doing some last minute things," Mr. Smith explains as he gestures to the seats in invitation.
While Mom sinks into a recliner, I tell him I prefer to stand. There's no way I would be able to get comfortable.
A petite figure zooms down the stairs, jumping around like an excited puppy, and for a moment I think she's Bianca's sister before realizing she doesn't have one. Her mom looks young. Her parents look young.
"I know she doesn't want me to do this, but I'm gonna do it anyways," Mrs. Smith beams, flourishing her hands in the direction of the staircase. "Presenting the woman of the hour, Bianca Smith!"
The first thing that comes into view are a pair of feet in nude-colored heels. As Bianca slowly descends, her legs-which look long and soft-draw me in next. When her whole figure flashes at me, my breath catches in my throat at the transformation. She's wearing this long sleeved burgundy dress that stops just above her knees. The sleeves and part of the material covering the spot above her breasts give the illusion that nothing's there despite the smattering of lace draped across her collarbones and around her forearms. The dress accentuates her ample chest yet small waist, the flared skirt leaving much to the imagination of her hips.
Her dark hair is in glossy curls pinned to the crown of her head with only two ringlets hanging down, one touching each shoulder. Despite the occasion, she wears no makeup except for a shiny layer of lip gloss or jewelry save for a pair of medium-sized diamond studs. Her natural beauty pulls the whole thing together.
When she walks towards me, her movements are fluent, confident, actions I've never seen from her before and I get the feeling that this new skin she's wearing for the night is giving her confidence.
"Wow," I struggle to say because my lungs won't allow me to really say much for a moment. I swallow, the sound really loud in my ears. "You look absolutely gorgeous."
She shyly looks down at herself, two splotches of pink tinting her cheeks. "You think so?"
"I know so," I state. "I mean, look at you."
"I never would've imagined that I'd look like this," she admits. "When I saw myself trying this on at the store, I didn't recognize myself for a second."
I take out the corsage, a cluster of roses, its petals swirls of creamy white and pale pink, and slip it onto her left wrist, the slight skin-to-skin contact shocking my fingertips, leaving me with a tingly feeling.
We share a quiet, shy laugh before her mom claps her hands. "Picture time!"
"Okay." Bianca playfully rolls her eyes. "But only a few."

A few turns into around 50. Once Mom has had her fill, she leaves to get the ActiveHybrid, loaning it to me for the night.
As we drive to the school, I notice Bianca can't stop wringing her hands and they're close to turning the same shade as her dress.
I reach a hand over to her, dwarf both of hers under mine, give her a reassuring squeeze since I'm still having a little trouble speaking.
We snatch a parking space close to the building and I get out first to open her door.
"Thanks," she murmurs as she steps out. Her voice has taken on a demure tone that I find alluring.
When I close the door, she slips her hand in the crook of my elbow, letting me lead her inside towards the gym.
The silence between us is comfortable as we walk down the hall, the sound of her heels the only thing we hear. We make it to the double doors of the gym and we share a look, taking deep breaths in unison.
The gym looks like it's on fire, the definition of an autumn forest. Leaves of every fall shade coats the floor, tablecloths in colors from dark red to golden yellow covering every table in the room. Cutout leafless trees litter the walls. On the other side of the room is a DJ set that pumps out a hip hop song, the strobe lights flashing all around, the DJ nowhere to be found. There aren't that many people occupying the gym, but then again, it's still early.
Bianca's eyes go wide as she looks around, taking every inch in and I can't help but smile at her child-like awe.
"Bianca! Adrian! Over here!"
Both of us snap our heads to the left where most of the tables are and see Melanie, Mason and the others. They've pushed two circle tables together. It's abled them to all sit together with two seats left for us.
It's Bianca's turn to lead me.
"Bianca, you look so pretty!" Melanie squeals in delight.
"That dress was meant for you," Lexi Clark comments, beaming.
"Tell your cousin I said thank you," Bianca tells her as we take our seats. After she return the compliments by saying something nice about their outfits, everyone branches off in different conversations.
I try to get into Mason and Scott's conversation about a car Scott was thinking about getting when I feel Bianca's eyes on me and not even a moment later, her hand's on my arm.
Almost instinctively I turn my palm skyward and like second nature, she slips her hand in mine.

It's about third minutes later when the doors bust open and the real crowd starts to pile in. The music gets louder to the point where it feels like everything's either throbbing or vibrating and they start to bring the food out to the buffet table. I eye the two punch bowls. Usually someone spikes it earlier on.
In the throng of people, I see MacKenzie and Jessica holding hands, MacKenzie scanning the room, obviously looking for Bianca. I scoot closer to her a moment before he locks eyes on her back.
"Hey, Smith." He makes sure his and Jessica's entwined fingers are in full view.
"Hey, MacKenzie." Bianca absentmindedly traces a pattern on the back of my hand with her finger, drawing MacKenzie's gaze there. She's too good. "You look beautiful, Jessica."
Jessica bashfully fixes the skirt of her floor length black gown. "Thanks. When are you gonna eat lunch with us?"
"I'm taking you up on the offer Monday," Bianca promises.
Obviously not liking the exchange that didn't go in his favor, MacKenzie pulls Jessica away towards the dance floor.
"Poor sport much?" I hear Roxanne Merchant stage-whisper to Bianca as everyone rises and drifts over to the food table.
The music switches over to a slower song with a nice combination of guitar and piano for the intro once we finish eating. Bianca almost chokes on her last bite of food.
"I love this song," she gasps, getting up. Clamping a hand on my wrist, she drags me towards the dance floor.
I wrap an arm around her waist, taking her hand in mine. "What's it called?" I ask as we start dancing.
"'From the Ground Up' by these guys named Dan and Shay. I heard it on the radio the other day and fell in love with it."
I listen to the lyrics as we move around. It's nice.
"It's good, right?" Bianca questions happily, laying her head on my shoulder. With the heels she's able to do this easily.
"Yeah," I reply.
I try to ignore the uncomfortable feeling of eyes probing at my back and focus solely on Bianca, knowing it's MacKenzie.
Bianca squints at me as if trying to figure something out. I raise my eyebrows up at her in question. Before long she just shakes her head and holds my face in her hands, standing on tiptoe.
I swallow nervously, but act quickly so as not to miss the chance and bring my lips to hers.
She smells like peaches and again I can't decipher if it's the soap or the lip gloss that was wiped away while she was eating. As she opens her mouth, the only thing I taste is the watermelon punch she drank, like she didn't eat anything at all.
"Way to put the icing on the cake," I laugh as I jerk my head behind me to where MacKenzie is.
She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, because I didn't want to kiss you because I wanted to," she replies sarcastically, but it's good natured.
I pull her closer to me. "Really?"
She grins, her teeth impossibly white. "Yeah. I've like you for a while." She says this shyly, playing with the hair at the nape of my neck. "But I've just been too scared to let you know cause I didn't know what would happen."
I nod in understanding. She didn't want a Lisa and Nathan part two.
We put our foreheads together and continue to sway even as the song switches to something more upbeat.

Speaking of Nathan, him and his date, Trish Galette won Homecoming King and Queen. To my surprise, Bianca had clapped, even cheered, for them when they went to the DJ set to receive their crowns and sashes. As if able to pick her out distinctly, Nathan had locked eyes on her and did something completely unlike him: he genuinely smiled, even gave her a wink.
I drop Bianca off at her door, giving her another kiss, before I go home to shed out of the suit.
Once I'm comfortable on the couch, the TV turned on as background noise, I text her to set something up for tomorrow afternoon which she agrees to. I have a feeling that after tonight, things are going to be different.

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